RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 06-13-2018
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Alpine
To: Captain Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
From: Admiral Edmund Steiner
Do not tell me how to do my job Captain, I am well within my rights to inquire why you request a certain officer be placed under your command. However since you believe he is a capable officer and is known to you, it might be wise for us to allow this, so as to ease your transition back into service.
The Admiralty will discuss your request and we will inform you of our decision at a later date.
Edmund Steiner
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open for Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 06-13-2018
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Gyokuro
To: Admiral Edmund Steiner
From: Captain Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good evening, Admiral.
It appears it has been some miscommunication. I did not 'tell' you how to do your job. I merely replied to your question of why I requested Lieutenant Victor Steiner.
I trust that is all.
With regards,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 06-13-2018
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: High
Priority: High
To: Captain Kaze Reidman Dagon
From: Commodore Charlotte Brooks
Captain Dagon,
After holding discussions with the Admiralty Board, I am notifying you that Lieutenant Victor Steiner has been placed under your own direct command. Ultimately, Lieutenant Steiner is your responsibility - we hope results in the field will compliment our decision. God's speed, Captain.
That is all.
Charlotte Brooks
Commodore of the 9th Mobile Assault Fleet, H.M.S Ark Royal
Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty Board
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 06-20-2018
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Gyokuro
To: Admiralty Board
From: Captain Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good evening.
I am requesting a meeting, regarding the inception of a new department that I feel will bring added value to the Bretonian Armed Forces in particular and to Bretonia in general. Since it is regarding sensible information, I will present it only upon said encounter.
With regards,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 06-29-2018
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Gyokuro
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Captain Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good evening, DIS.
Earlier tonight there was a scuffle between Gaul and Allied forces in Magellan. I managed to arrive on site, alongside a Council pilot, Ouragan, to aid the Crayterians on a raid on the Charlemagne class Battleship Betheny. The Gaul battlegroup deployed all of its snub force to meet us. It did not went well since the Gauls forced the battle around the Bethany, managing to shoot down several of the Crayterians. Meanwhile, me and Ouragan found ourselves alone against that onslaught, managing to drag their remaining forces to the California gate at the same time I radioed in for support from the York Battlegroup.
And Captain Sir George Hall arrived in the Avalon in the nick of time, alongside Lieutenant Commander Pria Y'berg, with the Avalon managing to damage several of their fighter craft finally leaving to us the remaining fighters. Curiously enough, the Gaians also appeared and with a score to settle, it seems, since they were quite eager to join the fight. The last two fighters went down quickly. I ordered Lt. Commander Y'berg to leave the engagement, due to mechanical failure in her vessel, but the Gaul cared nothing for it, keeping on her tail, looking for an easy kill. We had none of that, and alongside Ouragan and one of the Gaian pilots with Lt. Commander Y'berg being their main target, we finally ended it all.
After careful review, I suggest we initiate wargames with the Crayterians to increase our level of experience and training in both of our forces. Also, the Marlin proved quite effective in this bout.
With regards,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 06-29-2018
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Lu'an
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Captain Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good evening, DIS.
Found retired Légion Colonel Eliza Valdez and Ms. Enma Loyola in Coronado fighting over some.. foul behavior by Ms. Loyola. After Ms. Loyola didn't enjoyed my remarks on her.. dalliances out of wedlock, she engaged me. And I was forced to put her down in Manchester. Ms. Eliza Valdez said she would stand as witness on that remark.
Ah, and Ms. Loyola fancied herself as a citizen of Gallia before she shot me.
Without anything else to add,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 07-11-2018
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Captain Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good evening, DIS.
Earlier today, after being recalled from Leeds, I got an urgent comm from Lt. Commander Pria Y'berg in Magellan requesting support, in what appeared to be an impending battle between Liberty and Royal forces. Upon further inquiries to the Lt. Commander, I switched ships and departed in my Li-117 to Magellan, where I encountered the already outclassed Liberty vessels against three Valors and an Obstinate. Our allied group consisted in one Liberty Dreadnought (cloaked), one Liberty Siege Cruiser, one Liberty Gunboat and Lt. Commander Y'berg's Templar.
As evident the upper hand was on the Gaul side, but after I started to pepper the Obstinate with anti-matter, the Gaul force quickly huddled up and used their superior armor and numbers to defend themselves from whatever fire we could hit them with. Finally, a bomber arrived from Liberty and together we started to work in tandem. Unfortunately such work was cut short by the arrival of a Triumph Destroyer, which started to cut down our efforts from putting down the Obstinate that was enjoying the protection of the three Valors.
