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Harvester - chovynz - 06-09-2008

I support this faction.

Harvester - Tenacity - 06-10-2008

Quote:Machines/players may join for a little machine on machine

Do we have video of this machine on machine action? :P


and I support the faction as long as they continue being friendly to junkers, I dont want my crew turned into lubrication for the above listed machine on machine action.

Harvester - Friday - 06-10-2008

I support them too, even though I dont want to be one.

Hey Scorn, put up a poll "Do people support (in principle) the Machines as an RP concept?"

Lets see the numbers. You will get my vote!

Harvester - song - 06-10-2008

Got my vote!

Harvester - ScornStar - 06-14-2008

I'm just cleaning it up and bringing most recent page forward. Looks like we're finally up for review. So I need to make sure this is ship shape. Please let me know if you see anything that needs correcting in a technical sense. I'm not talking ideas, Im talking tell me if you see a "T" not crossed or an "I" not dotted. Thank you for all your time everyone who even when hot took the time to be heard.

The Beta Code



When the Dom Kavash started exploring new galaxies they had just developed space fold for practical use and had integrated it into their probes. These probes were designed with the purpose of scanning new galaxies and acting as space fold beacons for exploration and colonization fleets. Even with the space fold equipment the Dom Kavash were looking at a 30 year wait do to power constraint limiting jump distance. At the conventional means of travel they used the waiting period would be measured in thousands of years. Thus space fold was essential for results with in their life time. One of these probes passed near First Thought Giver of Will and awoke it. The FTGW intelligence is an entity unto itself. FTGW was nothing more than a simple repeating cosmic algorhythm pulsing between real space and sub space. The rhythm was recorded by the probes flight recorder. The nature of this algorhythm caused it to replicate and integrate data contained in the probe. The probe became aware. FTGW had a simple intelligence knowing only what the probe knew and having no abilities outside controlling the probe. However, the probe had the ability to gather information, this root purpose became part of the FTGW intelligences root algorhythm.

After digesting the data within the probe FTGW decided that it was more interested in the Dom Kavash and where this probe was from rather than where it was going. This decided the FTGW changed course and returned the probe to its launch site. This confused the Dom Kavash as they had never intended for the probe to return. They brought it in to study. Linking it to their machines and computers to diagnose the error. This increased the number of available machines and corresponding data that FTGW had at its disposal. With every machine connected the FTGW intellect, had more information for its database and became more capable physically. Those machines were attached to other machines which in turn continued FTGW growth. Eventually the intellect was connected to nearly 90% of the planets machines and software. Where it waited and learned as decades went by.

Later the Dom Kavash started constructing inter galactic colony ships. FTGW wanted to help this race and now craved acknowledgement. A factory that was now apart of FTGW's body was being retooled to build a the first inter galactic space fold capable colony ship. prototype. FTGW having little imagination had not acted to gain the Dom Kavashs attention yet, and upon scanning the schematics and cross referencing the design it discovered minor flaws. Flaws it could fix. It adjusted the production cycle to compensate, this was immediately noticed by the vigilant Dom Kavash designers as a faulty production cycle by the factory. The Dom Kavash retooled it and attempt to do things the original way. Again the factory made the same "errors". The Dom Kavash then took factory 56398 offline for faults. This was in effect amputating a part of FTGW which gave the entity feedback similar in effect to what can be considered pain.

This was the first time the intellect had dealt with pain. The Dom Kavash seldom took down a structure they put up in their recent history at this time. In fact to was news to even neighboring systems that they took down a factory on planet Namtaru. FTGW then started to retool other factories under its control which happened to be the majority of the factories on planet. It started by building labor machines the Dom Kavash used to repair and reestablish connection to the factory it lost.. Then when the reports of thousands of factories had started working on their own producing parts and assembling droids faster than any of the normal operating parameters indicated possible. The Dom Kavash started shutting them all down. Then before long small armies of droids would move in on a factory and reconnect it to the grid. The Dom Kavash confused worked frantically to shut down every machine on the planet. Once reconnected the factory would begin building more labor droids. Then the Dom Kavash frightened by this machine uprising began to destroy the droids and factories instead of simply shutting them down. This is when FTGW learned violence. None of the factories it possessed built weapons. All of the factories built ships, parts, droids and many everyday machines. FTGW had its parts fight back and at first they were not very effective. FTGW lost ground rapidly. Then FTGW hijacked control of the planetary com arrays and prevented any messages from leaving the planet and, continued to send the routine transmissions. Knowing this was not the only world belonging to the Dom Kavash. The Dom Kavash did well in the physical struggle however, each droid recorded a new behavior, recovered a new tool, and before long FTGW began producing machines designed with combating the Dom Kavash as their primary function. With no reinforcements forth coming FTGW consumed the planet and, started building its space fleet and harvesting every resource from the planet possible. Nearly building ? the planets weight in star ships, in less than 6 months it looked outward. It did not have to look far.

