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[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Printable Version

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[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - Aspinwallos - 01-23-2010

Name: Fredrick.Bismark
Age: 29
Place of birth: New Berlin, New Berlin
Current ships: Raven's Talon and Mining Ship
My father worked for Kruger Minerals his entire life. He died mining diamonds for them. Mining is in my blood but my father wanted a better life for me. He taught me how to fly and fight. Now I want to make him proud, by joining IMG I can full fill his wishes of a better life while using the skills I poses. I can do what ever the guild requires mine, fight, command, destroy...

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - NinjaZec - 01-24-2010

Name: Miles O'Brien
Age: 24

Hello, my name is Miles O'Brien and i have been saving for a mining ship, all my life i wanted to become a miner, i have worked hard in most of the Sirius, i am a law abiding citizen, i know it may seem stupid and dull that my life's dream was to shoot some rocks, but to me mining is more than that it is about cooperation, about handling a big ship, to be a part of a group is what i crave for, and the last thing is i want to pay back the money my family gave me to pursue my dreams, and buy them something nice.

If there is anything you wish to know about me i will be happy to provide the information needed.

Miles O'Brien out

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - agentmike - 01-24-2010

*Zenth walks into his office and picks up the latest application and begins to read it.*

Quote:Name: Fredrick.Bismark
Age: 29
Place of birth: New Berlin, New Berlin
Current ships: Raven's Talon and Mining Ship
My father worked for Kruger Minerals his entire life. He died mining diamonds for them. Mining is in my blood but my father wanted a better life for me. He taught me how to fly and fight. Now I want to make him proud, by joining IMG I can full fill his wishes of a better life while using the skills I poses. I can do what ever the guild requires mine, fight, command, destroy...

*Zenth turns and faces his communications device*

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source:
Zenth Kynolm, IMG Mining Director ***
[Image: Zenth.jpg]

Greetings Mr. Bismark,

We gladly welcome you into the IMG!

We could use both of those ships, actually, if your willing.
The Raven's Talon could be used in the Defense Division, and the Mining ship could definitely be used in the Mining Division.

I will contact you via secure communications to give you the transponder signal of the IMG's Secure Communications Channel, and so we can go over a few things regarding those ship.

Welcome to the IMG Frederick Bismark!
See you soon!

Zenth out.

*** End Transmission ***

Alright, Next.

*Zenth picks up and read the next application.*

Quote:Name: Miles O'Brien
Age: 24

Hello, my name is Miles O'Brien and i have been saving for a mining ship, all my life i wanted to become a miner, i have worked hard in most of the Sirius, i am a law abiding citizen, i know it may seem stupid and dull that my life's dream was to shoot some rocks, but to me mining is more than that it is about cooperation, about handling a big ship, to be a part of a group is what i crave for, and the last thing is i want to pay back the money my family gave me to pursue my dreams, and buy them something nice.

If there is anything you wish to know about me i will be happy to provide the information needed.

Miles O'Brien out

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source:
Zenth Kynolm, IMG Mining Director ***
[Image: Zenth.jpg]

Greetings Mr. O'Brien,

That name rings a bell.....hmmm....

Anyways, dreaming of shooting rocks, are ya?
Well we got a position for you then!
Welcome to the Guild, Miles.

I will contact you via secure communications to give you the transponder signal of the IMG's Secure Communications Channel, and so we can go over a few things regarding your ship.

See you soon!

Kynolm out.

*** End Transmission ***

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - beander2 - 01-24-2010

[***Incoming Transmission***]
[TO: IMG Recruitment]
[FROM: Jack Gibson]
[RE: Membership]


I'm Jack Gibson. I'm a trader.

I have a messy history, which I won't go into here. It's enough to say that I'm one of those who's been burnt in the past by BMM. I didn't respond very well in the aftermath, but I've cleaned up. Since then, I've done a little of this, a little of that. I've done a bit of trading on the side, as well as some mining with IMG in the past - I left around the time Guildmaster Barrington did. I'm not interested in mining anymore, but I would be interested in trading for the Guild.

I've already purchased an Atlas with a loan from a friend. Had some trouble with the ID and such - it's currently ID'd with Gateway. As soon as I do a few missions, hopefully your system will let me get an IMG ID. I have some pretty reputable people who would vouch for me now, so if you need references or something, let me know.

Anyway, I'd like to join up officially, if you're willing.