The Liberty Dreadnought had enough and executed a proximity fire mission on the Obstinate, suffering from the concentrated weaponry of the Valors, and going critical not later on. Our snub forced piled up on the Obstinate and managed to destroy it soon afterwards as another Liberty Siege Cruiser arrived followed by a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser with cloak capability.
As we started to lay down the hurt on one of the Valors from afar, the Liberty Assault Battlecruiser executed a proximity fire mission, much like the Dreadnought, on the Triumph and the snubs managed to increase the pressure on the targeted Valor destroying it. The LABC managed to escape the fire of the Valors by a thread, and returned to base for repairs. Capitalizing on the confusion of the Valors and Triumph by such daring attack, we began destroying them, one by one until they were no more.
I would like to commend Lt. Commander Y'berg's actions during the attack and the cool head she displayed while in charge of the fighter group.
Without anything else to add,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 07-15-2018
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Captain Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good day, DIS.
Hours ago, our long range sensors detected unknown capital ship movement within the New London system, resulting in the scrambling of the 3rd Attack Wing of the York Fleet, which I took command upon arrival on site. While I ordered a system wide net search, I was tasked to search the vicinity of the Cambridge Jump-hole. There I had a confirmation and a first information on who we were dealing with.
Order. Primary Fleet. Order|CV-Deceres. I ordered it to decloak and present itself, order that was ignored. Thus I called upon any available friendly ship in system for information and one replied. The Apahanta, commanded by Ezrael Vertiga. It seemed Mr. Vertiga was following them for some time, most likely trying to gather intelligence on the Order movements within the House. He managed to pin point their location to the Newcastle jumpgate area. I called upon Lt. Wednesday to act as my second while the rest of the 3rd Wing regrouped at Southampton, refueling and refitting their ships.
Nearby the Newcastle jumpgate, I managed to intercept a Geb class capital vessel, Order|CV-Golanski, and a freelancer Sichel , Megeara. Obviously, the handler of the Geb was not the same one I picked up earlier, and Mr. Vertiga did replied that it was an Osiris. So the problem still stood. A foreigner capital class vessel at loose in our House. The only way to force it to actually show up was to cause issues to the 'Golanski'.
I ordered the 'Golanski' to head to Newcastle, to be under remand by the Ark Royal battlegroup until Overwatch could be contacted. I even reached the point of ordering it to proceed on impulse speed as to give the 3rd Wing time to catch up as well expend whatever cloak batteries the 'Deceres' could have. Not long, the 'Golanski' ignored my commands as it tried to escape to Tau-31. There, the 3rd Wing finally arrived with capital support, in the form of the Auxiliary HMS 'Stillwater' which I ordered to engage the 'Golanski', hoping it would force the 'Deceres' to uncloak to provide support. Seeing that it was not, I was forced to up the ante and ordered Mr. Vertiga to uncloak and lay down the hurt, increasing the pressure over the Geb, which finally triggered the Osiris to uncloak.
Splitting the 3rd wing between fire on the Geb and the Osiris, I ordered Mr. Vertiga to stand down while we started to chip away both capitals. Unfortunately Ensign Hastings was shot down during his engagement with the Geb, with the S&R teams reporting his safe retrieval after the battle. Meanwhile, the Megeara freelancer showed up and assisted the Order forces. Not long after, the Geb was finally put down and we could finally focus fire on the Osiris. Near the end, Mr. Vertiga uncloaked three clicks in front of it, against my orders, trying to cut off its escape path and engaged the Osiris. In the confusion I managed to deliver a supernova shot to the reactor housing, causing the Osiris to go critical.
Admiral Evyn, while not present, issued orders to return to Newcastle, which I promptly transmitted to the 3rd Wing. Lt. Wednesday managed to pick up a Nomad Fuel Cell from the 'Deceres' debris, which I ordered to be delivered to the SIS agent present, Mr. Skirka. Not soon after we received reports of a lone Order First Fleet pilot following our forces back into Newcastle. It was ordered to leave, which it did not complied and disrupted the cruise engines of Lt. Newton, trying to go for the heavier Challenger bomber, thus the easier mark.
I issued the order to attack the Order snub to the remaining present 3rd Wing assets, which they did so. But still I was forced to enter the fray as I saw that while the Order pilot was under pressure he would eventually shoot down Lt. Newton heavier and slower vessel. Not long after, I shot it through the engines, making sure the threat was over and done. With that, I ordered whatever 3rd Wing assets present on sight to refit, reload and return to base, while calling the S&R teams present in Newcastle to find Ensign Hastings pod. All in all, a successful defense of the sovereignty of our House space.
I think the Admiralty Board should address this blatant action of the Order within Bretonian borders as soon as possible, as well order to conduct a full deep sweep of the Newcastle system, since that Osiris only had a normal cloaking device, according to my scans of it, and yet managed to stay cloaked for a very long time. Which means it had logistical support in system.
