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GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 01-05-2009

"Where to hide??.....Where to hide??.......Internal sensors says Watsas got gifts for us. "

She looks into her office then thinks : Nope..they found me last year in there. She sets the door to her office to Lock Mode. This should delay them for a bit.

She sneaks out to the Hanger bay. : Nope, this is the first place they will look.

Sneaking around the base, she also locks a few of the storage units as well.

Shutting offing off her DataPad, Com Link and ID, she finally hides in the lower Basement of the TeaHouse.

Bypassing the internal room's sensors to read as normal, she hides in a far corner , hidden by barrels and storage boxes.

24 hours.....and avoid Watsas. That;s all I have to do. she thinks to herself.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 01-05-2009

Watsas looked at the hat that Miharu handed to him. He was not impressed.

"Well... thank you, Miharu. This is nice..." Watsas commented, not wanting to hurt Miharu's feelings.

As soon as she left, he made his way over to where Naomi and \CS\-Steve were sitting.

"Either of you know where Kurisho went? I need her to open the present before it dies of starvation." Watsas commented.

This caught Naomi and Steve's attention.

"Erm... what exactly IS the present?" Steve asked, worried.

"Well, it's a surprise. For everyone." Watsas replied

"I saw her running down the hallway..." Naomi says, noticing the horrific hat Watsas was wearing. "Miharu?"

"Yeah..." Watsas replied

"Put it in the storage bin in the Tea House basement, next to the fruitcakes and the Stroyent processor." Naomi suggested.

Watsas simply nodded, and headed through a trapdoor and down a ladder into the basement. He began to rummage about for the proper disposal container. Finding only spare ammunition, a number of Lizard-cat nests, and a cannister of Nuclear Fuel. He then moved to investigate a small pile of crates and barrels in the dark corner of the room...

GC Tea House - pieguy259 - 01-05-2009

"Seriously... big, cumbersome box. Where do you want it?" the Junker asked in her Libertonian accent.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 01-05-2009

Saigo walks into the tea house after many weeks not having time to relax, she goes straight to the bar and helps herself to a strong cardamine tea.

"If only people would listen for a time and actually look at the bulletin once in a while..." She muttered to herself.

"Who has the remote for the holovision? put it on a decent music channel, i need to relax.." She switches on her comms " I heard you was looking for somewhere to put that box, junker, it depends on what is in it... if its food put it in the kitchen, use your common sense..."

GC Tea House - pieguy259 - 01-05-2009

"Designer tablecloths, actually. I also have boxes of designer shoes, designer clothes and similar items containing the word 'designer'. Oh, yes, and light arms. Lots of light arms. Now..." She grinned. "Where do you want them?"

GC Tea House - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 01-05-2009

Kaede Otori walks into the Tea House, hearing the last sentence of the Junker.
Quote: Lots of light arms. Now..." She grinned. "Where do you want them?"

"Put them into depot i would say, no? But before they go there, i must insist that they all are checked if they are working correctly. You know, i don't want someone beeing shot throught the butt.
What else you have? Designer tablecloths? Oh well, make sure they are clean, then Watsas can put them onto the tables here."

At the bar, she gets herself a cup of Sake, asking herself
"Who ordered all those designer stuff? We are warriors after all. Not manikins...."

GC Tea House - pieguy259 - 01-05-2009

"Picked the tablecloths up at Denver this very morning, along with the shoes and clothes and whatever else is in those boxes. If I can get some help carrying, I'll bring the luxury goods in here for everyone to have a look at."

GC Tea House - Shikyo - 01-09-2009

::Her Gun Boat docks silently in Kyoto Base with their Blood Dragon Cousins. From there the Lady hops a small unmarked shuttle flight into Ainu Depot. Nothing unusual with that except for when a young security chief tries to stop and question her credentials. Pausing the Lady looks the young man over once before pulling out a second identification card and only shows it to him, not allowing the guard to take it from her when he tries. Another questioning glance he inputs some information before his Data Pad beeps angerily at him and he pales before snapping a salute and she walked away, al with nearly no words from Her.::

::The lady makes her way down into the lower level storage bay where she keys into the lock of a rarely used store room, to which only herself and two others would know the key codes, unless that borg numbskull hacked it, though she doubts he would have come this way judging by the lack of anything "improved" or missing in the area. Once inside the store room the Lady drops off the large black duffle back, and reached over to open the flight suit locker.::

::Selecting an appropriate style of Kimono, she changes swiftly, leaving only the bare minimum nessisary under the Kimono as she never did like certain required clothing. Shortly after that she quietly kneels before a long strong box and bows reverently before it, the soft words she speaks going unheard by any as she knows there are no monitoring devices, since she personaly removed all known spy units from this room when she first selected and moved into it. Once she is done, she rises, though still kneeling and places her fingertips on the lid of the strong box, allowing it to read her biometric data::

::Once the locks and safety decives inside are released, she opens the lid and reaches inside, removing the first of two blades. With the Wakizashi held in both hands she once more bows before sliding it into the Obi Sash on her right side. Again she reaches into teh strong box, this time removing a very plain and simple Katana. Again she bows with the weapon held in both hands before adding it to the Sash next to her other Sword::

::Closing the lid of the strong box, the lady smoothly rises to her feet, hearing the seals and traps in the Box activate once more. She picks up only two more items, the first a simple data pad of her own and slipps it into the sash on her left side, hidden out of sight, but easily accessable if she needed it. The other is a small but slander box the length of a mans forearm. Slipping out of the Store Room, she closed and listened until she knew the door locks were once more enguaged before making her way up and towards the Tea House::

::The lady takes her time walking the length of the Station, listening to the hustle and bustle, a slight smile only plays on her lightly painted lips once before fading once more to a nuetral expression. Some few other sisters notice her in passing, most having puzzled expressions as they do not seem to recognise her. Only a rare few nod slightly as she passes them, in recognition of the Sister come home. The Lady pauses at the Door of the tea House to look around and see who is there this late morning before she stepped silently into the room::

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 01-09-2009

' Wrote:Watsas simply nodded, and headed through a trapdoor and down a ladder into the basement. He began to rummage about for the proper disposal container. Finding only spare ammunition, a number of Lizard-cat nests, and a cannister of Nuclear Fuel. He then moved to investigate a small pile of crates and barrels in the dark corner of the room...

She hears someone enter the room and skuffle around, like they are looking for some.
The figure picks up a box and mutters something. She think it was maybe about being too small.
It (the figure) rummages around a bit more.

Lady Kurisho peeks between a small slit between the crates that she is hiding behind.
She id's the figure : It's Watsas.

Blast it
, she thinks to herself : Oh ****...what to do ...what to do......He gonna find me....what to do

Just as Watsas is about to be within range of spotting her, Lady Kurisho gets a last second idea:

Poping up from her hiding place , she kinda-yells :

GO AWAY, YOU RUST BUCKET !! I'm wrapping YOUR Present !!!!! GET !!!!!

She dodges back down behind the crates.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 01-09-2009

"Ooh! Okay, sorry!" Watsas announces, turning around and beginning to make his way out of the room.

"But hurry up, I want you to come see yours. Oh... you're going to love him... err... it. It's kind of a present for everyone in the sisterhood. And damn frustrating to get a hold of. C'mon." Watsas explained, before ascending a cargo lift back to the Tea House.

It seemed he would have to keep the hat for the time being.