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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Geoffacake - 01-18-2014

Incoming Transmission

Origin: Stuttgart **[REDACTED]** Safe house

***Decryption....... Complete***

---|| A video file play's||---


Enfield, although in slight agony, is seen tweaking a biological-augmentation.

Listen, this won't be longs, and my... 'arm'... as you could put it, is out of action, so this will have to be a video report...

Right, although the interstellar comm's we're quiet about traffic coming in and out of Rheinland, the hostile alert system was bristling... Hessians here, Hessians there... But I must seriously admit, the response times we're getting just utter most pile of ***[REDACTED]***.... But yes, we found that 3 Hessian capital ships we're in the Bonn → Brandenburg area, Causing quite havoc really.

Anyway, I met with Gefreiter Albrecht, We we're a lone 2 bomber squad, and I felt that we needed a much larger squadron of bombers, oh, what I would dream to see a specified Bomber squadron. So we found the 3 Loose lunatics around the trade lane route, their blood thirsty ((PvP whore, but kudos to them for getting straight to the point)) Instincts were driving them nuts. Anyway, I managed to get a guncam kill of their ships equipment, and it seemed our biggest threat was the Rouge gunboat, named 'Type'. It was a bit of a pain really, those solaris turrets we're causing me and Albrecht to pull back every know and then from our 'dive-bombing' runs.

This was a first engagement, the Hessian battleship, cruiser and gunboat fled away alive, but the Gunboat took heavy damage before leaving.

*a small spark flies from his arm, before the exposed gyro inside of his skin starts moving into place*

'Jolly good, Thats bloody better'

'In my opinion, they called us cowards, Jesus Christ, we're getting ganked left and right from those darn capital ships and the Military never responded to our distress signal!'

Anyway on before a second engagement, an ALG security bomber had appeared to our distress call, and was ready to attack those Hessian savages. Her name was.... Was.... I don't know....
She seemed quite nice. But her ships IFF was '[ALG]-Beschuetzer'.

*He seemed to have blushed a bit*

Anyway, she assisted us in the second contact with those hessians, but before we could even land a SNAC on them, the cruiser fled to Hamburg, 'Bismark' Docked, and so did 'type' at the Pirate Depot.

Anyway, me and Beschuetzer had a nice chat, talked over the formalities at planet new Berlin, mostly about my 'arm' and well, its just something I would prefer talking to my old colleges back at ***[REDACTED]*** research and development facility... its a prototype, but nothing to be of concern.

*he stabs a syringe filled with green liquid into his arm while looking away*

Ack, bloody needles, hate 'em. Ahh... its started.

*His skin starts to re-construct over the gyros and robotics*

Right, sorry, but that was standard medical attention back at ***[REDACTED]*** that I'm required to do, even if I don't work there.

Right, this is a long one.... Those hessian cruiser challenged us to a fight back at Hamburg, me and Beschuetzer we're quite surprised, although she insisted that me and her left new berlin and attack them.

This was after my shift ((It was 4am GMT/SMT, I was bloody tired)) But I soon agreed to attacking them. As we arrived in Hamburg we noticed the abundance of anti-fighter ships. And called out our targets, both me and Beschuetzer attacked the [HW]-Bismark, Around 10 minuets in, it took a finishing blow from my SNAC which hit the reactor and soon imploded on itself.

*He applies his military clothing, and bandages*

Anyway, we finished off the cruiser not too soon, and started to leave the system... until...
A nomad entered the area, Beschuetzer couldn't take it and soon said “I'm never leaving Dortmund bar again!”

anyway I met up with the nomad and-- {[WARNING CONNECTION INTERFERENCE]}

----|||Solar flare interference|||----

----|||Re-establishing connection on a different frequency|||----

----|||Connection established|||----

And it left without a single shot, quite strange, but you could say normal. Seemes like it was seeking the so called 'Light seekers'... nothing personal, but I still wonder why they try to kill us... but orders from higher up is to preserve any nomad we get our hands on...
Anyway... I think that about covers those events.

Enfield out!


Incoming Image documents, Downloading -{[|||||||||||||||||}]- ...

