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The Order feedback - Printable Version

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RE: The Order feedback - Enkidu - 07-30-2015

I was also present at the encounter as ~*~NishiAdelineDarche. I was informed, InRPly, by another Order member about an hour afterwards that the two present were new recruits - be that as it may, Order| isn't a faction that suffers from a low amount of manpower; you shouldn't be recruiting players who lack a willingness to Rp directly. It is highly unlikely that the Order| players present would have had to fight the ~*~ characters, if not for the only coherent explanation for their presence in Nagano coming from the Bloodrose character. It pays dividends to RP when encountered by any player, friendly, neutral, or hostile, planned or unplanned.

RE: The Order feedback - TheFreelancer - 07-30-2015

I like the order, my indie isnt pushed around for being "unofficial" and i like the factgion and their goals!

RE: The Order feedback - Connor - 07-30-2015

I honestly haven't seen the Order about much. I'm often looking for trouble with the K'Hara|Nergal and all I see is Core. Do you guys tend to log later in the evening (Compare it to GMT time)?

RE: The Order feedback - Enkidu - 08-09-2015

Terrible, terrible player conduct from Order|Andrew.Williams snooping around in Tau 65 (which is fine by itself). We logged six people and Rped a patrol to deal with possible Farmers Alliance pilots in Tau 65, only for, an hour and a half later, the Order| guy to avoid all contact with us and all RP at all, in a system that was up till recently our own guard system. How would Order feel if we lulwutted around Omicron Mu, and then didn't bother to RP with any of the people who logged, and just sat in a system edge??

When I confronted Williams inPM he gave scant answers saying "If you can find me, you can RP", which really didn't settle our tempers. Most of our members left in frustration that all the Rp we'd sent out had gone completely unnoticed. KNF logged and were probably waiting for us to interact with them, along with a Samura tagged and several other people who (naturally) didn't wait the whole time we were combing Tau 65 for one Order guy who thought it'd be fun to lulz around in our system.

I don't want to read any InRp posts on the forums by the Overwatch about "scouting" around Tau 65, when a member of the Order Overwatch deliberately avoided Rp. It really demotivates us to interact with Order| in any capacity if we don't get any kind of Rp directed at us for our efforts at making an appearance.

Please don't make a trend of this.

Edit: Evidence is available on request, but I'm hoping the player behind Williams can be honest about this.

RE: The Order feedback - CrazyD - 08-09-2015

(08-09-2015, 03:11 PM)Dunc- Wrote: Terrible, terrible player conduct from Order|Andrew.Williams snooping around in Tau 65 (which is fine by itself). We logged six people and Rped a patrol to deal with possible Farmers Alliance pilots in Tau 65, only for, an hour and a half later, the Order| guy to avoid all contact with us and all RP at all, in a system that was up till recently our own guard system. How would Order feel if we lulwutted around Omicron Mu, and then didn't bother to RP with any of the people who logged, and just sat in a system edge??

When I confronted Williams inPM he gave scant answers saying "If you can find me, you can RP", which really didn't settle our tempers. Most of our members left in frustration that all the Rp we'd sent out had gone completely unnoticed. KNF logged and were probably waiting for us to interact with them, along with a Samura tagged and several other people who (naturally) didn't wait the whole time we were combing Tau 65 for one Order guy who thought it'd be fun to lulz around in our system.

I don't want to read any InRp posts on the forums by the Overwatch about "scouting" around Tau 65, when a member of the Order Overwatch deliberately avoided Rp. It really demotivates us to interact with Order| in any capacity if we don't get any kind of Rp directed at us for our efforts at making an appearance.

Please don't make a trend of this.

Edit: Evidence is available on request, but I'm hoping the player behind Williams can be honest about this.

I informed our leader about your message. I Apoligize for my conduct, Thanks for your message.


RE: The Order feedback - Swifty - 08-11-2015

Hello Golly, how's it going? Missed me? Don't answer that, i don't need it. Just here to congratulate you on how nice you "educated" your boys. To like, run every time they see a Core ship. Personally, i don't care, but i felt like sharing with you the shame. I feel ashamed of what Order has became. From one of my favorite factions to the most hated.

[11.08.2015 20:15:03] Order|CV-Meretseger: // Also, never liked RP between Core and Order l

Good Roleplay. Keep it up boys and girls, you are doing fine Big Grin

RE: The Order feedback - Moberg - 08-11-2015

The screenshot already provides enough information for me to ask you something simple.
Would you like to be forced into an interaction that you do not want? To do something you can't enjoy?

If your answer is NO: Consider that the player in the screenshot might think the same. They might be looking for roleplay or a fight, but perhaps not with you. A forced encounter isn't enjoyable for the forced side (and thus, most of the time it won't be for the forcing side either). This is a game we play for fun, and if a player decides he doesn't want to have fun with you, then it's best to accept that. If possible steps to improve the fun for both sides failed, that is.

