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"Elite factions" - Shagohad - 06-21-2011

Factions are a privilege. Not a right.

If you want to act like children and whine and moan about how they have refused your application and refuse to allow you to use ships that they worked literally years to put into the game, then good on them. If you act like a brat and play this, "I'm part of the community. I deserve it." then expect to be treated like a brat. Like hell I'd have people like you in my faction if this is the way you're going to act.

Want our ships? Earn them. Put in the same blood and sweat we did to get what you want.

"Elite factions" - Politus - 06-21-2011

Alternatively, go and make another server that regularly has as much activity as 24/7, and make the factions there.

"Elite factions" - arvg - 06-21-2011

Good Morning,

I have been wrestling with the choice to post or not to post in this for well over two hours now.

I have read each post carefully, thought on it, and have concerns that people see me as "Faction Dictator"

The SCRA is five years old. FIVE.

Two of those years I have led it, before me Bluntpencil, before him Koolmo, before him Aeon...

Five years of blood, swear, rage, loss, compromise, and hard work.

Our ships, guns, IDs and system were all debated over, negotiated for, and earned. As a group.

Blodo, Falconer, Dieter, and Del were all a part of the SCRA at one point or another. Working with and shaping the faction.

I have on many occasions had to justify the faction, the position, the politics, the story arcs, and the RP. I have worked with the RoS, Corsairs, Outcasts, LN, BAF, Order and others to make sure there is a vibrant story.

Two years of my life have been given, gladly, to the SCRA.

Shagohad has given 18 months

Jayce Brooks has given 16 months

Tabris 18 months

Jamie 2 years

Terrance and Blodo longer.

Aphil is over 12 months now.

And there are a wealth of new players, Jerry Hunter, Haggis, Metano... these great guys who I didn't know until I gave them a shot, and opened recruitment to meet them...

Think of all the people that will come in the next two years.

I love these guys, will do anything for them. There are people who have come and gone, who didn't fit in the faction. Or cause disruption. This happens, I keep a collection of people who work well together, but things change, people change and problems do happen.

Some times tough choices need to be made for the harmony of a faction.

What does that mean for individuality?

People have to ask. That's it. They just have to ask.

Does that mean you give up a little indie spirit to do as you please? Yes, but that is true of any society or group. There are rules in every culture and in every club and in every group.

We have earned the right to our faction traditions, clauses, and rules. We have earned the right to have a peaceful gameplay with a group of people who are all on the same page.

If that makes me a dictator then:

All hail the Volkhan, Ikon of Ikons!

"Elite factions" - SnakThree - 06-21-2011

What faction are elite at all?

Invitation only or those with their own ID?

"Elite factions" - jammi - 06-21-2011

' Wrote:18 days exactly? That's a tough one.

How about just over a day?
I remember this. :D

To be fair, that was done pre-dating the majority of faction creation rules. They were put in place shortly after, because hoards and hoards of threads were created each week petitioning for officialdom, regardless of the quality of the group. They got called YANFs, or "Yet Another New Faction". This was the era of official groups like Darkwing, the Bounty Hunter battleships that hunted pirate fighters in California. Because of this, proposals that actually had some merit to them tended to be fast-tracked.

' Wrote:With Del and Dusty in it ? :lol:

You're proving my and teschy's point.
Standards have massively changed compared since then. Trying to compare then (when admins were active regarding to creation requests) to now (when they're not and there are higher standards) is like trying to compare apples and oranges. As a matter of a fact, Del or Dusty didn't have any moderator or admin titles then either. They hadn't even found their niche as the "popular kids" by then - Del had been a member for 2 months, and Dusty for just over a year. So far as I recall, I didn't even know who Del was when he was recruited. Don't jump to the conclusion that just because someone was one thing when you knew them, they were the same thing before too.:P

(Also, my writing style in those old posts appals me. :()

"Elite factions" - Pancakes - 06-21-2011

' Wrote:What faction are elite at all?

Invitation only or those with their own ID?

Gemme a break, we all know that the most and only elite faction is "Coon and friends".

seriously, stop all of that Q_Qing.

"Elite factions" - teschy - 06-21-2011

' Wrote:
Factions are a privilege. Not a right.

Factions should be optional. Not compulsory.

I'm sure that Yuri put a lot of 'sweat, blood and rage' to make the keepers what they are, yet you don't see him holding the faction with his teeth from the masses.

"Elite factions" - Pancakes - 06-21-2011

' Wrote:
Factions should be optional. Not compulsory.

I'm sure that Yuri put a lot of 'sweat, blood and rage' to make the keepers what they are, yet you don't see him holding the faction with his teeth from the masses.

Yuri left disco.
EDIT: I just confused Akura with Yuri ^.^ oh well. (and ye, I know Akura iz back)

"Elite factions" - arvg - 06-21-2011

' Wrote:
Factions should be optional. Not compulsory.

I'm sure that Yuri put a lot of 'sweat, blood and rage' to make the keepers what they are, yet you don't see him holding the faction with his teeth from the masses.

When he was here, he certainly did.

"Elite factions" - teschy - 06-21-2011

' Wrote:When he was here, he certainly did.

Oh yes, that's why we had the Trial ID and all that wonderful stuff. I've yet to see any initiative in that direction from the SCRA.