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RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Jonathan Seabourne - 07-27-2020

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: Titanic-Second-Officer-Charles-Lightoller.jpg]

ID: Jonathan Seabourne

Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Curacao, Cortez

To: All Employees

Subject: Bretonia in Stuttgart?

Greetings friends,

Breezewood was on approach to Baden Baden when we came across a Bretonian Carrier, Reliant, next to a debris field. The ship scooted away after telling us that what happened there didn't concern us. We dropped off the passengers and made pick up on the crew in the field along with salvaging the cargo. It seems that the victim was a Gallic transport full of hydrocarbons (we found traces of Promethene) but we can't definitively say what downed the ship. Atmospheric accident, Hessian ambush, or BAF over reach? I don't know, but I passed along the info to the Imperials. We'll see what they do about it. In any case, littering hydrocarbons in Baden Baden's orbit is unacceptable!


Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Where Angels Fear to Tread

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 07-28-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Secret
To:Theobald Franklin
Encryption:Neptune Spear
Subject: Dont Give her Up

Greetings Theobald

I would say the repair Costs are indeed high, but I know you and I know you Love the Reverie. you Survived the Torpedos in New York, and you Survived this Bastards Attack. that was part your Skill and Part your Ship, the Reverie have a Good Sould, and you will Hardly find an Ship Like her again. as for an Advice With the Repair Costs, I would Say Listen to your Heart. could you See the Reverie Getting Scraped. if it would be the Velvet my Answer would be a Clear No, and if you are Short on Credits then I will help you out. Have faith in the skills of the Junkers, you know I was one and I know what I say when I tell you they can Make Miracles with machines and Ships. In the end it would be the Question what is More important to you, Your Ship or your Wallet. I tend to the First, but you know how I am when it comes to the Velvet.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: DmiRfcj.png]
[Image: kA4jnzr.png]

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lumik - 07-29-2020

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: CTLN7y4.jpg]

Encryption: Low

Priority: High (Note: Not really)

ID: Stan Stone

Location: Riviera Resort

Access: Participants of the party in Riviera crew dining room

Subject: That was awesome! Also some found property

Hello everyone who was there!

I just want to additionally thank you all for coming and showing me what celebration party in the OSC style look like. It has been a very long time since I had so much fun, met so many nice people, drank so much of...everything with them, and in the morning felt so bad I wanted to cut my head off. But it was worth it, I hope you enjoyed it too.

By the way, someone is probably missing a pair of cool Adios shoes because somehow managed to leave without missing them. If you are looking for them now, the dining hall manager has them.

Also, someone forgot bra with NeuralNet call number written on it on men´s toilet and I found it there before leaving around like...uh, six in the morning? Anyway, I took it for safekeeping because it´s quite personal, so if you can convince me you are either the girl which came to the party wearing this bra or you are the lucky person which was supposed to leave with it, you can have it. Otherwise, it will simply disappear, my wife would not appreciate such kind of souvenir in my possession. Not to mention that what happens at the party, stays at the party, right?

That´s all, see you next time people! Though I don´t think it can be earlier than like a month. My head still keeps spinning. And I still hear inside it that song which was for some reason played like twenty times that evening and we shouted the refrain so I almost lost my voice. You know, this one...

*song from the data attachment starts playing while the message ends*

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Have a pleasant flight!

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - The Stagecoach - 07-29-2020

-- Incoming Message --
-- Begin Feed --
* ID: Charles Boles
* Location: OS&C|TE-The.Stagecoach

Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

\Begin Message/

Director Cross,

I've got a funny one for you. On my travels overnight I came across this destitute, absolutely filthy individual by the name of Riette. Anyways, this poor, very dirty.....thing......tried to claim they were staying on the Hawaii and I needed to show (him/ some respect. After I got done laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. No seriously at one point they claimed that in addition to staying on the Hawaii, they had the President of Liberty with them. It was such an absurd notion I had to break them of their mirage and explain how we don't let people like them onto our Liners, and certainly not someone who is claiming to be with the president.

Anyways it didn't appreciate being told of their real status in the sector and claimed they would "file a complaint" although I doubt they have access to paper let alone a terminal, either way I thought I would let you know incase the complaint does make it to your desk you'll know not to waste any time thinking about it and send it straight into that black filing cabinet you call a trash can.