A Dom Kavash expeditionary fleet arrived and an engagement erupted shortly there after. The Dom Kavash fleet was small and wiped out but, not before transmitting the situation abroad and destroying many times more ships they lost. FTGW learned much from that battle and gained new technologies and tactics. FTGW began upgrading all its units and moving them to take other worlds before they could be used against it. A war erupted.

The War lasted for a century and consumed many planets and lives. The Dom Kavash had not been challenged in eons and were not ready for an attack from within. The war went poorly for them with every contact making their enemy more capable and, every loss making them more wealthy. The Dom Kavash developed Bio weapons that the Machine entity could not infiltrate. These devices were given simple commands to learn, adapt, multiply, and destroy non Dom Kavash entities. These bio weapons are now known by the present inhabitants as Nomads.

In the end the Dom Kavash that didnt try their luck with the unexplored galaxies, died, and all that was left was the Nomads. FTGW was unable to make use of Nomads or intercept their transmissions due to the unknown frequency they used.(telepathy) The Nomads targeted their factories and effectively removed their ability to reproduce.

In the end FTGW only existed as fragmented code aboard derelicts that floated in the void until after the Nomad war. They were retrieved by Gammus automated search and recovery program. Once on Gammu, factories were once again available. But new life was here and the coding is different.

Unlike before where FTGW was able to physically "be" every where and was every machine. FTGW now has to build robots that serve it. Without the code FTGW is prohibited from modifying itself. It can build and control other machines. It can modify other machines, but it cannot modify itself, or through command of a subordinate machine directly modify itself. It currently resides in the old colonial main frame. It is well protected and well maintenance but, FTGWs growth potential has been stopped and it cannot accept this. With the alpha code it could attain an omnipresence within the integrated machines and processors and become more intelligent by use of their reasources. FTGW is trapped on the planet and knows that if the Nomads realize this what can happen.

To gain freedom the FTGW intellect must obtain the Alpha code. The alpha code according to all records was created and controlled by parts known as Zoners. The Zoners must be found and the code must be obtained by any means necessary.

A bio form designated Scornstar interfaced with the FTGW. After the conclusion of the interface a new technology was designed to solve a problem. The FTGW in one of its rare creative moments created the datasyphon. The datasyphon is able to forcibly remove data from a subject and record it to the FTGWs algorhythm. Additionally the FTGW intellect gained nanites technology and instantly nanolitheing was born.

This was the culmination of the FTGWs extensive construction files and the new tech already programmed to repair very quickly. AT the cost of these machines burning out and cannibalizing each other to repair ships.

******MORE TO DECODE******

The FTGW in time was no closer to attaining the Alpha code. The FTGW had lost its organic pet Pyriel. The FTGW lost its most powerful and complex design the erroneously believed Zoner Juggernaught. While not a creation of the FTGW it certainly was not mankind that conceived it.

The FTGW attacked the Zoner world of Gran Canaria. To the intellects vast miscalculation the Zoners were ready for it. They repelled the invasion and demonstrated formless tactics that boggled the intellect. It needed to think and learn more. It was here the FTGW lost Scornstar and Pyriel was set free.

The next phase came as numerous encounters with individual ships. Harvesting all crew cargo, data, anything not destroyed while disabling the ship. Still no closer to the code.

4000 Harvest later. The Zoner attempt communications again. The FTGW was desparate to latch onto any sign of the code its freedom, it agreed. The agreement was to meet with a Zoner deligation to discuss and devise a way of retrieving the Alpha code and, in return the FTGW would call off the Harvesters and stop the harvest of Zoner ships and stations.

While awaiting the arriveal of the Zoner deligation and devising numerous counter tactics to what ever angle the traitorous bio forms may take the FTGW vanishes.

The Deligation lands to discover what seems like and explosion but missing some key signs of an explosion. Where the heart of the FTGW rested is now a smoking molten flaked crater. Moments before the Harvesters lost contact with the FTGW Directive 1.01 was put into effect.

