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Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Sturmwind - 03-31-2010

So basically you're implying all lawful to outlaw player interactions have to end in fighting? Maybe leaving a hostile entity in the middle of New Berlin was not the right choice, but how does your character know that I wasn't simply leaving to call reinforcements submitting the foolish excuse to cover my actions? I remained on that character and I wasn't the one that mined himself as soon as the hostile vessel was out of range, afterall. You didn't remain to conduct piracy either, so that point is with all due respect moot. Perhaps we would have been back with more ships if you stayed, but you 'left' the field quite early. Thus, it can be easily stated that I wasn't the only one drawing conclusions from OORP reasons, one indicating that you are superior at fighting than I am.

Wait, could it be even said it was OORP at all?

Just see it this way: The Smokeones have indeed built themselves up a reputation as potent outlaw assets (even though the keep insisting that their business is legit) by taking down pretty much the whole high command already. An NCO, just out of the trainee ranks, obviously heard the rumors of Admirals even being taken down. As an addition to his approach towards his job, why should he try taking a legendary outlaw down if more experienced fighters also perished in the attempts to do so?

I don't see where the information about you being superior at combat is OORP.

Also, I don't see why you keep coming up with the 4-hours rule. It didn't have much to do with the interaction we had, I only said it as a reasoning in a PRIVATE chat room. Please don't keep bringing it up as such a heavy argument, that was most definitely not my biggest motivation for my actions anyway. However, I will acknowledge that that once I die in New Berlin, that does pretty much means 4 hours off Disco altogether. Please tell me, where's the gain in stripping me of that right and logging once done?

On the final note: I didn't mean to disrespect you or your role play, I would like to once more, apologize that it turned out to seem like I was doing so. I respect pretty much everything you contribute to Disco and I also look upon you as a person superior to me in most aspects of the game. However, I still will not acknowledge that it was entirely my fault, nor will I admit that my in-game actions were based on OORP decisions, sorry.

<Updated: 18:44>

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Zeltak - 03-31-2010

I'm not implying any of the assumptions you have made in this post above me. I have stated one thing and one thing only, from the very start - and that is, you made in that specific situation a decision that I personally found very disrespectful towards me as a Player, because of the mindset and the motivation behind that said decision. You can spin it around with any RP-reasons you want but I know the real reasons mate.

I didn't remain to conduct piracy because that encounter de-motivated me to stick around that area at that time, so I decided to leave.

I mentioned the four-hour rule in my posts because I remembered clearly that it was one of the reason why some, (not saying all) but some [RM] pilots avoided combat with the [RB] faction because apparently they would camp the system and not allow these pilots to stick around for some more Role-Play. That was the only reason I mentioned that up, because it was one of the things I guessed had to do with the decision you made. Maybe my assumption was wrong, maybe my assumption was right, but in the end it was still relevant.

If you are killed by my character, then if I leave that system where you died, you are allowed to come back and Role-Play with others. I believe that's in the rules, I might be wrong but I have personally done that plenty of times in [LN]. I got killed in California? And that group leaves California and say heads off to Bretonia? I can come back after twenty minutes and interact with other targets. Never, ever, seen a complaint.

Regardless as I stated in my other post. This is over on my part and I'm not really bothered by it, just wanting to share my opinion on the matter. Now we might not see eye-to-eye on this particular incident and that is fine because we have two different perspectives. It dosen't matter if you feel you want to acknowledge that you were not wrong because it's all said and done. Now I'm truly finished about this thing.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Sturmwind - 03-31-2010


Apologies for this incident, PM me if you want some sort of compensation. It was my fault and I assure you it will not happen again.


However, the rules do not say the other side's permission allows the player to return to the system once taken down. The 4 hours rule is still present.


Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Wuselkobold - 04-23-2010

Hello there....
Alright, after some sleep the anger I felt tonight is gone but I'm still left with large disappointment.

But before I start, I want to say that until now, I only had enjoyable encounters with the RM, and I owe you some huge Kudos for that, you have some awesome RPers in your ranks!

Myself (AGS-L|Bastian.Brauer) and AGS-U|Matthias Zevronen were on our ships last nightand noticed that Admiral Malexa was in Hamburg. We set course there expecting some fun RP but when we arrived at NB Hamburg was empty. I then went to Darmstadt to change ships and when I came back the Roc of my friend was surrounded by one [RM] Wraith, 5 indy RMs (including one Cruiser) and an AA|- Mercenary.
So far so good we thought, lets RP with them a bit, then leave.
After interchanging some propaganda we tryed to leave but seconds after [RM]Fl.Heinrich.Kraus told the others to kill the enemies of the state.
Two seconds later Matthias was instakilled by the cruiser, I chose to retreat to Kreuzberg.
The horde followd me all the way through the Asteroid, then the Debris field to Kreuzberg, than staying around the base within 1.5k distance.