If your answer is YES: Simply because you think that way doesn't mean that everyone else thinks this way as well. Understand that the one you're interacting with wants to have fun, just like you. It's just that others might have different ways to have fun. And if they can't enjoy their time with you, it's best to contact the player in question and ask what needs to be done for both sides to enjoy the encounter and if all steps fail, to simply accept it and move on.

The next time, it would also be better to post your feedback with a more constructive behaviour. All this tone is doing is tarnishing both your own reputation and the reputation of the group your represent with your feedback.

RE: The Order feedback - Lythrilux - 08-12-2015

Whilst the tone of Carter's post wasn't exactly stellar and the most formal, he still has a point. Whilst I can apologise for the tone of his post, I can't apologise for the point he made.

It's most immature of a player, especially that of one in an official faction, to be willing to run all the way to the system wall. Whilst it is a fair point to raise whether or not the player would be willing to take part in an interaction, the behaviour the player showed is still silly. From reading the logs the Order| players character stated that with their RP they don't shoot human characters. Why was this not elaborated inRPly? Something as simple as that could have lead to an interesting encounter, which may have not necessarily ended with shooting mind. Though in regards to that, it's completely normal if an encounter does end in shooting. The Order and The Core are hostile to each other - they are enemies. It's the role of the characters in question to show hostility to the other side, vocally or physically. To neglect this would be undermining ones own role.

However I don't think it's wise to call the interaction forced. This is a multi-player roleplay server, where players interact with other players. You could call all interactions forced or ambient/natural, equally. I'd only regard an interaction such as this as forced if it was under circumstances that an event would be made and as part of the event the two ships would have to interact, in order for the event to progress. Otherwise this is a natural encounter with natural roleplay.

Overall though, I am somewhat confused what the intentions of that Order| pilot may have been. I don't mean to be snide, but the system at the time when the Order| pilot logged on, the system had a fair Core presence in. If he didn't want to interact with Core, what was he expecting by going into Delta? OoRPly and InRPly, Delta is a system with a big Core presence in. It'd be like a Core ship flying into Mu and then complaining when met by Order pilots. If he doesn't want to be involved with the Core part of The Order roleplay, and is willing to do silly things such as run all the way to the system wall simply to avoid that roleplay, then dare I say he's flying for the wrong faction. As stated encounters don't necessarily have to end in shooting, but they will have an air of inRP hostility.

RE: The Order feedback - Moberg - 08-12-2015

The problem of flying all the way to the system wall and not informing your potential arch enemy of your personal motives and beliefs all boil down to personal choice of the character. Official faction or not, a character won't tell just anyone their personal life story and agenda. I wouldn't call it immature, I call it playing your character.
Additionally, in regards to one point you hit the nail on the head: It's completely normal for an encounter to end in shooting. While this is also part of the roleplay, characters or even the player behind a character might not want a fight. Additionally, it seems that the Core tires some Order members by constantly searching them out even in regions far from the Omicrons, when it is apparent that no interaction between you is desired. And while it doesn't have to end up in a PvP battle, it seems that other players already seem to expect a PvP battle. Let me quote an anonymised PM I received an hour after my initial reply:
Quote:What you described there in your post is exactly what I and a few other Order members feel like when we're forced to interact with Core.

Core ships constantly search for us in the whole Sirius Sector and chase us like mad. At the beginning it was a bit of fun but now they're exaggerating and is starting to be some sort of harassment.
And luckily, not everything in roleplay has to be black and white: The Core and Order are enemies. Does that have to mean that every Order character has a grudge against every Core character, insulting the other side whenever possible, and vice versa? What if individual characters actually do not despise the other official enemy, but simply appreciate the other's work and focus on their own battle against the Nomads, while at the same time fearing to get blown up by your ships?

In any case, my point still stands: A player shouldn't be forced to take part in an interaction that he/she can't enjoy. And if a player shows signs of that (evident in this case through the screenshot) then it's best to not waste your own and the other player's time to do something atleast one side can't find fun in.

RE: The Order feedback - Mímir - 08-12-2015

(08-12-2015, 09:33 AM)LordVipex Wrote: In any case, my point still stands: A player shouldn't be forced to take part in an interaction that he/she can't enjoy. And if a player shows signs of that (evident in this case through the screenshot) then it's best to not waste your own and the other player's time to do something atleast one side can't find fun in.

Then we might as well all delete the game, there's no point in playing if everything has to be consensual. I can't understand how you can seriously defend this. Some players can't enjoy losing no matter what, are we to take that into consideration too, or should those players just get real? If it is because there is a specific issue with Core, take it to their feedback thread instead of encouraging super destructive behavior by your own pilots on the server.

You could also re-open the bounty board if you need more ships to pew at CoreSmile