Audio box recording follows to aid in your assessment.
Mr. Vertiga also said he would deliver a report to the SIS. I suggest you ask for it as well.
[14.07.2018 13:42:17] Order|CV-Deceres: ?: Hmm, greetings Bretonian.
[14.07.2018 13:42:29] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Uncloak yourself Order.
[14.07.2018 13:46:27] BAF|LT,V,Steiner: Captain.
[14.07.2018 13:46:35] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Lieutenant.
[14.07.2018 13:46:49] BAF|LT,V,Steiner: Permisson to fall out?
[14.07.2018 13:46:54] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Permission granted.
[14.07.2018 13:47:22] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Order vessel. You were ordered to decloak. Failure to comply will be logged.
[14.07.2018 13:47:46] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Meet us at Planet New London if you so wish.
[14.07.2018 13:48:03] The.Apahanta: [CHANNEL OPENED] This is Captain Vertiga of the Apahanta. We see them.
[14.07.2018 13:48:23] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Mr. Vertiga.
[14.07.2018 13:48:26] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Good evening.
[14.07.2018 13:48:35] Nyctophilia: Heard there's... Order in the area?
[14.07.2018 13:48:40] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Where are they, if you can share the information.
[14.07.2018 13:48:59] The.Apahanta: They are entering the Devon Asteroid Field right now. A Geb, an Osiris, a Megaera.
[14.07.2018 13:49:06] Megaera: Did you bring tea?
[14.07.2018 13:49:19] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Sector?
[14.07.2018 13:49:23] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Follow me.
[14.07.2018 13:49:41] The.Apahanta: E-2 in a few moments.
[14.07.2018 13:49:59] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Copy that. Moving.
[14.07.2018 13:50:32] The.Apahanta: They might be heading for Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 13:50:40] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Understood. Almost there.
[14.07.2018 13:51:01] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: At normal plane height?
[14.07.2018 13:51:14] The.Apahanta: Normal planar axis. They head for Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 13:51:24] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: And here are you.
[14.07.2018 13:51:39] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Well, that is just fantastic.
[14.07.2018 13:51:45] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: *sighs*
[14.07.2018 13:51:45] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Good day. Might clearing up this confusion?
[14.07.2018 13:51:58] Order|CV-Golanski: D: We aren't equipped with a cloaking device.
[14.07.2018 13:52:04] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: To whom am I speaking?
[14.07.2018 13:52:14] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: And it was not your singular identification.
[14.07.2018 13:52:19] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: It was another.
[14.07.2018 13:52:37] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Boss
[14.07.2018 13:52:41] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: State your name, rank and bussiness in a capital war vessel in New London?
[14.07.2018 13:52:46] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Yes, Lt.?
[14.07.2018 13:52:50] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: We still have one... somewhere
[14.07.2018 13:53:00] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Codename "Darkness", acting separetly from the main cell. Our business is returning to the Taus from the Omegas.
[14.07.2018 13:53:12] The.Apahanta: Above the Golanski. Not far, 3K at max.
[14.07.2018 13:53:23] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: And you felt fitting to go through New London, unnannounced?
[14.07.2018 13:53:28] Order|CV-Golanski: D: We decided to go through less populated areas to avoid an uproar.
[14.07.2018 13:53:40] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Err, mate
[14.07.2018 13:53:43] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: *Raises an eyebrow*
[14.07.2018 13:54:04] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Our position needs to remain hidden. Sadly I put not enough trust into many people.
[14.07.2018 13:54:07] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: You should slap your navigator then
[14.07.2018 13:54:24] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: If two Bretonian Armed Forces personnel tracked you down.
[14.07.2018 13:54:29] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: You are not good at your job.
[14.07.2018 13:54:59] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Right at the one spot where we get the closest to any sort of installation, yes.
[14.07.2018 13:55:25] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: As it is, I cannot allow you to continue.
[14.07.2018 13:55:49] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Admiral Golanski and Overwatch will be contacted, obviously.
[14.07.2018 13:56:00] Megaera: Can I watch?
[14.07.2018 13:56:04] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: But I must ask you to be prepared to be under arrest.
[14.07.2018 13:56:09] The.Apahanta: The other vessel in question is the OCV-Deceres. We know that one from Delta.
[14.07.2018 13:56:10] Megaera: I want to see Golly too
[14.07.2018 13:56:12] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: In a civil manner.
[14.07.2018 13:56:22] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Of course, we are not barbaric.
[14.07.2018 13:56:31] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: I am certain you can understand.
[14.07.2018 13:56:48] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Lt.