Thats the story, now the points that disappointed me.

As for this incident, I know the RM can't be held responsible for the action of indies, but you can at least try to hold them back. I don't care about if they choose to follow the RMs orders or not, but he hasn't even tried.
I don't mind being shot at, I'm RPing a revolutionary, but come on, 6 VHFs and a Cruiser vs. a single HF? Continue to chasing him all the way to the base just to get the blue message?
On top of that, the Jaho177 guy still had a Recruit ID, that also stayed uncommented by the RM pilot.

I always felt the RM had a sense of fairness, but that was just poor. If you want to play it that way, fine just tell us and we'll summon 6 friends as well next time we see a lone RM ship patrolling Stuttgart.

Attached some screenshots.


Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Sturmwind - 04-23-2010

Thank you for the feedback, Wuselkobold.

I would like to note that as an (ex) high-ranking member thus someone with experience in regards to the Military's behavior, I can freely state that the members of the Rheinland Military have always had a huge influence in keeping fights even.

True, the faction's latest recruits (the aforementioned [RM] member being one, as the ranking insignia, Fl. which stands for Flieger indicates) have not exactly been the most blooming ones, some even oppose the basic principles on which this faction is based on. I can assure you though, that such people will be pointed to the right direction or eliminated upon refusal by the esteemed High Command members who occupy themselves with acting to achieve a shared pleasure of gameplay environment.

I would also like to note that on the other hand, ganks happen. The [RM] had little to no participation in this specific case, as the pilot is a mere recruit himself with no visual authority and a possible lack of experience. There is seriously no need for statements such as "if you want to play it that way, fine just tell us and we'll summon 6 friends as well next time we see a lone RM ship patrolling Stuttgart" unless you have seen at least an officer or flag officer acting as such. On the final regard, I hope replenishing your mine and disruptor supplies didn't affect the funds at your disposal too deeply.


Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Coin - 04-23-2010

' Wrote:Hello there....
Alright, after some sleep the anger I felt tonight is gone but I'm still left with large disappointment.

But before I start, I want to say that until now, I only had enjoyable encounters with the RM, and I owe you some huge Kudos for that, you have some awesome RPers in your ranks!

Myself (AGS-L|Bastian.Brauer) and AGS-U|Matthias Zevronen were on our ships last nightand noticed that Admiral Malexa was in Hamburg. We set course there expecting some fun RP but when we arrived at NB Hamburg was empty. I then went to Darmstadt to change ships and when I came back the Roc of my friend was surrounded by one [RM] Wraith, 5 indy RMs (including one Cruiser) and an AA|- Mercenary.
So far so good we thought, lets RP with them a bit, then leave.
After interchanging some propaganda we tryed to leave but seconds after [RM]Fl.Heinrich.Kraus told the others to kill the enemies of the state.
Two seconds later Matthias was instakilled by the cruiser, I chose to retreat to Kreuzberg.
The horde followd me all the way through the Asteroid, then the Debris field to Kreuzberg, than staying around the base within 1.5k distance.

Thats the story, now the points that disappointed me.

As for this incident, I know the RM can't be held responsible for the action of indies, but you can at least try to hold them back. I don't care about if they choose to follow the RMs orders or not, but he hasn't even tried.
I don't mind being shot at, I'm RPing a revolutionary, but come on, 6 VHFs and a Cruiser vs. a single HF? Continue to chasing him all the way to the base just to get the blue message?
On top of that, the Jaho177 guy still had a Recruit ID, that also stayed uncommented by the RM pilot.

I always felt the RM had a sense of fairness, but that was just poor. If you want to play it that way, fine just tell us and we'll summon 6 friends as well next time we see a lone RM ship patrolling Stuttgart.

Attached some screenshots.


As the AA| ship there, i'm posting here just to chuck in an alternative opinion.

you were over-matched. you were retreating at the time of the engagement, but this was not clear (it really did look as if Matthias and you were spoiling up for a fight against a cruiser), and matthias was destroyed. You ran to Kreuzberg (kaiserslauten would have been a tad more appropriate rather than the junker base, but nvrmind). We chased, and you were very good at evasion, kudos to him (i even said this at the time). We didn't think that you would run to kreuzberg, we thought we were going to have a nice run around the asteroid field, where the cruiser wouldnt operate, and then a fight on some more even terms, but you chose to dock instead.

