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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 01-25-2009

[Incoming Transmission] Comm ID: Captain John Redmond (MBE) of the York Fleet

[Subject: Battle report]

Tonight, roughly after midnight, we were dispatched for yet another battle within the hell that is Dundee, with the CR re-entry to the war on the Kusari side, our battles have become quite large and ever the more dangerous.

After following the scouts reports of the location of the enemy fleet, we moved forward to intercept and remove their presence, with a force composing of mostly Templars with two Challengers for a possible enemy capital ship presence.

After contact, it became clear the enemy were in possesion of a Destroyer class ship, and we immediately called for support from a nearby Destroyer.

After about one hour of intense fighting, with both sides capital ships destroyed, and several fighters and bombers destroyed, the advantage of the battle fell to the KNF and their CR allies.

At the end of the battle, we were outnumbered four to two and I gave the order to recover survivers and pull out towards Edinburgh. the young but highly skilled Ensign Pierce Quinn (who was one of the two left) fought with valour til the end of the battle. I had initialy tried to force him to retreat without me, but he would not allow it, even after I ordered him to.

I eventualy agreed to pull out together, he had several close calls with the enemy forces, but I was able to bring him back in one piece. I would hereby like to request a promotion for Ensign Quinn for valour under fire, and honour to never to abandon a comrade, even under orders.

Any further honour by means of a medal I would also recommend, should the admirality deem him worthy.

[Transmission over]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 01-25-2009

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Jack Frost
Patrol Report

Not one for all this paperwork mish mosh, so hear goes :

On a recent patrol in the Leeds system i came across a Corsair shooting up Bowex ships, cheeky blighter
He left...

[Image: gunkill.jpg]

in a lifepod. Dunno where he went but i couldnt find him

Jack out.

***Message ends***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Andrew_Bonesovich - 01-26-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
ID: Ensign Jacob Carter
Subject: Activity report

A lot of things happened last week, aside from routine patrols and engagements with Corsairs everywhere, but thats not the subject I want to report exactly. Many of us surely noticed rising numbers of enemy capital ships in Bretonia space.
At the start of the week, me and Sir Commodore Stanley Nelson encountered two Gaian ships. As long as they were sitting near Islay doing nothing (or maybe eating some grass), Sir Nelson was monitoring the situation from Leeds jump gate in Edinburgh. I was on my way there to help a bit with patrolling the area, when suddenly our scanners showed that Gaian ships changed their location to Dublin. We chased them into the system and began system-wide search. I found them soon, in asteroid field near Hood. I had orders no to engage, as they were two, but I got closer to scan their ships. I was surprised from what I saw. One of them was flying Kusari gunboat. I called Commodore to come. We both had Challengers, but we werent looking forward to fight, so Nelson ordered hippies to leave. They agreed and changed their course to Edinburgh hole. We escorted them along the way. When questioned, they said that they stole the gunboat from Kusari. Personally, I dont believe it.
[Image: 5bntbl.png]

Later at the same week, some days ago, I was reading newspaper at Norfolk and drinking some tea, when suddenly Norfolk commander alarmed whole crew. Something big was approaching the battleship.
I jumped into my Challenger without hesitation and established comms with Lieutentant Commander Hobart.
A fleet of Corsair gunboats and one Osiris, with Gaian Talarcas jumped into Cambridge to attack Bretonia. They were already near Norfolk. We quickly assembled formidable force, with help from ASF and other bounty hunters. After few minutes of organized bomber attacks, we dispatched their ships one by one, with almost no losses. My bomber received heavy damage and I was forced to emergency landing. Because of that, all records from my ship camera were lost.

At the end of the week, we had two encounters in one day. First was in early afternoon, when we chased down Molly bomber. He tricked us and got trough Newcastle to Tau 31, and from here trough Edinburgh to Dublin. He picked up one of his friends in Gunboat along the way somewhere. Thanks to help of one freelancer, we found them both quickly. As soon as our force engaged them, barghest ran to Arranmore, and gunboat was quickly destroyed without any losses on our side. Again, I forgot to turn on my camera, so no visual report on this one.
Later that afternoon, when me and one of our new Ensigns Jack Harkness were training in Salisbury, we received alert message about lonely Kusari Destroyer in Leeds. We quickly moved there, but it already jumped to Tau 31. Fortunately, two freelancers (probably seeking bounty contracts) stalled him there for us, and we moved in. With force of two bombers and three fighters it was completely destroyed. These two freelancers were unfortunately gunned down, we caught their pods and delivered them safely back to Bretonia, with our thanks for helping in keeping Bretonia safe.
[Image: 25khaa9.jpg]

Here comes the end of my report. I want to point at rising forces of enemy capital ships, which shouldnt be underestimated. Anyway, I donated 20 millions to our armory, to help setting up bombers for our new recruits, to deal with constant capital ship threat. Some of them lack them at the moment.

