RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Vovasishe - 07-28-2019
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Medium
From: Commander Eva Flameheart
Good day, DIS.
Commander Eva Flameheart here. Today, I will report about skirmish in Leeds system. We received emergency message from TSS bounty hunters and moved to thier location. During on the way there we met council bomber, that joined us. In Leeds system we found two Gallia Royal Navy battlecruisers "Lazurite" and "Grenat". We destroyed them in a few minutes. "Resolution" took the main damage, but survived and managed to return to New London system. After repairs, we moved back to carrier Hades.
[28.07.2019 08:54:06] Death: RNS-Grenat was put out of action by BAF|HMS-Resolution (Gun).
[28.07.2019 08:56:00] Death: RNS-Lazurite was put out of action by C|-Marterau (Gun).
That's all for now.
Eva Flameheart
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kaze - 08-03-2019
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Gorreana
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon
Good evening, DIS.
Some days ago, the Essex Fleet started to receive alarming new figures of force recon patrols by the Gauls nearby planet New London. One of those force recon groups consisted of four Gallic Battle-cruisers and some snubcraft flying support. After engaging them in an attempt to pin them, a fight ensued with several dead on both ends. Ultimately, all of their battlecruisers were destroyed by secondary Fleet assets.
That is all,
Kaze Nelson Reidman Dagon
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 08-05-2019
Rank Changes:
Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Hall, on leave as an MP, has been reinstated to the Armed Forces and promoted to the rank of Commander for her services to the crown. Your efforts in Diplomacy have helped the Armed Forces in more ways than you know.
Lieutenant Commander Rick Holden has been promoted to the rank of Commander. Your service during the recent operations has been exemplary.
Archibald Bellender has been transferred from planetary forces the at the rank of Commander. You are to be trained as a capital ship commander, though I fear it will be a baptism of fire.
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Saber.Jeff - 08-05-2019
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Standard
From: Lieutenant David Einzbern
Patrol Report
I took a big risk returning from Tau-31 to New London, and on my way through the Leeds galaxy, I destroyed several Gauls fighters, and when I returned to New London, I conducted routine patrols. Everything's fine. No enemies were found. Finally, after work, I docked on the planet and got off work.
That's all
David Einzbern[
Bretonian Armed Forces
Long live the Queen.
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Reddy - 08-16-2019
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: High
To: BAF DIS, Admiralty Board
From: Captain Martin Beck
Good evening, DIS.
I was responding to a priority alert about multiple gallic vessels near southampton shipyard and heavy firepower was requested, as such i boarded the H.M.S-Stillwater the bretonian carrier and set off at once.
It was there outside the planet that i came across an odd sight, it was what appeared to be a hellfire legion battleship commanded by auxesia. Strange as it may be, i had little time to ask questions as gallic forces were amassing in southampton.
the warship's captain claimed to have come through southampton shipyard where a bulk of gallic forces were situated, and wanted to aid us in defense against them.
I calmly asked the warship to depart bretonia as auxesia were still banned due to their prior behavior, after much hesitation the auxesian ship agreed to leave. I had suggested they leave bretonia through manchester with escort but they refused and insisted they go to leeds. we could not escort them to leeds as that path was blockaded by gallic forces, so i could not follow them there. i do not know what possessed them to head through southampton but it appears they did and were taken down by said gallic forces waiting there.
This disruption of defensive procedures by auxesia is troubling, that is all.
[15.08.2019 17:31:33] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: The bulk of their forces have regrouped at the remains of Southampton. More are trinkling in slowly.
[15.08.2019 17:31:45] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Several Valor-Class, several Obstinate-Class, snubcraft.
[15.08.2019 17:32:07] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: I'd check your scanners for an IFF. This hasn't been a Legion ship for a long time.
[15.08.2019 17:32:27] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: And yet you possess a warship manufactured by the enemies of Liberty.
[15.08.2019 17:32:37] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Yeah. Did you forget history?
[15.08.2019 17:32:56] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Sir, orders?
[15.08.2019 17:33:03] BAF|HMS-Stillwater: Beck: i have received word from the admirality that your auxseian warship is indeed banned from bretonia, please leave at once
[15.08.2019 17:33:05] [LN]-Natalie.Reaser: Stand down.
[15.08.2019 17:33:08] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Bonjour esteemed enemies.
[15.08.2019 17:33:10] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Now isn't exactly the time, so save any questions for after the war is won.
[15.08.2019 17:33:12] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Roge-
[15.08.2019 17:33:19] GG-W-Carnwennan: Uh oh.
[15.08.2019 17:33:24] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Scouts are incoming.
[15.08.2019 17:33:24] Ace has set MRG|Guy.Josselyne as group target.
[15.08.2019 17:33:27] HMS-Reaper: Herald: Here they are
[15.08.2019 17:33:27] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Royalist forces on scanner.
