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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 09-27-2011

>>>[color=#000000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION<<<

[color=#FF0000]>>>[color=#000000]RECOGNITION ID - Lieutenant Ketsu Shigemori
>>>[color=#000000]PRIORITY - GREEN
>>>[color=#000000]SUBJECT - Sortie Report

[Image: takashisorimachi.jpg]

>>>[color=#000000]REPORT BEGINS -

Action of note - Vessel Destroyed - Gallic Royalist Corvette
Name - "CCCP|Aleksandr"

Action of note - Vessel Destroyed - M42 Series Corsair Corvette
Name - "_Otsdarva"

Mobilized as part of a fighter wing for the CPW-Lithuania, on a raid deep into corsair territory.
In Omega-41, we chanced upon one of the CCCP tagged Gallic vessels, this one a corvette sized patrol ship. It tried to run, ran into the trap set by the Lithuania, while myself and Claus closed it. The vessel barely lasted more then a minute, under the withering fire of the Lithuania's expert gunners.

Into Gamma itself, we engaged two fighters, of which Claus killed one - a corvette, which was put out of action by myself, and a heavy battleship, which gave a good fight, but ran to the safety of a shipyard once it realized that 4 fighters and destroyer were going to end its pathetic life.

With everything in Gamma quiet, we said our goodbyes, and returned to Zvezdny Gorodok.

>>>[color=#000000]UPLOADING DATA

>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000159
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000161
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000167
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000168
[color=#FF0000]For the Red Dawn!

>>>[color=#000000]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED[color=#FF0000]<<<

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-27-2011


[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

Finishing up the action reports and proof of Ketsu's report. Here is the fighter that was eliminated. Gunned down like the dog it was. No escape pod was read, pilot presumed obliterated.

For the Red Dawn! For the Revolution!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Commissar - 09-27-2011


[Image: FirstTransmission.png]
COMM ID: [color=#990000]Lieutenant Nikolai Kasheyev

TARGET: SCRA Report Processing Centre
SUBJECT: Their weapons are slower then their wits.

Good Evening, Comrades.

Today our forces, led by Major Warner, mounted yet another successful assault on the Corsairs. Comrade-Lieutenant Shigemori has already covered the results of their pitiful resistance. As it stands, I have a mere few guncam shots to contribute. Perhaps the glorious Coalition will find a use for them.

[Image: 2CorsairGunboat.png]
A Corsair Gunboat meeting it's end.

[Image: 1TheLithuania.png]
The CPW-Lithuania.

The cannibals, realising they could not defeat our forces in honest combat instead focused their efforts on damaging the Lithuania, a venture in which they achieved some success. Even with such pitiful measures, their Dreadnought was no match for our forces, fleeing from the power of our fighters!

If this is the best the Corsairs have, then it's little wonder they cannot manage simple farming.

For the Coalition!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-28-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Commissar-Colonel Tahiri
Priority: Medium
Subject: Promotion

---Communications Opened---

[Image: _51475417_bilal3.jpg]


It is the will of the Duma, the Premier, and of the Politburo that Forge be promoted to Provost-Marshal, the post vacated by Colonel Gonzales after her death fighting the counter-revolution.

To this end, Forge is made Provost-Marshal of the Coalition's Fighter Corps, promoted to the rank of Lt. Colonel and placed in command of the CPW-Kurt.Eisner border checkpoint.

It is the will of the Ministry of Plenty that trade continue, and that the New Economic Policy not be allowed to flounder in this time of reconstruction. Forge is to over see this.

For the Ikon, my Ikon! Premier Katz

Belial out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 09-29-2011

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: CPW International
>>>Subject: Discipline

[Image: Snow_.png]

Forge here.

It seems that the Fighter Corps is lacking some discipline. So, I have decided to continue my predecessor's list.

45 Things Not to Do in the Coalition (conti.) Wrote:91. Yes we lost the Krazniy Oktober. NO you cannot go hunting for it.
92. On pain of a trip to JiangXi you will not mention the rabbits.
93. I will not accuse every female -Kusari- officer of being Yue Fei.
94. I will also stop telling TALOS to self-terminate. Its not funny anymore.
95. Do not set Comrade-General Blackblood go "Spanish Mode". Bodily harm is not the fault of the Commissariat.
96. I will not bribe female officers to enact what would happend if Lieitenant Murray and Senior-Lieutenant Villers "got it on."
97. On that note, enacting it between Comrades McGreave and Murray is perfectly acceptable.
98. Yes, Jayce Brooks is a clone. But I will not clone thousands more and dress them up in identical white armor.
99. I will not ask that Viatcheslav be reprogramed to do the can-can.
100. The Order are nuetral to us; that said, it is unacceptable to put on special glasses to fake infection.
101. Sub-Lieutenant Uriah learned the hard way.
102. I will stop leaving a hammer and anvil next to the Provost Marshal's room, lest I become the next thing to be "forged".
103. Yes, Jeremy Hunter looks like a child. That in mind, it is perfectly acceptable to send him Halo Megablocks.
104. No, it is unacceptable to kidnap him and make him a Scout.
105. Yes, TALOS went on a murderous rampage. NO I will not rename TALOS to gLaDoS.
106. I will not paint the International yellow and sing "We all live in a Yellow Submarine."
107. Whoever did that to the Dongfeng will be shot.
108. Viva La Revolucion is an appropriate battlecry. Shouting THIS IS SPARTA is not.
109. We will not rename the Dongfeng the "Bongfeng."
110. Speaking of that, next person to ask if we can rename the Lithuania the Wolverine will be strapped to her main gun.
111. Yes, we have a Stormfall III. Next person to make me make a list will be assigned to it.
112. Advanced computers are not to be fitted to Storm class gunboats, two commodore 64s, a wrist watch and a piece of paper is all I need.
113. No playing Tetris on the Commodore 64s
114. No playing Tetris on the Commodore 64s while drinking Vodka and slaughtering Corsairs.
115. Comrade Claus may be addressed as Santa Claus on 364 days out of the year.
116. Christmas is not one of them.
117. The next person to call Major Xu Han Solo will be delivered to Major Xu in person.
118. Female officers will stop hitting on Comrade Shigemori. You're annoying him.
119. Also, Ketsu is not gay. He just would like a break from you people.
120. As for males, stop hitting on Comrade Ivanovici. One or two a day is fine. Half the Fighter Corps is just ridiculous.
121. Referring to Commandant Ling as "Ding-a-Ling-Ling" after playing a certain post apocalyptic video game is forbidden.
122. Next person to try and get Comrade Warner to do your homework will be thrown out the nearest airlock. Provided Comrade Warner doesnt shoot you first.
123. Comrade Brooks, despite being one of the most decorated in the Coalition, likes being a captain. Stop asking when he will be promoted.
124. Do not threaten the scouts. Their Dad can beat up your Dad.
125. If I hear someone ask if Yue Fei flew the Shenlong, I will have you shot.
126. No, I will not Forge you an axe. Stop asking god dammit. I said that before!
127. Stop asking to sit on Comrade Claus's knee to tell him what you want for christmas.
128. Yes we have a Storm named the Spearmint Rhino, no it is not a Strip Club.
129. Whoever told you is lieing.
130. The proper term for it is a "Gentlemens" club anyway.
131. Yes there really is vodka in every Insurgent.
132. Sorry, only the Provost Marshal and his superiors have the correct visas to access it.
133. The secret to the Coalition's Military Might is a closely guarded secret.
134. It's Vodka, by the way.
135. Next person to make me compile another list will be sent to Mendel.
In regards to Number 124, if the insulter is another Scout, the Scouts will then have a duel outside Zvezdney Gorodok.

Trusting you understand this.

Forge Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-29-2011

[Image: mendel.png]

Quote:Not even Mendel is safe.

Of that, Comrade Warner, you are quite wrong.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 09-29-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID:Major Warner, CPW Lithuania

WARNING: Transmission Coded to Commissar Mendel, attempts to intercept this transmission will be met with harsh punishment.

"Why my dear Comrade Mendel, you have been listening to too many S.K.Y.P.E. Communication Transmissions if you believe that I would DARE insinuate I would dismember/remove/murder a member of the Coalition's loyal Commissariat. I highly recommend you stop reading such transmissions yourself and delegate it to your subordinates, it's hardly a balanced use of your time as a member of the Coalition's respected Ministry of Truth.

I shall continue to serve the Coalition and it's ideals, even if I live to see the day when your old, grey and having your arse wiped by the Nurses in a Elderly Citizen's Residence.

Long live the Premier, Long live the Sirius Coalition!"

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-29-2011

[Image: mendel.png]

"Good to know you have learned your place, Comrade Warner. I'd hate to see you miss out on living a full... and healthy life until my ripe old age."

"As for delegation, somethings require a personal touch, don't you agree? That kind of care and consideration that involves sitting down and getting to know the people that you love and care about. I like nothing better than sitting down, having a biscuit and a cup of coffee, while they tell me those intimate little secrets that they long to tell me."

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 09-29-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID:Major Warner, CPW Lithuania

"My place is as always obeying the orders of the High Command, as it is yours Comrade Mendel, I would think you would divert your attention to less trivial tasks, for example; Ensuring the Fighter Corps isn't getting drunk inside their ships before take-off, a personal touch is well and all, but micro-managing is a tenant of Libertonian Capitalism and we must not indulge ourselves less we shame what our fore-bearers have fought, bled and died for.

As always Commissar Mendel, I find our little chats illuminating, do take care of yourself and how you handle the affairs of the Ministry of Truth, I would be saddened find myself without an intellectual equal amongst simpletons who don't know the end of a Kalashnikov from their buttocks.

Your 'friend'

Major Warner."

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Decktare - 09-29-2011


[Image: 0bb3d5490dca.jpg]

ID: Lieutenant Dmitriy Kolobov
Target: SCRA units
Priority: Medium

I have lost... Who will find me in Omega-11... Here very hard... Please back me to Zvezdny Gorodok. my sector... Hmm at Dresden Jump Hole.

Signal lost...

[color=#666600]END TRAMSMISSION