Open Files?:
Liberty Rouge gunboat, Equipment
Hessian Cruiser, Equipment
Hessian Battleship, Equipment

3rd engagement firefight image #1
3rd engagement firefight image #2
3rd engagement firefight image #3

Hessian Battleship Killcam
Hessian Cruiser Killcam

---|| End of stream||---
---|| Video streamed Document saved to archives||---

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Shokanshi - 01-18-2014

Sender: Flieger Julia Maur
Location: Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart
Subject: Stanfort Station, Omega 7 Siege Report

I got called to the Stanfort Station Siege due to bombers attacking the battleships. When I entered scanner range I noticed there were also Wildes, Hessians, Corsairs, and Order. I joined the battle and kept the fighters and bombers at bay, however this didn't stop all of them as they got enough quick shots at the battleships to cause them to leave Omega 7. While helping a battleship try to flee, my ship got hit by a torpedo causing me to retreat with the battleships back to Stuttgart.

We got reported later on that the station was destroyed and the siege was a success.

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Shokanshi - 01-21-2014

Sender: Flieger Julia Maur
Location: Battleship Westfalen, Hamburg
Subject: New Berlin-Hamburg Patrol Report / Arrest Warrant

I met up with Gefreiter Enfield for a patrol in New Berlin and Hamburg, we quickly spotted a vessel with 'Liberty Police' labeled on the side of their vessel [1]. We stopped him near the old Bering Tradelane and requested his destination and what he was planning on doing, he stated he's a trader who is trading Rheinbier from New Berlin to Battlefield Westfalen [2]. Gefreiter Enfield tells the trader to continue the trade and then to leave Rheinland till he gets his ship changed. Enfield then suggests to get to Westfalen to see if he actually arrives to sell his cargo, and if he doesn't then his docking permits in Rheinland would be revoked.

The vessel arrives and quickly runs into the Hudson Trade Lane and speeds off, I quickly get word to chase him down. I chased him to the edge of the asteroid field and we made him go back to Westfalen. He undocks with his cargo still in his hold and cruises to the Planet Hamburg Tradelane as fast as he can. He gets stopped by us again and docks on Westfalen to 'contact his superiors', somehow he escapes after that into Rheinland.

If anyone who reads this report and finds Erwin Schultz then quickly stop them and try to arrest them for attempted smuggling and escaping custody.

[1] = Vessel Profile.
[2] = Cargo Scan.

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Shokanshi - 01-22-2014

Sender: Flieger Julia Maur
Location: Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart
Subject: Suttgart-Omega 7 Border Checkpoint

While watching the border to Omega 7 two vessels exited the gate, one under the name 'Achtung'. It was a transport and a gunboat escort with the transport, 'Achtung', in a Liberty Mammoth transport and the other vessel in a Civilian Gunboat with their ship designated as a 'Republic of Liberty Police' ship. I attempted to stop both but focused more on the gunboat. I told him to leave Rheinland by going into Omega-7 and then into Omega-3. I followed him into Omega-7 but before I could get my ship's systems activated he cruised off into the field directly to the Stuttgart Jumphole. Luckily there was a Rheinland Gunboat nearby and he helped chase the ship. While screaming for him to halt he did not stop till he smacked into some asteroids causing his ship to stop and us to catch up to him. We then transported him to the Omega-3 Jumpgate and kicked him out of Rheinland.

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Lowis - 01-25-2014

==Incoming Transmission==



Opening Message...

Sender: Gefreiter Dominik Albrecht.
Location: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System.
Subject: Patrol/combat report.

To whom it may concern.

First of all... I wish to apology the Rheinland Military High Command, for dissobeying the rank code. I steped farther than Omega-7 without any permission, but the matters at hand was something worrying...

First up in tonights patrol there were these Bretronian police officers saying something about a Rheinland battleship going to New London to meet a "Gallic" captain, they managed to deal with him, I informed this to the communications channel but there was no response... Hessitant of the situation I went without any orders to Freeport-1 in Omega-3... like I said, he was dealt with and I arrived late... I had a conversation with the officers and apologized for zhe incident. The Battleship captain went by the name of "The_Impaler" I suggest we watch him closely...

soon after a Hessian with Liberty Rogue Gunboat... appeared in action and started attacking me first than anyone. the Bretronians assisted me and I managed to get rid of this Pest... Credits to Warldorf.Salad and Tator.Salad for zhe help near freeport. Too bad they had to retreat by a Corsair Light fighter, and I did the same If I wanted to live another day.

again... mein apologizes, I believe I deserve punishment from the High Command.

Thats all.

Received comm of the Rheinland Battleship.
The encounter with the Hessian.
Hessian dealt with.

Dominik Albrecht,
Gefreiter of the Hauptflotte.

==Trasmission Terminated==

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sheaim - 02-06-2014

---Incomming Transmission---
Sender ID: Flieger Lukas Tchaikovsky
Location: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin
Subject: Patrol report


Having finished my first appointed patrol as a registered pilot of the Rheinland Military I am submitting this report.

