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The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Printable Version

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RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Zelot - 01-23-2014

Ze'ev looked at the man and calmed himself down.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, I have never heard of the "entity" on that note. So I believe we are down now, thank you for wasting my time. Do not contact me again."

With that, Ze'ev turned and left the bar.

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 05-21-2016

Some time went by (which is of course, the mother of all understatements) and somethings happened. Freeport 14, the whole damn Yukon System even is gone. Lev had packed up what he could and had been out in the far reaches of the sector, just floating around. He liked to do that from time to time. Lev hadn't spoken to anyone in about 2 years. He was starting to get a bit itchy. Time to head back to civilization, he thought to himself.

Lev sat down at his desk with a box of books. They were the records from the old Cave and Freeport 420. He still had quite a bit of money leftover from the sale of that Freeport 420. While the Cave had never been the most profitable venture, the sale of the Juggernought had left him with savings to last most of a normal lifetime. Not that Lev had lived close to a normal life.

He had reached out to the TAZ, if he was going to re-open the Cave, he needed a place that he could do his own thing and with all the war and insanity going on in Sirius, those kinda places were few and far between, but Baffin had always been respected by just about everyone. If he was going to do it, Baffin was the best place. So he had reached out to the TAZ, and surprisingly enough there were some folks there who remembered him, and long story short, he had a lease on a little place on Sedona Station. He wasn't rushing though he was going faster than his normal snail's pace. Datapad in hand, he was in the cargo bay checking on the supplies he had left from 14. The booths and Bar were there, plus a decent enough stock of booze to get him started. The green up in the hydroponics lab would do good enough for the moment, and the good thing about Baffin was they had their own supply.

Looking everything over, Lev felt pretty good. 12 hours to the station and another day or two and the Cave would be up and running.

RE: The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 05-21-2016

Lev looked around, barked out a couple of orders at two of the robots that were moving the furniture around and went back into the small office behind the bar. Everything was coming along well. He was all set to open, the robots were finishing putting everything in place and he has unpacked all the essentials. The bar was ready, the kitchen was ready, and the smokeshop was ready. He was ready. He sat down, threw his feet up on the desk and lit a joint.

"Dis one's fer you Old Man, who woodah ever fought I'd end up on a Tazzy station, but here I am, ya must be having a good laugh wherevah ya are."

Lev finished his joint and walked out into the bar. The robots had finished, all the furniture was in place. The scanning security doors were all set up, and the weapons locker outside was secured. Looked like things were just about ready. "One last thing" Lev thought to himself. He reached behind the bar and picked up the large board with the house rules on it.

Quote:House Rules:
1. Don't piss on the neighbors, don't piss off the neighbors.
2. Don't Die, if you do, we will throw you out in the corridor and call the cops and say "Hey, there is some guy in the corridor, I think he's dead... and no one wants that, so Don't Die.
3. No weapons. Don't even try, We have, By far, the most advanced scanning technology in SIruis monitoring the entrance to this place. You will be stopped, we will be annoyed, we may even piss in your drink. Just don't do it, leave your weapons, guns, knives, needles, pins, whatever else you got, just leave it in the lockers, everyone has a better time that way.
4. No, we don't make a Cretian punch the way that one bartender you liked on Cadiz makes it. We make it better, trust me, don't tell us how to do our job, we don't tell you how to do yours... We know what we are doing, you will enjoy your drinks, you will enjoy your food, you will enjoy your time. Let us do what we do best, take care of you.

Lev put the sign up on the door, swung it open wide, walked back behind the bar, got a nice lean on, lit a pipe and relaxed.

RE: The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - nOmnomnOm - 05-24-2016

Sunny walked up into the bar, looking for somewhere to relax. It had been a eventful week and after doing a lone run on his Arrow and taking a few synthetic marijuana pills while riding to keep himself awake, he had stumbled upon Freeport 14. He was a bit high already but that kept him chill and awake from not sleeping for the past 20 hours. As always, he wore his black leather cut with the AFC colors on the back and some dark blue jeans. He walked in and seeing it was a cool atmosphere and the sent of mary jane was present in the air, he felt already at home. It wasn't like the Black Cherry with it's wild parties but it still felt right.
He took out from under his jacket a roll and lit it, putting the ligher back into his pocket. He puffed and looked around. 'Might get myself a drink too', he thought to himself.

