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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 05-03-2011

[Image: williamcross.png]
Took long enough to get that damn fuel transport out to Freeport 9! Ya know how crowded 9 is? Too crowded. Here are my reports, better late than never they say eh?

Freeport 5

5000 Pharmaceuticals

Freeport XV

5000 Fertilizers [PU] [DO]
5000 Fertilizers [PU] [DO]

Porto Novo

5000 Pharmaceuticals
5000 Water
5000 Water
5000 H-Fuel
5000 Food Rations
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 05-03-2011

[Image: lloydtrans.png]
Just got back to Java, ran some beryllium down to the Ring per the new contract.

Daumann TMS Contract

3600 Beryllium

Freeport 5

3600 H-Fuel
3600 H-Fuel
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - fencore - 05-03-2011

[Image: gheis_trans_top.png]
Given the transient nature of the captaincy of my vessels, I'm personally handling the reporting this time. At least until I find a more permanent replacement for the empty seat on the Resolute II
Freeport XV Supply Contract Porto Novo Supply Contract Crete Food Supply
Where's my secretary when I need her...

Gheis Mace
[Image: gheis_trans_bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Dourden4 - 05-05-2011

[Image: dourden_trans.png]
Did a bit more for the contracts. Sorry for the delayed report.

Freeport 5:

Food Shipment 1

Food Shipment 2


[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 05-07-2011

[Image: williamcross.png]
While trying to finish up the Freeport 5 contract, we ran across a KusEx equipped with Zoner weapons. Some of the miners of Freistadt claim the vessel is known to pirate IMG, Kruger, and Daumann vessels within Omega-7 and the surrounding systems. None of them were thrilled to see Zoner made weapons on the vessel. Here is the rest of my report:

Freeport 5 Contract

5000 units of Cobalt
5000 units of H-Fuel
5000 units of H-Fuel
5000 units of Water
5000 units of MOX
2500 units Nuclear Devices
5000 units of Superconductors
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 05-07-2011

[Image: ruiz_trans.png]
>>>Action Report<<<

Today I was escorting our two latest additions to our transport division on a run from Gran Canaria to Freeport 10. The trip was quiet until we were intercepted by two Union Course snubcraft. As was expected, they demanded credits from both the transports. Seeing our unfavorable position I took up negotiations with the pirates. We were not able to come to a compromise and I ordered the transports to split up and run for the nearest safe port. I engaged the bomber first until Mr. Valmir made it safely away. I arrived just in time to give Mr. Cogito cover until he docked with the BMM station. My thanks go out to them for providing him with safe harbor for the time being. After both pilots were safe I disengaged the two pirates and made my way to Freeport 10.

I would also like to note the impressive performance of the Karasu fighter. At first I was skeptical of their firepower but it proved to be sufficient enough to harass and distract hostile snubcraft.
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Pacificator - 05-07-2011

/: Incoming transmission
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Name : Dantes Aglieri
ID : OSI-Arcane

Was able to do some few drop off to Freeport V :

3580 units Berylium

3580 units Berylium

The Iridium road back to Bretonia was calm, even in Gamma. A lot of Nomad activity over Delta, and we got a lil more than a scratch out of it but manage to do an emergency jump to Minor and do some repairs there, thanks to the Order.

Everywhere the fortune pass, only scares remains...

A blessing on your wings.


Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - shemkel - 05-08-2011

/: Incoming transmission
/: Sending data

Name : Lucius Cogito
ID : OSI-Lusitania

I did my first contracted delivery of 3580 units of Boron to Freeport 5.


I decided to go through New London.
The only interesting event was meeting some friendly Corsair (unfortunately i don't recall his name). We got some nice conversation. He stated, he was going to Omnicron Theta.

Nothing else to report.

Lucius Cogito

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - shemkel - 05-09-2011

[Image: cogito_trans.png]

Today I made two runs.
The first one was The Pineal Route - starting and ending on Gran Canaria.
In Pennsylvania system, I have been joined by OSI Security Division Pilot Walter Garrus.
He escorted me all the way to Boa Vista station, which resulted in mutual profits: for me - safe journey, for him - 1 mil. credits.
Afterwards, I took a full cargo hold of food rations from Freeport 4 to Crete. (Dropoff)

It was quite a successful and profitable day.
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - shemkel - 05-09-2011

aargh. Could somebody remove this post?