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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 06-11-2011

[Image: 6920ngmajor.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Office of the Commandant, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Get your act together.

[color=#FFFFFF]Soliders of the Coalition which are about to die.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]As you can see from the strongly worded statements from both Commissar Mendal and the newly promoted Commissar-General Blackblood, a new tone is being set in the fighter corps.

[color=#FFFF00]If the Iron Will of the Volkhan taught us one thing.. It was that under pressure - We excel. Now that the pressure is off, you half-wits seem to have gone to sleep. The diabolical raid on Gamma yielded NO battleship kills and we lost half a squadron of bombers! You didn't follow orders.

Know that Mendal and Blackblood have been fully authorised from this office to pursue and destroy any and all weakness found in the fighter corps. With my blessing, they will force you lot to be in top fighting order.

And no, you can no longer run to me for help. I won't save you from your own demise.

Bring me a decisive victory. Bring me recorded kills and the heads of the Gallic Brigands for their impudence. Follow orders, win the day, and you may just survive.

For the Red Dawn!

[color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Weras - 06-13-2011

Incoming transmission

[Image: newscrapic.png]

[font=Fixedsys]ID: [color=#000000]Lt. Miley McGreave
Target: Coalition High Command
Subject: Battlereport 01309
Encryption: Medium

For the red dawn comrades!
Today was another victorious day for the revolution! This morning, comrade Senior Lt. Kozyrev and me formed a small wing and entered the Omega systems. The plan was a usual sneak into Omega 41 and a fast look into Omicron Gamma. The Omegas were really quiet so we went to the Omicron Gamma system, the home of the rotten Corsairs. Inside the system we were fastly surrounded by multiple enemies, but with comrade Kosyrev at my side I felt no fear. We chased their forces right into the closer orbit of planet Crete. Knowing the dangers of entering the range of the orbital defense systems, we doubled our power and took two enemy vessels out. The three remaining vessels couldn't really harm us, but we damaged another Corsair vessel hard.
At that point two capital vessels from the closer orbit joined in the fight and pressured us. Comrade Kozyrev and I decided to retreat unharmed instead of fighting the superiority of their capital vessels. Due to excellent teamwork we were able to escape their forces only lightly damaged. The result of this fight: Two Corsairs killed in action, 2 Corsairs heavily damaged, no losses.

After our return to the Omega 52 system comrade Kozyrev took the CPW-Pripyat. Vested with such firepower we dared a sneak into the system of Bretonia. In the Leeds system we were followed by a Bounty Hunter gunship that dared to aim his guns at us. We damaged it hard until two vessels of the "Convoy" arrived. These greedy capitalists didn't hesitate a second at opened fire at us. Outnumbered again we fought our fight.

As the Pripyat took too much damage we retreated again. We managed to escape after a long hunt. Again our good teamwork was the key to our survival against multiple enemies. The Bounty Hunter gunship was heavily damaged during the fight, but due to the reinforcement we couldn't take it down.
We dealed a lot of damage today and our enemies won't forget us that fast.

[] [] []

For the revolution! For our great premier!

[Image: commiefist.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-15-2011

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

Comrade Captain Quintilla's clone is not to be told of the circumstances of his alpha's demise, nor informed that he is, in fact, a clone with constructed memories.

All data of Quintilla's death is here by removed from all records, and for all intents and purposes, the Clone *IS* Quintilla.

Any that say otherwise may find themselves under investigation for High Treason against the state.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Maaser070 - 06-15-2011

Incoming Transmission
COMM ID: Haller
Location: Omicron Alpha
Target: Coalition High Command
Subject: Hispania Memorium
Encryption: High

I salute you, my respected superiors of The Coalition!

In order to be truly accepted into the Coalition regime, I was tasked with the mission if recording my travel to the Omicron Alpha system, home to the disgusting Cardimine addicts, the Outcasts. I was commissioned to record my actions against the derelict ship Hispania. The pathetic dribble of scrap metal was aimlessly orbiting one of their wasteful planets.

As if they did not care for the ship itself, which housed their useless existence all the way to Sirius, it was completely unguarded. In fact, patrols in the system were virtually non-existent. My efforts to penetrate their defenses were minimal, at best

I was able to sneak past their security via the Omicron Eta system, having to navigate the extensive Mine field:

Link 1

Fortunately, I came across no resistance in their Home system, save one Cruiser class ship. Whoever is working their scanners needs to be shot immediately. I flew right by them without so much as a glance my way.

After searching for some time, I felt it was logical that the Hispania would be left near one of their Planets. I began to head towards the Lion's Den. Not to my surprise, I found the Hispania drifting amid it's own debris, orbiting one of their planets.

Link 2

Carrying out my orders, I performed my task of firing upon the now, and forever, useless Hispania:

Link 3

This is Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Military Recruit Haller closing my report and signing out.

For the Revolution of all Sirius!

- Oversized images turned to links ~ Alvin.Katz

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Omi - 06-16-2011


Guten tag, comrades!
Volgograd Industrial's first shipment from the Guild arrived today. Myself, comrade Baker and recruit Haller were detailed to receive the convoy upon their arrival at Boa Vista. With this in mind, we sat in orbit of the station until the convoy's scout came into view. The main body soon arrived, one train under extremely heavy guard, and I directed them to the appropriate docking ports used by Volgograd. The transfer was exceedingly quick, and I feel compelled to note the utmost care the Guild took with the security of their transport. Although they encountered no trouble, they had detailed the shipment a significant escort. Such dedication is heartening.
The three of us exchanged words with the Guild pilots, and I conveyed Volgograd Industrial's gratitude to them. They also wished to express their thanks for the opportunity Volgograd has given them in return.
Overall, the encounter was a resounding success. I am attaching communications logs and a cargo manifest to go with this report.

