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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Bretonia (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=74) +----- Forum: BAF| (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=124) +----- Thread: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) (/showthread.php?tid=11947) Pages:
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-16-2019 This report is about a battle that took place two days ago in the New London System. I am sorry that I am starting my second report with an apology as well, because I need to apologize for writing it two days late. The tips of my fingers were singed in the action, but now they are better and typing hurts me less. Commander Pria Y'berg and Ensign Hamilton Segway were on patrol when they met three Gallic fighters near Southampton. I was at the time available to answer their call for reinforcements. The commander was flying a Hussar, the ensign a Challenger, me a Templar and the Gauls a Lynx each. By the commander's orders, we engaged them. However, both the commander's ship and the ensign's were disabled by their own mines a couple of minutes into the battle and I picked their pods up, but and only I was left fighting. The enemy decided to leave me in a duel against a certain Jules Baudelaire, probably a novice they wanted to train, and use me as target practice. I was able to prevail, although barely. For some reason the enemy let me go, and to honour that, I did not tractor in Baudelaire's pod and instead let his wingmen rescue him. Then I returned to Planet New London. The control board erupted in sparks when my Templar withstood the final and nearly fatal hit, which singed my fingertips. Currently I am technically able to fly, but it would be painful and my performance would be reduced. Commander Y'berg and Ensign Segway are suffering from back pain due to the force of the ejection system, but they are otherwise healthy. Allied Ships: 1) BAF|Cdr.Pria.Y'berg (Hussar; shot down; pilot rescued) 2) BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway (Challenger; shot down; pilot rescued) 3) BAF|Ens.Elizabeth Hall (Templar; heavily damaged) Enemy Ships: 1) MRG|Eloi.Leclerc (Lynx; operable) 2) MRG|E-S.de.Belmond (Lynx; operable) 3) MRG|Jules.Baudelaire (Lynx; shot down; pilot not captured) 4) MRG|Felix.Dorian (A snub; not scanned; did not engage) 5) GRI_Force3 (A snub; not scanned; did not engage) Attachment: #1
Elizabeth Hall Ensign Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies This report is about a battle that took place two days ago in the New London System. It is being reported of so late because gathering the data took time. The alarms sounded off as an alien fleet entered the system. I took command over the HMS Sovereign and prepared the ship to defend the capital's orbit. Before me were an Ishtar, an infected Obstinate called the Vatan, an infected Donau called the Albtraum and three unscanned snubcraft. I had a Crecy named the Pride to reinforce me. I was also able to gather three fighters, including Ensign Hamilton Segway from the active fleet. As that was all I could get, I ordered the attack and our ships moved forth. The timely arrival of the LNS Utah, an Interdictor, boosted the morale of my forces. The battle proceeded with uncertainty, until the bold sacrifice of the LNS Utah (I hope that it was a sacrifice, and not improper maneuvering), which approached too close to the Ishtar and the Obstinate and made them busy, buying enough time to my ship and the Pride to disable the Albtraum. We then focused on finishing off the Ishtar, which had already been heavily damaged by the Sovereign's and the Utah's fire. The Vatan was providing it minimal support. The Sovereign received damage in the engagement, but prevailed. The Sovereign and the Pride then focused fire on the Vatan. The ship was exuding an odd purple trace since the start of the battle, resembling the ink of an octopus, whose purpose I could not understand until I set the Sovereign's course to chase them. The "ink" hid them partially and it made us more difficult to aim or see whether the ship is fleeing or moving towards to ram. After having dealt them significant damage, I withdrew the Sovereign slightly, just out of the Vatan's range, and left the Pride to pursue them while my radar was scanning the battlecruiser. It had Nomad equipment, including two battlecruiser mortar equivalents and a cloaking device. Other weaponry was Gallic. With the scan complete, I drew the Sovereign in again and dealt the final blow to the Vatan with a Kinetic shell. Our light wing did not fare as well as our capital fleet and only Ensign Segway remained flying. At that moment a very random group of three pirate bombers attacked our fleet for no obvious reason, but they were