My patrol began at planet New Berlin. I traveled then towards Frankfurt Jump Gate, having only encountered several police patrols. At the Jumpgate a skirmish between Hessians and the police just came to an end with the pirates being decimated. I proceeded towards Frankfurt.

First thing I encountered there was a miner with a busted comm, who did not respond to my hails. His cargo was full of Niobium Ore, and he was registered as a Kruger miner, so I let him go. Between Frankfur and Munich nothing more happened.

In Munich I encountered a Borderwolds Exports transport along with a DHC envoy. They were hauling Aluminium Ore from a base set up in Alps Cloud. Their IDs and personal information were fine, and I detected no contraband in their holds.

After that I proceeded back to Frankfurt and New Berlin, where I encountered several wings of Unioner fighters fighting a battle against a Rheinland cruiser. With the assistance of Federal Police we commenced to destroy enemy craft. After that I landed back on New Berlin to repair damage my vessel has taken in the encounter.

This concludes my report.
Fl. Lukas Tchaykovsky


RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sheaim - 02-10-2014

---Incomming Transmission---
Sender ID: Flieger Lukas Tchaikovsky
Location: Mannheim Station, Frankfurt
Subject: Patrol report


During my last patrol (Munich - Frankfurt - New Berlin) I have recieved orders from Feldwebel Albrecht to attend for a regroup in Frankfurt due to unusual Hessian activity in the system. Having scouted their positions near planet Holstein I immedietely reported their location to Fw. I was then ordered to withdraw to Mannheim Station. Among Hessian ships I have identified one Hessian Battleship, two cruisers and two Libety Rogue gunboats.

We have constructed a group consisting of two cruisers and several bombers. I was part of a fighter/bomber wing commanded by Feldwebel Enfield.

During the skirmish my craft was severly damaged. Unable to continue the fight I commenced tactical withdrawal and docked on Mannheim.

This concludes my report.
Fl. Lukas Tchaykovsky


RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sheaim - 02-10-2014

---Incomming Transmission---
Sender ID: Flieger Lukas Tchaikovsky
Location: Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart
Subject: Patrol report


I was commanded to join Gefreiter Julia Maur on her patrol. Gefreiter ordered me to rendezvous with her at Bonn Station in New Berlin. On the way there I spotted a Corsair Freighter with Freelancer ID and IFF. Gefreiter ordered me to ignore that ship, since their cargo hold was empty. It's name was Col.Death.

After meeting up with Gefreiter Maur we commenced with our patrol towards Stuttgart. We entered the system without problems and commenced towards Omega 7 Jumpgate. There we encountered a trader running a freighter. He complied to Gefreiter's orders and was cleared to go his way.

It was then when we spotted a group of ships going by the ODF tag going back and forth from Stuttgart to Omega 7. We stopped by the jumpgate, intent on setting up a checkpoint for all incoming ships, since we didn't have clearance to enter Omega 7.

After a few minutes a fighter wing ID'd as Military entered Stuttgart. They were led by a person who identified himself as a "Captain of the Omegas Defence Patrol". One of their wingmen was using a Raven's Talon, rest of them were on Wraiths. Gefreiter proceeded to ask them about their origin, destination and orders, but the Captain refused to answer those question and instead attempted to flee. His wingmen succeeded to outrun us, but the Captain was being disrupted. He proceeded to threaten us with sanctions as a commanding officer and refused to stop.

Gefreiter and I took down his shields and ordered him to surrender, but he refused. Warning shot using a Firestalker Missle ended in a catastrophic core meltdown and explosion of the Captain's craft, who himself managed to catapult. I picked up his pod and transferred it to Battleship Karlsruhe for questioning. My ship was damaged by the blast and is therefore being repaired there.

This concludes my report.
Fl. Lukas Tchaykovsky


RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Lutz.Torwald - 02-19-2014

*** opening channel ***
*** access to Rheinland Military Network granted ***
*** uploading file ***

After Action Report #3

From: Flieger Lutz Torwald
To: Rheinland Military Command
Subject: Patrol Report #3, New Berlin and Stuttgart system, 18 . 2. 821 A.S.