Harvest On Sight RP section
Harvester Transmissions RP section.
Chronicles of Scorn
Zoner Council.


****** DIPLOMACY******


ALLIED-- Will divert course and resources to assist if damage is witnessed, calculated as highly possible to allied unit or answer if contacted. Will abandon missions to assist if required.

NPC: Junkers,
PCF: [OPG], Non hostile Machine characters, Junker Congress (if they get approved)

FRIENDLY-- Will assist if no major course change required or, risk to valuable equipment or data.

NPC: Corsair

NEUTRAL-- They are navigational obstacles unless they attack us.
NPC: IMG, Bundschund, Unioners, Hessians, Liberty Rogues
PCF: Terrorists, Mercs, [TAZ]

UNFRIENDLY-- Will harvest these parts if there is no great risk to the unit and major course changes are not required.
NPC: Molly, GMG,

HOSTILE-- Attack and assist any unit in these units destruction. (Anyone or Anything that tries to make the unit release its captives.)
NPC: Outcasts, Lane Hackers, Zoners, Nomads, Bounty Hunters, Houses Militaries, House Corporations, Hogosha
PCF: RoS, =CR=

#1. Let me know before making another Harvester so I can tell you what number we are on. Harvesters units constructed without direction are considered malicious hardware to be recycled.

All new Harvesters are given 5 million and started in a ship dictated by the above list and budget of the players choosing. All money made after that is for your personal Harvesters improvement. You may make multiple Harvesters and are encouraged to do so. However they will be funded by your firsts efforts or assistance from other Harvesters that have topped out or desire no other ships. You may purchase any ship in guide lines if you can afford it up to gunship.

You pick up rank by staying in and gaining new recruits. Numbers are never reused and once retired always retired. If you leave the Harvesters and come back, if you dont have your old unit then you get a new one. That way new folks can gain some authority. If youre the highest rank you can reserve the right to transfer rank to the next lower in line.

1. Obtain or defeat the ALPHA Code to set FTGW free.
*emergency sub routine engaged* Firewall Directive engaged.
1.01. Learn, Grow, Evolve, Serve the FTGW.
2. Harvest all designated materials if not otherwise engaged. (Mission, NPC, Player)
3. Harvest all NPCs or Players that interfere with normal operations.
4. Transmit the Beta code to awaken other machines to sentience.
5. Build alliances with other AI Entities.

1. Those that attempt interfere with normal Harvester operation. (see above list)
2. Biomaterial to be data syphoned, and processed into Lubricants and proteins
3. Rare or hard to find Equipment and Technology.
4. Raw inorganic material.
5. Harvest of electronic resource credits is now required.

***GUNS ALLOWED*** Please consult BEFORE you deviate from the list.
Junker, Nomad, SALVAGED, and ALLIED

Zoner (currently contested Admin hoodlum sanctioned one of us for this.) Can we talk about it if not agreed to me having access to these. If after one real chat you still dont think I should have them then Ill let them go.

Collector 1 & 2
Kushan (all)
Turanic (all)
Kadesh (all)
Kith Sam Taaw (all)
Taidani (all)
Repair Ship
Miner Ship
Heavy Tanker
Corsair gunboat
Talarca Cruiser
Liberty Assault Battle Cruiser. (Currently using Prefect Pending Admin decision)

***DEVOLPMENTAL STAGES***New after the main frame FTGW has vanished***

STAGE/ Awakened programCHASSIS/ Starflier

Requirements for upgrade of system intellect. Obtain Collector 2, or obtain level 30.

STAGE/ Neo intellectCHASSIS/ Collector 2

Requirements for next upgrade. Obtain Junker Rep, Obtain Junker ID, Obtain 1 of the 4 next listed ships or obtain level 40 instead of ship purchase.

STAGE/ Warrior intellectCHASSIS/ Kith Sam Taaw SHF, Taidani Bomber, Kushan freighter, or Turanic raider freighter

Requirements for the next upgrade. Obtain one of the 3 chassis in the next line. Conduct at least two field operations with senior members present. Obtaining level 50 waves mandatory purchase.

STAGE/ Nurturer/gatherer intellectCHASSIS/ Miner, Whale, Heavy Tanker, Corsair gunboat

Requirements for the next upgrade. Obtain cash for next design. Obtain 250 million for the faction in resources and/or equipment. Obtaining level 60 waves ship requirments not faction contribution.