shot down very quickly and easily. Then I harboured the ensign beneath my ship's turrets and our fleet returned to the capital's orbit. Two Interdictors arrived to reinforce us in the meantime, but as I was receiving no more fighters, I decided to let the enemy's roam free. They were a minimal threat anyways. Then I took the Sovereign to Kensington's drydock for repairs, where she still is. Allied Ships: 1) BAF|HMS-Sovereign (Dunkirk; damaged) 2) Pride (Crecy; damaged) 3) LNS-Utah (Interdictor; disabled) 4) BAF|Ens.Hamilton.Segway (Templar; operational) 5) John.Snow (A snub; shot down) 6) Cole.Newman (A snub; shot down) Enemy Ships: 1) K'Hara|Nergal (Ishtar; disabled) 2) Vatan (Obstinate; disabled) 3) Albtraum|Aoi (Donau; disabled) 4) K'Hara|Mat'Rok (A snub; operational) 5) C~Vennamis (A snub; operational) 6) C~Raphael.Azarola (A snub; operational) 7) ZeroGravity (A bomber; shot down) 8) Kondasz (A bomber; shot down) 9) Avanderian (A bomber; shot down) Attachment: जॉन खत्री Captain Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Y'berg - 01-19-2019 ![]() After-action report, 826/01/18 At 23:11 NLST, I've encountered the GRI battlecruiser Oiseau, and since I wasn't equipped to deal with that kind of resistance alone, I signaled for reinforcements. I was able to hold up the Oiseau until Ensign Segway, and Captain Neville arrived on the Avalon, an destroyed it. After our return to Sydney orbit, we've encountered a zoner Nephilim evacuating refugees, along with a Red Hessian fighter, piloted by Linnea Holt. A few moments later, an Order fighter entered into our sensor range, claiming to be investigating the possibility that the nuclear detonation on Tombstone Estate was the work of Nomad infectees, and said she already had sensors in the area. Captain Neville ordered to intercept the Order fighter, but the Hessian told us that she'll help the Order vessel in case we'll attack it. Since standing orders are to not fire on Red Hessians if it's not necessary, I decided to convince the Order pilot to leave the system instead, and after several minutes, I was able to make her leave the system. After this, the Avalon and Ensign Segway returned to the Stirling, but I stayed on orbit talking with Ms. Holt. Some time after, our sensors picked up a Takeda class destroyer, the Shiratsuyu. The ship carried a nomad power cell, and it's captain detailed on an open channel what will happen to us once they "took" us. Since neither of us was equipped to deal with the Shiratsuyu, we retreated. I felt the need to remind the Admirality, that New Holland is an entry point to the deep Omegas, which are a popular hiding place to the "Wilde", they should consider additional security protocols against infectees, and due to the unstability of the jumphole network in the region, additional supplies to recon squadrons. guncam Pria Y'berg Commander Bretonian Armed Forces Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 01-21-2019 Captain Redmond here. I took leave of the Venerable to attend a meeting on New London in my Templar (I can't stand those dingy transports). Upon arriving in New London orbit, some BPA chaps, Inspector Steiner, and Constable Grimsly were on patrol when a GRI fighter appeared on scanners. Desperate times for the Gallics if they are using intelligence staff for scouting purposes, but nevertheless we decided to deal with this scout in the appropriate manner. Just as we engaged, another fighter showed up, this time from the Gallic navy proper, and a scuffle broke out. It is most unfortunate that BPA assets were being used on the front line, but such is the proximity to New London, that BPA patrols on occasion find themselves in the thick of it. On this occasion, I must praise the BPA for their conduct and combat prowess. The second fighter soon find himself ejecting after attempting to stop a mine with his ship. One of the BPA chaps, Steiner, seemed to have been caught in the blast radius of the mine, and retired having suffered malfunctions with his guns. That left myself and Grimsly with the GRI fighter. He was a decent pilot, but after a Mini-Razor landed on his hull and drained most of his hull repair capacity, he saw fit to run away, which I say is sensible conduct for a spy that found himself on the front-lines with his breeches down. Friendly Combatants: BAF|Cpt.John.Redmond (Ship undamaged, space-worthy) BPA)Ins.John.Steiner (Ship suffered weapon system damage, some repairs needed) BPA)Con.Robert.Grimsly (Ship undamaged, space-worthy) Hostile Combatants: GRI|**REDACTED** (Ship damaged, retreated) MRG|En.E-S.de.Belmond (Ship destroyed, mine) John Redmond Captain Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies Subsidiary report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lieutenant Greene here, sirs. My commander received reports