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RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Moberg - 06-03-2013


Decrypting message

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Sender ID - Gefreiter Michael Schmidt
LocationBattleship Moselle, Braunschweig

SubjectPilot Report

Guten Abend,
Summarizing report for the last 10 days.
Was mostly on patrol, with nothing unusual happening. There were emergency calls because of hessians attacking forces within Rheinland, to which I was mostly able to respond. There were lots of them blown up, unfortunately none of them with a finishing blow from myself.
Some days ago, we had a major attack of the Liberty Navy in Bremen, and our own troops attacked their hold within New Hampshire. It was a long battle, with many losses on their side, and way less losses on our side. It ended in a stalemate eventually, as no side could move its front effectively. We had strength, they had numbers, this made us almost equal opponents.
I assisted in several bomber and fighter kills within this fight, aswell as the possiblity to claim on of their bombers as my kill, through a well placed mine. Gunshots in the attachment.

As a last thing, there was an illegal base within the Südnebel of Frankfurt, which our forces destroyed successfully. It was hidden deep in the cloud, but nothing can hide from the eyes of the mighty Rheinland military. Lots of visual documentation below in the attachments.

Gefreiter Michael Schmidt
<Rheinwehr Hauptflotte>



RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Neodym - 06-05-2013

Incoming transmission...

SUBMITTER: Flieger Bernd Schneider
SUBJECT: Patrol Report #1-Fl.B.S.-20130605

Guten Tag,

today I had my first day in the service of the Rheinland Military. After an introduction by Gefreiter Dylan Vorster he took me on my first patrol.
We started in Braunschweig, then we passed New Berlin to get to Frankfurt. At Planet Holstein we split up to check the jumpgates to Sigma-13 and Munich.
After I reported a clear area around the jumpgate, Gefreiter Vorster ordered me to check the Taunusfield. Two Bundschuh pilots lingered between the asteroids and attacked me. After I eliminated the threats, we met at Planet Heidelberg again, to move on to Dresden. There was nothing unusual on our way through Dresden, Stuttgart and Koeln. At Planet Hamburg, we split up again to check the jumpgates to Bering and Hudson. While I was in the tradeline between Planet Kiel and the jumpgate to Hudson, my scanners detected a hostile signature, just for a second or less. I reported Gefreiter Vorster, what I just saw and returned to the point, where I saw it. I jumped out of the tradeline and was able to find the signal again. Still I was too far away to see his IFF. Gefreiter Vorster was already on his way to intercept him, he was in a better position, so he was able to see, that he had a LN-IFF. Gefreiter Vorster told him, that he wasn’t allowed to be in Rheinland Space. The intruder answered, he needed 5 minutes and then he headed to Planet Hamburg. Gefreiter Vorster ordered him not to get close to Planet Hamburg, so he turned and went to the Bering jumpgate. I was still too far away, but Gefreiter Vorster was able to scan him, before he disappeared into the jumpgate. Turned out, that he had a Recruit ID. At this point we had to cancel out chase, because he had left Rheinland. At the end we went to Bremen, where Gefreiter Vorster showed me the jumphole to New Hampshire, to be sure, that I know, there could always be LN-ships. Just after he told me that, a hand full of LN-ships appeared and engaged us. We were able to destroy them all, without taking serious damage. After that we went back to Battleship Moselle in the Braunschweig System, where we ended our patrol.
It was a pleasure for me to do my first patrol with Gefreiter Vorster and I’m looking forward to catch up on the combat-simulation that we unfortunately had to postpone.


Flieger Bernd Schneider

Hostile Contact in Hamburg System, made by Gefreiter Dylan Vorster

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Neodym - 06-11-2013

Incoming transmission...