RE: The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Dancing Bears - 05-24-2016

Lev saw the gentleman enter the bar. He seemed to have his own smoke already, Lev felt a little insulted, but hey, can't expect people to only smoke here in the Cave.

"Weeell, Howdy Sir, you look like you dun come off a looong hall. Get you something to drink? Eat? Looks like you got da smoke taken care uf, but if you wanna try some different tastes, I got all ya could need."

RE: The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - nOmnomnOm - 05-24-2016

Sunny walked up to Lev and raised an eyebrow a little as he noticed by bar-tenders body language something was off. He wondered what it was but then passed it by. Perhaps he had never seen an Archangel before. "Heyaa... long hall? More like just a long cruise ride without a back-warmer to keep me company." He chuckled a little. "Get me a ... shot of some vodka to start out. Im a bit parched...."

He took out his smoke and saw the bartender was eyeing it. He then shook it off and put it back into his pocket. "Different tastes, huh? What do you have?"

RE: The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Dancing Bears - 05-24-2016

A smile began to creep across Lev's face. He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, let me show ya"

Lev reached under the counter and pulled out a large wooden box, placing it on the bar. Opening the box, one could see about 30 good size jars of pot.

"Ma friend, I have something interesting for everyone."

Pulling a jar out he showed it to the man across the bar, opening the jar so the man could smell it.

"Dis is a nice creeper, it was grown on a hilltop on Crete, the taste is like berries, and it's a nice slow high, smoke and it will take about 15 minutes and you wont know where you are."

He placed the jar on the bar and pulled out a second jar.

"Dis one came to me from a Gaian friend of mine, this is almost all body, two hits and your body will jellofy.

Lev opened the jar so the man could smell, put it down on the bar and pulled a third jar out, opening it up he held it out for the other man.

"Dis though, dis is the one I think you will want. "

Lev pulled a bud from the jar showing the other man. It was easy to see thick crystals hanging off the almost purple colored bud.

"Dis... wow, dis is from Kyushu, some of the FA's best, it's really just da best thing ever. A subtle blend of body and head, dis one follows the waves, one minute you are thinking about the meaning of life, the next you are thinking of what you want for lunch, the next you are rolling around on the floor laughing about something you can't remember."

Lining the three jars up on the bar, he looked at the other man.

"Anything tickle your fancy?"

RE: The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - nOmnomnOm - 05-25-2016

"Hermm... very tempting indeed..." Sunny is thinking as the three jars are presented to him. He looks really curious about the last one as he takes a sniff of it and makes a impressed but a little cringed face as he pulls away; not becasue he dislikes it but rather becasue it is strong.
He puts a hand on the table and rests on it when he scratches his chin. "Alright... Give me.... the Crete one for starters... but be sure I'll be asking for this one here.." he pats the rim lid of the last jar, " ... after a bit... I do enjoy the long easy going trips at times and this be one of them." He smirks. "If you can also get me a shot of some Vodka, that would be good. It's been a long ride before i got down here." Sunny says, nodding with a small smirk.

RE: The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Dancing Bears - 05-26-2016

Lev took the jar, measured our a proper amount into a smaller jar and handed it to the other man. He then reached behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of the coalition's best vodka and poured it into a shot glass for the other man. Lighting a spliff of his own, he pushed the shot across the bar and leaned his elbow down against the bar, getting comfortable.

"So, I'm Lev, good ta meet ya, what da hell's been happening out there in Sirius, what's da scuttlebutt?"

RE: The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - nOmnomnOm - 05-26-2016

"Oh... where the [swear] to begin with that..." Sunny smirks as he takes the shot and downs it instantly.
"Ahhh.... 'nother..." He says under his breath after keeping the kick of the vodka mostly in. His face turns red though but he is happy about the taste.
"Good stuff... ahh... well what can I tell yeah, man? What have you been hearing? In terms of Zoner news recently the most significant thing that happened was the siege of Freeport 11 by the Core." He says.

He takes from under his jacket a empty roll and puts it on the table and then starts to assemble a smoke for himself from the jar.