of a Hessian Vidar-class cruiser causing issue in Omega-3. While the cruiser in question was initially escorted out of the system by a Gunboat patrol, he did not seem to get the message and returned shortly after. I was dispatched to Omega 3 to support the Police operation to remove the threat. The BPA force consisted of a scout Hussar, and a Challenger bomber, I myself piloted a Challenger as ordered. We found the Cruiser just south of Aland, and as suspected he was halting traffic with obvious intentions. Being a Hessian, he attempted, based on our Non-aggression pact with them, to stall for time, knowing we would rather he vacate the system and pay a fine, than resort to force. After a long conversation about how we should be in New London not Omega 3, and that the Omegas belong to "us" and not Bretonia, the situation came to head when, a friend of his showed up in a Cutlass bomber, I did not have the opportunity to check the affiliation, though I suspect it was an independent Pirate. We were taken by surprise, and the initial volley from the cruiser immediately destroyed our Scout hussar, as he was completely stationary. That being said, with his choice of support being a Bomber - which was little use against us - we made mincemeat of the Vidar in short order, inflicting devastating Torpedo and Antimatter hits. It seems the cruiser was quite poorly armoured, though I sincerely doubt it would have made much difference to the result. After the Cruiser was removed, the bomber saw fit to scarper away, utilizing a Cloaking device. His impact on this skirmish was as non existent as his ship became. We have a strong suspicion that he proceeded to dock upon Freeport 1 to escape capture. Vincent Greene Lieutenant Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-27-2019 This report is about a battle that took place three days ago in the New London System. It is being reported of so late because gathering the data took time. I was in command of the Sovereign and protecting the New London orbit when an alien fleet appeared in front of us. It was made up of a Marduk, this one of the previous generation of the species, as well as a new generation Marduk, a Siris and some Nomad snubcraft, including a Commune one. There was also an Outcast Sarissa lingering around, called the Santa Maria. Originally I did not know whose side they would take. I assembled a fleet consisting of the Sovereign, a BIS Crecy called the Repulse, a Crayter Hydra the Kadabra and some snubcraft, including a number of bombers and a few mercenaries, of Forlorn and independent. As soon as we moved in to engage the Nomad fleet, the Outcast warship opened fire upon the Sovereign. When I reminded them we were allies, the captain confirmed that we were, truly, his target. My strategy was to support our bombers from long range and use the Sovereign as bait so that the enemy would divert less attention to the bombers. Unfortunately the Crecy and the Hydra were caught in the middle of them and were put out of action. Despite this, the strategy worked in the end, and all of the Nomad ships were disabled as well, thanks to our fighter and bomber superiority. The Sovereign was heavily damaged, but space-worthy. All mercenaries, both those shot down and still flying, were paid two million credits each after the battle. Allied Ships: 1) BAF|HMS-Sovereign (Dunkirk; heavily damaged) 2) Repulse (Crecy; disabled) 3) CR-"Kadabra" (Hydra; disabled) 4) Snubcraft, census not done, presumed numerically superior (Light casualties) Enemy Ships: 1) K'Hara|Nu-Mus'Da (Marduk Mk I; disabled) 2) K'Hara|Islin (Marduk Mk II; disabled) 3) K'Hara|Esar'haddon (Siris; disabled) 4) Snubcraft, census not done (All disabled) Attachment: जॉन खत्री Captain Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies This report is about a battle that took place yesterday in the New London System. The Sovereign, with me at the helm, was protecting the orbit of our capital planet when I received the TLAGs net report of Nomad ships, again, in Manchester. I assembled a fleet consisting of the Sovereign, a Dunkirk the Hubble, an Overlord the Alaska, a Crecy the Coventry, a Thanatos the Eris, three of our snubs, one Council snub, three mercenary snubs and two Auxesian snubs. The alien fleet eventually came to us and it was comprised of one Ishtar, one Siris, one gunboat of the infected forces and some snubs. I did not count those, but I can say that they were outnumbered. There was also a GRN Cougar nearby, which sided with the Nomads, a Gaian Claymore which sided with us and a Corsair Murmillo which originally stood by side. I attempted to communicate with the Nomad fleet and turn them on the Corsair and the Gaul, but that bore no result. Then I ordered the fighters, all except the BAF ones, to clean up their snubcraft. As the