Ending report, safe flight.
For the Queen!

Ensign Jacob Carter

***End of transmission***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 01-27-2009

...Incoming transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart
To: the Bretonia Armed Force
Subject: Arrest of suspected thief

While on patrol duty of New London system, I received an emergency call from Southampton shipyard. They mentioned that unknown ships just few moments ago destroyed some of stations depots, and stole some of the goods that were stored there.
I arrived just 30 seconds after I received the call, so I was first on that crime scene. First, I fired away few photos for proof. Then, I notice some unknown design vessel, leaving fast in Kensington direction.
I followed suspected vessel to Kensigton, where I noticed again destroyed depots. Now, two depots destroyed in just few minutes isnt casually. Then again that unknown vessel on scanner. Damn, this cant be random, so I asked the pilot to cut engines.
Comms were established.
Pilot had very Irish accent, and from talk I suspected he was flying drunk. Damn, now everything came clear to me. Bloody Molly thief, even a drunk one. Pilot didnt resist to arrestment, and he is now imprisoned onboard Newgate, waiting fair trail.
We didnt get much from this fella while interrogation, just name of pilot, and inspection of vessel showed large quantity of rum onboard. Bloody Molly I tell you. Rebels dont deserve trail, but bloody right movement people...

Pilot name: Liam Mac Ceallach
Current status: Onboard Newgate, waiting for a trail. Mr. Mac Ceallach accepted lawyers help.
Nationality: Bretonian
And that is all we know about him. No papers, no anything. Just a lot of rum and Whisky.

Complete comms log:
And additional crime scene photos:

Signed by: James Hobart

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 01-29-2009

--Incoming Transmission--
Source: Lt. Robert Jones
Signal Location: Battleship Ark Royal, Newcastle
Subject: Events of today
Well, today was part hectic, part calm. As soon as I came on Duty, word arrived that we were hunting a squid in Cambridge. I decided to join in, seeing as I had never been squid hunting before, and found that the squid had flown to over 100k off normal level, and was engaged by other BAF there. As I arrived, it started fleeing and eventually it was caught and destroyed. Things seemed quieter after that, and we went for some mini razor and SN training in Salisbury. This practice payed off when after a few rounds, Ltcdr Hunter reported a Hacker gunship in Leeds, a certain Shade. I guess you already have files on him. He was conducting some kind of experiment involving the effects of Nomad infestation on Liberty Navy and Police pilots! We cornered him in Newcastle and he opened fire, which wasn't very clever since he was facing 3 templars and a challenger. Driscoll, in an excellent display of accuracy, managed to hit the gunship with his SN in such a way that its main reactors were exposed, allowing me to experiment on how well they dealt with tachyon fire. The conclusive results of this are that no, they don't react well, being prone to explode when hit.
--Report Ends--
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[Image: Kill2.jpg]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 01-30-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Admiral Mark McKenna]

Treaty of Curacao Signing Ceremony

The Signing of Treaty of Curacao is due to take place tomorrow at 2200 GMT, on Planet Curacao.The Armed Forces will play an important part in the Signing Ceremony. Our role is primarily the protection of all participants, especially Her Majesty, Queen Carina. We will assemble a security detail and form a Combined Fleet with the Liberty Navy, under joint command, securing Planet Curacao and outlying space.

Whilst the precise security arrangements will remain classified until the commencement of the operation, the security detail will form around the pinacles of the BAF fleet, HMS Pendragon and HMS Majestic, with a complement of destroyers and gunboats. Several fighter wings will be deployed to form an escort and patrol force, and to maintain our security perimiter.

We require all available pilots and officers on duty. All active BAF officers are to report to the Admiralty assembly area in the Manchester System between 2100 and 2130 GMT tomorrow. Senior officers are all to be assigned to command their respective capital vessels

For the duration of the security operation, all temporary leave is hereby suspended. Any officers currently on leave for non-medical reasons are to be recalled to active duty, by order of the Admiralty Board.

