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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Akura - 12-04-2009 ***New Transmission***
ID: XA-Ellis.Shane Name: Ellis Shane To: Xeno Alliance HQ From: Ouray Base, Colorado Jus' finalised my eight hour period, though with all the fun and training with some nice young lads, became closer to twelve, so much busy to do and such. ![]() Been hovering some of them missions like, taking assignments to keep the bloody Hunters outta Silverton eh? ![]() But as much fun as me Blazer is, I wanna get onto the big stuff and glide with the big snakes. ![]() I even picked me out a name like, hows 'Python' sound to you, leave room for the mind, and I doubt it's taken like. Saw one of the roster posters, and it seems open to me. Get back to me ya'll. - Ellis ***Message Ends***
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tanker - 01-01-2010 LOCATION: XENO ALLIANCE HEADQUARTERS FROM: JONATHON JONES, COMMANDER RECIPIENT: ALL PILOTS I was recently given a report form our quartermasters office. Three items have peeked my interest. Allof then in a negative way. The first 2, food and moonshine are running exceedingly low. The last, an over abundance of duct tape. When viewed separately this doesn't raise any red flags. However, When viewed as whole, it shows an alarming trend. And I dislike this type of trend. You really don't want to know how much I dislike it. It tells me that most of the pilots are sitting around eating, drinking and not flying!. THIS WILL NOT DO! Junkers are having a field day since we aren't out there stopping them from bringing in their filth (cardimine and other sundries). Foreign Trade has increased unchallenged! And the jobs to the workers' class has fallen dramatically. I expect this "trend" to fade away..besides, If I run out of moonshine there is going to be hell to pay! signed, Commander Xeno Alliance Jonathon "DeathAdder" Jones Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Elsdragon - 01-09-2010 ID:XA-Boomslang Name: Robert Lee Y'all know it ain ma fault! some lucky huntah' Hit me dead on, and ah broke mah leg! Gawrshdamnit, ma othah littl pet por-jects ain qui workin ou', what with the fuel systems ta work awout. well, ahma fin' ah way to fly, leg er not! At this, he falls over in his chair, and hit the camera off its stand Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - NewHealthRock - 01-10-2010 The dark and damp atmosphere of the newly opened liquor store on Ouray called the "Midnight Special" was overwhelmingly familiar to Didacus. Much like his old workplace, but with more moonshine. "I'll have a big bottle" Didacus pointed towards a large unmarked glass bottle. ..INCOMING TRANSMISSION.. Comm ID: XA-Machete Origin: Ouray Base I met a lad going by the callsign [NOD]-Kane, just outside Ouray. His ship was in poor shape, and that meant that trouble reared its ugly head soon enough. A Navy gunboat called LN|Assault1 scouting the field confronted us, and demanded we "Surrender". We spit in it's captains face, not literally of course, but verbally. Shortly after, the gunboat opened fire on us. Greerson heard my call for assistance and he and his crew onboard the XA-Retribution made way to Colorado, where we finished the Gunboat off together. ![]() After this, Greerson took us to scout out the Colorado system. He and his crew had to depart after a while in the field, and Kane and I proceeded to intercept trade headed through the Pueblo lane. I learned of his real name, Ray Donovan. He was in search of a "Prophet" he had heard about. Who am I to question his devotion however? I wish him luck on his search. This is Didacus Jules, signing off. ..TRANSMISSION ENDS.. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sorcha - 01-15-2010 Transmission starts
Howdy folks! It's me, Jonathan Hype reporting in once again! I'm not only here to tell you that i left Refugio for flying in space again! I also will tell you about some Alliance movements within the past days! Together with Jonathan Jones, a Xeno man called Kane, and Jake Cutter we've blocked the Jumpgate from Colorado to New York for a good 15 minutes! We also could redirect a Navy Gunboat called LNS-Small.Steps back to New York without any shot beeing fired! YEHAW! No wait, that means the order of Jones to use more duct tape wasn't really followed that day, bad or good? I don't know. Anyways, the Condor is flying once again! With an Eagle or Roc, whatever of the two should be needed. YEHAW! Johnny End of Transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tanker - 01-25-2010 ....cutscene from The Bosses office.... Jonathon was going over the latest flight roster and wondering why the pilots are not fulfilling their requirements, and who he should shoot first. When his datapad started flashing that it had an urgent message... As he reads the message , his fists clench in rage and then throws the datapad against the wall where it shatters into many pieces. The guards outside his door look in to see what the disturbance was and wisely back on out. The message had stated ,"while out on patrol, Desert Mojave, had run into some opposition. His ship had taken heavy damage. Last known position was near the Ontario jump hole in the Colorado sector. presumed missing in action." Jonathon looks at what used to be his datapad. The anger in his eyes evident. He decides that he needs a drink and heads out the door to the bar. As Jonathon leaves his office, his guards standing at attention, hears him muttering..no mercy...silently they notify the sick bay that there might be several new patients tonight...... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sorcha - 01-26-2010 Transmission starts
