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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 03-08-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: jXFJtw6.png]

Good evening, DIS.

After arrival onto Omega-3 from New Holland, I was called to support the capital advancement onto Aland. A combined IMG/ALG wing was putting pressure onto three of our capital class assets and we withered them down promptly, allowing all capitals to proceed safely onto their destination.

Late that night, upon reporting to New London Command, my support was needed against a Gallic incursion. One valor and its supporting craft were destroyed.

On a side-note, Crayter resources are now accommodated and supplied, ready to move in. Their moral is not high but they are committed in their effort as they see the IMG for what they are. Supporters of Gallia.

Without anything else to add,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 03-09-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Pranava Mantra
From: Captain John Khatri

This report is about a skirmish that took place yesterday in the Omega-3 System.

At first, at the helm of the Hellbound, I headed to patrol the area around Aland. There I saw a Thanatos-class, but under the IMG flag. I would have attacked it, but as Falster's defenses were hostile, I documented the encounter and headed back to switch ships. I intended to take the Dover, a carrier, which could send its drone past the defenses. I did so, but by the time the Dover had arrived, the IMG cruiser was no longer there. I was then joined by the HMS Repulse, a Dulzian-outfitted Pelican-class. We then witnessed a GRI fighter, flown by a certain Jacques Deux, launch from Aland. As the Repulse was small and agile enough to avoid Falster's defenses, I sent them after the Gaul. He was winning decisively and, as soon as we received yet more reinforcements in the form of a BIS Crecy called the Saber, the GRI ship docked with Aland. I have that documented as well, and it is in the attachments.

#1 #2 #3 #4

जॉन खत्री
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 03-11-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: High
From: Lieutenant Vincent Greene

Below is a recounting of a patrol conducted within Omega 3 yesterday. I have unfortunately limited recording of the engagement, and as such I have put a request out for additional data to other participants.

Myself, 2 Carriers, 2 Dunkirk, 1 Crecy, 1 CRN Cruiser, a Deimos and several fighters, accompanied by a mercenary "Ahura" in a Super Heavy Fighter, were conducting a probe of the forces in the vicinity of the shipyard, when we were attacked by a plethora of enemy ships, in multiple waves. Unfortunately, with the asteroid belt, the modular base "Falster", and the number of ships, we were forced to abandon our probe, while taking losses and our Capital ships were put out of action, though we did do some damage in return. In general, it was a poor engagement, that being said, I have no doubt in our ability to take the shipyard, due to our overwhelming military advantage in the system, they are just going to cause us some discomfort in the short term.

Firstly, the enemy composition was a curious one. For heavy ships, they had 3 Battlecruisers, one ALG, and two IMG. There also was a Hessian cruiser in the vicinity of the Shipyard, half way through the battle they were joined by 2 Gunboats, 1 Zoner Destroyer and finally a Red Hessian Battleship. Their snubs is where we faced the most issues, they had several fighters, backed up by several bombers, what is of note however, is that at least half of the fighters present were Gallic Royal Intelligence, I counted at least 4, it was a surprise to me that they had completely aligned with IMG, and IMG them, in this resistance. I have a brother who works for IMG, and I know for a fact he would not like to be seen to align with Gallia, I will attempt to pry him from their grasp when I next meet him, if I am given the opportunity.

We engaged their fighter force outside of the field, but were quickly drawn in to range of their heavies, which caused us considerable discomfort. Our Crecy charged in with us, and he found himself disabled quite quickly. Our capital ship support unfortunately could not come into range of the shipyard, and instead positioned itself above the shipyard, out of the field. Our fighters attempted to reach the capital ships, though we lost some in the confusion, most unfortunately. Red 2 in particular, had hit an Asteroid, and had to retire with engine issues, though he was otherwise unharmed. In the interest of our capital ships, we saw fit to target down an IMG Bomber craft, he ran to their base, but our fighters were able to destroy him before they could do anything to us. We then pulled back to the capital ships, but it was at this point the enemy started to gain a numerical advantage. Our CO was suffering from some issues, and found himself destroyed by a mine. One particular pilot from the enemy side was a certain "Vampire", under no circumstances must we engage him without support.