[15.08.2019 17:33:27] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Now thats about it. Gallic fighters, just great.
[15.08.2019 17:33:34] [LN]-Natalie.Reaser: Scouts ahead.
[15.08.2019 17:33:41] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: all hands, action stations.
[15.08.2019 17:33:49] BAF|HMS-Stillwater: Beck: Oh hell, here they come, guess we can escort you out when this is done
[15.08.2019 17:33:52] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: I'll deal with whatever consequences the Admirals have after this fight is concluded.
[15.08.2019 17:33:53] HMS-Reaper: Herald: Standing by
[15.08.2019 17:34:09] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Scanner detect two fighters, sir.
[15.08.2019 17:34:11] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Are they trying to send you away?
[15.08.2019 17:34:11] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: We'll do what we can to take the brunt of the fire.
[15.08.2019 17:34:23] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Of course. We're not welcome here, but I still insist on shooting at you.
[15.08.2019 17:34:26] [LN]-Natalie.Reaser: Charming.
[15.08.2019 17:34:31] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Sad to hear.
[15.08.2019 17:34:47] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: You'd think they'd be a bit more grateful, huh?
[15.08.2019 17:34:50] Ace: i could try
[15.08.2019 17:34:51] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: They do not appreciate help in times they might need it.
[15.08.2019 17:35:04] Pax.Picard: Come here Dallas.
[15.08.2019 17:35:10] Pax.Picard: Let's do a mano a mano.
[15.08.2019 17:35:15] [LN]-Natalie.Reaser: A what?
[15.08.2019 17:35:38] Pax.Picard: A 1v1 i challange you to the death.
[15.08.2019 17:35:45] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: How redundant.
[15.08.2019 17:35:52] Ace: dont, you will lose a duel.
[15.08.2019 17:36:07] Sgt.Dallas: dont belive
[15.08.2019 17:36:22] Pax.Picard: Soiling your pants is ok.
[15.08.2019 17:36:27] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Maltese vessel on scanner.
[15.08.2019 17:36:29] Pax.Picard: For a liberty soldier.
[15.08.2019 17:36:42] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Came from Southampton.
[15.08.2019 17:36:54] MNS-Anaranjada: RNS at Southhampton
[15.08.2019 17:37:09] Ace: prepare guys, they come
[15.08.2019 17:38:07] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Just chase them, jesus.
[15.08.2019 17:39:04] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: So.
[15.08.2019 17:39:12] Sgt.Dallas: how many times we stand?
[15.08.2019 17:39:15] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Are we starting now?
[15.08.2019 17:39:22] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: That's what I'm wondering.
[15.08.2019 17:39:25] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Ask your fleet. They'
[15.08.2019 17:39:32] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: They're late to their own offensive.
[15.08.2019 17:39:44] Pax.Picard: Look at all of you. Sitting scared behind stations.
[15.08.2019 17:39:47] Pax.Picard: *laughs*
[15.08.2019 17:39:49] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: And they call you a professional military.
[15.08.2019 17:39:54] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: It seems, REALLY late, Yorktown command.
[15.08.2019 17:40:14] Pax.Picard: Maybe you share the donuts with the bret dogs a?
[15.08.2019 17:40:17] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: They're not wrong. We could be taking the offensive to them before they regroup.
[15.08.2019 17:40:26] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: You could.
[15.08.2019 17:40:43] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Patience and a hardy defensive line has squashed the Gallic invaders time and time again.
[15.08.2019 17:40:53] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Like in Magellan?
[15.08.2019 17:40:56] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: And Califronia?
[15.08.2019 17:41:06] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Like in the Taus, and Cortez.
[15.08.2019 17:41:10] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Very patient.
[15.08.2019 17:41:34] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Attacking vagualy defended positions.
[15.08.2019 17:41:41] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: And then feeling the rush of honor.
[15.08.2019 17:41:43] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Your attack is desperate, and your fuel won't last. You will die, starving or guns blazing, it matters not.
[15.08.2019 17:41:45] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: A classic libertorian.
[15.08.2019 17:42:07] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Sometimes the best defensive move is a strong offensive push and swift retreat.
[15.08.2019 17:42:28] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: The longer we wait here, the less them running out of fuel runs true. They've still got functioning logistics somehow.
[15.08.2019 17:42:31] HMS-Glasgow_Kiss: I heard a group of Privateers captured a large shipment of white flags in Leeds recently.
[15.08.2019 17:42:34] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: If they had anywhere to retreat to. Their surrounded in Bretonian space.
[15.08.2019 17:42:47] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Must've been your white flags.
[15.08.2019 17:42:49] [LN]-Natalie.Reaser: The decision of that is up to Stillwater actual.
[15.08.2019 17:42:52] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Laying around on Leeds.