Murmillo was still staying by side, I moved the Sovereign towards the enemy and took the Coventry with us to assist. The Eris I left nearby to monitor the Murmillo and open fire at them should they side with the Nomads. The Hubble and the Alaska I left in the New London orbit to protect the planet should any Nomad ship break through our first layer of defense. Then I also sent our own snubcraft at the enemy. The Corsair decided to open fire at the Nomads, so I ordered our capital ships out, hoping that the Nomads and the Corsair would neutralize each other. Our light wing destroyed the infected gunboat and the Nomad cruiser, and the Murmillo managed to disable the Ishtar without receiving damage. While that was happening, and while the Gaian gunboat was helping us clean up the Nomad snubcraft, an incident occurred. The Auxesian ships, now probably more of them than there were at the start, stopped pursuing the Nomads and diverted fire to the Gaian gunboat. The captain informed me of that, so I gave a system wide order (since they were now far from the Sovereign) to all Auxesian ships to stop firing at any Gaian ships. The Auxesians directly refused my order and stated that the Gaians shot first. I repeated my order to both and demanded that the feud is resolved later, diplomatically, but my words fell on deaf ears. After that I received the standard escape pod SOS message after ship destruction, this one coming from what used to be the Gaian gunboat. There was no time to resolve the incident on the spot, as we were in pursuit of the Murmillo. They stopped near Southampton and made a stand against the Sovereign there. It was a valiant one, but unsuccessful. The Sovereign received medium damage. Then the fleet returned to Planet New London. Allied Ships: 1) BAF|HMS-Sovereign (Dunkirk; damaged) 2) Hubble (Dunkirk; did not take part) 3) LNS-Alaska (Overlord; did not take part) 4) BAF|HMS-Coventry (Crecy; effectively took no part) 5) =CR=FV-Eris|283 (Thanatos; effectively took no part) 6) GG-W-Raven (Claymore; disabled by Auxesia and a mercenary) 7) Various snubcraft: BAF, Council, mercenary, Auxesian (Very light or no casualties) Enemy Ships: 1) Vagrant.Daeira (Ishtar; disabled) 2) CNS-San.Salvador (Murmillo; disabled) 3) [Callsign not recorded] (Siris; disabled) 4) Black.Lotus|Aoi (Gunboat; disabled) 5) Snubcraft; number and names not recorded, but clearly outnumbered; includes Punisher|FL.BlackSword, a Cougar (All disabled) Attachment: Conversation with Gaians/Auxesia: जॉन खत्री Captain Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 01-28-2019 Notification:
Rank Re-organisation:
The following changes in rank pertain only to members of the Admiralty Board of the Bretonian Armed Forces. Admiral Edmund J. R. Steiner Has been reassigned the rank of Vice Admiral. As such he is appointed Second Sea Lord of Bretonia.
Admirals Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon, Paul McKinley, Charlotte Brooks & Michelle O'Brian have been reassigned to the rank of Rear Admiral.
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix! Admiralty Board RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 01-28-2019 ![]() Good evening, DIS. As long I and those under me get to lay waste to the enemies of Bretonia, my rank is of no matter. For Bretonia, Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon Rear-Admiral Bretonian Armed Forces Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-29-2019 This report is about two skirmishes that took place today in the Cambridge System. I apologize for any lack of detail, but I am writing this while laying down. My back is injured because I had to eject at one point. My fingertips have not yet healed completely, and I revived some of the wounds while fighting today. Firstly I received an SOS from an independent merchant ship, a Serenity called the Cabrakan. They were being extorted by a TBH Praetorian. I arrived from New London and shot the Praetorian down. Immediately after that a TBH Titan entered range and started firing at my Templar. My ship was damaged, my fingers were in pain and the pilot was too skillful for me, so my ship was shot down and I ejected. The Cabrakan had refused to leave to safety, and they picked my pod up. Allegedly reinforcements arrived shortly after. I had damaged the Titan well, and I hope it helped them overcome it. I was back on New London and doing a spine X-ray and had just had my fingers bandaged again when I received another call. It was Commander Y'berg, and she reported Corsair fighters in Cambridge orbit. I jumped into a new Templar post haste and headed there. There were two TBH Titans targeting the Commander's Challenger, but she was being assisted by a mercenary fighter and a reservist Templar. I pleaded her not to engage due to my battered shape, but since she insisted, I