Thanks for considering,

Jack Gibson

[***End Transmission***]

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - agrekin - 01-25-2010

Name: Logan.Briggs
Transmission incoming from: Planet New London, Bretonian Space.

I'm sending this transmission to apply for a job in the IMG. I've worked for the BMM for 6 years now and I've had enough. My family had always worked there, so I joined them too. However, unlike my family, I will not tolerate the way they abuse their workers. Working conditions are horrible in the factories, and working in space is no better, since they are so cheap they won't even pay for appropiate protection for their workers. I almost lost my life twice when mining for gold in the Dublin system and my convoy was atacked by mollies. I barely escaped, unfortunately I can't say the same for the rest of my convoy.

I am applying for the IMG in hopes of finding a place were an honest worker can do his job in proper conditions and free of corporative abuse. I put my heart and soul into my duty and only demand good working conditions in exchange. Hopefully the IMG will give me a chance to earn my living fairly.

I can bring honesty and hard work, as well as friendship. I like to get to know my fellow workers and even work with them whenever possible. As I said I put my heart and soul into my duties, and will do so with whatever the IMG may require of me.

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - agentmike - 01-25-2010

*Zenth was sitting in his office, looking at paperwork for the Kishiro Science and Technology Expo when he hears a knock at his office door.*

Come in. says Zenth.

*A young man walks in with two papers in his hand.*

The young man speaks, Sir, We have two more applicants here. One of which is of particular interest.

Oh really? How so? exclaims Zenth.

Well...Its this Jack Gibson fellow. I am not sure why, but Master Hargreaves personally told me to tell you to accept this fellows application.

*Zenth takes both applications and looks at the one from Jack Gibson first.*
*His eyes become wide and his mouth opens as he reads*

Wow, Okay. Thank you very much, sir. You may leave.

*The young man turns and walks out the door while Zenth continues to read Jack Gibson's application.*


I'm Jack Gibson. I'm a trader.

I have a messy history, which I won't go into here. It's enough to say that I'm one of those who's been burnt in the past by BMM. I didn't respond very well in the aftermath, but I've cleaned up. Since then, I've done a little of this, a little of that. I've done a bit of trading on the side, as well as some mining with IMG in the past - I left around the time Guildmaster Barrington did. I'm not interested in mining anymore, but I would be interested in trading for the Guild.

I've already purchased an Atlas with a loan from a friend. Had some trouble with the ID and such - it's currently ID'd with Gateway. As soon as I do a few missions, hopefully your system will let me get an IMG ID. I have some pretty reputable people who would vouch for me now, so if you need references or something, let me know.

Anyway, I'd like to join up officially, if you're willing.

Thanks for considering,

Jack Gibson

*Zenth quickly turns around and switches on his communications device.*

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source:
Zenth Kynolm, IMG Mining Director ***
[Image: Zenth.jpg]

Greetings Mr. Gibson,

Right. We remember you from before when you worked with the IMG as a Miner, like you said.

*Zenth smiles*

We would most graciously allow you back into the IMG, Mr. Gibson. The pleasure is ours.
Quite frankly, I am surprised to even see you applying again! Its good to have you back, and your reputation definitely precedes you.
I believe you may have a lot of catching up to do however, many things have changed recently.

I will contact you via secure communications to give you the transponder signal of the IMG's Secure Communications Channel.

We will see you soon.

Zenth Kynolm out.

*** End Transmission ***

Wow says Zenth as he talks to himself, I can't believe Nick gave me that honor.

*Zenth lets out a big sigh and rubs his face. He turns back around and reads the other application that was brought in.*

Quote:Name: Logan.Briggs
Transmission incoming from: Planet New London, Bretonian Space.

I'm sending this transmission to apply for a job in the IMG. I've worked for the BMM for 6 years now and I've had enough. My family had always worked there, so I joined them too. However, unlike my family, I will not tolerate the way they abuse their workers. Working conditions are horrible in the factories, and working in space is no better, since they are so cheap they won't even pay for appropiate protection for their workers. I almost lost my life twice when mining for gold in the Dublin system and my convoy was atacked by mollies. I barely escaped, unfortunately I can't say the same for the rest of my convoy.

I am applying for the IMG in hopes of finding a place were an honest worker can do his job in proper conditions and free of corporative abuse. I put my heart and soul into my duty and only demand a good working conditions in exchange. Hopefully the IMG will give me a chance to earn my living fairly.