[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 01-31-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart
To: The Bretonia Armed Force
Subject: Week report

-Week started usual with 'Sairs. Their force used cover of rocks in Omega 5, to make big build up, including 3 bombers, and 3 additional Titan type vessels. They entered Cambridge system, Tuesday 27 of this month. Fight was very unusual since we had this time more numbers on our side. Corsairs forces leaded by already know criminal Grimly moved force to Cardiff station, when they were intercepted by our wings; before they could do any sirius harm. Corsairs didnt had a chance that day. Complite victory achived, with no lose on our side. Trotter had show that day, with three confirmed targets shoot down by his mighty Gun.
-Two Hogoshas transponders showed on long range scaners. Well, nothing unsual, until we trace them in Edinburgh. I moved to Dublin, becouse my 6th sense, told me to. After some time waiting in ambush party, Hogoshas finanly showed on scope. Both were carrying Marijuana, and were forced to stop their cruise engines. They didnt talk much, or...they didnt talk at all. Both captians were forced to drop their hauling material, which they did. I belive in some war unwritten rules, that protect unarmed merchment ships. Destroying to toth armed foe vessels is one thing, while I felt sorry for those...Kusari filth. I followed my ethic, and escorted them out of Bretonia space.
-Corsairs in Omega 3 again caused panic in Cambridge system. All traffic was stoped, becouse of fear for their cargo and lives. Merchent ships demanded cleaning action. Lt. Robert Jones and me, go to that very unpleasent job. We faced 1 gunboat, 1 Preatorian and 2 Titans. Gunboat was our main target, which destruction allowed to transponters to move quick while we keep busy rest 'Sair forces. After 30 minutes of uneven fight, we didnt had any more ammo to shoot with and we were forced to honorfull retreat to Cambridge system. Our mission failed, since 'Sair threat remained.
-Tomorrow I recived new mission, and again it was cleaning one. Same as last one... Only this time oposition had less number than before. Just Preatorian and Titan. I moved without any support. All patrols of Trade Lanes were made, and I run into Andreas Gomez, Preatorian pilot. He told me that he is not a pirate, and he is only collecting donations. Well, without proofs of some traders, I cant do much. So we had little talk, until one other, before know 'Sair arrived- Kovotajas, the Titan pilot. He didnt spent time for words like Gomez, trying to justify his job. So, finanly Gomez showed his real face, and supported his brother. Fight was furius and I was saveing my skin. Kovotojas was food for my mine, while Gomez was, that time, too big fish to catch. In the end, I report loss of my Challanger, since I ejected from it. Two missions in row failed.
-We all heard that scream. It was a transporter asking for assistance. Engaged by two Titans, near Omega 5 hole in Cambridge system. Ensigns Carter and Andrews, with me, flight to the area, and just as we were told by captian, 2 Titans. One fleed, while other stand his ground. Transporter captian run while we were fireing supresing fire. 'Sair didnt had a chance anymore. Suranded by 3 Bretonia Armed ships, he was fastely destroyed by the guns of Engisn Carter.
-New foe, Gaian type now, and very big hippie. Talaraca cruiser, if you can belive to our scaner readings. After chace, he finanly fall in Ensigns Carter, Andrews and mine trap in Cambridge system. We didnt gave any chance to poor fella, and soon he ejected most of his crew.
-Suspected pirate know as Dark Iniqutiy show his face in Cambridge system. Since I heard his attempt to steal some coins for his family, there was no mercy for him. After little chase, he refused my offer to leave Bretonia space on one way or the other. So, the other way then. Fight didnt last long. 10 seconds, more or less.
-Corsairs again. But now in New London. What a bad thing for them. Lt.Trotter and me flied to the Southampton, who send out SOS message. Mission was clear: Secure Southampton depots before they run with all prey. So we move in, and engaged the enemy. When the second foe was down, I recived ion thingy. But Lt. Trotter finished mission, and Southampton depots were safe, for one more day.
-But they never quit, do they? Next day, a big raid was launched by Corsair forces, and target was our heart, New London. Enemy had some really big ships, including some strange thingy, Osiris, a hippie battleship?!2 More crusers and 2 additional fighters. This needed big guns for support, so Admiral called in Majestic and Rodney. The strange hippie, big ship was destroyed by combine fire of two battleships, and then the hippie cruser were just the food for the battleships. Fighter escort was destroyed quickly after, and London was safe once more.
-Gomez, my old friend Gomez. I didnt forgat loss of my bomber from this fella, so I was waiting till we trace him again. And we did. Cambridge system. There was no time for waiting, and I launch from Norfolk. Target was found near Omega 3 hole, and he accepted my challenge. But, this time I was victorius, and I had my revenge. But no time for waiting, since Colonials and Bretonia entered again in full scale war.
-Readings was showing great Colonial build up in Tau systems, and our force move in. But we move in bloody ice killing zone. Kusari Naval Force joined the Colonial ambush party near Leeds gate. The fight was endless, and we both take casulties. But then, one side gave upper hand, The Kusari and their Colonial supporters. End of day I spent on explaining how did I lost Templar vessel. I have one word for Tau, and that is ice hell.
-Corsairs tried one large, last attempt to destroy our forces. And they failed. Since our great victory near Norfolk, Corsair activty droped only to the Border Worlds conflics. Their forces again had very big guns, while we didnt had such luxury. Just 6 bombers, including mercanries, and 2 BAFs. They had again hippie battleship, with 2 crusers as support, 1 gunboat, and two additional fighters for support. We had 1 battlecruser, 2 gunboats, 4 bombers. Most of our forces was Bounty Hunter. Bombers moved in to destroy enemy battleship, and when it was done, our little capitol fleet moved in. At the end of battle, only loss was BHG battlecruser, while Corsairs were, yet again anahilated.
-Next day, Bretonia little revenge. Same Corsairs blocked Omega 3, constantly stealing from transport ships. Lt.Trotter, Ensign Carter and me, moved in. Fight took 30 mins, and mission was sussecfull. No loses on our side, while Corsairs again recived good beating.
-And Kusari for the end of week. It was a massive fight in Dundee system. It included much of York fighters, bombers pilots, and we even get support of desstroyer class ship. Again, Colonial pilots assisted Kusari Naval Force efforts. We fight well, but they had their numbers. For evry enemy pilot, they would take one of us. By this math, they were wining. And they were. One by one, our numbers came only to 3. Capt.Redminton, Lt. Queency and me. I used all that I got, and shoot down one Kusari pilot, but then, end came to me aswell. With numbers 4 on 2, our forces didnt had much chance, and they avoid complite defeat by retreating to the Edinburgh systems. Kusari knew their numbers aint enough to follow them, so they also moved back to Tau. We lost control of Dundee only for few hours.
That would be last thing that I will mention for my week report. Week could ended better, but again, could easily ended worse than it is now. We finanly kick our most of Corsairs forces back to Border Worlds.