Hello there, Johnny here again. I had a wait-in at the New York gate in Colorado today. There, i've met a Universal vessel with the [KoF] identification. I have been dissapointed about the said ship, especially about it's type. I don't care if we have any sort of 'special relations' with those KoF, i will destroy that Atlas should it cross my ways again. You may beat me, i still won't care. If he wishes to fly a vessel which has 'strong hull, good defence, and flies well in Asteroids' i say Universal shall create such a ship themselfes, at least they'd do something for the Libertonian Shipyard workers. Johnny End of Transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reverend Del - 02-03-2010 Nathan sat back in his quarters. He'd jst had an interview with the Boss and life looked gloomy again, giving up his spot on Refugio to kick Alamo? Not his idea of fun. Refugio's bed's were better for a start. None the less, he'd been told what to do, and do it he would. His Bomber had been delivered to Ouray earlier today, all that remained was to get suited up and head out to the bays. He arrived on Ouray with little fuss. Making as little fuss as he could he went up to the current Wing Leaders office. "Afternoon Jonathon." "Hey, Nathan, what's up?" Jon replied, not looking up from the pile of paperwork that had soemhow accumulated Nathan smiled. "You need to get a secretary for that." "I did but she never turned up." Nathan actually laughed. "How ironic, Boss sent me down, he ain't happy Jon. Seems we're just not getting the birds in the sky, nobodie's hearing the message, sent me down to help. Well actually what he said was 'Get yer ass down there and pull your damn weight.', but the gist is the same." "Yeah well, seems the Unioners have been messing around in Hudson and Bering recently, maybe it's time we kicked em out once and for all?" "Sounds good, I'll see if I can't round up a few crews to get airbourne, we could use the resources they bring in." nathan turned on his heel and left. First off he'd need soem piltos, that always helped. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sorcha - 02-03-2010 Transmission starts
Hello there, Johnny here again. Hmm. You can't call it a good day, but also not a bad day. You know, something in between. On the one side, Cobra needs a lot of duct tape to get the Roc back into flyable shape, on the other side, i managed to destroy an Avenger and a Roc with my Supernova. 12 Oh, Green Mojave also killed an Avenger. But in the end, we had to run away from a Gunboat, so... Johnny End of Transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tales23 - 02-08-2010 Virtual Connection Initialized.....
Accessing Neural Net Security..... [color=#33CC00]DONE Command Override Protocol 15671..... [color=#33CC00]ACTIVATED Neural Net Security....OFFLINE ![]() COMM ID:[color=#66FFFF] Allison "Indigo" Young TARGET: Xenos SOURCE: Ageira Communications Relay 1052, New York ENCRYPTION: HIGH [color=#FFFFFF]MESSAGE:[color=#FFFFFF] Greetings to my new Comrades in arms, it's good to be free to wander the Neural Net in search of new ways to cause trouble or mess with those we we call enemies. I'd like to thank you all for taking me in after making my escape from my former residents. We must really do something about the Sugarland, who heard of anyone putting a lovely lady like myself to work with scrap reprocessing. Well that's all behind me now, I guess I should properly introduce myself eh? Well my name is Allison Young but you can all call me Indigo or Lady Indigo but be warned the moment one of you call me buttercup or cutie I'll make sure that I am the last thing you see with those searching eyes of yours. I ain't no lady you can hoot and holler at so you best remember that. Now... In terms of my usefulness if there is any information you want, I can certainly get it. I have many talents and skills that I acquired from my time as a Researcher at Ageira Technologies including the ability to virtually connect and surf the Neural Net, a very useful but very dangerous way of hacking information. I also have an extensive knowledge of explosives should you need anything blown up covertly. So I'm hoping I'll be of some use to you all, and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask. Until than, Tootles.... [color=#FFFFFF]Connection Terminated....