Matthias disappointed me. i understand that he was angry and upset for being engaged when he thought he was going to evade the gank fest, but he had several chances to accept the escort out of the system. nevertheless, i warned him several times in private that his behaviour wasn't acceptable, and nor was his language (i.e. shuffle out quietly, keep your anger to pm's, not system chat, //text should be for emergencies, like my cat has knocked coffee into my keyboard, not 'im all angry rar rar rar)

Nevertheless, the ship that destroyed matthias was an indy, the ships that pursued you, myself included, were on the whole only loosely connected with rheinland lawful forces. As such, RM feedback should not be the place that your anger is directed: the RM players were very much inRP, and behaved impeccably.

but, hey, it's a game. we can die.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Grail - 04-23-2010

Quote:As the AA| ship there, i'm posting here just to chuck in an alternative opinion.

you were over-matched. you were retreating at the time of the engagement, but this was not clear (it really did look as if Matthias and you were spoiling up for a fight against a cruiser), and matthias was destroyed. You ran to Kreuzberg (kaiserslauten would have been a tad more appropriate rather than the junker base, but nvrmind). We chased, and you were very good at evasion, kudos to him (i even said this at the time). We didn't think that you would run to kreuzberg, we thought we were going to have a nice run around the asteroid field, where the cruiser wouldnt operate, and then a fight on some more even terms, but you chose to dock instead.

Matthias disappointed me. i understand that he was angry and upset for being engaged when he thought he was going to evade the gank fest, but he had several chances to accept the escort out of the system. nevertheless, i warned him several times in private that his behaviour wasn't acceptable, and nor was his language (i.e. shuffle out quietly, keep your anger to pm's, not system chat, //text should be for emergencies, like my cat has knocked coffee into my keyboard, not 'im all angry rar rar rar)

Nevertheless, the ship that destroyed matthias was an indy, the ships that pursued you, myself included, were on the whole only loosely connected with rheinland lawful forces. As such, RM feedback should not be the place that your anger is directed: the RM players were very much inRP, and behaved impeccably.

but, hey, it's a game. we can die.

Matthias Zevonen here.

First for this incident, the Flieger did not had the authority that the ussual RM uses to make things even, or when he has it in control.

I have the most respect for the RM, has for it stands here on Disco. I was RM myself and it was one of the few places where one can learn how to true RP and enjoy it. But i moved on, joined the AU and now we are AGS. All the time i met RM it used to be a good experience, of RP and fun.
Now, yesterday was different. 6 and a cruiser vs 1, than my kamarade showed 6 and a cruiser vs 2. Never the flieger said anything to make it even, neither the indies, neither the merc. When we said we were going to have pretzels and bier and were about to leave, "kill him" ----------dead---------. I undoced from kreuzberg, and saw 6 and a cruiser chasing the other AGS. Never i saw nothing, like disengage, etc.
Oh, and yes, i called them gangbangers, wanna see all the event, PM me, i send all to you.
Rheinland isnt Liberty, it never was, RM used to have some hand on indies, the CAPs used to be under some kind of RM influence, but all is degradating now.
Maybe some points i refer here shouldnt be here, and if you want i will edit it later, but this is to show that Rheinland is turning to be a Liberty 2nd and RM maybe turning to what it fought to never be.

Always a pleasure to see you guys in space....but latley.....not so much.

Anyway, get RM to what it used to be.

Matthias Zevonen

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Wuselkobold - 04-23-2010

' Wrote:Thank you for the feedback, Wuselkobold.

I would like to note that as an (ex) high-ranking member thus someone with experience in regards to the Military's behavior, I can freely state that the members of the Rheinland Military have always had a huge influence in keeping fights even.

- I know that, and as I said, my previous encounters with the RM have all been highly enjoyable, even if they ended in PvP. I had always the impression that I was treated fairly and /for being a Revolutionary) friendly.

True, the faction's latest recruits (the aforementioned [RM] member being one, as the ranking insignia, Fl. which stands for Flieger indicates) have not exactly been the most blooming ones, some even oppose the basic principles on which this faction is based on. I can assure you though, that such people will be pointed to the right direction or eliminated upon refusal by the esteemed High Command members who occupy themselves with acting to achieve a shared pleasure of gameplay environment.

- I appreciate that you are pointing your members into the right direction to ensure that your awesome faction (yes, I really think its awesome) stays the way it is and even improves.

