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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jammi - 08-25-2011

To: Fighter Corps CommNet.
From: Lieutenant Colonel Julio Quinteillia.
RE: Patrol log.
At roughly 21:30 my Revolution bomber was scrambled from Zvezdny Gorodok after Lieutenant Ronja Priia set off a red alert priority call. Given the fact that the call was personally authorised by Commandant Ling, I am shocked and appalled that so few pilots responded. As it happened, a trio of Corsair Legates were buzzing our peripheral defences in Omega 5. As we gave chase, they moved away to Omega 41, and then Omega 47 with the Lieutenant remaining in close pursuit.

We eventually caught up with the Corsairs in Omega 50, where they were attempting to loop around to Omega 52 - the back door to our home, so to speak. After being disrupted, we engaged the Legate that scans had revealed to have the least dense hull panelling. All three opened fire on us, resulting in three Revolutions facing off against three fully armed and crewed Legates.

Before long, our initial target was downed, with the remaining capitals' fire proving ineffective against our superior craft. It is unfortunate that the comrade-Commandant's ship had been clipped by the edge-shockwave of a battleship torpedo's explosion immediately prior to our target's destruction, resulting in his shield's being dropped. The resulting slew of debris that was sprayed over the area meant the comrade-Commandant's Revolution was struck a flurry of blows by the ruins. He was forced to eject due to the damage - I recovered his pod. It seems the only way a Corsair can down one of the glorious Coalition's pilots is by killing themselves first.

After exchanging a few shots with the remaining two, myself and the Lieutenant elected to fall back to friendly ground. The Lieutenant was clipped by heavy fire at this point, and also forced to eject. I tractored the second pod and made a clean break for Coalition territory. Both comrades were immediately turned over to medical staff upon landing. I believe they were fine, but I could not spare much time to check, I am afraid.
Viva los revolución!
SCRA|Commandant.Ling [DOWNED]
SCRA|Ronja.Priia [DOWNED]

Fist_of_the_Elders [DOWNED]
To: Fighter Corps High Command.
From: Lieutenant Colonel Julio Quinteillia.
RE: Lieutenant Priia.
In conjunction with my above report, I would like to register an official commendation for the Lieutenant's actions. She was responsible for tracking and locating the hostile targets, fired the finishing shot on the Fist of the Elders and fought courageously. Considering the adverse conditions, our out-gunned situation and her junior rank, recognition may be warranted.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 08-25-2011

[Image: 6920ngmajor.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Staging post Alpha. **CLASSIFIED**
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Home Planet Defence

Soldiers of the Coalition.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]I am disappointed in the few numbers that turned up. I want personal explanations by you all on private channels to why you neglected your duties when faced with three heavily armed legates in our home space.

[color=#FFFFFF]I had to be recalled from the TAU defence line just to provide support. This is unacceptable

Get your backsides into gear. Lt Prilia is indeed to be commended with the Eagle Eye award. His expert communications, sensor and sniping work typified exactly what a Coalition Bomber Pilot is to do. Lt Colonel Quinteillia is also to be commended for his assistance in the downing of the Corsair Legate. Excellent work.

To the rest of you, shape up or ship out of my fighter corps.

[color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 08-27-2011

ID: Lieutenant Aleksei Stroganov

Target: Coalition Forces

Location: **CLASSIFIED**

Subject: Intruders

Priviet, comrades!

I was on a routine patrol in Omega 50 on the CPW-Katyusha. The CPW-Comintern contacted me because they have seen two Falcatas entering the system and cruising away. They opened fire at them, but they managed to dodge and escape. I followed them on the scanners. They took the route to Omega 5 and so did I. I caught them at the edge of the asteroid field. They just wanted to fly through our system, so that they could evade the long route. I asked them like 10 times while we were in Omega 52 but they did not respond. They wanted me to believe that they did. I have no logs about the transmissions, and not even the relays in Omega 52 recorded anything. According to their papers, they were pirates and they violated the Coalition space. Our fellow comrades from the RF shown up too, meanwhile and gave me aid in hunting them down. One of them forced me to a duel, but I sniped his Falcata. I've attached a file where the intruders' name can be seen and a proof of my success in the duel.

Attachments: 1 , 2

For a Red Dawn!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 08-28-2011

ID: Lieutenant Aleksei Stroganov

Target: Coalition Forces

Location: **CLASSIFIED**

Subject: Intruders

Priviet, people of the Coalition!