[15.08.2019 17:43:00] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: So why wait? If they've got nowhere to run, we can press them now and end this conflict.
[15.08.2019 17:43:11] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Yes.
[15.08.2019 17:43:16] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Nowhere to run.
[15.08.2019 17:43:35] GG-W-Carnwennan: you need to be more assertive kek
[15.08.2019 17:43:40] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Miles: Each day their fuel dries up and they lose precious time to commit their own offensive. Why waste mens lives when the-
[15.08.2019 17:44:01] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Enemy can throw themselves into the grinder while we sit, exterminate their meager invasion then strike when they have nothing-
[15.08.2019 17:44:04] BAF|HMS-Stillwater: Beck: Auxesian battleship, i've been informed that your presence is not needed. please leave bretonia at once
[15.08.2019 17:44:07] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: Left to resist.
[15.08.2019 17:44:22] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: If I leave now, I'm going to be surrounded by the enemy. I'll wait until the conflict is over.
[15.08.2019 17:44:26] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: So, Reaser.
[15.08.2019 17:44:31] 5th|LNS-Yorktown: While our forces recieve plentiful reinforcements and supplies.
[15.08.2019 17:44:32] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Do you want to continue where we ended?
[15.08.2019 17:44:46] [LN]-Natalie.Reaser: As far as I'm aware we were at a draw.
[15.08.2019 17:44:58] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: We'll see how it'll end this time.
[15.08.2019 17:45:00] MRG|Guy.Josselyne: Vive Le Roi!
[15.08.2019 17:45:03] BAF|HMS-Stillwater: Beck: we shall escort you out if needed, the ban is in effect
[15.08.2019 17:45:08] [LN]-Natalie.Reaser: For Liberty!
[15.08.2019 17:45:15] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Then you can escort me back to Leeds.
[15.08.2019 17:45:15] [LN]-Natalie.Reaser: And the queen!
[15.08.2019 17:45:24] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Right down the enemy's gullet.
[15.08.2019 17:45:46] BAF|HMS-Stillwater: Beck: why leeds?
[15.08.2019 17:46:02] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Your civilians need to be safeguarded off of the planet during their evacuation.
[15.08.2019 17:47:29] [LN]-Marcus;Robinson: Yeah.
[15.08.2019 17:47:32] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Now, are you going to fulfill your promise of an escort or am I charging through the enemy alone?
[15.08.2019 17:48:10] BAF|HMS-Stillwater: Beck: you can leave through manchester, leeds is not your destination
[15.08.2019 17:48:30] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Leeds is my destination. I've made that clear. You can either accompany me to help your people or shoot me.
[15.08.2019 17:48:42] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: I'll leave that decision to you. See you there.
[15.08.2019 17:48:56] BAF|HMS-Stillwater: Beck: we do not need auxesian help is what i've been told
[15.08.2019 17:49:07] A/)-ACV-Achlys: L: Tell that to the destroyers surrounding the planet.
[15.08.2019 17:49:36] BAF|HMS-Stillwater: Beck: they will be dealt with in time
[15.08.2019 17:56:59] Death: A/)-ACV-Achlys was put out of action by MRG|Croisade (Gun).
Martin Beck
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mark_Brown - 08-17-2019
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Subject: A Return from retirement
Bretonian Armed Forces
Attention on Deck,
To whom this may concern,
As ex Lieutenant Commander of the Bretonian Armed Forces, I come forward and seek immediate reemployment to the force, I've returned from Liberty and is now prepared to defend New London with my life. I'm well aware of the system, our laws, and requirements and fitness for the task in hand. I'm prepared and ready for a medical assessment when you see fit.
I do not intend to return with such authority, but I do wish to help out as soon as physically possible.
With Respects,
Open to Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 08-18-2019
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Gin & Tonic
From: Commodore John Redmond
![[Image: y0KWRKG.gif]](
Enclosed is a report to the current situation of the New London battle, still ongoing.
Report is highly textual, and may conflict with events in details.
------------------------REPORT START-------------------------------------
The battle had continued to rage for many days, before finally the forces involved began to succumb to the weight of battle.
The first to fall was the Gettysburg and Warwick, both first in the line of fire of the trio of attack valors, the Dax, Gullistere and Nogent. The Gettysburg, along with the Carrier Warwick met the frontal assault with all their strength, with their combined efforts rendering the Gullistere a smoking wreck, and dealing considerable damage to the other two. Unfortunately, such was the weight of the assault, the Dax broke through the formation, with the Gettysburg and Warwick going down with all hands.
