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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 08-16-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Colonel Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: JUSTICE

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Salud, Comradas!

Mi hermanos, I shall be departing for Falkland base, here after in coded transmissions to be referred to as the Den. Where I will establish a forward support base, from which our elite strike wings can harry the Gallics while Commandante Ling attacks them from the fore.

Major Forge will act as my Executive Officer at the DEN, co-ordinating in the field strikes from his gunboat the CPW-Barricade. Those of you lucky enough to be assigned to my command will know what it is like to hunt with El viejo Coyote, holmes, you will soon learn all you need to learn about battle, and emerge either a veteran, or a corpse.

Home fleet defense and the mission to bring war to the Corsairs shall remain with General Rhade-Rhade. I wish him luck, as he and Admiral Straitov have their work cut out for them.

Be bold, mi hermanos, this is a dangerous enemy, but one that fears our prowess. Our forefathers beat them soundly, sending the bambinos back to their mothers sucking their thumbs and wailing for their papi's to save them. I expect nothing but the same from you.

Remember those Coalition Heroes of the Sol war, who loaded sixteen tonnes of hardware, blazing steel and galvanized... who crashed through the gates of Paradise Station!

It was the end of the French Nation, the death of what they were, mi hermanos. These Gallics are nothing but shadows of what they were.

Never forget Paradise Falls!

To our victory, mi comradas!
For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El viejo Coyote

Addendum: No man is to lead the GRN back to the Den. If you are pursued, run elsewhere, never endanger our FSB, nor the IMG neutrality. Keep your wits, and hide.

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 08-16-2011

[Image: 6920ngmajor.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Staging post Alpha. **CLASSIFIED**
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Operation Garlic Defense.

Soldiers of the Coalition.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]The battle lines are drawn. Our preliminary defence forces have reached the TAU Region. War is upon us.

[color=#FFFFFF]Major Forge has been tasked with running the DEN with Colonel Alvarez. Major Sashenka on the Trotsky has been charged with holding the defence line from FP6 to Java Station while the Xi'an runs supplies and equipment to our TAU defence squadrons.

The Hammer is nearing completion, and will be deployed to the area in the next few days. It is not combat ready, however the fighters and bombers it can deploy far outnumber that which the Havana and Karl Marx can deploy. Hold fast comrades, it shall arrive soon.

The EDGE, as pathetic a rabble of bunters that they may be, are to be seen as Unfriendly-Neutral. Do not engage them in the TAU arena. The incompetent muppets will make excellent cannon fodder for us while we actually do the job of ridding ourselves of this Garlic threat.

The black storm may approach and obliterate all in its path, but the Red Dawn will follow once the storm has overexerted itself on Kusari and Bretonia.


[color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - T.A.L.O.S. - 08-16-2011

[Image: 18kcqc_th.jpg]

-Establishing T.A.L.O.S. Secured Access...Stand By.-

*Access to Mainframe Established, Accessing Transmission from T.A.L.O.S. Primary A.I. Core*

"Due to the Gallia Threat in the TAU Systems all T.A.L.O.S. Resources not committed are being diverted towards maintaining secured Communications Networks between Coalition Assets within TAU Systems.

Due to this User-Loading Times may take longer due to decreased resources allocated to; T.A.L.O.S. Controlled Gunboat Patrols within Omega-52 System, Secured T.A.L.O.S. Communications Network in OMEGA, SIGMA and RHEINLAND Systems due to allocation transferred to TAU and BRETONIA Systems, Long-Range Sirius Coalition Public Library Connection (Explanation by Administrator Warner: PAGE LOAD TIMES MAY BE SLOWER DUE TO INCREASE WORKLOAD.) and Research Facilities using T.A.L.O.S. Processing and Analysis Capabilities.

This situation is temporary and being worked on by the local Technicians to increase bandwidth to all Coalition Resources, until than have patience and know that this is for the greater good of all Sirians.

Long Live the Premier, Long Live the Sirius Coalition."

=End Transmission=

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 08-18-2011

>>>Sender: Major Jacob Forge
>>>Subject: Action Report

[Image: jacobstorm.png]
Forge here.

I took command of the Dongfeng to put her through her paces. I was rounding Odessa when a transmission was recived from a Hessian cruiser belonging to the Rot Front, the Konigsburg. It, along with a fighter, had discovered two AI Cruisers which had proven to be hostilw to not only the Konigsburg, but to anyone who had the misfortune to get in thier way. The Vidar requested help, and seconds later was under fire. I immedietly ordered my gunners to assist.

It was a fierce battle, with Konigsburg recieving heavy damage, but we downed one AI cruiser, Arbiter_Prime and chased the second, Nanobots to the Schwerin. Knowing neither of us could stand long enough to destroy it, we left it.

I left Konigsburg at Vogtland in Dresden and returned to Omwga 52.

Later, I was requested by General Rhade on the Havana to assist him in patroling the Corsair front. In Theta, we, along with Sub-Lieutenant Vetrov, came upon a Legate, Revenge. Havana opened fire, with Vetrov loading Kalashnikov shots into the engines and I had the Dongfeng launch Light Mortar strikes. It was a short battle; The Legate caved in, leaving Havana losing a hundred or ao Nanobots and the Dongfeng loaing around sixty.

We have returned to Omega 52.

For the Red Dawn!

Forge Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 08-20-2011

[Image: 6920ngmajor.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Staging post Alpha. **CLASSIFIED**
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Operation Garlic Defense.

Soldiers of the Coalition.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]The War has begun.