[14.07.2018 13:56:56] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Did you read the intel?
[14.07.2018 13:56:58] Order|CV-Golanski: D: I did not expect anything barbaric of you. I would understand it if you wish us to stay until you got into touch with -
[14.07.2018 13:56:59] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Head to Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 13:57:00] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Stat.
[14.07.2018 13:57:03] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Yea Boss
[14.07.2018 13:57:04] Order|CV-Golanski: Admiral Golanski.
[14.07.2018 13:57:22] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Your colleague entered Newcastle. Cloaked. Cute.
[14.07.2018 13:57:32] Order|CV-Golanski: D: We are not aware of their intentions.
[14.07.2018 13:57:54] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Of course you aren't.
[14.07.2018 13:58:30] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: *Sighs* You are to be remanded under Bretonian Armed Forces watch in Manchester.
[14.07.2018 13:58:31] Order|CV-Golanski: D: So. I would be willing to remain in Bretonia, holding the full responsibility for this move as the commander.
[14.07.2018 13:58:49] Order|CV-Golanski: D: But the vessel will leave towards the independent worlds.
[14.07.2018 13:59:19] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: The vessel will move to where I order it to. You will not be boarded, if that is your concern.
[14.07.2018 13:59:40] Order|CV-Golanski: D: It would not end nicely if someone tried.
[14.07.2018 14:00:10] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Depending on the position you wish us to be at, I might consider this.
[14.07.2018 14:00:12] Megaera: You do know this is pretty amusing riht?
[14.07.2018 14:00:25] Order|CV-Golanski: D: I don't plan to risk this vessel, knowing about locals close to Manchester.
[14.07.2018 14:00:57] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: I see. How does Newcastle look for you and your own?
[14.07.2018 14:01:15] Megaera: It looks bad really
[14.07.2018 14:01:20] Megaera: Too much debris
[14.07.2018 14:01:25] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: The Ark Royal battlegroup will keep you and your own under watch while we wait for word of your Overwatch.
[14.07.2018 14:02:00] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Newcastle sounds acceptable.
[14.07.2018 14:02:21] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Good.
[14.07.2018 14:02:30] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Head to Newcastle, please.
[14.07.2018 14:02:39] Megaera: Hes asking nicely...
[14.07.2018 14:02:43] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Be aware that the crew will stay on standby and any hostiles without authorization by either the Armed Forces -
[14.07.2018 14:03:06] Megaera: So we wont blow this guy up today?
[14.07.2018 14:03:08] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: *Sighs* I have already said, you are to be remanded. Not thrown into a brig. I am being nice.
[14.07.2018 14:03:09] Order|CV-Golanski: or us, will be.. let's say.. asked nicely to go.
[14.07.2018 14:03:10] Megaera: meh
[14.07.2018 14:03:36] The.Apahanta: We pick up new EM-Signatures. The Deceres might be back, Captain.
[14.07.2018 14:03:39] Order|CV-Golanski: D: And I just don't wish to risk anything. But we got a deal here now and I accept it.
[14.07.2018 14:03:48] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Copy that.
[14.07.2018 14:03:48] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Let's get to Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 14:03:51] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Good.
[14.07.2018 14:03:55] The.Apahanta: 9K above the Golanski.
[14.07.2018 14:03:57] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Tell your friend to decloak.
[14.07.2018 14:03:57] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: well if you really want that
[14.07.2018 14:04:02] Megaera: No
[14.07.2018 14:04:10] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: should i get beer for ya?
[14.07.2018 14:04:33] Order|CV-Golanski: D: I am having no command over this, sadly.
[14.07.2018 14:05:02] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Follow me Ensign.
[14.07.2018 14:05:31] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: Aye Captain
[14.07.2018 14:05:57] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: We're remanding the ship under Ark Royal watch.
[14.07.2018 14:06:05] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Until Overwatch gets back to us.
[14.07.2018 14:06:33] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Do move, Operative.
[14.07.2018 14:06:37] The.Apahanta: The Deceres is following you through the lanes. We just saw it magically activating it.
[14.07.2018 14:06:45] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Megaera is droppedc lane
[14.07.2018 14:06:45] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: The automated turrets do not like it.
[14.07.2018 14:07:30] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: If anyone has a cloak disruptor, do so.
[14.07.2018 14:07:36] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Golanski.
[14.07.2018 14:07:47] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: All good?
[14.07.2018 14:07:49] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Coming in Newcastle
[14.07.2018 14:07:55] Order|CV-Golanski: D: It's all good.
[14.07.2018 14:08:00] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Good, carry on.
[14.07.2018 14:08:16] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Go to location E2.
[14.07.2018 14:08:26] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Uploading the coordinates.
