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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - lukasz_r128a - 12-21-2011

<div align="right]Opening channel<<<
Source: West Point<<<
ID: Reno Raines<<<
Subject: Bounties<<<

[color=#99FFFF]Where the money is going:

Kills: Pirate

Circumstances: Spotted during routine fly around California. He was during pirating procedure. Unfortunally I failed to safe pirated Bowex ship called Johnson.Freeman

Proof: Payment owed: 1,000,000

[color=#000000]<div align="right]Transmission terminated<<<

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Sirius - 12-21-2011

Where the money is going: BHG|Edward.Corby

Kills: Outcast, Sabre

[i] I saw him around West Point and I want to clean the area.

  • [Image: screen4.png]
  • [Image: screen5.png]
Payment owed: 1.200.000$

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Antonio - 12-22-2011

Where the money is going: Carmen.Sanchez.

Kills: 1 Pirate VHF, 1 Smuggler

Circumstances: First I found a pirate near Manhattan, blew him up. Later, I found a smuggler also at New York, who had Artifacts, and he was planning to sell him on the Planet. And he was a Junker. He even begged for his life, but I finished him.

Proof: Payment owed: 2.200.000$

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Antonio - 12-23-2011

Where the money is going: Carmen.Sanchez.

Kills: 3 Liberty Rogues Bombers, 1 LR VHF

Circumstances: I was in Magellan. Those 4 Rogues tried to pirate a trader, so I stepped in and cleared up the place.

Proof: Payment owed: 4.800.000$

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Kopesh - 12-23-2011

Where the money is going:Lungu.Stefan Lungu.Stefan

Kills: <Sabre-lane hacker>

Caught pirating near Texas gate: <I killed him>

Payment owed:Lungu.Stefan <1.000.000 SC>

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Antonio - 12-23-2011

Where the money is going: Carmen.Sanchez.

Kills: 1 Order Bomber, 4 Order VHFs

Circumstances: Minor hunt! Yeah, went there and shot some Order. 5 of 'em to be more exact *Coughs* .

Proof: Payment owed: 5.000.000$

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Antonio - 12-23-2011

Where the money is going: Carmen.Sanchez.

Kills: 1 Outcast Tridente

Circumstances: He was sitting near Manhattan along with his friend, they started shooting at me, the LNS assisted me, and we blew them both up. I got one, and the LNS another one.

Proof: Payment owed: 1.400.000$

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Antonio - 12-24-2011

Where the money is going: Carmen.Sanchez.

Kills: 1 Pirate bomber, 1 Rogue bomber

Circumstances: He was in California pirating a trader. I blew him up. Same with the Rogue, but a bit later.

Proof: Payment owed: 2.200.000$

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Antonio - 12-25-2011

Where the money is going: Carmen.Sanchez.

Kills: 1 Pirate transport

Circumstances: Found him pirating traders and disrupting the lane in New York and blew him up.

Proof: Payment owed: 1.000.000$

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Antonio - 12-26-2011

Where the money is going: Carmen.Sanchez.

Kills: 1 Rheinland Millitary bomber

Circumstances: I was wandering around Omega 7 when I saw a Rheinlaner, and since you pay for any of them dead, I blew him up.

Proof: Payment owed: 1.500.000$