did so. Her ship was soon shot down, followed by the mercenary. I noticed the Corsairs were dropping mines too often, so I applied my Train CD. One of the fighters, a certain Jose Artigas, was then disabled by a mine from his wingman. I would like to mention that Artigas had the same surname as was the callsign of the Titan that had shot me down earlier. I then asked the reservist, a certain Ben Porter, to duel the remaining Corsair, as maneuvering was painful for me. He did not seem keen on helping a lady, so I had to do it myself. This one was overusing mines as well, so I countered them with my CD, and had him blow himself up with his own mine. My new Templar is not heavily damaged, but the control board is bloody because my bandages could not hold themselves, and I would like to ask for someone to clean it. Also, if it is not too much, I would also like to ask for a week's leave, so my wounds can heal. Allied Ships (1st Skirmish): 1) Cabrakan (Freelancer Serenity; escaped unharmed) 2) BAF|Ens.Elizabeth Hall (Templar; shot down) Enemy Ships: 1) Antibiotico[TBH] (Praetorian; shot down) 2) Artigas[TBH] (Titan; damaged) Allied Ships (2nd Skirmish): 1) BAF|Cdr:Pria.Y'berg (Challenger; shot down) 2) BAF|Ens.Elizabeth Hall (Templar; damaged, space-worthy) 3) Ben.Porter (Templar; space-worthy) 4) Ah_Muzen_Cab (Sutinga; shot down) Enemy Ships: 1) Jose.Artigas[TBH] (Titan; shot down) 2) El.Machete[TBH] (Titan; shot down) Attachment: Elizabeth Hall Ensign Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 01-29-2019 *Salutes* Sir´s , Ma´am , High Command and Admirallity of the Bretonian Armed Force, this is is ... *the Man makes a Pouse in Speaking and it looks like he search in his head for the Words ...* me..iam...its me Renoktu-Ree! Iam sorry for my confusion,i cant remember me that much what happend and there is still much missing in my Head yet. I had lost all of my Memories... I woke up on Planet Leeds between fire and wracked ships,blood on my head. A Farmer found me ,so he told me later and provided my wounds. After my wounds was healed i worked many years for him and helping out of his Farm. He saved my life and this i had owe him,and anyways i didnt know who iam and where i can go else. Still searching for my memories which was gone,i didnt even know my name in that time,he named me Jack and become a Familly to me. Time goes by and one Day 3 Millitary uniformed soldiers came by to the Farm. They was rude and wanted to take of the Food and all goods from us,they say its now the Territory of the Gallic Royal Navy and we need to kneel down and swear loyalty to the Gallic Crown. We kneel down and... *Flashback_: ...Patience,Breathe,find your Balance Son,trust your instincts!...* ...a voice in my head,my Father! One of the Soldiers was going to hit the Farmers face with a gun,i just jump up and disarmed and strike him down,turning arround and shot the other two Soldiers down! I saw after this so many Pictures in my head... *Flashback_:a Fight no a War,in space,many ships around me,a missle hit me loosing controll of my ship,emergency pod malfunction,enterring leeds atmosphere,mayday maaaayydayyy....* And i looked to the sky and saw a Gallian Gunboat flying by! Iam Ree...Renoktu-Ree Commander of the Bretonian Armed Force! The Farmer told me he had know that i was a BAF Soldier but he wanted me to be safe and hide the informations about my past,he gave me a box with my old uniform and a old sword which was mounted on my Templar,he said thats now no matter anymore to try to keep me out of the Fight and War...the War had found me here again. He gave me his ship and told me that the Gallic Navy capture Leeds and that i now need to go out of the planet and back to Bretonian Zones. I start the engines when the GRN Gunboat turn back and flying to our position,the computer starts just in time the cruise speed as the Red Fire Lines hit the Farm and the area where the Farmer was standing just shrouded in black smoke... I managed through the blockards of the GRN and,good safe the queen,finaly landing on planet new london. >>>SECURITY CAM<<< Requesting a pickup to my Location Sir,and reporting in again for duty for her Majesty and bretonia! Carina...Regina....Emperatrix! Comman....well ye Ree...Renoktu-Ree End RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-07-2019 Sir, I am lodging a formal protest against the Alpha-shift fighter maintenance crew in general, and the crew chief in particular. After my last patrol, I submitted my fighter for routine maintenance and repair as required by regulations. The fighter in question is a heavily modified and upgraded B-907a Crusader-class Very Heavy Fighter designated White Knight. I received a message from from the maintenance crew that my ship would take longer to repair than expected. I assumed that another