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A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Printable Version

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RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 08-20-2014

Sitting on his horse, he held his hat as he playfully bowed to her, "Yes, Maam, we shall." He then sat up and gave a snap of his reighns as George began walking forward.
"So long as we go at an easy pace, this won't bother George at all," he re-assured her.

The day was warm but dry, perfect for insects and without a shirt, Doc found himself vulnerable. As he rode, he took the blanket curled behind his saddle and put it over himself like a cape. It would keep most of the bugs wanting to bite him as well as keeping himself safe from sunburn. He just turned and gave Ashlea a smile and a wink and made small talk with her.

"Tell me something," he asked of her, "would it improve things or make things worse with Rogues if I decided to leave TAZ and become independent.....or would it make a difference at all? It's just that...." He cocked his head and made a face, "I just don't have anything left to offer them and well, TAZ isn't what it used to be."
There was a moment of silence as he awaited her reply, riding along as he did. A piece of him was worried about what she might answer.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 08-21-2014

The thought that it wouldn't bother George made her happier, she was enjoying the ride and was happy to take it slow. She was enjoying spending time in the outdoors with Doc.

She thought about what he had asked for a moment "Well..." After a sigh, she looked across at him. "As long as you were still able to help the Rogues, I don't see why they would worry too much... You have the skills and knowledge, you don't need TAZ for that." The Rogues would leave him alone if he didn't cause problems and continued to work toward helping them.

She fell silent again, And as they continued she couldn't help but share her own thoughts on the matter "If you are questioning whether you should stay or not, you need to look at your situation. No one else can make that call for you." She dropped her gaze after a slight shrug and a shy smile before adding "I guess I just don't want to see you unhappy."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 08-21-2014

He could only look back to her and smile a bit as he thought. Yes, TAZ was active again, just as he hoped it would be but it disturbed him, even angered him a bit that all of his work with Gallia ended up in all TAZ ships being considered military targets, even his humanitarian fleet of Med Force ships.

He remembered the words of some past friends. Malaclypse often told him to "keep things in perspective" while former Premier Alvin Katz reminded him on many an occasion when Doc came to anger that he was a man of peace. He also knew that operating his dream would be conflicted under hostile threat. Would his reaction be an over reaction? He just couldn't tell.

It had been some time as well that someone actually considered his feelings. This thought came with her saying ""I guess I just don't want to see you unhappy." In a time when diplomacy had become more of the shotgun variety and houses were as pushy and demanding as ever, not caring about those caught in the middle, the very thought of one person, even if she was a Rogue, was thinking of his interests as well as her own.

He finally turned back to her smiling. He was again speechless as he admired her a bit. He simply said to her, "Thank you. I needed that."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 08-22-2014

"You don't need to thank me..." She smiled, her thoughts wandering. She realized his happiness meant more to her then it should. Yet, that didn't bother her as much as she thought it would have. She knew concern for another's emotions was a dangerous game to play, but she trusted Doc to not take advantage of this. Eventually she decided regardless of whether he stayed with them, or went out on his own, she would offer her support and what help she could if he required it.

She was quiet for some time as they continued riding, enjoying the sounds of nature around them. Eventually she looked at him and bit her lip. "If you were to leave. What would you do instead? Who would you have to support you?" She frowned slightly, "It's lonely in space when you have no one to keep you company."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 08-22-2014

"Well," he said looking forward before giving her a smile, "I have you right now. I have the support of your people."

He looked forward as they continued to ride after a quick check behind them to be sure their cargo was still secure....and it was.
"I'd focus more on my medical and research work," he explained, "I figure that if I do it behind the scenes, if I have a place to work where no one will look for me that I'll have more success. Ashlea, you're giving me a chance to do that at Foster and in return, I intend to make it a place where the PLR can live in a bit more comfort, to not worry where the next meal will come from and when it does come, it's something more palatable."

He smiled again, "And I'll still have the support of the Zoner community if I work independently. Of that I have no doubt."

He took another drink of water as they rode, the blanket making him a bit warm.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 08-24-2014

She nodded, it seemed he had thought this through. "Regardless of what happens, you'll have Foster to use, and my support." With a smile, she added "Just make sure this is what you want, and that it will make you happy."

She took a drink of water before letting her hair down. It had been coming loose and was beginning to annoy her. She brushed it out of her face and tucked it behind her ears. The sun was high and while the trees did provide shade it was getting quite hot.

"Foster will be a quiet place for you to work. I can imagine some Rogues will make use of it they get the chance, but for the most part you will be left undisturbed if that is what you want." She took another sip of water and put the drink away before continuing "I can make sure of that."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 08-24-2014

He watched her as she let her hair down. There was something about long hair that he liked....and liked a lot....that got to him. He just smiled as she did.

"I have no doubt that you will," he answered.
They continued on some more, When they got to a spot in the shade, they stopped and he climbed down from his horse, taking the blanket off of his shoulders and throwing it over his saddle as he went to check their cargo. Taking a knee beside it, he tightened the straps, "Another one or two of these, Foster could have fresh meat for all personnel for quite awhile. Down the road, we could return here on occasion for some hunts for just that reason."
He stood up. He was a little sweaty from the blanket but not too bad. At least he wasn't bug bitten. He then noticed a small spring nearby and grabbed his canteen.
He then approached her, "do you need a refill?"

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 08-24-2014

She climbed down off her horse and stretched, nodding as he asked if she needed a refill, noticing the spring well after he had. "That really wouldn't be a silly idea."

She walked across to him and stole a kiss, "If it means I can return here and spend time with you, then I like that idea." She wondered if she had said too much but the thought didn't stay. Instead she walked across to the spring and took a seat on a stump near the water.

"I still can't believe how green and peaceful it is out here." Looking across at him she smiled "I love this place."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 08-24-2014

He nodded as he looked around. The lake, the untamed wilderness around them, his cabin and peace, "There is much to love here." He sighed, "I do my best to keep it this way."

He sat next to her, well, as close as he could anyway. He rested his forearms on his bent knees, his canteen in his right hand. He was sitting on the ground next to the stump as he looked slightly up at her from his sitting position, "I'd like that. Spending time with you? I'd like that." He then looked forward, "I can't explain it. It just feels right." He then looked back toward her, "You know, us. I just hope I'm not being to forward."

Looking over, he noticed the horses taking advantage of the stream as they drank. It was a chance for a quick break themselves. For now, they sat with chat and some fresh water and a few deep thoughts.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 08-24-2014

The thought of Doc being too forward made her smile and shake her head slightly. "No, you aren't being too forward." After watching the horses for a moment she looked back at him. Standing before she moved to sat next to him on the ground, looking out at the stream. "Anyway, the feeling is mutual."

She took a sip of the water, enjoying the chat. The heat was nice, but different to back on Padua and she was feeling it. She rested her hand on his leg as they spoke.