I can bring honesty and hard work, as well as friendship. I like to get to know my fellow workers and even work with them whenever possible. As I said I put my heart and soul into my duties, and will do so with whatever the IMG may require of me.

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source:
Zenth Kynolm, IMG Mining Director ***
[Image: Zenth.jpg]

Greetings Mr. Briggs,

In short, Welcome to the Independent Miners Guild. You shouldn't be seeing any Mollys attacking our convoys!

*Zenth smirks*
And yes. We try our best to treat each and every miner with the respect that they deserve and provide them with the best mining opportunity available, unlike those BMM Slave Drivers!

It sounds like you have the work ethic we are looking for!
I will contact you via secure communications to give you the transponder signal of the IMG's Secure Communications Channel.

See you soon!

Zenth Kynolm out.

*** End Transmission ***

*Zenth turns around and goes back to reading about the Kishiro Expo*

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - funky - 01-27-2010

*** Incoming Transmittion***
--low signal--


Your Name: Ghita "Funky" Ionescu
Call-sign(s): Funky
Type of Ship(s) Owned: Fighter, Miner, Transport.
Age: 33
Date of Birth: *can't remember, get's a headache *
Place of Birth: Planet Leeds, Leeds System.
Your Current Location: Java Station, Tau-23.
When asked, can you provide proper Identification and Work Permits?
Do you have any previous convictions from the A.D.M.I.N. group?
Have you read and agree with the IMG Faction Status Guidelines?


Position Desired: Miner.
Are You Employed Now? Yes.
If so, with who?: Emplyed by the =CR= as 1st. Lt.

Have you ever been employed before?

Date you can start: As soon as possible.

Are you currently or have you ever been Employed by a Military or Naval Service?
If "Yes", please state your rank: 1st. Liutenant at =CR= .

--connection lost--
***Transimition Ended***

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - agentmike - 01-28-2010

*Zenth was sitting at his desk when another application was brought to him.*
*He stops everything he is doing and picks it up and reads it.*

Quote:Name: Ghita Ionescu
Occupation: None
Origin: Planet Leeds
Why I wish to join IMG: I always enjoyed mining, and I have no job.Kept failing trying to do other money-making jobs in the past. So mining is my thing. I have it in my blood, all members of my familly are miners.
I tryed to be different, but I now realise this is my place.....

*Zenth flips over the paper and looks for any additional information that might possibly be written on the back, only to find nothing at all.*
*Zenth lets out a large breath of air as he opens his filing cabinet and pulls out a sheet of paper*
*He then turns around and turns on his communications device*

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source:
Zenth Kynolm, IMG Mining Director ***
*** Data File Attached ***
[Image: Zenth.jpg]

Greetings Mr. Ionescu,

Or at least, I am assuming you are a "Mister". I can't be to sure with the information you sent me.

It Seems like some information about yourself is missing from your application.
In light of this, I am submitting a Template to you for you to fill out and send back to me, if your still interested in a position.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kynolm Out.

*** End Transmission ***



[font=Times New Roman]______________________________


[color=#000000]Your Name:
Type of Ship(s) Owned:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Your Current Location:
When asked, can you provide proper Identification and Work Permits?

Do you have any previous convictions from the [color=#000000]A.D.M.I.N. group?
If Yes, Explain below and provide links:

Have you read and agree with the IMG Faction Status Guidelines?


[color=#000000]Position Desired:
Are You Employed Now?
If so, with who?:

Have you ever been employed before?
If so, please list all previous employers:

If so, can we inquire with your present employer(s):
Date you can start:


[color=#000000]Subjects of Special Study or Research:

Are you currently or have you ever been Employed by a Military or Naval Service?
If "Yes", please state your rank:

Any "Other" Information relevant to the position(s) being applied for:


[color=#000000]List any references you may have:


[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - xtreem - 01-30-2010

hello , my name is Albert Molia and i am interested in your offer to join the IMG I have no job or family. I all i do is try to mine for my own good but i end up getting pirated constantly. i am just a civilian who is looking for a reason to live.

[Old] Independent Miners Guild Needs You! - agentmike - 01-30-2010

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source:
Zenth Kynolm, IMG Mining Director ***
[Image: Zenth.jpg]

Greetings Mr. Molia, If you could fill out the application posted above your application, that would be great. Then hopefully we can get you started right away!

*** End Transmission ***