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,
I was on patrol in the New Berlin system, having setup a checkpoint in orbit of Berlin I was doing the usual traffic controls. Though the only non Rheinland ship that I came across was a samura transport, hauling ore to Kusari. About 20 minutes after my patrol started, I was called by Feldwebel Enfield. We prepared to patrol the Stuttgart system, where we catched a Universal IDed ship with a full load of Silver ore. We also catched a Freelacing miner, who comitted that he had mined the ore from the Kruger field for both of them. Both ships were then ordered to leave and after some time complied to the request.
On our way back to Berlin we came across a lone corsair gunboat. As the corsairs were causing no trouble, Feldwebel enfield decided to allow them to leave without a fight. THe corsair captain, named Pedro, immedeatly charged his cruise engines and left for the omega 11 system.
All further details of the evening will be submitted in Feldwebel Enfield's report.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Flieger Lutz Torwald

*** channel closed ***

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Geoffacake - 02-20-2014

Incoming Transmission

Origin: Stuttgart **[REDACTED]** Safe house

***Decryption....... Complete***

---|| A video file play's||---


*Enfield holding a glowing purple ball, seems quite relaxed and engaged*
“Such a pretty little thing... Good thing we have you now... Stupid 'Mindshare' can handle their own--- Oh! Enfield here, just making a report over what happened a few days ago... Right... “
*Enfield packs away the Glowing purple ball in an ALG Haz-Mat case.*

“Ehem, Well, what happened on patrol with Lutz is quite interesting... Seems I’m a magnet for this stuff... Right, after that somewhat, peaceful resolution from the corsair, I was... We were contacted by a Non-Humanoid... I had my suspicions from the start, but it represented its self as a MND agent, but, concerning my soldiers, I suggested that he stayed behind for his safety... I was 'Told' to enter the Ostnebel, so I followed... and My suspicions were correct, it was a nomad Void runner type body. Quite nerving but I dare not engage such a thing, it could promote consequences on my life, I was about to crack it for some information through 'talk', then some arse from the MND flew by and spooked it back to where ever the hell it came from."

Me and Flieger Lutz decided to get some rest where we were encountered by a Military ship... Not of what I would suspect... It De-cloaked and shot out the trade lane... a Prank...? No, it was Wilde, something we have increased problems of. But I kept it quiet for what I knew, I knew it was one, I could feel every inch of that body snatcher inside that ship. 'It' Referred itself as 'Natalie', but Feldwebel Helena started picking up “energy signatures” from that ship. I was hoping to deliver it Quietly to the BDM base at ***[REDACTED]*** . Then this MND arse under the name of ' Valkyrie-1' came back again and decided... 'HO HO HO, NOMAD I SEE YOU TALKING TO ONE!'... What a load of boll--- Ehem.
I have the Logs from our chat, if the BDM would like to take me into custody, or interrogate me, I will show no resistance at all."