Our capital ships pulled away from the shipyard, and we were then assaulted by the Battlecruisers, it was at this point our CRN cruiser ally was focused down. It must be said however, their Battlecruisers were not a huge issue for our capital ships, it was our dwindling fighter count, and their ever increasing numbers -a Molly even arrived to support the IMG - that was our downfall. At a point, we engaged the RHA Cruiser, as we were under the impression that he had initiated the hostilities, though this is unclear, as the fight had started within near shipyard, and our fighters could not make out if he had shot first. We were joined by a Crayter Deimos, but he was singled out from the formation by several bombers and the two aforementioned Gunboats while we attempted to remove the RHA cruiser. By the time we were able to link up again, all was lost. Now, down to only 1 VHF, 1 bomber and the Mercenary SHF, we focused down both gunboats, and helped the capitals disable one of the enemy BC, and force another to retreat. All was however lost, and we were attacked by the Zoner Destroyer, the remaining enemy bombers and now a Red Hessian Battleship. Our remaining snubs made it out safely, however our capital ships were heavily damaged in the retreat.

List of identified participants;
BAF|A-HMS-Stillwater (Bretonia Carrier, disabled)
BAF|HMS-Dover (Bretonia Carrier, disabled)
BAF|HMS-Orion (Dunkirk, disabled)
BRF|HMS-Westminster (Dunkirk, pulled out)
BIS-Saber (Crecy, disabled)
HMS-Pheasant (Pelican, disabled)
CRN|RNV-Oathkeeper (CR Cruiser, disabled)
CRN|Neophytos (CR Deimos, disabled)
BAF|Cdre.David.Reese (Templar, destroyed)
BAF|Red-2 (Templar, survived)
BAF|Lt.Vincent.Greene (Templar, survived)
BAF|Lt.Tom.Hartman (Templar, destroyed)
BAF|Cdr.Eva.Flameheart (Templar, destroyed)
BAF|Ens.Victoria.Miller (Templar, destroyed)
BAF|MN-George,Teeze (Challenger, survived)
[SIS]-Wobbly.Gobblin (unknown ship, survived)
BAF-Samantha.Windsor (Templar, destroyed)
Ahura (Osprey, Bomber configuration, survived)
Drake.Newport (Unknown snub destroyed)
Tania (unknown snub, destroyed)

IMG|GPV-Aadarshini (IMG BC, disabled)
IMG|GPV-Biscayne.Bay (IMG BC, damaged but survived)
[ALG]-Erdbeben (IMG BC, heavily damaged)
IMG|Vampire (IMG VHF, survived)
IMG|Aland.Two (IMG VHF, destroyed)
IMG|Tobias.Knight (IMG bomber, destroyed)
IMG|Magnus.Ragnarsson (IMG bomber, destroyed)
[HH]Henderson's.Fist (IMG bomber, survived)
Homing.Pigeon (IMG bomber, survived)
GRI|Adrian.Gustin (Lynx & Cougar, both damaged but survived)
GRI_Force3 (Lynx, survived)
Michel.Touvier (GRI snub, survived)
[ALG]-Taifun (IMG gunboat, disabled)
IMG|Last.Hope (IMG gunboat, disabled)
[ALG]-Beta.A (unknown snub, survived)
Aland.1 (unknown snub, survived)
Golden.Eclipse (Molly Odin, damaged but survived)
CV-Corinth (Fearless Destroyer, survived)
[RHA]RHC-Hessen (Vidar, damaged and retreated)
RHB-Gewittersturm (Jorm, damaged but survived)
John-Bartlett (Arrastra, IMG, survived)

My own guncam: Images
HMS Dover guncam: Images 2

Vincent Greene
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Y'berg - 03-11-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: High
From: Captain Pria Y'berg

[Image: ViUnlFC.png]

The battles of Omega-3, 10/03/826
The first battle was a loss, thanks to the outnumbering IMG forces, even supported by GRI agents, a zoner cruiser, and even Red Hessian forces.

During the second strike, we've managed to destroy four IMG battlecruisers along with a cruiser, before they could launch fighter support, with minimal losses.

First battle:
Second Battle:

Pria Y'berg
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Miaou - 03-14-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Lieutenant-Commander Malachy Marshall

With my quick transfer, I already have troubling news I wish to report in the Omega-3 conflict. During the staging to mobilize a strike force, a massive zoner capital ship displaying the comm-tag Itherael opened relays announcing that the presence of the battlefleet is within range of Freeport 1, and demanded we leave. Taccom suggested we ignore the messages for now, and we began to move out. A crewman of my vessel kept track of it's actions, however.