SUBMITTER: Flieger Bernd Schneider
SUBJECT: Patrol Report #2-Fl.B.S.-20130611

Guten Tag,

today I did my first patrol alone. I decided to take the following route: Braunschweig (Battleship Moselle) – Bremen – Hamburg – New Berlin – Stuttgart – New Berlin – Frankfurt – New Berlin - Braunschweig.
So I went to the Bremen jumphole in Braunschweig. While in transit, the NAV-computer noted some deviation. I have never seen that kind of data before. When the transit was over, I realized, that I didn’t have a clue, where I was. The NAV-computer needed a few minutes, to figure out, I was in Bremen, just like it was planned. But somehow the jumphole threw me out at a very different point in Bremen. I was at the coordinates C-2.
Well, it took a while to reach the Westerstede Nebular, which I wanted to check. I didn’t find anything unusual there, so I headed to Hamburg. All the way along my planned route was clear. For my taste it was almost suspiciously quiet. I finished my patrol without any further incidents. Finally I docked at Battleship Moselle again to hand out the data of my NAV-log, so the technicians could hopefully find out, what went wrong in the Braunschweig/Bremen jumphole.


Flieger Bernd Schneider


RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Neodym - 06-13-2013

Incoming transmission...

SUBMITTER: Flieger Bernd Schneider
SUBJECT: Patrol Report #3-Fl.B.S.-20130613
Priority: Low

Guten Tag,

Today I did another patrol alone, a very short one, I need to admit.
I started at Battleship Moselle, like always and headed to New Berlin. At Dortmund Station my scanners detected a DHC vessel and a hostile vessel chasing it. The captain of the DHC vessel informed me, that a corsair was behind him, so I went after them. I ordered the corsair to stop, but he refused. The DHC captain tried to keep his ship out of the corsairs range, so he always docked at the next trade line as soon as he could. That made it hard for me to catch up with them. I finally almost had him in firing range, but other RM vessels already eliminated him. I asked the DHC captain, if he had any serious damage, but he said, he was fine.
Right after that, I could see, how a Rheinland cruiser ordered a freighter to hold, so that he could scan him. It was obvious, that he wasn’t a real Rheinland Military pilot, because he identified himself as “RM-Ivan”, not as “[RM].Rank.Name” and because of his Freelancer-ID.
So I told him, that he wasn’t allowed to have a cruiser vessel in Rheinland space and I ordered him to leave. I also offered him, to escort him to any border, he wanted to go.
He opened fire at me and tore my ship apart in a split of a second.
A few minutes later, after the cruiser left New Berlin, a patrol picked my pod up and brought me to Planet New Berlin.
I will (and everyone else should) keep eyes open for that guy, so that he couldn’t do any further damage.


Flieger Bernd Schneider

cruiser vessel in New Berlin
Communication-Log 1
Communication-Log 2

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kornpatch - 06-16-2013

***Incoming Transmission***

***Decrypting message***

***ID from:Ge. Dylan Vorster***
***Location: Planet New Berlin***
***Patrol Report***
***Priority: Low***

[Image: CSBSBIZ.png]

Mein Herre und Fraue

I have been in the medical bay and unable to share my failure, yesterday when I started my patrol with Gefreiter Schneide we where investigating a ship that was carrying Rheinland Military grade weapons at Bonn station, when I saw on sensors a Coalition ship, that ship was stealing data from Battleship Strausberg, so naturally I issued immediate pursuit, and after a fight that led into Dresden, I made a bad mistake and he was able to disable my Wraith, leaving me with no choice but to eject, meaning that ship got away with that data...
I'm uploading a scan of the ship proving that he was C

Coalition ID

***Transmission Ended***

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Moberg - 06-28-2013


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Sender ID - Gefreiter Michael Schmidt
LocationBattleship Moselle, Braunschweig

SubjectPilot Report

Guten Tag,
Just reporting back in from a brawl in Frankfurt, around Planet Holstein. I got an emergency call that hessians and corsairs would be sieging the base. Sounds strange enough. When I arrived at the scene, I could not see any corsairs. There were hessians though, who fled. *chuckles* As usual.

Shortly after, hessians came back and started to siege the base. Two Polizei pilots and myself stopped the hessian siege, and in the little brawl that came up I managed to get an unioner bomber and a hessian fighter destroyed. The data of said vessels will be in the attachments.

In the later part of the battle, when we were already outnumbered by hessian secondary fleet capital ships, two primary fleet fighters joined aswell. As the important damage was done to their ships, the RFP and myself decided that it would be smarter to turn back at that point in order not to lose ships and men.