[18.02.2014 20:15:38] Natalie.Claesen: "Say, have you seen a military vessel by the name of Valkyrie?"
[18.02.2014 20:15:38] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Holy cow i was about to shoot you...
[18.02.2014 20:15:51] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Not a military.... a MND but yes.
[18.02.2014 20:15:59] Natalie.Claesen: "Verdammt. I see."
[18.02.2014 20:16:00] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Who are you even and how do you know?
[18.02.2014 20:16:07] Natalie.Claesen: "Where you in contact with him?"
[18.02.2014 20:16:18] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Well yes I was.
[18.02.2014 20:16:21] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Sort of he was being an Arse... What does that matter to yo---
[18.02.2014 20:16:28] Valkyrie-1: That Feldwebel is infected.
[18.02.2014 20:16:29] Natalie.Claesen: "Oh, that's bad."
[18.02.2014 20:16:36] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: What?!
[18.02.2014 20:16:37] Valkyrie-1: I saw him dealing with nomads.
[18.02.2014 20:16:44] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Wait up.
[18.02.2014 20:16:49] Natalie.Claesen: "Is that true?"
[18.02.2014 20:16:51] Valkyrie-1: He was in direct contact with one of them without any shoots fired
[18.02.2014 20:16:59] Valkyrie-1: the mute communication between them was visible
[18.02.2014 20:17:02] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: You tell us he is infected? But yet you are the one refusing to comply with us.
[18.02.2014 20:17:05] Valkyrie-1: Feldwebel Von Gross
[18.02.2014 20:17:10] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: *yawns*
[18.02.2014 20:17:12] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Mute...? Bloody mute!
[18.02.2014 20:17:13] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: I highly doubt you at this moment.
[18.02.2014 20:17:16] Valkyrie-1: I demand immediate neutralisation of feldwebel Enfield
[18.02.2014 20:17:28] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: You bloody dare!
[18.02.2014 20:17:35] Natalie.Claesen: "Fine. It has to be done."
[18.02.2014 20:17:37] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: How in bloody dare you...
[18.02.2014 20:17:40] Valkyrie-1: Even the flieger over here was ordered to keep me out of the place where he was meeting the nomad
[18.02.2014 20:17:42] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: You should rethink your word MND guy.
[18.02.2014 20:17:46] Valkyrie-1: it is unacceptable
[18.02.2014 20:18:01] Valkyrie-1: The flieger was even ordered directly by feldwebel Enfield
[18.02.2014 20:18:10] Valkyrie-1: by even usage of lethal force
[18.02.2014 20:18:10] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Iam not a nomad lover, neither infected, but you. YOu seem more than supicsios.
[18.02.2014 20:18:15] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Yeah... more or less you absolute Tw---
[18.02.2014 20:18:25] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: How would you know there was a nomad there...
[18.02.2014 20:18:26] Valkyrie-1: Feldwebel Enfield, surrender at once
[18.02.2014 20:18:26] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Hey Valkyrie. My friend...
[18.02.2014 20:18:32] Valkyrie-1: You shall be escorted to Shatten
[18.02.2014 20:18:37] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: All I can do right now is give him a nice slap in the face.
[18.02.2014 20:18:45] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Ohh... wow... My ex-work place... so scary.
[18.02.2014 20:18:47] Valkyrie-1: Nein, this is not the military business anymore
[18.02.2014 20:18:52] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Terminating him is not within interests of Reinwehr
[18.02.2014 20:18:55] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Maybe i should arrest you for mentioning that name.
[18.02.2014 20:19:05] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: And besides...
[18.02.2014 20:19:10] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *points at bionic arm*
[18.02.2014 20:19:12] Valkyrie-1: The MND takes over in cases of suspicious infections.
[18.02.2014 20:19:17] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Negative.
[18.02.2014 20:19:27] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: The BDM knows everything that happens... every second.
[18.02.2014 20:19:28] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: This IS RM buisiness and your role here is questionable
[18.02.2014 20:19:30] Valkyrie-1: Feldwebel Enfield, surrender at once!
[18.02.2014 20:19:39] Valkyrie-1: The BDM is a joke
[18.02.2014 20:19:52] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: The BD--- How in bloody dare you say that!
[18.02.2014 20:19:59] Valkyrie-1: The BDM isnt in charge of infections.
[18.02.2014 20:20:03] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: My friends there are serious workers.
[18.02.2014 20:20:11] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: I suggest we take this "MND" vessel to the HQ.
[18.02.2014 20:20:19] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Yes...
[18.02.2014 20:20:25] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: For questioning.
[18.02.2014 20:20:25] Valkyrie-1: Feldwebel Enflied I am repeating myself the last time, surrender and you shall be taken in chains
[18.02.2014 20:20:30] Natalie.Claesen: "You're doing a mistake there."
[18.02.2014 20:20:40] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: This will stay Military business until Enfield is Feldwebel in Military. Not MND or anything else.
[18.02.2014 20:20:41] Natalie.Claesen: "Don't make the MND take you by force."
[18.02.2014 20:21:17] Natalie.Claesen: "We've dealt with more difficult situations like that."
[18.02.2014 20:21:18] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: You should watch your next step MND guy. This is not what you want to do.
[18.02.2014 20:21:26] Natalie.Claesen: "Don't dare to underestimate the Nachrichtendienst."
[18.02.2014 20:21:36] Valkyrie-1: keep your mouth shut flieger, its not your business here.
[18.02.2014 20:21:50] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: You aint telling me anything.
[18.02.2014 20:22:02] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: I care, so much about my Friends in the Military, why would i want to join those... Monsters!
[18.02.2014 20:22:06] Natalie.Claesen: "Remember your training, Feldwebels."
[18.02.2014 20:22:09] Valkyrie-1: Feldwebel enfield i highly advise you to cooperate
[18.02.2014 20:22:24] Natalie.Claesen: "Anything related with Nomad activity is the BDM's business."
[18.02.2014 20:22:24] Valkyrie-1: you know what will happen if you do not.
[18.02.2014 20:22:30] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: //MND and WIld working together now meeeehhhh+