A supporting Dunkirk traveling from Cambridge via lanes was all but stopped by this zoner and threatened. By this point, the main wave had moved forward towards Aland. We have logged the Ithereal's aggressive comms, as well as noted that it did indeed fire upon a Bretonian asset, potentially damaging or immobilizing it. The conflict swiftly increased and the focus was turned to the Aland defensive units. Attached are the communications it directed towards the fleet, and the lost communication ping from the Dunkirk-class Londrino.

Malachy Marshall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SkY - 03-17-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Ensign Aeron Scott


To be honest, this isn't an easy message to post.

Due to recent events happening with bretonia, I decide to leave the BAF primary fleet. I wish I could stay but I have family that work for the IMG and I don't want to be an enemy to the people I love.

From now on, I'll be leaving bretonia and find somewhere else to be that will offer me a better job without losing my loved ones.

Goodbye to everyone and I wish you well. I will never forget the times I had.

Aeron Scott
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Y'berg - 03-19-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: High
From: Captain Pria Y'berg

[Image: ViUnlFC.png]

Today, I was contacted by an intelligence destroyer, the [CLASSIFIED], that they managed to capture a Gallic Metal Service transport. Upon arrival, it turned out to be a Pachyderme class advanced train, carrying HAZMAT canisters, probably from Rheinland.

I've managed to convince the pilot, apparently the only person aboard, to surrender his ship and cargo, for free passage. The ship is currently secured on Freeport 1, awaiting an SIS or BAF| detachment to fly it to a more secured location.


Pria Y'berg
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Catbert - 03-24-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Standard
From: Julian Grayson

I've been authorized by the Director of the Secret Intelligence Service to make this particular after-action report available to the Armed Forces. It covers our operation against an IMG battlegroup in the Dublin system. The operation was a success and resulted in the crippling of the IMG carrier Rockabill and battlecruiser Biscayne Bay. The attached video recordings have been made available to the media (namely, the Bretonian Broadcasting Corporation) to bolster morale of both the military and the populace. Damaged ships of Gallic thralls aren't as good as damaged Gallic Naval ships, but this will have to do for now.

Julian Grayson
Secret Intelligence Service

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 03-26-2019


Rank Changes:

Ensign David Einzbern Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Your dedication to patrolling Bretonia by yourself is noted, keep it up and you shall advance further, congratulations.

Ensign Lorgar Jones has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant The trainers report you have developed sufficient skill to advance further in Rank, well done.

Ensign Charles Szasch XII Victor Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant You have passed the initial flight training and we will be looking at your progress closely to ensure you are worthy of further advancement.

Ensign Charlie Wilson Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant You have passed the initial flight training and we will be looking at your progress closely to ensure you are worthy of further advancement.

Ensign Helen Dekker Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant You have passed the initial flight training and we will be looking at your progress closely to ensure you are worthy of further advancement.

Ensign Thomas Becket Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant You have passed the initial flight training and we will be looking at your progress closely to ensure you are worthy of further advancement.

Ensign James Raymond-Brian Grindlewald Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant You have passed the initial flight training and we will be looking at your progress closely to ensure you are worthy of further advancement.

Ensign Rebecca Burton Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant You have passed the initial flight training and we will be looking at your progress closely to ensure you are worthy of further advancement.

Ensign Victoria Miller Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant You have passed the initial flight training and we will be looking at your progress closely to ensure you are worthy of further advancement.

Ensign Jack Kerr Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. While you may be lacking in combat experience, your unwavering dedication to your post has been noticed. You have also spent considerable time improving your flight skills. Soon you will be able to put your knowledge to the test. Well done

Lieutenant Rick Holden Has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. You have demonstrated considerable dedication to duty and skill at arms in the recent Omega conflict. This promotion is long overdue. Well done

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Saber.Jeff - 03-26-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Standard
From: Lieutenant David Einzbern

Patrol Report

I patrolled between New London and Omega 3 alone and found no enemies or smugglers.
That's all

David Einzbern[
Bretonian Armed Forces

Long live the Queen.