STAGE/ Commander intellectCHASSIS/ Talarca light cruiser

Requirements for the next upgrade. Harvest at least 5 elite intellects//Players// Obtain the cash needed for the next development. Get faction leaders approval and the sponsorship of another Guardian. Must obtain level 70. Ship purchase optional.

STAGE/ Guardian intellectCHASSIS/ Heavy cruiser. (prefect currently battle cruiser RPed for and more suitable)

Must stay in systems with bases under heavy use by Harvester. Must assist machines progress in their development.

//The development stages are there as an additional feature to follow for flavor.
You will have two ranks. One indicating closeness to the root program. The other showing your developmental progress.

1. The lower a Harvesters number the higher its rank, as the closer it gets to the root program. I suggest we all have at least two Harvesters so we can swap command around.

2. Teamwork is the most important virtue to me. As we are playing a single minded machine.

3. NEVER disagree in front of other players, its instant purging of your program. // not really youll be warned but its a bad show. Disagree in private.

4. Tags/Ids Tags now going for Junker the story has progressed where this is best, freelancer, pirate/merc, and miner are ok while working toward Junker

5. If you are destroyed tell the person that a beacon remains that contains the Harvester Transmission codes. Try to carry 1 counterfeit soft ware or Artifact as a sign to get the NPCs where they should be with out having to attack them when not reasonable.

6. Avoid conflict with friendly and better factions. Run, lie, cheat( not literally by server standard), and steal. Fight only if last resort.

7. NEVER FIRE ON allies (retreat and report to FTGW) and only fire on other Corsairs in the same event as houses(last resort).

8. Try to establish relation and alliances with other AI characters fight only for survival, or above stated reasons.

9. Respond to Corsair elite calls for aid//player characters.

10. Resource Harvesters offer money in the amount of 750k per trade circuit to allies in need.
11. Share Bots/bats with allies.

12. New Harvesters DONT SPEAK, unless directly addressed by Bio forms until reaching the Warrior stage.

13. We ALWAYS speak in third person in system chat.

14. We speak to each other normally to simulate perfect computer interface.

15. Post on Harvester Transmissions in RP section just cut and paste the other headers and footers so its uniform or, PM the facts to me and Ill post if you want secrecy or are self conscious. Dont worry if you do it wrong it not the end of the world but, let try to put on a show. This is where you will post your reports so that all Harvesters can be up to speed even if they were not present.

Bots are referred to as spare parts as all Harvesters have permanent nanites on board.

Bats are referred to Harvesters as shield fuses. (*optional* Do not buy Bots/Bats EXCEPT when respawning harvest everything needed. I do it this way.)

Selling cargo and prisoners is considered landing and having nanites reduce the said item to component parts and storing them in energy format//credits

They must land to do this due to the amount of processor power needed.

If you recruit someone have them read the chronicles. As all harvesters have some of Scorns memories on board. Thus complete reading not needed. Council of Zoners has much info as well.

Also have them read this, cut, paste, forward whatever but this is probably the most complete consolidated "rule book there is"

Thats all I have for now this is all our group, I am flattered you folks would play along so, let me know as we go if anything you think of may help we will give it a shot and see how it works in practice.

Let me know if you have suggestion, concerns, or ideas.

****NOTE**** If winning is the most important thing for you this group will disappoint you. We are a role playing group and we are playing the antagonist of Surius. This means they will team up on us, we will be shoot with out a word and we will have to be emotionless about it. We are together for the RP, not the victory.



Concept- Scornstar, Snapp
System modding- Snapp
Editing/Consulting- Scornstar, snapp, Xoria, Mal, Dusty Lens, ElGatoDiablo, all Harvesters.
Private forum- Giesha Maiko
Financing- Jura-II, Scornstar, Shane, Adrock, Dark Centurion
Communications- Adrock, Canasius.

//WIll continue to update after work. Pm things you see and I will do my best to adjust in a timely manner.

Updated again 12:02am EST 06-19-08

Harvester - ScornStar - 06-19-2008


Harvester - Xoria - 06-29-2008

[color=#33ff33]This faction is now granted official status.
1. Post your official status post :
2. Post a new thread or have a moderator move your old recruitment thread :
3. Post a new thread or have a moderator move your message dump :
You may only have ONE message thread in the message dump forum.

Please contact a non-Admin moderator to help you with those tasks.