[Image: th_2011-06-16_00001.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-16_00002.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-16_00003.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-16_00004.jpg]
[Image: th_2011-06-16_00005.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-16_00008.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-16_00010.jpg]

For Katz und the Red Dawn!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 06-16-2011

[Image: 2r22asi.png]

COMM ID: Commissar General Ulrich Eichel

To the rabble that is the fighter corps

It seems that your problems with discipline flair every time yet another incompetent Commandant comes into office. It seems that your commander in chief either suffers a mental breakdown, stages a coup, retires due to incompetence and now fails to instill the most basic of all military qualities - discipline.

I, in my capacity as the People's Commissar, will have to once again take a special interest in this troubled branch of glorious armed forces so that their stupid adventures do not harm those you are sworn to protect. Let it be noted that I am much more harsh, so do not let any sort of failures cross my desk. I am not in the habit of demoting. Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 06-19-2011

[Image: xuodin.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Han Xu
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: A good raid.

[color=#FFFFFF]Fellow Soliders.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]Tonight was a good night for our raiding parties.

[color=#FFFF00]I took Captain Rasputin and Lieutenant Forge on a miner protection patrol in Omega-7. Almost immediately, we found a Corsair Brotherhood Bomber. After he initially tried to run, he turned to face me in Omega-3. After swearing on my honour that only I would face him, I launched into the fight. He was no match for me and died quickly, but honourably. His pod shall now be gracing the lands of Crete - Telling the people of the inevitable Red Dawn that is coming. One hopes.

After returning to Omega-7, I stumbled upon a Rheinland fighter - Armed to the teeth with Lazurites, Diamondbacks and other assorted weaponry like Mini Razors and nukes. The Wraith seemed formidable, and after a tense exchange - He attacked me. I was on the defensive for the start of the fight, but found a good rhythm of him impacting my mines on the turn. Eventually, he died and again - Honourably. We left him to be picked up by the passing patrols.

Please note that I will be unavailable for fighter operations for the next two weeks. I will be on deep assignment in the Omicron systems. Priority Red Classified. Commandant Ling shall no doubt be buried under the paperwork of his new position so I have received word that Major Wolfe will be taking over the day to day runnings of the squadron, and Colonel Rhade will be ensuring the protection of our Capital Wing.

[color=#FFFFFF]Good hunting comrades.

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 06-20-2011

[Image: 6920ngmajor.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Office of the Commandant, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Detention.

[color=#FFFFFF]Soldiers of the Coalition.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]You were forewarned that the slack would be cut loose, now I have had to make an example of such a person..

[color=#FFFF00]Lt Tori Villers has hereby been sent to the detention cells, deep in Zvezdny Gorodk. How we let a beautiful youthful girl into the cockpit and out of the breeding labs - I do not understand. She will be held until further notice... Until we are finished with her.. If you will.

As for the rest of you - I have ridiculous amounts of paperwork to be filing over the next two weeks. Do not fail the Coalition.

For the Red Dawn!

[color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 06-21-2011

>>>Sender: Lieutenant Jacob Forge
>>>Subject: Today's Report

[Image: The-Hero-of-FF-snow-villiers-19125250-596-339.jpg]
Forge here.

First off, here's Tori's report. She luckily wrote it down.

"Met with Admiral Broch onboard the Social Credit. With us were Captain Bernard, Lieutenant Hoffmann, and Vance Medici. One Storm, two Odins, my Revolution, and Vance's Loki. We headed to Gamma. Didn't go so well, as most of us were destroyed. I had two Titans and an Osiris on me...

Thats it."

Anyways. I met with our new Militisya, Cordova. We launched from Gorodok to go patol the Omegas. Found a Sail near Cadiz: Jongleur|Sails and after a few words, I let Cordova break in his new Insurgent. Chased the prateorian bomber right into Cadiz. We then headed for Omega 7, but found it empty. So, we headed for Omicron Theta.

Upon entering, we discovered a strange ship tagged Rip.Rage.Rorry. Cordova began scanning. My new Odin was acting up. Had to break it in. Guncam was not working.

After talking with this Rorry, we headed to the Freeport, where things became a right powderkeg: a Reaper of Sirius, a Zoner capital, a Zoner Eagle, a Sarissa, a HAF General, and then Rorry again. The RoS mentioned soemthing about Rorry's ship coming from a place called "Gallia." After a tense few minutes, me and Cordova left.

Upon returning to Omega 5, I spotted a ship tagged david.zayas. My scanners showed me a ship who's shape I did not recognize. I diverted with Cordova and we took a look. Our scanners detected it was from the same origin as Rorry's craft. We decided to try and disable it. Unfortunatly, we were running low on fuel and we chased it around Omega 5, so we broke off and returned to Gorodok.

Cordova should have more to add when he reports.

Forge out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 06-21-2011

>>>Sender: Lieutenant Jacob Forge
>>>Subject: Today's Report

[Image: The-Hero-of-FF-snow-villiers-19125250-596-339.jpg]
Forge here.

Yeah, well, not the best day.

Major Wolfe ordered bombers to be scrambled. I launched my Revolution and headed to our forces in Omega 41.

Why is it always capitals? They seem to pull them out of thin air. More, none of them the same as the past raids we have done. I jumped in, and immedietly I was swarmed. I released mines and tried to dodge, but I was hit from my blindside by an Osiris's Solaris guns. After losing both RHA and RF assets, Major Wolfe and the surviros fell back, with Major Wolfe downing a Gladiator that had intercepted him on the way back.

Thats it.

Forge out.