[18.02.2014 20:22:38] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Co-operate my bloomin' arse! I've met Mollies and Gaians more observant than you!
[18.02.2014 20:22:53] Natalie.Claesen: "Watch your tone."
[18.02.2014 20:22:57] Valkyrie-1: the guncam photage shall be directly sent to the RMHC to avoid any complications
[18.02.2014 20:23:01] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Valkyrie. Save your sound, you'll need it later.
[18.02.2014 20:23:05] Natalie.Claesen: "Don't drag the Military into the dirt."
[18.02.2014 20:23:13] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Oh really---
[18.02.2014 20:23:18] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: I'll tell you this!
[18.02.2014 20:23:20] Valkyrie-1: But for the other two soldiers i would advise you to put the chain on herr enfield
[18.02.2014 20:23:36] Valkyrie-1: We knew there was an undercover nomad agents within your ranks
[18.02.2014 20:23:37] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: And I advise you to go and hunt some ghosts elsewhere.
[18.02.2014 20:23:39] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: I've been IV'ed, observed, watched exessivly by the BDM...
[18.02.2014 20:23:41] Valkyrie-1: now we finally know who.
[18.02.2014 20:23:46] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Feldwebel Enfield is subject to a common decontamination procedure which will be conducted at New Berlin
[18.02.2014 20:23:53] Valkyrie-1: Negative
[18.02.2014 20:24:09] Natalie.Claesen: "You can't bring such threat on Planet New Berlin."
[18.02.2014 20:24:14] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: am I the only one getting redlags?
[18.02.2014 20:24:14] Natalie.Claesen: "That's be a disaster."
[18.02.2014 20:24:18] Valkyrie-1: He shall be observed by the Rheinland Marinenachrichtendienst
[18.02.2014 20:24:18] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: nope
[18.02.2014 20:24:41] Valkyrie-1: Only we have methods suitable for such cases
[18.02.2014 20:24:43] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *stares at his arm* I know... 'Zeal' this is getting a tad complicated.
[18.02.2014 20:25:15] Valkyrie-1: cooperate
[18.02.2014 20:25:20] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Hold on...
[18.02.2014 20:25:31] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *opens Neural net system*
[18.02.2014 20:25:44] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Hello... Admiral...
[18.02.2014 20:25:58] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Well your screwed now
[18.02.2014 20:26:00] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Yeah... Its Geoff... Listen Hon, we got a slight problem.
[18.02.2014 20:26:33] Nurburg: need a hand ?
[18.02.2014 20:26:33] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Better say bye bye to whatever rank you "had" in the MND and get back to open postcards and letters.
[18.02.2014 20:26:38] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Yeah... could you get the Internal realtions officer from the BDM in...?
[18.02.2014 20:26:40] Valkyrie-1: You do not even know to behave like a soldier.
[18.02.2014 20:26:48] Natalie.Claesen: "Did you just..."
[18.02.2014 20:26:48] Valkyrie-1: Stupidity of the highest
[18.02.2014 20:27:02] Valkyrie-1: Tell me
[18.02.2014 20:27:05] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Yeah the... Fil--Fulll... something in old german tounge.
[18.02.2014 20:27:06] Natalie.Claesen: "Insult the Admiral by the most heavy of heaviest female insults?"
[18.02.2014 20:27:07] Valkyrie-1: Who is your admiral?
[18.02.2014 20:27:18] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Admiral winter.
[18.02.2014 20:27:53] Valkyrie-1: Hauptmann Winter is not considered as Admiral by the MND
[18.02.2014 20:28:07] Valkyrie-1: So your information is incorrect
[18.02.2014 20:28:26] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Urrr....
[18.02.2014 20:28:32] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Or yours is. YOu better check the fleet roster again.
[18.02.2014 20:28:44] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Winter was given head of the Military commands... those rosters were old...
[18.02.2014 20:28:46] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Old---
[18.02.2014 20:28:48] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: And now get lost. Iam laosing my patients here.
[18.02.2014 20:28:50] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Old...
[18.02.2014 20:28:51] Valkyrie-1: Hauptman Winter is the most incompetent soldier Rheinland ever had
[18.02.2014 20:29:02] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Check his Wraith model number...
[18.02.2014 20:29:04] Death: Fala was killed by an NPC
[18.02.2014 20:29:10] Valkyrie-1: Her Admirality is not even considered by the kanzler either
[18.02.2014 20:29:58] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Admiral...
[18.02.2014 20:29:58] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Still not settled?
[18.02.2014 20:30:08] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: negative
[18.02.2014 20:30:08] Valkyrie-1: Hauptman
[18.02.2014 20:30:27] Valkyrie-1: Even though many of us wonder how she gottan that rank in the first place
[18.02.2014 20:30:41] Valkyrie-1: An unknown soldier becomes a hauptmann...
[18.02.2014 20:30:43] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: I wonder how you got a MND agent.
[18.02.2014 20:30:49] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Hmm.
[18.02.2014 20:30:51] Valkyrie-1: That is very interesting isnt it?
[18.02.2014 20:30:56] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Guys...
[18.02.2014 20:31:03] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: If he attacks he's breaking the rules.
[18.02.2014 20:31:11] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: // rmember that
[18.02.2014 20:31:20] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: he is roleplaying shit anyway.
[18.02.2014 20:31:25] Valkyrie-1: Unlike you we are suspicious towards everything
[18.02.2014 20:31:28] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: ally with a wild? yeah sure
[18.02.2014 20:31:33] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Then...
[18.02.2014 20:31:35] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: I will...
[18.02.2014 20:31:37] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: I detect energy fluct around your ship, pilot. Where's that from?
[18.02.2014 20:31:44] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *Stands up from his cockpit chair*
[18.02.2014 20:31:54] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Oh Geoff....
[18.02.2014 20:31:55] Valkyrie-1: Ja?
[18.02.2014 20:32:00] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Feldwebel... i will deal with it later.