Gefreiter Michael Schmidt
<Rheinwehr Hauptflotte>




RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Narcotic - 06-29-2013

Incoming Transmission
SOURCE: Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-SB-254-YW6.

>>> Receiving...
>> Decrypting...
> Opening...

[Image: vj7WdPz.png]

SHIP ID: [RM]-Fw.Sarah.Braun
SUBMITTER: Sarah Simone Braun
RECIPIENT: Reporting Office
SUBJECT: Patrol Report #20

Guten Tag,

on an usual patrol in Frankfurt I've witnessed how a large Corsair fleet was just about to destroy Borkum Station near Planet Holstein. I was completely alone there an all tries to send en emergency call failed.

I tried to distract them with my Bergelmir, but my side lacked the numbers and I couldn't stop the disaster. Here are a few guncam shots:

* * * *

Viele Grüße,

[Image: NJAhUTl.png]

>> Encrypting...
> Closing...

Ending Transmission

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - kikatsu - 07-04-2013

IDENTIFICATION: Gefreiter Hikosaka Hebel
SOURCE: Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Patrol Report 006

Guten abend sirs.

Yesterday started off with a good deal of action. A pair of Liberty capital ships had breached Berlin space late yesterday afternoon and my bomber was deployed in response. The carrier, SDF Macross Police and its escort cruiser, the LNS Dauphin, had already begun bombarding Essen on my arrival, I immediately moved to intercept. Unfortunately they destroyed a pair of passing merchant ships before so much as a dent had been made to their hull. Federal Police bombers arrived as backup not long after. Daniel Artura and the bomber SEK Bergelmir 02 assisted in the destruction of the carrier and destroyed the cruiser. A small VWA fighter loitered around the battlefield, but vanished a short time afterwards. After this, I put my bomber in for repairs and took my Wraith out on patrol. While on patrol I briefly encountered a Junker vessel that was acting suspicious, but it vanished before I could get a proper scan. Then I patroled the Koeln system, a very peaceful flight after everything else today.



Gefreiter Hikosaka Hebel.

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Moberg - 07-06-2013


Decrypting message

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Sender ID - Gefreiter Michael Schmidt
LocationBattleship Moselle, Braunschweig

SubjectPilot Report

Reporting from a security incident that just happened around the orbit of New Berlin. Emergency calls and scouts reported a Liberty Navy battleship managed to somehow slip through our Hamburg defenses and seemed to approach the planet, fighting tertiary Militär fighter wings.

I took the Bergelmir and launched towards the planet, where I spotted said battleship. I have given the crew a chance to surrender the ship and eject through the escape pods before the ship would be captured or destroyed. Unfortunately, the captain refused and kept attacking the tertiary forces. Thus, I started to bombard the enemy with Antimatter torpedoes until the reinforcements arrive.

Quickly after I attacked, the RNC-Landau uncloaked close to the dreadnought and assisted in destroying the battleship.

Unfortunately, the Navy also received reinforcements, an Avenger-class very heavy fighter.
In a short brawl, not even lasting two minutes, I obliterated the fighter with an antimatter torpedo right into his face.
There were no wrecks left to scan.

The Landau has meanwhile successfully finished destroying the dreadnought, and has offered me assistance against the fighter, which I politely had to refuse, giving me a quick "roger" from the captain. Mere seconds after, the fighter was going down, as described above.

There were some escape pods that were picked up by police forces and brought to the Planet for further measures.

Gefreiter Michael Schmidt
<Rheinwehr Hauptflotte>





RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Moberg - 08-09-2013


Decrypting message

[||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

Sender ID - Gefreiter Michael Schmidt
LocationBattleship Moselle, Braunschweig

SubjectPilot Report

Just reporting in from a big assault in the Texas system, where our fleet completely obliterated assets of the Liberty Navy, counting at least 14 losses on their side, and about 3-4 on our side. This has truly shown the Liberty Navy what the Rheinwehr is capable off, and it should've taught them a lesson.

Attached is an album of guncam shots showing most of the recorded kills. Enjoy, and behold the strength of the glorious Rheinwehr, who shines in pride once again!

Gefreiter Michael Schmidt
<Rheinwehr Hauptflotte>