Captain Boles

\End Message/

End File
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-- Secondary data log saved --

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Jonathan Seabourne - 07-29-2020

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: Titanic-Second-Officer-Charles-Lightoller.jpg]

ID: Jonathan Seabourne

Location: OS&C|Breezewood, Planet Curacao, Cortez

To: Captain Charles Boles, The Stagecoach, Captain Caitlyn Cross, Red Velvet Club

Subject: Orbital Expects Better of You

Greetings Captain,

I was unaware your new titles carried with them chief of bookings for Hawaii. If a person has landing rights on the craft, then they have business on the craft. If they have business on the craft, then they are an Orbital customer and should be treated as such. Even if they weren't an Orbital Customer, they are still a human being and you are still an Orbital Captain. So long as you wear the colors of this organization, you will comport yourself accordingly. We are polite, we are charming, and we are always in control, both of ourselves and of the situation.

I am disappointed that flying 27th century technology seems to have instilled 17th century attitudes in you. I do not care what this customer said or believed, you are NEVER permitted to use that kind of misogynistic and disgusting language towards another person so long as you are an Orbital captain. If they're going off the rails, you reply with "Safe skies" and go on your merry way. I do not know what you intended to accomplish by insulting this person's appearance and making references to their menstrual cycle, but your conduct is revolting, and there is no place for it in this company.

As for you, Director Cross, the most shocking thing about your response to that transmission was the lack of any form of an apology.
Not even corporate boilerplate to placate the situation. As a director, your job is to resolve problems, not escalate them, and I am disappointed with your response so far. On a more personal level, I am disappointed that a Junker would see such blatant discrimination against someone for their perceived social status and take the path you have. Perhaps I misjudged you, and Orbital is all the poorer for it.

We are a hospitality company, we provide experiences to our passengers, and the experience you've provided would make even the most discount IDF steerage booking look attractive. All of Sirius is our Customer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Start acting like it or find a company with lower standards to work for.

For BOTH of you, I expect your next transmission to be either a formal, sincere apology to this pilot OR a letter or resignation to me. I will not head a corporation that tolerates this kind of behavior from its officers.

Jonathan Seabourne
Captain, OS&C|Breezewood
Director, White Star Lines Division
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Orbital Spa and Cruise

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Where Angels Fear to Tread

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lionheart523 - 07-29-2020

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: 0TCFHy4.jpg]ID: Cpt. Theobald Franklin

Location: Freeport 1, Omega-3 System

To: Caitlyn Cross

Subject: RE: Don't give her up

Greetings Cait!

I assure you, I would never give up on my Lady, never! Only if she is engulfed in flames and reduced to space dust would I leave her behind. And then I would go and gather as much of it to integrate into the rebirth of her.

The OS&C|Reverie will raise again of its ashes like a phoenix and will travell between the stars once more.

It is not a question of money, dear Cait. If it was the only plausible option to pay the horrendous prices of Renzu Corporation, then yes, I would gladly and willingly pay them. But I am a man who thinks that there are always more options than one can see at first glance.

I had a long and interesting conversation with Commandant Howler from the Junker Congress on board his refitted Pilgrim Liner. We reached an agreement and they are now repairing everything on the Reverie, short of the interior. This includes also the engines. I figure they will be quiet different than the original Renzu ones, but I am curious how they will work.
Although I don't have the exact numbers yet, I am sure the bill the Junkers will present afterwards won't be as high as if we had to pay for their repairs and the Renzu Corp together.

So you can rest easily, Cait. I have never given up on my ship, as I would never give up on our friendship.

Best regards,
Cpt. Theobald Franklin

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
Living Dreams!

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lumik - 07-29-2020

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

[Image: LmWcXTr.jpg]

Encryption: Medium

Priority: Medium

ID: Stan Stone

Location: Riviera Resort

Access: All Employees

Subject: Second report


I am submitting my second report from my another three shifts. Again, almost nothing out of ordinary happened, so it´s mostly just shipping records.

The first shift was another five rounds to Alesia Station for High Performance Alloy with the ship ONE-Agatha. Nothing to report.

For the following two shifts, I was entrusted to command the ONE-Oceania again. First two were quite long routes to Planet Honshu for Optronic Arrays required for Riviera upgrade. On the way there we loaded full containers of wine. I didn´t know there could be demand for such cargo in Kusari, but obviously there is.

An event which is worth mentioning is the encounter with the small cargo ship named Ravenwing during the second shift and what followed. We passed by each other first in the Honshu system and then in the New Tokyo, and because the ship somehow seemed suspicious to me, I scanned it. It was loaded with like 500 cargo units of sorted artifacts. It flew from the scanning range quickly so I did not have time to take a scanner record, thus I let it go and we continued on our way. But when we arrived at the Misaki Station in Tau-53, we met there two ships of the Kusari Office of Intelligence. They asked me if I had any troubles on my way so I used the opportunity and reported the ship, because I think that having good reputation with the authorities of law-abiding foreign corporation can´t hurt, especially in Kusari. After that, we bid each other safe skies and continued on our ways. But just to be sure, the communication record is attached.