I would also like to note that on the other hand, ganks happen. The [RM] had little to no participation in this specific case, as the pilot is a mere recruit himself with no visual authority and a possible lack of experience. There is seriously no need for statements such as "if you want to play it that way, fine just tell us and we'll summon 6 friends as well next time we see a lone RM ship patrolling Stuttgart" unless you have seen at least an officer or flag officer acting as such. On the final regard, I hope replenishing your mine and disruptor supplies didn't affect the funds at your disposal too deeply.

- I am aware that ganks happen, thats why I visit Liberty only at very rare occasions.
I also didn't blame the actions of the indys at your member, I just described the situation so my other points would be clearer.
Even if the Rank is low, he's still a member of an official faction, and his actions are falling back on the RM. I just expected (from my former experience) that at least the Cruiser would be called of, or that we at least get a chance to get away once we reached the asteroid field. It isn't about the bad result, its about not trying to prevent it.
Your point about my statement is taken and I apologise for the poor choice of my words.
And no, the lost BBs didn't affect my funds that much, but that wasn't my point anyway.

' Wrote:As the AA| ship there, i'm posting here just to chuck in an alternative opinion.

you were over-matched. you were retreating at the time of the engagement, but this was not clear (it really did look as if Matthias and you were spoiling up for a fight against a cruiser), and matthias was destroyed. You ran to Kreuzberg (kaiserslauten would have been a tad more appropriate rather than the junker base, but nvrmind). We chased, and you were very good at evasion, kudos to him (i even said this at the time). We didn't think that you would run to kreuzberg, we thought we were going to have a nice run around the asteroid field, where the cruiser wouldnt operate, and then a fight on some more even terms, but you chose to dock instead.

Yes, we were trying to retreat at the last moment but we still made it clear that we wanted to leave (or at least that we didn't have the desire to fight such an overwhelming force.
Even if the Cruiser would have stopped I'd never fight 6 Wraiths in a Switchblade (though I promise, next time I'll turn around, yelling SPARTAAAAAA! just for the laughs).
I agree that Kaiserslautern would have been a better choice to run to, but I dedn't had much time to think about my decision at that moment since I was busy dodging a firestorm;)

Matthias disappointed me. i understand that he was angry and upset for being engaged when he thought he was going to evade the gank fest, but he had several chances to accept the escort out of the system. nevertheless, i warned him several times in private that his behaviour wasn't acceptable, and nor was his language (i.e. shuffle out quietly, keep your anger to pm's, not system chat, //text should be for emergencies, like my cat has knocked coffee into my keyboard, not 'im all angry rar rar rar)

- Yes, I know that was inappropriate, but sometimes everyone looses contol, especially if something like that happens to him on a regular base, apologies for that, shouldn't have happened.

Nevertheless, the ship that destroyed matthias was an indy, the ships that pursued you, myself included, were on the whole only loosely connected with rheinland lawful forces. As such, RM feedback should not be the place that your anger is directed: the RM players were very much inRP, and behaved impeccably.

- As I pointed out before, I just described the situation to show the context, not to blame the indies, from whom I didn't expect anything else as what they did.

but, hey, it's a game. we can die.

- Yes, and I even don't mind dieing (most of the time:P) And yes its a game, point of a game is that everybody has fun playing it, and that means others sometimes have to pay attention to the feelings and situations of others to not ruin their fun. Its all giving and taking and as soon as you are just taking, you are no longer playing the game properly.


All that being said, the matter is closed for me, no bad feelings or anger left. I look forward to the next encounter with the RM!

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Khelric - 04-26-2010

Quote:Hello there....
Alright, after some sleep the anger I felt tonight is gone but I'm still left with large disappointment.

But before I start, I want to say that until now, I only had enjoyable encounters with the RM, and I owe you some huge Kudos for that, you have some awesome RPers in your ranks!

Myself (AGS-L|Bastian.Brauer) and AGS-U|Matthias Zevronen were on our ships last nightand noticed that Admiral Malexa was in Hamburg. We set course there expecting some fun RP but when we arrived at NB Hamburg was empty. I then went to Darmstadt to change ships and when I came back the Roc of my friend was surrounded by one [RM] Wraith, 5 indy RMs (including one Cruiser) and an AA|- Mercenary.
So far so good we thought, lets RP with them a bit, then leave.
After interchanging some propaganda we tryed to leave but seconds after [RM]Fl.Heinrich.Kraus told the others to kill the enemies of the state.
Two seconds later Matthias was instakilled by the cruiser, I chose to retreat to Kreuzberg.
The horde followd me all the way through the Asteroid, then the Debris field to Kreuzberg, than staying around the base within 1.5k distance.

