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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - jimmy Patterson - 01-04-2012

"hmm hattmans takeing her sweet time, i hope shes ok ,i knew the look on her face,i hope i dident hit a nerve"

<jimmy swrilled his drink and sat back debateing if he should go see if he had upset the young women>

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar &amp; Grill - Melanie Tyler - 03-25-2012

A screech cut across the bar as a metal stool skittered across the floor, coming to rest a comfortable distance from the bar. Under ordinary circumstances the thrower would have been pleased with her marksmanship. Today though, Ensign Jane Hartman simply slumped into the chair and signaled for two drinks. She didn't pay any particular attention to what she pointed at on the board, and to be honest, she couldn't have cared less. Hartman returned the bartender's familiar greeting with a strict nod, and curled her fingers around the table.

Silence pervaded the bar, as was to be expected at such a late hour, and the freshly-arrived Ensign did nothing to alleviate it. She took a long draught from one of the glasses, bringing the half-empty glass back to the bar with a resounding crash. Shaking her head, Hartman shifted slightly in her seat and surveyed the near-empty room, a look of intense distaste for the establishment in general etched on her face.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar &amp; Grill - Melanie Tyler - 03-29-2012

Music filtered to Hartman's ears, filtered by an uncomfortable volume of alcohol. Still, enough notes staggered through for her to recall the tune. Reveille. She could have sworn the day's activities hadn't been due to start for at least four hours a few minutes ago. At least, it felt like a few minutes ago. It was the damn space stations. No sun rising over the horizon. No means to navigate. No means to even guess at the time.

With a muttered curse against everything space-bourne, and a second one for anything that emitted more then about a candle's worth of light, the Ensign staggered to her feet and the waiting briefing room.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar &amp; Grill - Haphestus - 03-30-2012

Clark walked into the Bar, face covered with grease. The Arkeigh Burke had a Ion converter conduit blow and that was located behind 2 metres of piping, wires and the Secondary Heat Exchange. A nine hour fix just to replace the Conduit. Clark walked up to the bar.
"Five fingers of Houston Burbon straight up." Clark Ordered.
The bartender was still looking at all the grease on the man ordering. Then he spotted the maintenence logo on Clarks overalls. The bartender didnt say anything he just got Clark his drink. Clark swipped his credit chit.
Clark downed the drink in one go. The bartender looked in amazment. Clark didnt seem phased at all. He put the glass down on the counter.
"24 'Fire In The Hole' Hotwings and another round" Clark ordered once again.
Over the next half hour the entire bar watched Clark eat the hottest thing in existance, still not phased at all by it. Two Hours later Clark was still drinking, at that point he was a little bit giddy.
"Show me the way to go home,
I had a little woah, more than a little drink bout an hour ago,
Clark Passed out.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar &amp; Grill - Haphestus - 04-13-2012

Clark Walked into the Bar and Grill tired as normal.
No room for drinking while on duty. But the Arleigh Burke had just returned to Manhattan after 5 no stop back and fourths from Bretonia. Luckily nothing nasty occurred. the slight detour was working. A minute delay but worth it in saving lives. The trade lane to and from the New York Jump Gate to Riverside station was always under fire from pirates and a naval transport well that could never end well with pirates. it still added about an hour onto the trip. Clark ordered two racks of Houston style Barbeque ribs and a large soda. Clark walked over and sat in the Officer's Lounge. As soon as sat down the form fitting form reshaped to Clark's body shape and massaged his back. it was wondrous. then came his food. it smelt delicious.
Foods good
Chairs good
Clark was good.
Everything for that half an hour of relaxation and eating meat. a simple joy however things were interrupted by Clark's Pocket Tablet. He pulled it out. slightly grumpy.

We may have more work lined up soon enough. your two week overlay is CANCELLED, effective tomorrow at 00:01AM SMT.


Typical, you relax for one second and suddenly they need your more than ever.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar &amp; Grill - rainth345 - 05-30-2013

There was almost nobody at the place when Captain Remus Sius entered... 'cept for a few civilians and off-duty personnel. Remus did not take notice of this nor did he even care. He went straight to the bar and immediately placed some credits on the table.

"The usual. Please... and make it quick."

The bartender without hesitation... disappeared into one of the backrooms and appeared quickly with a vintage bottle. The bartender found a glass underneath and poured a sizable amount in it... before placing it infront of him in a quick motion. He was about to take the bottle away when Remus took hold of his arm.

"Leave it.", he said as he looked him square in the face. Without much to argue, the bartender placed the bottle next to Remus' glass and returned to washing a few dirty ones.

"Damm Krauts... ", he murmured as he took hold of the glass and downed the drink in one go.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar &amp; Grill - Sarawr!? - 05-31-2013

Rachel entered the bar after somewhat awkwardly poking her head around the corner of the door-frame, as if looking for people she was trying to avoid.

With a deep sigh, she straightened out her uniform, shrugged dismissively to herself, and started toward the bartender's counter, noticing Captain Sius after she'd made it halfway there.

Too late, oh well.

After sitting down, she sighed again, placing her hands flatly on the counter, waving the barman over.

"Hessian Vodka with Cola...if you have it. I don't usually come here but I gu-"

The Barman had disappeared from view to retrieve her drink before she had even finished speaking.

Maybe he's busy...but that was still wonder I drink alone.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - rainth345 - 05-31-2013

Before the Acting Fleet Admiral could enter the bar, Remus composed himself accordingly after catching Admiral Baker poking her head out of the corner of his eye.

Oooh.... great... company...

Without knowing it, Remus tried to pour the last vestiges of the bottle but found it to be empty. The barman was no where to be found so that option wasn't available. It was as if there was nothing to interact with except for the Admiral.

Here goes nothing...

He sighed before he tried to stand in attention... but his senses eluded him of a spilled liquid on the floor next to his bar stool.

"Aaad-..aahhh.....", was all Remus could say before the liquid tipped off his balance and he dropped to the floor.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - t0l - 06-07-2013

Ensign Hudson Ravis was a simple man, one who came from a rather humble home. He rarely visited bars, and the ones he visited were generally empty. He had little tolerance for alcohol, and would feel as if he'd pass out after a beer.

He walked over to the bar and took a seat.

"Erm, can I get uh, like uh, half bottle of beer or like a uh, half cup of ale?"

The bartender gave him a funny look before going under.

Hudson tried to lean back, but the stool had no backrest. He fumbled on the stool, making a bit of racket.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Lythrilux - 08-13-2013

Ensign Zoe Valentine walked into the bar. She was dressed in her flight suit that was still uncomfortably tight fitting. She really needed to look into getting one that fit her properly. She was tired after a long days patrol, dealing with the odd pirate was troublesome but having to direct the Secondary Fleet was a problem on a different level. She had recently heard from Michael Morse that the Navy had a Bar and Grill for people in service. She was a person in service, she also liked Bar's and Grill's.
She walked up to the Bartender, feeling the need to crave her alcohol sensation.
"Hey, Bar man, A drink please?" She asked.
The Bartender nodded in acknowledgement and passed Zoe a pint.
"Is that all? Huh"
The Bartender scowled at her rudeness but went back to his business.
With pint in hand, she made her way to a table.