Epic tunes? - Blighter - 12-06-2010
Epic tunes? - Sturmwind - 12-06-2010
Kárpátia - Ugye gondolsz néha rám? (Do you think of me sometimes?)
Epic tunes? - schlurbi - 12-06-2010
Teddybears - Blue Scientist
Epic tunes? - NOVA-5 - 12-06-2010
UB40 - The Earth Dies Screaming
Epic tunes? - Sturmwind - 12-07-2010
Irigy Hónaljmirigy - Nyuszi hopp (Rammstein - Asche zu Asche spoof).
Epic tunes? - Golru - 12-07-2010
Marianne Faithfull - Broken English
Epic tunes? - Luis - 12-07-2010
Spanish Tunes:P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmPHCxT-jQ4 - Corazon Sin Cara (Eniglish: Heart without a Face)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fww2gNvmTs4 - Te Amo Tanto (English: Love you so much)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18d78kRfCoY Te amo (English: I love you)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxtKAFVtKPA Te quiero Woh-Woh (I love you Woh-Woh)
Epic tunes? - Sturmwind - 12-07-2010
Laibach - Rossiya
Epic tunes? - Total.Absolution - 12-08-2010
Do you like waffles?
Epic tunes? - Blighter - 12-08-2010