[18.02.2014 20:32:03] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: I've rarely seen such readings.
[18.02.2014 20:32:17] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Resist... peacefully.
[18.02.2014 20:32:22] Valkyrie-1: I wouldnt mind if you attack me, it woudl easier my arrestement
[18.02.2014 20:32:24] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *sits on the floor crossing his legs*
[18.02.2014 20:32:38] Valkyrie-1: As we all know that nomads do not get to known to our technology
[18.02.2014 20:32:41] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: *laughs*
[18.02.2014 20:32:42] Valkyrie-1: They do not know to handle it
[18.02.2014 20:32:58] Valkyrie-1: So you would be very easy to handle.
[18.02.2014 20:33:07] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Feldwebel... i will deal with It--- Natalie later...
[18.02.2014 20:33:13] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: This is odd.
[18.02.2014 20:33:18] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Yes it is
[18.02.2014 20:33:19] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Feldwebel!
[18.02.2014 20:33:21] Valkyrie-1: of course you will deal with other people...
[18.02.2014 20:33:26] Valkyrie-1: Thats why I am here to prevent that.
[18.02.2014 20:34:49] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: I've seen something like that a few years ago when I fought a wing of extremely aggressive Liberty Navy pilots
[18.02.2014 20:34:53] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Iam sure you are here to prevent loyal soldir's to do their duty.
[18.02.2014 20:34:56] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *Crosses his arms* Listen... i ain't going.
[18.02.2014 20:35:05] Valkyrie-1: you should...
[18.02.2014 20:35:09] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Never.
[18.02.2014 20:35:12] Valkyrie-1: and thats with me
[18.02.2014 20:35:27] Valkyrie-1: there is no other option here, Herr Enfield
[18.02.2014 20:35:38] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Valkyrie. Look. Whatever your plans are, he cannot go with you until he concludes a routine decontamination check-up
[18.02.2014 20:35:38] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: the Feldwebel will come with me and Feldwebel von Gross back to the HQ and nowhere else.
[18.02.2014 20:35:43] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: ~at planet New Berlin
[18.02.2014 20:36:50] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: The closest center we have is there. It's efficient, and there will be less fuss over it.
[18.02.2014 20:37:00] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Heeeyyy.....
[18.02.2014 20:37:21] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: No worries Enfield, they won't stick big things up your ass
[18.02.2014 20:37:34] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: That probe... not worried about that...
[18.02.2014 20:37:35] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: You again *rolls eyes*
[18.02.2014 20:37:36] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Its the food.
[18.02.2014 20:37:57] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: I've seen them serve it to the other 'prisoners'.
[18.02.2014 20:38:29] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: I still receive that huge energy well deformation around Natalie Claesen's fighter.
[18.02.2014 20:38:40] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: There's something not right about it... Natalie?
[18.02.2014 20:38:43] Natalie.Claesen: "Confiscated nomad material, ja."
[18.02.2014 20:39:06] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Ohh... "Confiscated" ... *Not so sly wink at natalie*
[18.02.2014 20:39:13] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: If you ask me, one doesn't simply confiscate nomad materials. Especially of such properties.
[18.02.2014 20:39:28] Natalie.Claesen: "Nun, can't deny that we try to use it ourselves. But you know that."
[18.02.2014 20:39:44] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Makes you two even more suspicious.
[18.02.2014 20:40:02] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Makes me even less willing to submit Geoff anywhere.
[18.02.2014 20:40:23] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: See you later.... K'hara.
[18.02.2014 20:40:32] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: Hm?
[18.02.2014 20:40:37] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Wish i could get some answers from it.
[18.02.2014 20:40:44] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Damn shame really.
[18.02.2014 20:41:06] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Gone...
[18.02.2014 20:41:14] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Poosh--- nun-pwah!
[18.02.2014 20:41:24] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Leaves us with only 1 infected now.
[18.02.2014 20:41:32] Valkyrie-1: exactly.
[18.02.2014 20:41:33] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Mhmm...
[18.02.2014 20:42:03] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: So you agree that Natalias fighter had been compromised? And you knew that of course.
[18.02.2014 20:42:16] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: What, are you feeling dizzy Geoff?
[18.02.2014 20:42:25] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Dizzy from the very start.
[18.02.2014 20:42:31] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Just urr...
[18.02.2014 20:42:36] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Didn't need to show it.
[18.02.2014 20:42:52] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Hard to do that really.
[18.02.2014 20:42:59] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Thanks for having my back there Helena.
[18.02.2014 20:43:04] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *winks*
[18.02.2014 20:43:12] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: *blinks*
[18.02.2014 20:43:20] [RM]Fw.Helena.von.Gross: No.
[18.02.2014 20:43:20] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Oh my...
[18.02.2014 20:43:25] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *laughs*... Oh you're no fun.
[18.02.2014 20:44:04] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *Raises hand* People...
[18.02.2014 20:44:15] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *Breaths deep*
[18.02.2014 20:44:29] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Woooooosh. *spins around*
[18.02.2014 20:44:47] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: *points at Battleship strausberg.*
[18.02.2014 20:44:59] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Tea time!
[18.02.2014 20:45:04] [RM]Fl.Lutz.Torwald: Jawohl!
[18.02.2014 20:45:25] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Come on Feldwebel, want some earl grey hot?