Signed by: James Hobart

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 02-04-2009

Oi Oi!

I made a little trouble in Kyushu and I figures i'd makes a report, required or not,

starts and ends quite simple like, a KNf chappy by the name o' Alex Sasaki bloody' goes and hacks my comms! il say, the tech lads are bloody slacking lately eh? need better firewalls or somethins'

long story short, he challenges me to a fight,

after a moderate engagement, I snag a nice shot o' the ole torp (bless 'er) and his ship is space dust.

onboard camera shot.

Shortly after this, I decided to try my luck at piracy with a GC contact. But not a few minutes after, a soddin' strange chappy in a ugly little ship comes threatenin' me and my friend, his ship didnt seem all that complete, and he ate a torp too (//he had no armour, poor soul).

unfortauntely KNF got a little rumbled at this point, another lil' thing in a scout ship came up lookin' for trouble, and unfortunately for this little birdy, he ate his own bleedin' mine.

not to be beaten, they shook their famed ace from whatever he was doin' and sent him our way...

now this is where the pirate in me awoke, and I bloody ran for it! I aint' fighting no bleedin wyrm with a torp, no way no how!

after this, I retired for the night at Ainu. Im new, so im keepin' my favourite axe right next to my bed.

Ever so honourably,

Maggie Hacket.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 02-04-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
Source: Planet New London, Lt. Robert Jones
---Message Begins---

Ok, let's keep this brief.

My copilot and I undocked from Leeds. Everything seemed quiet, so I thought about heading up to the Tau-31 Jump gate to help our regular forces there. However, en route, I found a very disturbing ship. It was a challenger, but it was crewed by a 'sair! Although, at the time, trouble had arrived in the form of a Lane Hacker, who I was engaged by, we both engaged the 'sair challenger, which was destroyed very quickly. Unfortunately, the fight with the hacker didn't go so well. I was, however, able to survive and eventually he left for some reason. However, two more hackers entered the system, and took an unarmed BPA officer hostage (I think his name was McGaugin or something like that, couldn't remember properly). I moved in and was able to rescue him. Unfortunately, the hackers had seen the 'sair in the challenger and started bombarding me with accusations of a Bretonia-'sair alliance, which of course I denied. however, this came to blows and I was forced to run, and ended up having to make an emergency landing on New London, with the pod of a White Tiger, who engaged the Hackers, but was shot down. No major injuries, although I had a pretty nasty blow to the arm when we landed.
---Message ends---
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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - darthbeck - 02-07-2009

***incoming message***
from ens.tom.ramey planet new london

i landed on planet leeds and went to the bar. when i got there, the bartender asked me if i wanted to give a bribe to kishiro.

there are to many kusari sympthizers in bretonia.
something needs to be done

ensign tom ramey
***message ends***