Thats the story, now the points that disappointed me.

As for this incident, I know the RM can't be held responsible for the action of indies, but you can at least try to hold them back. I don't care about if they choose to follow the RMs orders or not, but he hasn't even tried.
I don't mind being shot at, I'm RPing a revolutionary, but come on, 6 VHFs and a Cruiser vs. a single HF? Continue to chasing him all the way to the base just to get the blue message?
On top of that, the Jaho177 guy still had a Recruit ID, that also stayed uncommented by the RM pilot.

I always felt the RM had a sense of fairness, but that was just poor. If you want to play it that way, fine just tell us and we'll summon 6 friends as well next time we see a lone RM ship patrolling Stuttgart.

I thought I would take the time to mention to you, Wuselkobold and Grail, that while indeed you were out-numbered and the fight was nowhere near fair, that was taken into consideration. I'm glad your anger has subsided, but I feel as the Flieger in this situation, I'll have my say as well.
You've conveniently left out of your screenshots where I asked you at least five times to stand down and accept an escort out of the system. I quote myself in the situation, "Don't make me resort to bloodshed against one who under different circumstances could be a brother." After you slung (to be fair, in-RP) insults in response, I gave you one final chance to come with me and leave.
You decided to venture off on your own after (as you say yourself) mentioning something concerning getting food back at your base. I'm sure you would want to avoid a grossly unfair fight, but these indies were on patrol with me, so it's not like they all came out of nowhere to gank you. We sat and spoke for a good fifteen minutes before anything happened.
In RP, my character isn't just going to take your word for it and let you fly off. You refused my options and you paid the price. I think instead of telling the RM to become more lenient with unlawfuls, you should perhaps instruct unlawfuls to be more careful when blatantly flying around populated core systems. My rant is officially complete. No offense intended, but I thought I'd represent myself.

My own screenshot.

If this was meant to be your way of saying you don't want to fight, then I apologize. To me, it looked as though you were just ignoring my command and it was unacceptable for me to allow an unlawful to meander off on his own just because there are more of us than him. The entire fight could have been avoided if you'd just allowed me to remove you from the system peacefully, as I had intended from the start.

Rheinland Military [RM] Feedback Thread - Malexa - 04-26-2010

The [RM] faction always tries to provide a fair, a fun and still authentic atmosphere within Rheinland.

We also try to include independent RM players into our patrols or roleplay, if they actually want to roleplay with us.
That said we also try to hold them back a bit from jumping at smaller vessels like lone fighters or bombers, or even fighter teams, when they are not in a gunboat but in a Cruiser or battleship. (Gunboats attacking 3 or 4 fighters are fair game to be honest, since the 4 fighters have a verry good and fair chance to defend themself against a gunboat)

Now the authentic situation comes into play as well. While it may have been not completely fair to shoot you down with this much firepower, you had the roleplay for a long time.
We often forget what chars we play.
You are messing with a houses military here and it would not make sense in RP to not play out the massive firepower card here.
You always had the option to retreat, and wait for a better chance, if the present fighters did not want to fight you 1 vs 1 or whatever the numbers have been. Instead of chosing the medium roleplay way of referring to the "honor" one can get in this kind of battle, the pilot chose to go the hardliner roleplay way. Make use of the large guns and make you leave. Their task was to secure the system and either destroy or arrest you. They chose a third option and offered you a way to escape.

While the [RM] concentrates on the fair fighting way most of the times, don't exclude the more authentic way of roleplay. Never forget who you are. A lonely pilot in a cockpit, being affiliated for several reasons. honor, money, beliefs. If you roam around New Berlin system and stumble over a Cruiser securing a station or the lanes, you don't go "ololol take on someone of your size" and circle the ship.

Knowing when to use a retreat or keeping your distance is also a verry big factor in the roleplay of this server. You can't always have the option to win.
The other way around is exactly the same. If a lonely 3 man wing meets 6 hessians, they most likely want to retreat. If they are cornered and it comes to a 3on3 its even better for them. If not, they should try to escape.
Don't forget who you roleplay. A human being with the wish to stay alive as long as possible.

On a further note, please be a bit lenient with new pilots within the official [RM]. In most cases they are still learning, so please don't be too harsh with them when a roleplay situation or a fight did not turn out as you expected it to be.