[14.07.2018 14:08:31] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: What Order is doing here?
[14.07.2018 14:08:36] Order|CV-Golanski: D: That's rather far away. Huh.
[14.07.2018 14:08:38] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Getting arrested.
[14.07.2018 14:08:40] The.Apahanta: If you want to lure out the Deceres, tell the Golanski to move on impulse.
[14.07.2018 14:08:48] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Golanski
[14.07.2018 14:08:54] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Move on impulse please.
[14.07.2018 14:08:58] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Megaera is going for Darlington
[14.07.2018 14:09:11] Order|CV-Golanski: D: That's going to take a while then, my my.
[14.07.2018 14:09:22] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Ensign. Lt.
[14.07.2018 14:09:27] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Move to Darlington.
[14.07.2018 14:09:33] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: Aye Sir.
[14.07.2018 14:10:04] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Don't want to trigger the safety grid while I contact HC.
[14.07.2018 14:10:13] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Understandable.
[14.07.2018 14:10:26] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Greetings there! Lieutnant Newton!
[14.07.2018 14:10:33] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Check Darlington. And where Megeara is.
[14.07.2018 14:10:35] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Lt.
[14.07.2018 14:10:36] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Newton, on me
[14.07.2018 14:10:42] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Oh.. Order here....
[14.07.2018 14:10:49] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Lt. Newton.
[14.07.2018 14:10:56] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Follow Lt. Wednesday.
[14.07.2018 14:11:05] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Darlington, Newton.
[14.07.2018 14:11:08] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Received!
[14.07.2018 14:11:51] Order|CV-Golanski: D: I hope you don't mind. No need to destroy it afterall.
[14.07.2018 14:11:54] BAF|HMS-Loxley: Evyn: Report.
[14.07.2018 14:11:55] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Copy.
[14.07.2018 14:12:00] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: arriving at darlington, starting patrol
[14.07.2018 14:12:22] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Got an Order Geb under arrest, E2, Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 14:12:40] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Another one cloaked, around.
[14.07.2018 14:12:48] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: And a freelancer probably poking Darlington.
[14.07.2018 14:12:57] Order|CV-Golanski: D: I am actually amused that you didn't send the civilian off too yet.
[14.07.2018 14:13:27] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Why should I? You have anything to hide, Order Agent?
[14.07.2018 14:13:43] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: I am putting you and your vessel under remand of the Ark Royal Battlegroup.
[14.07.2018 14:13:55] BAF|HMS-Loxley: Evyn: Captain Dagon I will expect you to keep things together while you are there. You will be in charge of operations-
[14.07.2018 14:13:59] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Not really anything to hide, it's just an interesting move.
[14.07.2018 14:14:01] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Yes.
[14.07.2018 14:14:06] BAF|HMS-Loxley: -until I arrive from refit. Understood?
[14.07.2018 14:14:14] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Yes.
[14.07.2018 14:14:15] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: All clear in Darlington
[14.07.2018 14:14:20] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Copy.
[14.07.2018 14:14:36] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: Leaving Atmosphere
[14.07.2018 14:14:39] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: I want someone looking at the New London gate.
[14.07.2018 14:14:42] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: roger
[14.07.2018 14:14:45] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Roger.
[14.07.2018 14:14:46] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: i'm there
[14.07.2018 14:14:48] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: The rest on me.
[14.07.2018 14:14:55] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: E2, Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 14:15:32] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Freelancer civilian.
[14.07.2018 14:15:41] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Do you copy?
[14.07.2018 14:15:43] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Hmph.
[14.07.2018 14:15:47] Hawk: Yes I'm here.
[14.07.2018 14:15:50] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Good.
[14.07.2018 14:15:56] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: *Raises an eyebrow*
[14.07.2018 14:16:00] Order|CV-Golanski: D: My apologizes, Bretonian.
[14.07.2018 14:16:06] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: For?
[14.07.2018 14:16:24] Order|CV-Golanski: D: I've received the order to abandon politeness and head for the Taus right away.
[14.07.2018 14:16:42] The.Apahanta: At your service, if needed.
[14.07.2018 14:16:47] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Oh really?
[14.07.2018 14:17:08] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: You are ignoring direct orders.
[14.07.2018 14:17:11] Order|CV-Golanski: D: We do not plan to fire upon you.
[14.07.2018 14:17:27] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Moving to you
[14.07.2018 14:17:28] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Coming
[14.07.2018 14:17:42] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Well.
[14.07.2018 14:17:45] The.Apahanta: Additional cloaking signatures.
[14.07.2018 14:17:51] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: This promises.