That is all for now.

Stan Stone

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

Have a pleasant flight!

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - The Stagecoach - 07-30-2020

-- Incoming Message --
-- Begin Feed --
* ID: Charles Boles
* Location: OS&C|TE-The.Stagecoach

Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

\Begin Message/

Director Seaborne,

You'll have to forgive me, you see I was reading your rather slap dash reply and couldn't help but get a massive giggle at you calling me a misogynist. I mean, you, who employs how many sex slaves exotic entertainers again? Calling me a misogynist. We both work for the same Orbital right? Of course we do! And I'm sure you'll come back with another reply about how you take care of your employees and how there is no doubt in your mind that they are well compensated for their....unique appearances. I however see nothing more than a hypocritical old man standing on a soap box.

I'll admit I shouldn't have fallen for such a simple bait laid out by a troll, but what it looks like from my perspective is.

1. Some random individual, who just recently has appeared on the net, decided to press my buttons, I decided to press them back and call them on their lie.

2. Hours after the incident, literal HOURS, you receive 21 million credits, which we both know is barely enough for a steerage accommodation on the Hawaii for a night suddenly has one of the level 1 suites. Really Jonathan, a level 1 suite for only 21 million?

3. After receiving your bribe, and that it what it is, you demand a sincere apology, or my resignation. I appreciate that thing is somehow related to you either in the form of a Love Child or a rather badly chosen one night stand. But you really are going to fire me over a single complaint, especially given that my record has been stellar from before I even considered joining Orbital.

Furthermore have you never fielded a complaint before? I have to field them all the time, especially given that most of our customer base tends to act like said troll. I don't default to demanding the employee in question issue an apology, because generally speaking because we don't pay said employees enough to care. It is beyond ridiculous to expect it.

In short no, that thing will not be receiving an apology from me. You may have been the man who bullied Cait into bending over backwards. But I see this individual for who they are and any intelligent person can see you were paid off to demand my job. Personally, I would have held out for the actual cost of a level 1 suite and not wimped out at a small measly amount.

Captain Boles

\End Message/

End File
-- Feed Terminated --
-- Secondary data log saved --

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Lord Helmchen - 07-30-2020

[Image: 68747470733a2f2f732d6d656469612d63616368...w=360&q=80]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Red Velvet Club Secret
To:Charles Boles
Encryption:Neptune Spear
Subject: Shut Up

Greetings Mr. Boles

i realy Rarely use my Subdirector Card when it is towards one of my Capitans but this is one of the Rare Times i do, so let me ask you something ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY. i put my head on the God damit Butchers table to Protect you, becouse you couldnt ceep your mouth shut as somone made a Stupid Coment about your ship, i Understad that you are Proud in your ship as much as i am. but you should let it stand as it is i Protected you simply becouse i See Triton as my Family, so dont make me Regret my Decision to take you in my Family. Let it stand as it is and next time let her talk a bit longer before you Awnser with insults yourelf, and be a Bit more Creative, then i have a Case against the next one who thinks its funny to mess with my Family. so i make it simple this case is Closed by Subdirectors Order.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Capitan Red Velvet Club
Subdirector and Head of Triton Expeditions

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: DmiRfcj.png]
[Image: kA4jnzr.png]

RE: OS&C| Orbital Spa & Cruise - Flight Logs & Internal Communications - Stoner_Steve - 07-31-2020

-- Incoming Message --
-- Begin Feed --
* ID: James Blackwood - Captain
* Location: OS&C|Offshore Account
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:

\Begin Message/

Directors Cross and Seaborne,

After a rather lengthy and unproductive conversation with Captain Boles regarding his behavior I have made the decision to end his relationship with The Stagecoach. While he is not entirely happy with this decision he has little say in it. As the majority of the ships operation costs, along with the entirety of her most recent overhaul were paid for out of my fleet funds. While I haven't completely removed his flight access to our flight registration system I have curtailed him to the daily cargo flights between Curacao and Shasta Orbital Skyhook. A less, passenger oriented, position.

Moving forward a rather old friend of mine will be taking over The Stagecoach. Please meet Captain Brandon Bancroft. Additionally, to help ease his workload, his son-in-law Dylan Griffiths will be joining him as First Mate. Both of these gentleman assisted me several years ago when I first joined Orbital and I am exceptionally excited to see their return. I'm sure in the coming days and weeks you'll get to meet and learn to know them as I have.

James Blackwood

\End Message/

End File
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