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GRN feedback thread - Printable Version

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RE: GRN feedback thread - Jayce - 04-03-2016

(04-03-2016, 04:45 PM)Thunderer Wrote: @Jayce Which means that if you engaged a ship somewhere fairly, and it was losing, you would attack it with even more ships so it loses faster because you think it is going to lose anyways? And is a fight more fun for you if it is shorter?

Firstly, you of all people have no right to complain about being ganked, as a BAF player.

Next, the fight was already lost for you and your group, we didn't make it any more unfair simply by adding a second Battlecruiser. You say I "think" we're going to win, but I knew for a fact that you were going to die. It was inevitable. You didn't even bring Nanobots with your Redemption in one of the worst asteroid fields in Sirius. It would have simply taken a little more time for the first Battlecruiser to kill you. There was no "fun" involved, it was simply cleaning up remnants of a botched, failed operation that had no chance of succeeding. We had already had our fun killing your two CR buddies, so killing you was just an extra bit of time and effort I wanted to get over with as quickly as possible. Call it being rude, I don't particularly care.

Thanks for your feedback.

RE: GRN feedback thread - Thunderer - 04-03-2016

I play this game for fun. If the GRN| don't like when their opponents are having fun, then I guess I will simply avoid the faction.

And for the second time, please use the BAF| feedback in case of unfair fights against the BAF|. As I know, in the last few battles between our two factions the GRN| had convincingly more ships, but maybe you remember something from the distant past which I don't, or some event where I wasn't present. I am not posting here (only) because I was ganked, but because it keeps and keeps happening, as if it is getting out of control.

RE: GRN feedback thread - Jack_Henderson - 04-06-2016

This was frustrating beyond belief.
Al lot more for me personally than for the others, because I knew it would happen, but it was still immensely frustrating for everybody.

For those who were not there: again 0 kills, 100 % losses in a roughly 10 vs 10 snub fight that did not even last... 5? 6? minutes and was lost after minute 1.

What makes it frustrating is that it is not the first time but - sadly - the "total wipe" is the normal outcome when groups try to pvp GRN|. I am not blaming anybody, I am just stating that this is the case.

What makes this massacre so massively frustrating for me is because I knew it would happen like this.

I PMed Omi and Haste and told them it would happen like this. And of course it did.

> PM when I saw Haste logging on GRN:

Quote:[06.04.2016 19:24:59] CR|-Surferboy: Haste?
[06.04.2016 19:25:03] GRN|Maurice.Cornett.: hi
[06.04.2016 19:25:11] CR|-Surferboy: Man, THEY really do not need an ace
[06.04.2016 19:25:29] CR|-Surferboy: tehy will shiiiiiiit on us anyway, with zero losses
[06.04.2016 19:25:33] GRN|Maurice.Cornett.: All I know is omi screaming they had 2 people or something and needed me to log
[06.04.2016 19:25:57] GRN|Maurice.Cornett.: i'm also probably far from an ace 8|
[06.04.2016 19:25:57] [C]-DaMage,: be warned, tagless snub in conn also in their group
[06.04.2016 19:26:00] GRN|Maurice.Cornett.: whatevr ill look what its like
[06.04.2016 19:26:01] CR|-Surferboy: ye. Then they do not know what this is going to end
[06.04.2016 19:26:07] CR|-Surferboy: bc I do

I pmed with Omi who I do not envy, either. The login patterns on the CR-C-SCRA team was freaking chaotic, snubs, caps, snubs, caps. Reacting to that must have been mayhem. And: Omi tried to somehow manage it, by pulling people out, etc etc. I do not contest that. And I even believe that he is frustrated about this and I am convinced that this was a really bad interaction for every body on every side.

However, I said this in PM before the fight:

> PM to Omi before fight

Quote:[06.04.2016 19:29:25] CR|-Surferboy: Come on. Meph, Omi, Haste, Dan, Antonio.... pffffffff............
[06.04.2016 19:29:34] CR|-Surferboy: I feel like logging off again.
[06.04.2016 19:29:41] GRN|Lucie:LeBlanc: // we cannot capfight the amount of stuff that is coming
[06.04.2016 19:29:49] CR|-Surferboy: //we will be totally raped again
[06.04.2016 19:29:51] GRN|Lucie:LeBlanc: // it is not my fault that i have to get what i can to log in snubs |:
[06.04.2016 19:30:49] CR|-Surferboy: //ye... and you certainly know that no one will fight you again if you roll everythign every time with 0 losses
[06.04.2016 19:30:56] CR|-Surferboy: //this will be a zero loss wipe again

Edit: I am not blamig Omi for anything. I am not implying that he on purpose got the aces to roll over the enemy. I actually know he was trying his best to somehow manage to make it a fight. That just did not work. So, do not get me wrong: I am not blaming GRN| leadership here. They tried, but the outcome was still really really bad.