[14.07.2018 14:17:53] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: moving as fast as possible
[14.07.2018 14:18:00] Order|CV-Golanski: D: It's an order from Golanski himself.
[14.07.2018 14:18:08] Order|CV-Golanski: D: He will deliver you the proper explanation himself.
[14.07.2018 14:18:19] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: He could be the queen.
[14.07.2018 14:18:24] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Maybe he is.
[14.07.2018 14:18:32] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: jumped to T31.
[14.07.2018 14:18:41] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: going
[14.07.2018 14:18:45] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: we moving
[14.07.2018 14:18:45] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: coming
[14.07.2018 14:19:01] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Well, according to the Bretonian law that you just broke...
[14.07.2018 14:19:20] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: I got clear assigment to destroy you if you do not comply.
[14.07.2018 14:19:28] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Thank you
[14.07.2018 14:19:38] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: I'll explain Golanski.
[14.07.2018 14:19:41] Order|CV-Golanski: D: I am aware.
[14.07.2018 14:19:55] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: We are jumping in.
[14.07.2018 14:19:55] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Well.
[14.07.2018 14:19:56] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: You ready?
[14.07.2018 14:20:07] BAF|HMS-Loxley: Evyn: Tread carefully in the Taus.
[14.07.2018 14:20:17] The.Apahanta: Only if you can keep the Deceres away from us. We can't manouver well in this asteroid field.
[14.07.2018 14:20:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Alright Admiral?
[14.07.2018 14:20:43] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Heading to T29 gate
[14.07.2018 14:20:54] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: All hands.
[14.07.2018 14:21:02] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Engage.
[14.07.2018 14:21:02] Order|CV-Golanski: D: Alright.
[14.07.2018 14:21:05] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: T29 gate
[14.07.2018 14:21:09] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: ugh, asteroids
[14.07.2018 14:21:25] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: Target in sigh
[14.07.2018 14:21:35] BAF|Ens.George,Hastings: Enaging at your command
[14.07.2018 14:21:41] BAF|HMS-Loxley: Evyn: Captain Dagon, I suggest against going into Tau 29.
[14.07.2018 14:21:43] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Ready to engage!
[14.07.2018 14:21:52] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Do so.
[14.07.2018 14:22:36] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Missiles ready, engaging
[14.07.2018 14:22:41] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Cloacky is here
[14.07.2018 14:22:54] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: I will secure the lanes
[14.07.2018 14:22:58] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Mr. Vertiga.
[14.07.2018 14:22:58] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: we spot the vessel. awaiting orders
[14.07.2018 14:23:00] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Engage.
[14.07.2018 14:23:05] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Roger.
[14.07.2018 14:23:12] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: wepons hot
[14.07.2018 14:23:15] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: What's the?!
[14.07.2018 14:23:18] Order|CV-Deceres: ?: I see.
[14.07.2018 14:23:24] Order|CV-Deceres: ?: Two can play that game.
[14.07.2018 14:23:29] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: We're going in.
[14.07.2018 14:23:36] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Other ship inbound!
[14.07.2018 14:23:37] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Got the cloaker.
[14.07.2018 14:23:54] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: A battleship!
[14.07.2018 14:24:14] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Run along Mr. Vertiga.
[14.07.2018 14:24:20] Nyctophilia: Well, guess those were the ships roaming in bretonia.
[14.07.2018 14:24:30] Nyctophilia: Need a hand? Got a disruptor if you need it.
[14.07.2018 14:24:37] Megaera: Hello there
[14.07.2018 14:24:51] Megaera: Need backup?
[14.07.2018 14:25:00] Megaera: nevermind
[14.07.2018 14:25:05] Megaera: Charging weapons
[14.07.2018 14:25:14] Hawk: You seem to have this well handled. Still I'm offering my services in case you need support. There might be more arriving.
[14.07.2018 14:25:23] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Done. Five millions.
[14.07.2018 14:26:13] Hawk: Copy that.
[14.07.2018 14:26:54] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: might i sugget we figh the vessel alone?
[14.07.2018 14:27:09] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: We are spread all over.
[14.07.2018 14:27:19] Megaera: You again
[14.07.2018 14:27:22] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: we can take care of deceres
[14.07.2018 14:27:22] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Just finish it.
[14.07.2018 14:27:39] Death: BAF|Ens.George,Hastings was put out of action by Order|CV-Golanski (Gun).
[14.07.2018 14:27:57] Death: Order|CV-Golanski was put out of action by BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday (Missile/Torpedo).
[14.07.2018 14:28:00] Nyctophilia: Yeah, the carrier is done.
[14.07.2018 14:28:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Need a hand lads?