[color=#FFFF00]We scrambled that what we had available. Major Forge and myself covering the Lithuania with Major Warner commanding. The Colonial forces, along with the unlikely allies in the Brigands and EDGE scrambled their forces to beat back the Gallic assault on Orkney and Tau-23. During the fight, the Order, Kusari destroyers and Outcasts all arrived for a piece of the action and the battle turned nasty, bloody and highly confusing however...

The operation was a success, again however disturbing information has come to light.

The four Valor's, assorted gunboats and fighter craft were merely a probing strike.

Classified information has reached the hands of Major Warner from the Gallic Gunboat "Serval-23" which was obliterated. The Gallic's have been planning this war for centuries, the number of their capital ships is vast. We will struggle to hold back this tide.

One can only hope that their main assault is centred around Bretonia and Kusari. If they continue with "small" strikes, like the one experienced tonight, against the Tau's - We may yet have a chance.

Equally, if the GRN turns it's full attentions to the Tau's - Then no matter what our tactics, we cannot stop the tide.

For now, bask in victory comrades. We earned it.


[color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 08-20-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]
Communications ID:Ben Warner, Major, T.A.L.O.S. Administrator, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

To: Coalition High Command

"Comrades, today was a major victory for us, however the enemy is only delayed and will likely strike again soon. This belief is compounded by the information T.A.L.O.S. was able to obtain from the Computer Core of a Royal Navy Gunboat before it was destroyed.

The information contained within suggests they have been planning an invasion for quite some time now and have advanced intelligence on the surrounding systems. A hard Copy has been moved to Omega-52 for our specialists to analyze it in detail."

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII

"As you can see this is quite disturbing information as they apparently have been watching the two systems in question for quite some time in order to garner such information. A Hard Copy of the report is being stored aboard the TOR-ONE for the Commissariat and Doctor XiaoBei to analyze for any further information than that displayed superficially.

For the Red Dawn!"

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - equinosz - 08-20-2011

[Incoming transmission]
Comm ID: CPW-Borodino
Location: Freeport-10, Tau-37

Comrades, this is Captain Vitalievich reporting the success of the scanning mission of Languedoc and Lorraine. The mission was led by comrade Stroganov and we haven't met with any serious resistance. As we entered Omicron Alpha we asked the position of the Omicron-80 jumphole from the outcasts, who were eager to help us. As we neared the jumphole several battleships have entered our radar range, but we dodged them easily.

In Lorraine system we approached the Luneville Guard Station to test it's defenses. It's surrounded by several weapon platforms, working quite effectively.

The other side is well defended by a large and dense mine field, but we found a safe route to the jump hole.

Attaching guncam shots:

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 08-22-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: General Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

Myself, and Major Xu have just concluded an operation into Dublin.

We both approached the Essex, only to find two Tridente Gunboats circling the Essex with the Bretonians helplessly watching.

Of course, amusing as this was, we couldn't let these Tridente's survive. Charging at them, the two Tridente's began to flee. The Bretonians remarked how annoying it was that they'd harassed the Bretonians, but fled at the mere sight of the Coalition. Honestly, I'm not surprised.

Regardless, we managed to seperate the two Tridente's, with myself and Xu taking down the first Dente, and the Bretonians taking down the other.

Of course, no thanks were given for helping them out, and the Bretonian's engaged. We managed to take down one Templar before a Mercenary and another Templar joined in. It was at this time we experienced some Ion Storms, so we decided it be prudent to pull out so as to not take any losses.

We managed to pull back home without incident.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 08-24-2011

[Image: xuodin.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Han Xu
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Dublin Defence

[color=#FFFFFF]Fellow Soliders.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]It seems that the BAF are desperately trying to reinforce their futile defence of the Dublin System.

[color=#FFFF00]I arrived on the scene near the Battleship Hood to find Major Lebedewa engaged against a BAF Ensign and Lieutenant. I evened the odds and charged into battle.

The respected Captain Clay sat on the fringes of the fight and only engaged after Lt Drsnovova had arrived on the scene to provide fire support, should we become outnumbered.

Our fears were realised when a [Convoy] bomber arrived in an odd show of unnecessary force. It was then that Major Lebedewa stuck the killer blow to the flailing Ensign. The bomber was next and it was quickly dealt, not by us but the Hood! It had mistakenly ran to the IMG battleship thinking that it was the HMS Essex and was obliterated by it's defence turrets. Muppet's like that shouldn't be allowed into space.

A new secondary fleet pilot entered the fray and we brought in Senior Lieutenant Miley McGreave to balance the forces once more.

The BAF Lt seemed to cut it's engines mid flight due to some Ion interference. We were not to know until we saw the explosion of his craft in a weird time-paradox. It seemed his screams for help appeared after his ship blew up. Most strange.

Turning our attentions to the venerable Captain Clay, he was taken down in a slow and steady fashion. A brave warrior is he that fights outnumbered, outclassed and outgunned. It made no difference as he became more desperate with his nanobots ticking away. Such that I landed a direct hit to his cockpit and he spiralled into my waiting mine.

The remaining secondary fleet pilot stood alone, and ran back to the Essex with his tail between his legs.

All in all, an impressive and decisive victory with no SCRA casualties.

Excellent work comrades. Our actions here are helping keep the pressure off the Commandant on the TAU defence line.

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Decktare - 08-25-2011


[Image: 0bb3d5490dca.jpg]

ID: Lieutenant Dmitriy Kolobov
Target: SCRA units
Priority: High

About operation in Tau.

I flied in Tau and have met much Outcast GB's. My attempts weren't successful to come off. I had to attract them to the sun. My actions were stopped by radiation. Thanks to good alloys, my capsule has survived and IMG have lifted it and have transported in Omega-52. Personally from me the prevention. Alone not to fly in Tau. Massive attack to forces Outcasts is necessary.