I am by far not the most experienced group fighter in this fight.
But I could see it. Perhaps I could see it that clearly because I have been group fighting on underdog teams against superior teams for 5 years. Perhaps winning teams cannot see the outcome depite their experience.

The solution is easy and it sucks at the same time: If not 2-3 of your aces/experienced group fighters log on the opponent side, these confrontations will never be fights that earn the name "fight".

It will always be massacres. Aces changing sides to make it more fun for everybody is the only way. I would absolutely hate it if I was on GRN side, if I had to join a loser team full of bad and new and inexperienced guys.

But even you have to see today that there is no way you will ever get a fight again if this is the regular setup of fights, with the predictable worst-case outcome so obvious that I can be my money on it.

And, let's face it: this is not the first time that GRN has discouraged whole groups from pvping them any more by crushingly wiping the floor with them every single time. It has happened quite a few times before.

I really want to be an optimist, but there is no solution on the side of your opponents in this. The SCRA-C-CR side does not have people that can match your snub pvpers. 5 of you would have killed the 10 of us. You would have lost 1 or 2 perhaps.

And if SCRA-C-CR side bring caps, GRN do not have the caps to fight them on the same class (which is the only way you can have a somewhat fun fight) and would go full bombers, which is zero fun and zero kills for the cap group again - not unlikely without losses. Experienced, veteran players and aces on the rock-paper-scissor ship against the raid will result in another wipe.

Somehow you have to find a way if you want to get fights in the future.
After repeated "0 kill, all killed" massacres, you are on the best way to go back to inactivity because players will - understandably so - avoid pvp interaction with you to save themselves and their factions the frustration that comes with outcomes like those GRN produces way too regularly, sadly.

~ Jack

RE: GRN feedback thread - Venkman - 04-06-2016

Alright so, I am not a member of GRN, but I have to say following:

Every time I play with or versus GRN I have fun. The guys that are in GRN always try to balance fight out and all I can say about that is good job. GRN is a fun faction and I always enjoy encountering then. Mr. Henderson for some reason it is always you who is complaining, every time, so it's gets a little boring after some time.

GRN=good faction, keep it up guys. : )

RE: GRN feedback thread - The Savage - 04-06-2016


RE: GRN feedback thread - Ryummel - 04-06-2016

Toris posting again

RE: GRN feedback thread - Venkman - 04-06-2016

(04-06-2016, 10:37 PM)Toris Wrote:
(04-06-2016, 10:32 PM)Mephistoles Wrote: I recommend you stick to legitimate feedback, rather than lies while in a rage over dying.

The problem is, I do not rage over dying nowadays.

Also, trial by forum is bad and you should feel bad.

You should stop trying to make drama. Just stop. Thanks.

RE: GRN feedback thread - Mr.Badger - 04-06-2016

Well, I had some good and mee encounters with GRN.

Mee encounter: Magellan today, 5th| (3 guys) vs GRN| (3 guys)
Well, you killed pretty fast Jack, but then one of your VHF's just shieldrunns? In a 2v3, well that was kinda bad... would be cool when you fix this shieldrunning in a 3v2

Anyway, some encounters are good and some are really mee

RE: GRN feedback thread - Omi - 04-11-2016

Bump, since I can now reply to this in person.

Anyone with any positive feedback (good joke), valid complaints, or constructive criticism can and should feel free to post it here. As always, evidence and the like to back up any grievances is a good idea, to say the least.

The only reminder I want to give to anyone considering posting here is that ultimately this thread is for improving the GRN| faction, not for seeking gratification by airing perceived wrongs in public. As such, if it's not something you can reasonably expect us to fix, consider whether posting it is even a good idea in the first place.

P.S. Now that I can post again, the only responses that are indicative of an official/factionwide stance on any issue are ones made by myself, @Haste, @bloogaL, or @Antonio. I won't limit my members from expressing their own opinions on things that concern the faction - particularly if said issues involve them personally - but unless you hear it from GRN| HC, it's nothing more than a personal opinion.

RE: GRN feedback thread - Thunderer - 04-11-2016

The GRN| are a faction of decent role-play and overall pvp skill. You also have access to some rather good ships, like the Lynx, the Couguar and the Valor. Judging by the proposed ID changes, you are going to clash with Liberty in an all out war in Californiaville soon™. As we all know, the LN are, due to being close to the start point, usually not terribly awesome at either of the prior, and while possessing a good fighter to match yours, lack true bomber and battleship opposition. When it starts, the GRN| are going to cut through them like through butter. And when they stop logging, you won't have anything to shoot at.

I suggest that some of your players sometimes log for the enemy's side, or not complain about ganks. All of us who like strategy games know that it is unfair for a unit of town militia to fight a unit of men-at-arms.