Today we - Lt. Col. Julio Quinetillia, Lt. Lachina Murray, and I - have decided that we should go and take a Corsair Cruiser out in order to make some serious damage to their moneybank and make another load of scrap metal floating around Crete. We have departed from Zvezdny Gorodok and proceeded to the Omega 5 jumphole.

In Omega 5 we found a lone corsair gunboat sitting at Cadiz Base. We hailed it but they did not respond. Maybe the gunboat's captain was in the restroom or something. Anyway we attacked the gunboat and shredded it to small pieces. The captain's pod flew towards Cadiz after the smoke and scrap metal floated away so we could not capture and interrogate him. Oh well, we proceeded to the Omega 41 jumphole. Towards the anomaly, another gunboat appeared on our scanners. He did not say a word but engaged his cloaking device.

We jumped to Omega 41. The gunboat which have engaged it's cloaking device in Omega 5, shown up in 41, so we punished him for not cooperating. The gunboat had two missle launcher batteries but he could not do much damage because we dodged their missles quite easily. The second enemy gunboat got torn apart by Lt. Col. Quinetillia.

We have reached our destination, Omicron Gamma by following another gunboat. We jumped to the system, but the hostile ship disappeared. We proceeded to Tripoli. When we've reached the base, we took intel there and proceeded towards Planet Crete. The cretans were alerted by the sensor relays deployed around Tripoli. Many gunboats, cruisers and fighters popped up on our scanners. We started harrassing a Cruiser, but he docked. When the situation got quite hot, our squadleader, Lt. Col. Quinetillia gave the order to retreat. We did so. Lt. Murray got shot by a gunboat. I've tractored her pod and brought her back to Omega-52. She's safe now.

[color=#FF6666]For the Coalition, For a Red Dawn, For Katz!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 09-01-2011

[Image: xuxian.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Han Xu
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: CPW-Xi'an, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Omega-5 Defence

[color=#FFFFFF]Fellow Soliders.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]The Xi'an has been pulled from the TAU defence line and redeployed to the Omega's considering the high level of build up of Pirate and Bretonian forces.

[color=#FFFF00]With the Xi'an undertaking another refit to keep it as the most advanced Gunboat in the fleet - We took off from the Hessian systems to start our patrol in Omega-5. It did not take long for us to locate a Pirate Bomber. Followed quickly by a Pirate Transport! The Xi'an lept into action and both were removed in a hail of exploding plasma.

For the Red Dawn!


[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vrabcek - 09-01-2011

Comm ID: Olga Drsnovova, Lieutenant
Subject: Report.
To: Coalition database

[Image: 75777815.jpg]

[font=Impact]Today happened and action with not expected news and of many casualities.
We, The coalition "Storm" gunboat Katyusha, Comrade Nitchiev.Lanakov and me aimed for peacebringing mission in the eastern parts of Rheinland, people were telling us that there is something terrible happening in sigma 13, so we jumped in that system.
The people were right, we witnessed, pirate cooperation of the Rheinland unioners and the bloodthirsty corsairs. We didn't have to wait long untill they allied their forces against us.

[Image: 51888176.jpg]

First they had the upper hand and destroyed the Katyusha. But its sacrifice made us to destroy one of their ships in some seconds after it:

[Image: 83472079.jpg]

But we still had to face two more ships, but our training made us to destroy the corsair:

[Image: 37616322.jpg]

We thought we will win this, but then another unioner came and dealt just too much damage to our ships. The insurgent flown by comrade Lanakov has soon exploded.
But the training of the coalition made me to survive this battle, the unioners who couldn't fight anymore with their nearly falling apart ships were forced to dock on Yanagi depot. The fight was over.

[Image: 12019633.jpg]
[Image: 10563689.jpg]

I suggest to use this material as proof for the hessians that the unioners have sided officially with the corsairs.

Olga Drsnovova

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Commissar - 09-05-2011


[Image: FirstTransmission.png]
COMM ID: [color=#990000]Junior Lieutenant Nikolai Kasheyev
TARGET: SCRA Report Processing Centre
SUBJECT: Half-Casts.

Good Evening, Comrades.

Another day, another victory for the glorious Coalition! Once again, the so-called Outcasts were unable to halt the passage of even a single fighter. My trip to the Hispania was uneventful, save for the intervention of a Bounty Hunter patrol. Their supplies have been deposited at a secure location, if they are required, as have their escape pods. I trust they will have an enjoyable time fighting for them.