ship needed the repair time more urgently, or that there was some damage I didn't catch on my post-flight check. When I took the fighter out on my next patrol, however, I found that they had completely overhauled my ship, ruining it's carefully balanced performance envelope. While the additional armour and regen capacity is appreciated, the fact that it now handles exactly like a Templar without the Templar's prodigious power core is certainly not. When I inquired with the crew chief, I was told that my modifications were not acceptable, and that I should be thankful the ship wasn't scrapped altogether. He then told me to "piss off" out of his work area. When I joined the BAF, I submitted the fighter for a full assessment as ordered, and was given permission to operate it as-is. Indeed, the inspecting technician was rather impressed with the modifications I made. The crew chief did not have the authority to modify that ship without my express authorisation, and I found his attitude when confronted to be entirely unacceptable. I feel that some consequences are in order for his behaviour, and request that the ship to be restored to my original design specifications at the earliest available opportunity. Kevin Riley Lieutenant Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 02-11-2019 Filing a report in regards to a skirmish in the New Holland system, with request for further action in relation to some of the enemy participants. I will attempt to be as detailed as possible, however it must be noted that my ship was shot down, and the black-box that was retrieved by post-battle clean up teams does not contain perfect information. Our small group that was intercepting the vast influx of smugglers following our annexation of the planet, was attacked by a combined force of Corsairs, Mercenaries and Zoners, We were badly outnumbered in the snub department, this is due to anti-smuggling operations dividing our forces, or so I am told. Below is a list of participants. In this list you will find certain mercenaries, and also Zoners who require further action, it must be made known that these individuals are engaging in open hostilities with her Majesties forces, and should be treated as hostile in the future. I make this request because for a large portion of time, the mercenaries and indeed the Zoners were loitering around the planet, and we could have fought them before the Corsairs arrived, potentially giving us an advantage in the following battle. The battle started when the 3 TBH Corsairs entered within range of the planet, and immediately hired the 3 Forlorn, though this seemed more premeditated. At the start of the skirmish, only 3 of our 5 snubs were present, and we were forced to fight 2-1, by the time our 2 snub reinforcements had arrived, we were already down a Gunboat, and our bomber was soon to follow, though the bomber took a fighter with it. Myself and Everett were able to damage one of the Forlorn, but meanwhile our 2 other fighters that had arrived were swarmed by the 4 other snubs, now joined by a Zoner Roc, a Zoner Camara, and 2 other unknown ships, likely Freelancers or Zoners. Needless to say, our 2 reinforcements did not last long, and myself and Everett were next. I attempted to receive cover from the Thunderer, and she was able to take down one of the Forlorn for my delaying efforts. The Thunderer was then swarmed by the remaining snubs, able to take down one more Forlorn and heavily damage another. I again strongly urge action be taken against these mercenaries and Zoners who attacked us. Allied Ships (5 snubs: 3 VHF 1 HF 1 Bomber, 3 capitals: 2 BS 1 GB): 1) BAF|HMS-Thunderer (Dunkirk; disabled) 2) BAF|Vincent.Greene (Templar; shot down) 3) BPA)Ins. John.Steiner (Templar; shot down) 4) BAF|Lt.Cdr.R.Ree (Templar, shot down) 5) James.Everett (Paladin; shot down) 6) BAF|Eva.Flameheart (Challenger; shot down) 7) HMS-Erebus (Churchill; disabled) 8) BAF-Sabre (Dunkirk, left unscathed, did not provide meaningful assistance) >>All 5 snubs destroyed, all but 1 BS incapacitated. Enemy Ships (11 snubs: 8 VHF 1HF 1 Bomber 1 Freighter): 1) Forlorn|-Troy.Augustin (Unknown VHF, shot down) 2) Forlorn|-Ian.Norris (Unknown VHF, shot down) 3) Forlorn|-Sanada.Junko (Colonial Republic Nyx, heavily damaged) 4) El.Sombrero (Corsair Fighter, survived) 5) Jose.Juarez[TBH] (Corsair Fighter, survived) 6) El.Comisario[TBH] (Corsair Fighter, shot down) 7) Javier.Soto[TBH] (Corsair Fighter, survived) 8) Voncloud. (Zoner Roc, moderately damaged) 9) John.Silverstone (Zoner, unknown ship type, likely Camara Freighter, survived) 10) Daniel.French (Potential Zoner, unknown ship type, survived) 11) Alistair.Berrington (Freelancer, unknown VHF, survived) >>3 snubs destroyed, 2 damaged. Attachment: Vincent Greene Lieutenant Bretonian Armed Forces Open for Replies