[14.07.2018 14:28:28] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Keep it cd
[14.07.2018 14:28:37] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Don't let it cloak
[14.07.2018 14:28:49] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: we shall stand down for now. these asteroids are quite troublesome
[14.07.2018 14:30:06] Nyctophilia: EM emissions...
[14.07.2018 14:30:09] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Cloaker!
[14.07.2018 14:30:09] Nyctophilia: Someone is hiding.
[14.07.2018 14:30:26] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: we are ready for anything that might come
[14.07.2018 14:31:33] Nyctophilia: Huh, that crazy chick ran away.
[14.07.2018 14:31:45] Nyctophilia: Guess it was her who were hiding.
[14.07.2018 14:32:02] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Mr. Vertiga. Stand down.
[14.07.2018 14:32:08] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Roger.
[14.07.2018 14:32:08] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Let the Stillwater finish it.
[14.07.2018 14:32:17] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: aye. that we can do
[14.07.2018 14:32:48] Nyctophilia: In theory, two bombers can handle a single capital ship...
[14.07.2018 14:33:44] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Captain Dagon, I suggest a scan of the Deceres if you didn't do that already.
[14.07.2018 14:34:06] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Already done.
[14.07.2018 14:34:35] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Scans complete
[14.07.2018 14:36:25] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Vertiga.
[14.07.2018 14:36:29] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Told you to desist.
[14.07.2018 14:36:31] Nyctophilia: Nice maneuver.
[14.07.2018 14:36:46] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: that wasn't needed
[14.07.2018 14:37:08] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Target destroyed.
[14.07.2018 14:37:19] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: We will have a conversation Mr. Vertiga.
[14.07.2018 14:37:22] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: meh. asteroids
[14.07.2018 14:37:22] Death: Order|CV-Deceres was put out of action by BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon (Gun).
[14.07.2018 14:37:32] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: All hands. Newcastle. Now.
[14.07.2018 14:37:36] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: Hunt: heading back
[14.07.2018 14:37:52] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Mr. Vertiga. You are hereby summoned to the Ark Royal.
[14.07.2018 14:37:54] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Boss, i found a Nomad fuel cell
[14.07.2018 14:37:57] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: I do suggest you show up.
[14.07.2018 14:38:04] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: SIS, can you handle that?
[14.07.2018 14:38:08] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Leftenant Wednesday..
[14.07.2018 14:38:18] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Mr. Vertiga, do you copy?
[14.07.2018 14:38:25] Hawk: Well that was a success for you I guess.
[14.07.2018 14:38:32] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Understood. In the meantime a report about this will be filed. You sure want to see the full story.
[14.07.2018 14:38:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Thank you.
[14.07.2018 14:38:45] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Take it, i don't need that alien mumbo-jumbo on my bomber
[14.07.2018 14:38:46] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Thank you Mr. Vertiga.
[14.07.2018 14:39:01] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Safe winds until then.
[14.07.2018 14:39:06] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Gents and ladies.
[14.07.2018 14:39:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Captain, if I may speak with Vertiga
[14.07.2018 14:39:08] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Until then.
[14.07.2018 14:39:14] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Of course, SIS.
[14.07.2018 14:39:18] BAF|HMS-Loxley: Evyn: Captian if all major targets in Tau 31 have been dealt with, pull out from the system. I don't want attention.
[14.07.2018 14:39:21] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Lieutenant.
[14.07.2018 14:39:28] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Move out to Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 14:39:36] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: All hands. Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 14:39:44] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Already on it, boss
[14.07.2018 14:39:48] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Already ahead of you, ma'am.
[14.07.2018 14:39:53] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So..
[14.07.2018 14:39:56] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What happened?
[14.07.2018 14:40:03] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: SIS stayed behind to debrief Mr. Vertiga.
[14.07.2018 14:40:10] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Order ship on scanner!
[14.07.2018 14:40:26] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: where?
[14.07.2018 14:40:27] BAF|HMS-Loxley: Evyn: Very good. I will however request a few people in Manchester.
[14.07.2018 14:40:32] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Order, you should leave the area now.
[14.07.2018 14:40:47] Order|Phantom: I think you should leave the area now.
[14.07.2018 14:40:53] Order|Phantom: But that's just what I think.
[14.07.2018 14:41:20] Order|Phantom: I'm just a rookie, but I still have to follow orders!
[14.07.2018 14:41:27] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: All hands, to Newcastle.
[14.07.2018 14:41:37] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Roger.
[14.07.2018 14:41:38] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: This one is of no consequence.
[14.07.2018 14:41:40] Order|Phantom: Roger.
[14.07.2018 14:41:49] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Everyone, to Ark Royal.
[14.07.2018 14:41:55] BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater: worst place to have a cap fight
[14.07.2018 14:41:56] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Refit and reload.