[Image: 1Station.png]
Omicron Eta, Sector C5. (Supply Cache)

The fools dragged themselves away from their cardamine for long enough to launch a pursuit vessel. Distance prevented identification of the class, likely a Sabre. In any case, it was inferior to the mighty Insurgent, failing to halt or detect my withdrawal from Alpha. Even as I send this transmission, their gunboats scour Eta for my ship. There are times when I almost pity them.

I'€™ll be back on Gorodok by nightfall.

[Image: 2Hispania.png]

For the People!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tomtomrawr - 09-09-2011


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF9900]Low
IDENTIFICATION: James Middleton, Junior-Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Reporting Omega-50 patrol

[color=#FFFFFF]Standard patrol of the Omega-50 system. Covered the two Zoner installations and the Omega-49 jump hole with Comrade Vetrov. This was followed by training near Zvezdny Gorodok.

[Image: th_screen2895.jpg][Image: th_screen2897.jpg][Image: th_screen2898.jpg][Image: th_screen2900.jpg][Image: th_screen2901.jpg][Image: th_screen2902.jpg]

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED ***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-10-2011


[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Junior-Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Hispania Mission

Today I went with Comrade Murray on a run to the Hispania. We encountered Corsairs in the Omicron Theta System, which destroyed Comrade Murray's Insurgent. I beamed in her escape pod and proceeded to continue on with the mission as ordered. I arrived at the Hispania and did my duty as a member of the Coalition, then swiftly returned to the Omega-52 system. Guncams are below.




Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 09-11-2011

>>>[color=#000000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION<<<

[color=#FF0000]>>>[color=#000000]RECOGNITION ID - Militsiya Junior Lieutenant Ketsu Shigemori
>>>[color=#000000]PRIORITY - GREEN
>>>[color=#000000]SUBJECT - Sortie Report

>>>[color=#000000]REPORT BEGINS -

Action of note - Vessel Destroyed - M9 Series Corsair Heavy Fighter

After transfer to my new billet on Zvezdny Gorodok, I was acquainted with the ships I would be flying. The KSD-C9822 Insurgent, and the KSD-C9902 Revolution.
The Insurgent, a fighter, was well worn. Most of the exterior showed charring, grazes, and off-color hull patching. The name of the former pilot had been scratched out, replaced by my own - However the former pilot was, it seems he perished in some accident - As I was signing the papers for my first sortie in it, they were washing out blood from the cockpit. The Revolution, I was told, was still undergoing refitting, as it had suffered crippling damage in its last combat action - its pilot also died in that action.

Launching, I acquainted myself with the controls, while Lieutenant Murray, and Senior Lieutenant Stroganov took us through orientation.

Afterwards, orders came, and myself, along with Comrade's Ivanovici and Levashov, formed on Lt Murray's wing, with the intention of visiting Omicron Alpha, and the final resting place of the Sleeper Ship Hispania.

The journey was uneventful, and while each time we passed through Omicron Theta, we encountered sensor contacts, we did not close for scan. In time, we passed the Omicron Eta minefield, and entered Alpha itself.
The system was full of outcast signals, which paid us no mind (strangely) - each of us picked out a fitting spot for our scratch - myself, I picked out a small spot near the aft of the ship, in the former engine cradle. Satisfied, we formed up with Lt Murray, and exited the system, heading home.

In Omega-5, we encountered a Corsair Heavy Fighter, which had no interest in engaging us. Regardless, after Levashov returned to Omega 52, myself and Comrade Ivanovici armed weapons and attacked the corsair, with intent to kill. It led us into Omega-7, where it tried to even the odds by drawing the fight into a briar patch of gaseous clouds, detonating at contact with our engine wash.

After suffering heavy damage, the corsair attempted to pull a split s, and misjudged his distance to a gas cloud - the resulting explosion ripped his starboard wing to shreds, and detonated one of his engines - Comrade Invanovici and myself bled tachyons into the rest of the wreckage, scattering fragments over the better of part of 2 klicks.

Satisfied with our performance, we formed up on the Lieutenant, and headed to base.

Guncam footage will be uploaded below...

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[color=#FF0000]For the Red Dawn!

>>>[color=#000000]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED[color=#FF0000]<<<