Anyway after this little confrontation, an order vessel arrived, apparently he was passing though the Rheinland capital and was heading for hamburg, possibly on his way to liberty to... "Mess things up." Anyway, this time the confrontation was a little less fierce but, that damn MND agent would not back down. Anyway, i ordered Lutz to excort him through hamburg, while i talk to this... Valkryie-1 Fello' and see what he wanted, But he was soon called back to his HQ for disordly conduct ((Swearing too much)).

This is where this beautiful thing came in my hands.
*points to the Haz-Mat case containing the Nomad power cell*
I finnaly got another one, and awaiting the [RM] Armoury to open up so i can deposit it in there.

What happened was, when Lutz and that Order fella' hit Hamburg, apparently that damn K'hara and Wilde had engaged them, hoping to get them in an ambush. Fortunately both of them we're fantastic dogfighters, and managed to take out the Wilde Vessel before any more harm was done, i Quickly tractored in a Powercell that it was carrying and told Lutz to fall abck to ***[REDACTED]***, But most of the BDM were away on assignment apparently, so i contacted "Admiral winter" about the item i had obtained and requested it to be picked up, but i'm currently still waiting.

Anyway this clears up the thigns that have been going on, i'll see if anything else interesting happens. Also... 'Zeal' managed to 'save' a small franction of the contact we had with the K'hara right from the start, she'll put it out in audio format using a sythesizer... just...


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[18.02.2014 20:00:07] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: So...?
[18.02.2014 20:00:12] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Out alone...?
[18.02.2014 20:00:18] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Non of your hybrids to help?
[18.02.2014 20:00:33] K'Hara|Tiamat': *** revenge .. pointless construct invented by the toolmakers .. aimed at justifying unnecessary hostilities (amusement) ***
[18.02.2014 20:01:02] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Umm... Hostilities?
[18.02.2014 20:01:24] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Hostilities... Thats taking it lightly, don't you think?
[18.02.2014 20:01:36] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Well... 'You' can't think.
[18.02.2014 20:01:47] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: 'They' do it for you.
[18.02.2014 20:02:48] K'Hara|Tiamat': *** 'our' songs weaved in light remain unresponded to .. (disappointment) ***
[18.02.2014 20:03:15] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Light... you expect me to turn into one of those things?
[18.02.2014 20:03:47] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: I'm not "Light seeker" if you put it that way, i'm... i'm just someone who has a different view...
[18.02.2014 20:05:32] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: You know... i wanted to ask a question to the 'Mindshare'.
[18.02.2014 20:05:51] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: Why didn't you just share the Tech that we apparently 'stole'
[18.02.2014 20:06:52] [RM]Fw.Geoff.Enfield: If you left it, laying around for Billions of years... what would you expect?



Well thats about eveything, hopefully nothing bad will come from it, i just hope we keep this Tech safe and sound, This is Enfield, out!


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