[14.07.2018 14:41:58] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: On it
[14.07.2018 14:42:36] Order|Phantom: Fraid I can't just let you walk.
[14.07.2018 14:42:37] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Really?
[14.07.2018 14:42:42] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Mr. Newton.
[14.07.2018 14:42:49] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Proceed to the Ark Royal
[14.07.2018 14:42:54] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Yes Captain.
[14.07.2018 14:43:02] Order|Phantom: Not after what just happened.
[14.07.2018 14:43:13] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: He CD me
[14.07.2018 14:43:15] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Order, scram.
[14.07.2018 14:43:16] Order|Phantom: Sorry about this.
[14.07.2018 14:43:28] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: seems it wants to die.
[14.07.2018 14:43:31] Order|Phantom: But I must.
[14.07.2018 14:43:41] Order|Phantom: Targeting vessel.
[14.07.2018 14:43:41] BAF|HMS-Loxley: Evyn: Eliminate it then. Post haste.
[14.07.2018 14:43:42] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Turning back
[14.07.2018 14:43:43] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: full dodge until ark newton.
[14.07.2018 14:43:51] Order|Phantom: Firing!
[14.07.2018 14:43:56] Hawk: Still here if you need backup.
[14.07.2018 14:44:00] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Do so.
[14.07.2018 14:44:04] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: I tire of this.
[14.07.2018 14:44:07] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: All hands.
[14.07.2018 14:44:11] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Dispose of this one.
[14.07.2018 14:44:22] Hawk: Agreement still standing then?
[14.07.2018 14:44:25] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Aye.
[14.07.2018 14:46:29] HPSS|B.Shazzy: This is House Protection Support Services - Bomber Shazzy at your Service. Do you need help?
[14.07.2018 14:46:39] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: We are fine, thank you.
[14.07.2018 14:47:20] HPSS|B.Shazzy: Just tell if support needed.
[14.07.2018 14:48:29] Death: Order|Phantom was put out of action by BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon (Gun).
[14.07.2018 14:48:32] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: wow!
[14.07.2018 14:48:33] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Die.
[14.07.2018 14:48:36] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: nice one
[14.07.2018 14:48:39] BAF|Lt.Lizzie.Wednesday: Nice boss
[14.07.2018 14:48:42] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: All hands.
[14.07.2018 14:48:47] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Proceed to Ark Royal.
[14.07.2018 14:48:50] BAF|Lt.Ray.Newton: Great!
[14.07.2018 14:48:54] BAF|Cpt:Kaze.Dagon: Refit, reload.
Without anything else to add,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Spectre - 07-24-2018
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Indubitably
Priority: Standard
To: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
From: Commander William Reginald Sutton III
Good tidings.
Commander Brennan and I, along with Ms. Flameheart of the Merchant Navy and Admiral Briggs and pilot Williams of Crayter, moved to stop a Royalist incursion near the Dublin gate today. With a force consisting of a pair of strikecraft, a gunship and a Valor-class battleship, we were successful in removing the intruders. Gaian Guard forces in the area who were in communications with the intruders gave little outcry as to our actions, and ultimately were not of any consequence. A bloody good show from Ms. Brennan who took lead of our forces and guided us to victory once more.
These actions will hopefully spell good fortunes for us in the coming days. Until then, we will remain on watch, and my vessel will continue to keep the tea ready in the event it needs protecting.
Friendly Forces____________
- BAF|Cdr.Nicole.Brennan (Templar) - Active
- BAF|Cmdr.William,Sutton (Nyx) - Active
- BAF|MN-Eva.Flameheart (Templar) - Active
- HMS-Londrino (Invincible) - Active
- BH|CFV-Arcadian (Deimos) - Active
- CR-Elvis.Williams (Nyx) - Active
Hostile Forces____________
- MRG|TL-La.Moqueuse (Perilous) - Disabled
- MRG|Eloi.Leclerc (Lynx) - Disabled
- Mistral (Lynx) - Disabled
- GRN-Marseille (Valor) - Disabled
William Reginald Sutton III
Bretonian Armed Forces
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 07-28-2018
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Captain Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good day, DIS.
It has been quite the active couple of days. Firstly, pirates in Omega-3 near the cesspit of Freeport One. One caught, one destroyed. Secondly, two raids in Leeds. First one was flawlessly executed. Second one I was shot down, but not before I claimed another gaul soul to the void, but still we won the day even after I was shot down. Thirdly, a gaul raid into New London. Their capital assets were destroyed, their fighter wing was outplayed and outmatched, docking in the Castres.
A lot of action in very short words. Not enough yet, since they do keep on coming.
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies