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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 08-30-2018


Rank Changes:

Miss Michelle O'Brian has returned to the Bretonian Armed Forces and is henceforth reinstate to the position of Admiral. Report to HMS-Harlow for further orders.

Commodore Charlotte Brooks has been promoted to Admiral. Due to your return and ongoing service, you are reinstated to your former rank.

Lieutenant Eva Flameheart has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. You have proven yourself capable of following orders to some degree and have shown dedication expected of all pilots, congratulations.

Lieutenant Martin Beck has been promoted to Lieutenant Commander. You have proven yourself more than capable of the rank of Lieutenant, as such, you are promoted to Lieutenant Commander to see if you can strive further.

Ensign Morgan Hunter has been promoted to Lieutenant. You are a new addition, but clearly a dedicated one, please continue to strive, and you will find your rank will rise as you do.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 09-09-2018

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Gyokuro
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Commodore Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: jXFJtw6.png]

Good evening, DIS.

A couple of days ago, we had quite the visiting parties to Bretonia. First off, some freelancing mercenaries that were dispatched with extreme prejudice. Needless to say, that isn't the main point of this encounter. The main point is the Hessian war party within Cambridge, as you can see by my sensor readings and chat logs. They should not be there, even if they were supposedly escorting the IMG.

Moving on, another raid at Planet New London. Our heavy assets were no where in sight, with our defense being comprised of snubcraft only, and I was forced to eject due to a cruiser Light Mortar after destroying two of their snub support. Their forces were pushed back in the end.

On a curious sidenote, Lieutenant's Rick Holden's feelings about my person are not reciprocated.

With regards,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cashew - 09-13-2018

[Image: duOvK5f.jpg]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: High
From: Lieutenant Commander Ross MacCaig


Were aboot tae New London system an' two gallus bawheid "Cobra Squad" come at mae sayin': "There's a bounty on your head". Well ah tell yas what, was I avin' that? Do yer dinger. Frae bit'tae chat yer two laddies 'ad mae al' shoogly. Ah didnae engage 'til Graham come oot tae 'elp us. Efter a'wee time, we popped tae first. Wi' jist yin lad left, yas wud think it be easy. Nae, were gey bit'ta footer. Aye bat tae lad dinnae las' long. It's a sair fecht.

Confirmed Kills

Ross MacCaig
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 09-17-2018

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Commodore Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: yeibljt.png]

Good evening, DIS.

A single report of the sighting of a xeno signature in the Omega-3 system alerted me in the late hours. Proceeding and calling upon assistance of a secondary fleet bomber pilot, we found a nomad life-form comparable to a cruiser class vessel near the Cambridge jump-hole in Omega-3. It attempted a mental attack and with that failure, it got particularly enraged when it saw I was immune to it, and in hindsight it was a very poor choice. Gaian vessels appeared near the end of the engagement to witness our standard ROE regarding xeno signatures in Bretonia.

That is all,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 09-18-2018

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Commodore Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: wDG93KN.png]

Good evening, DIS.

An Oracle decided to visit New London. The report came in and since I know very well what they are, I decided to hunt it down. Another one, not the one that alerted me, exited the Leeds jump-hole and started to talk. Something they specialize.

He tried to weave words, finding only the energy fluctuation of my weapons as the answer.

One point in question, he mentioned an Admiral Victor Steiner, citing laws. While I am confident Lieutenant Victor Steiner has nothing to do with this debacle, an investigation is required. Also an update on the allowed organizations within Bretonia, since they are known nomad followers, much like the Commune.

I am certain the National Council of Malta can update the Bretonian Government on that regard.

Without anything to add,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 09-19-2018

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Commodore Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: yeibljt.png]

Good evening, DIS.

A massive Gaul/Infected/Commune attack occurred on the Southampton Shipyard. The early warning system worked and soon we had a mixed force to defend it, comprised of primary Fleet proper, Liberty Navy, Bounty Hunters and Gaians. On our front, we had heavy assets in the form of a Valor with two cruisers alongside several snubcraft, mainly composed of Aoi/Infected forces.

While we amassed forces, curiously, an artifact smuggler was caught and as it tried to run away, it was destroyed. The BPA will enjoy having it's signature.

For the battle, we had to use the gift of patience and whatever advantage the terrain allowed us. We were without heavy support, with our capital class vessels being a Crecy from the Merchant Navy and a Liberty Expansionary Fleet Battlecruiser. We did however had gunboats from the Death Wing Bounty Hunter Group and from the Gaians which we knew would be the prime target for the enemy snubcraft.

Time was of the essence, and as the enemy attacked, the rule of day was to delay their snubcraft attack in order for our bomber wing and our cruisers to engage and destroy their heavy assets as fast as we could. One by one, the gaul capital forces went down. However, that plan took its toll on our side with three gunboats being lost to the snub concentrated fire.

With that dealt with, our snubcraft engaged theirs and the battle split from outside the Southampton kill-zone. Unfortunately, Lieutenant Steiner and Admiral O'Brian were shot down, with the S&R teams reporting a successful retrieval operation minutes ago. Either way, their vessels were pinned, alone and were utterly destroyed.

I suggest a word to the Gaians and the Death Wing for their actions today. A word of acknowledgment.

That is all,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Reddy - 09-25-2018

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Medium
From: Lt.Cdr.Martin Beck

Good Morning DIS,

Yesterday there was a bit of commotion in front of Southampton shipyard when i undocked to find an unusual gunboat (never seen the like before), a hostile SHF and a commune fighter exiting the newcastle lane. shortly after they appeared commander Y'berg and captain Dagon existed the lane aswell, which led me to believe they had been chasing these hostiles from Newcastle.
i was fired upon by the fighter before i could collect my thoughts and asses the situation, perhaps they thought i was an easy target.
a brief skirmish took place right outside the station when a merchant navy cruiser and Lt Holden arrived to assist against the gunboat which gave us breathing room to deal with the fighter and shf. Unfortunatly captain Dagon's ship was destroyed by stray mines but the escape pod was recovered successfully.
The gunboat was shortly destroyed and the shf's own mines were the cause of its demise.

The commune fighter while being under fire from the armed forces docked on Southampton station, that is most disturbing. i hope the evidence attached is sufficient enough for appropriate action on this matter
system was patrolled thereafter to ensure no other threats were present.
that is all
Martin Beck
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Y'berg - 10-07-2018

[Image: kutm21y.png]
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Medium
From: Commander Pria Y'berg

[Image: blARGab.png]
Recon report 825.10.07/4
Patrol route: New London/Leeds/Tau-31/Tau-23/Tau-44/Tau-37/Tau-23/Tau-31/Leeds/New London

Lieutenant Commander Flameheart and myself went out for a recon patrol. We made no hostile contacts with Royal forces, however we detected some Coalition activity in Tau-23, and 44. I decided to check it out, but by the time we arrived, they already left the system, presumably via the Tottori jump hole.
From Tau-44 we went for a quick refuel at Freeport 10. At the station we encountered a group of freelancers. Two of them flew ordinary Border worlds snubcraft, the third however operated a Defiant Class Gunboat, presumably decommisioned or stolen. After a quick conversation, the idea of raiding some gaul installations or convoys in the area, but due to the lack of the surprisingly low activity in the area, we ditched the idea. Nothing significat happened on the route home.
Pria Y'berg
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 10-30-2018


Rank Changes:

Commodore Paul McKinley is now the commanding officer of the Grimsby Research Fleet. With the rise in hostile activity around the nomad city remains the board deemed a man with battle experience more suited for holding up security.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 11-17-2018

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
From: Commander Seeley French

This report is about the failed Gaian Guard siege of Faroe Shipping Platform.

I took the HMS Isaac Brock on a patrol to Omega-3, from Planet New London via Cambridge. Freeport 1 was surprisingly clear, but when I checked Sprague, I found two Gaian Guard Corvos firing at Faroe Shipping Platform. One was called the Sphyraena, and the other the Vulpes. I asked them to stop, and the Vulpes complied, but the Sphyraena did not seem to heed, nor answered to the Vulpes' hails. I attempted to push the Sphyraena by ramming it, but that brought the ship in sight of Faroe's platforms, and it was destroyed. After a long argument, though mostly polite even by our standards, I managed to persuade the Vulpes to leave.

There were two reasons whoever was on the comms of the Vulpes said why the Gaians besieged it. One was that they desperately needed supplies to fight the Gallic war, and intended to steal them by boarding the station, and the other was Faroe's name, having their rumoured about and presumably lost system in mind.

As of other incidents, I also saw a Zoner Aquilon near Sprague, but I was too busy to deal with them or remember the name of the ship at the time. I will be sure to properly handle them if I meet them next time, should something else more important not occupy me.

Camera Shots:

Seeley French
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies