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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 03-29-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Gorreana
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: immNvnK.png]

To the Norfolk Fleet.

Prepare to move to point Alpha in Cambridge. Sprague and Core assets are being deployed to take over systemic security, OPCOM is delivered to dependent CO's. Condition Cherub through out the fleet.

That is all,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 04-11-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Earl Grey
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon

[Image: wDG93KN.png]

Good evening, DIS.

As part of the duties in the Essex Fleet, I arranged a patrol around the vital areas of the Kingdom. In it, Lt. Cmdr. Rick Holden, Captain Pria Y'berg and Merchant Navy Officer George Teeze. The locales patrolled included Graves Station, Planet Sydney, Plymouth Outpost, Aland, Cardiff and finally returning to New London. Lt. Cmdr. Holden craft found technical dificulties nearby Planet Cambridge and docked for repairs. At Freeport 1, we encountered a pirate bomber, undocking from it, [PG]Jack.the.Thief and not long after, a GRI craft flown by a

Vying to clear the field from enemy signals, I ordered Y'berg and Teeze to attack. Y'berg unfortunately was caught in the blast radius of then suicide dual nova Bomber. The Captain was successfully retrieved by Teeze, who then stood to the side while I dealt with Ms. Belmond. The remaining of the patrol was uneventful, ending in front of Planet New London.

That is all,

Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 04-21-2019


Rank Changes:

Admiral J. McIntire has been cleared of all charges due to insufficient evidence, as such he is reinstated into the Armed Forces pending reassignment

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 05-02-2019


Rank Changes:

Lieutenant Commander Malachy Marshal has been promoted to the rank of Commander. You have demonstrated considerable dedication to duty and skill at arms in the recent battles in the New London front. Please report to Captain Richard Alby, Hellbound Command.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Miaou - 05-03-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Commander Malachy Marshall

Commanding the Aegis, I performed a strike into the Leeds system with support of the Colorado Springs, a LSF Defiant operating in that area. Scanners picked up multiple Maltese vessels engaged in combat with a heavy Gallic strike group. We swiftly moved in and began to assault the reinforcements coming to support the Gaul forces. Our lightning strike to their one chance of turning the fight around easily offset the skirmish. We were able to confirm multiple Obstinates being destroyed or disabled. Aegis then turned back for repairs for the minimal damage it took it it's outer hull.

With the success of this minor operation, I was hoping to continue operations into Leeds and it's surrounding systems to disrupt supply lines and reinforcement movements. If desired, I can see about getting in contact with LSF command for joint operations.

Malachy Marshall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Miaou - 05-04-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Commander Malachy Marshall

Commanding the Aegis once more, I oversaw a defensive front in the Cambridge system with our own strike force supported by an LSF asset. A mixed battlegroup of Gallic vessels was leading a strike in the Planet Cambridge sphere.

A repeat strategy, I was able to intercept one of their reinforcement vessels and took it down. Moving to the planet, the conflict was already underway. A quick cruise brought us right into the combat zone and we got to work. It was clear our coordination was vastly superior. It seems their commanding officer must have been injured as the Gallic forces were entirely aimless.

The heavy assets were quick to fall. One surprise was a Valor that arrived late, perhaps reinforcements that got delayed. However, it came much too late and was left without more than a minor fighter wing as support. It fell to our weaponry.

Otherwise, my request remains from the previous report.

Malachy Marshall
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 05-06-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Single Malt
From: Commodore John Redmond

[Image: pC7cEIQ.gif]

Commander Malachy,

First of all, congratulations on the promotion, you have served the Armed Forces with distinction and will continue to do so I am certain.

As to your request, in light of your recently approved request for a London Interdictor and your special assignment request, I have decided to assign you the HMS Kippax, which is currently undergoing outfitting to meet your mission requirement specifications.

You are to move freely and engage targets of opportunity, disrupting supply lines and picking off lonely patrols, should you be the target of a Search & Destroy mission, you are to Avoid & Frustrate your pursuers, wasting their resources.

Be aware, that taking any assets away from the front in New London is a calculated risk that it will force our opponents to do likewise, you are to be on standby for immediate relocation to the front should any major offense take place.

Godspeed, and make them suffer.


Commodore John Redmond
Carrier Venerable, Stirling Battlegroup
Bretonian Armed Forces

Transmission Terminated

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Reddy - 05-11-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Medium
From: Cdr.Martin Beck

Good Morning DIS Marin.Beck here

This is a battlereport of a skirmish outside the New London Jumpgate in Cambridge a few days ago. I was aboard the HMS-Auckland when i recieved word of a sizable gallic strikeforce gathered in cambridge. Reports suggested the gallic for to be a battlecruiser, a destroyer and number of snubcraft. We were joined by HMS-Westminster who arrived on scene just as we initiated jump sequence to cambridge system.
We arrived to find many of our fighters who comprised of BAF|Lt.Cdr.Rick.Holden, BAF|Lt.Tom,Hartman, BAF|Cdr.Eva.Flameheart engaging the gallic fighters while being bombarded by the gallic destroyer.
There was no time to waste, immediate action was required. Though at first the battlecruiser and destroyer maintained tight formation and gave us little room for a straight charge, they made a crucial mistake of splitting up when under fire. This gave us the opportunity to engage each of them seperatly and eliminate them with minimal damage.
While the Auckland and Westminister were preoccupied with the gallic capitals, our fighter wing suffered losses. Many of our fighters were disabled by a MRG|Alizee.Vallee. I suggest prioritizing this one as a primary target in future engagements. That is all

Martin Beck
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SkY - 05-16-2019

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Ensign Jay Lawrence

Greetings friends, feels good to be back.

During my way to New London, a MRG pilot was spotted near the Planet New Londons orbit. I order the Pilot to turn around, and did so very quickly so no engaging happened. Very interesting to see that Gallia is dying to conquer our systems, looking forward to work alongside Bretonia to push these Gauls away.

Yours sincerely,

Jay Lawrence
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 05-22-2019


Personnel Transfer:

Flag Officer Willis Osborn of the Auxiliary fleet and Captain of H.M.S Swiftsure is hereby transferred to the main fleet at the rank of Captain, the Swiftsure will remain in the Auxiliary with a new captain, while Captain Osborn will command a newly commissioned primary fleet Battleship currently being readied for active service.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Admiralty Board