![[Image: INI2rie.jpg]](
The Dax proceeded to enter the New London gravity well, and deployed all its destroyer escorts which consisted of a merged destroyer formation of all three assault Valors to form a huge force. Nogent remained to cover the Dax, the Suffolk is currently still engaged with it together with the Alma and Concord, it would seem victory is assuredly. The Dax was however not left to its own devices, and the McDuff, reinforcing from Kensington, followed it to the gravity well, and deployed snub wings, combined with several wings from the Liberty forces and the planetary defense forces. These forces, attempting to prevent bombardment of New London, engaged with a fury unseen of before, and dispatched the Triumph destroyers, albeit with moderate losses to the defending fighter craft. The destroyers were rendered inoperable within around 30 minutes, but the damage to the surface seems considerable, reports of casualties are pending.
![[Image: vREPRlY.jpg]](
Meanwhile in orbit, the Essex, supported by the Suffolk, took the initiative and engaged the carrier-type Valor that had been providing support to the frontal assault, the Castres was dealt with by the Essex as efficiently as possible. The Athos, the Corsair fleet engaged in the assault was then engaged by the Essex and is still fighting as this report is filed. As the Essex engaged Castres the Le Cendre and Ambazac were engaged by Concord, Ottowa and Alma, and were routed, with damage sustained by Ottowa and Alma. As mentioned the Alma and Concord are assisting Suffolk, while Ottowa is moving to assist the Essex.
![[Image: wdKHBRM.jpg]](
Causality levels of the Essex, Suffolk, Ottowa and Alma are undetermined, though they have suffered greatly. The Concord remains mostly intact. The fate of the McDuff is yet unknown, though the Dax has spent much of its resources on attacking the surface, and we hope the McDuff will prevail, though likely with considerable damage.
REPORT FILED BY - Leftenant Vincent Greene
------------------------REPORT END-------------------------------------
Based on the situation as is, it would seem we are likely to emerge victorious in this battle. The loss of civilian life is expected to be nauseating, and I can only express my disdain for the tactic of mass murder used by our foe.
Assuming that as the above report details, we obtain total victory in New London, it is my recommendation that the Norfolk Battlegroup be moved to the front line, and a weakened group be moved to Cambridge and Omega 3 for repair and reinforcement. This was we can maintain momentum as we capitalise on the victory. I would also insist that with New London clear, the Harlow move from Cortez to Leeds to set up a flanking force therein. I also sincerely hope our Liberty allies can make ready atleast one fully operational Battlegroup to join us in liberating Leeds. We potentially must face down two Valor Battlegroups. As an extra note, the Ark Royal in Newcastle must be on full awareness as to the Embrun situation. Should the Embrun move to Leeds, the Ark Royal must follow in pursuit.
Commodore John Redmond
Dreadnought Venerable, New London Orbit
Bretonian Armed Forces
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 08-18-2019
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Assam
From: Commander Elizabeth Hall
This report is about a possibly illegal modular installation found in the Dublin E2 mining zone.
The installation was reported to me by the ship called Swiftwing, an Interspace Titanic-class. When I arrived, I checked whether it allowed my ship to dock, and it did not. The name is Asteroid-Hideout, its integrity is low and its grade is one. More can be found in my camera shots that is included as an attachment.
I wired a million credits to the Swiftwing for their service to the Realm.
![[Image: clvpgq5.png]](
Bretonian Armed Forces
Open for Replies
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 08-19-2019
Admiralty Changes:
It is with great sadness that the Admiralty must announce the death of Admiral Kaze Reidman Dagon, who died valiantly defending our capital against the Gallic assault. The Admiralty withholds any further detail on this. Fleet Admiral Edmund Steiner will take command of the Norfolk indefinitely, replacing Admiral Dagon at short notice.
Captain Gray Williamson Miller, until recently fighting with the resistance forces on Leeds, has been reinstated to the Armed Forces and promoted to the rank of Commodore for his bravery on Leeds. His ability to command from the front, and get his hands dirty has found him a place on the Admiralty Board, reinforcing the depleted Admiralty. He is assigned command of the McDuff fleet, now moving to its new position, unable to take part in the Leeds push. The Admiralty regrets not being able to give Miller a command that would allow him revenge for Leeds.
Commodore John Redmond, prior to the New London battle commencement, took over emergency command of the Battlegroup Essex for the purpose of the battle, replacing Executive Officer Noa Jefferson. The Essex performed admirably in the fighting, taking down the Castres, but is in no position to move on Leeds, and is being returned to the low, but not non existent intensity of the Dublin system, with the mission of flushing out hostile elements in the system. Due to the proximity of Commodore Redmonds' existing command of the Stirling, he will maintain command of the Essex.
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Y'berg - 08-19-2019
Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: High
From: Captain Pria Y'berg
After action report, 19/08/826
During my patrol, I've encountered the Marine Royale gunboat Acheron, Commanded by former Maitre-Principal Rupert Davies. Davies surrendered himself, and his ship, while transporting 35 refugees in various conditions.
As a man born on Leeds, the captain couldn't see his homeworld burned by the kingdom, packed his ship with refugees, and deserted. According to him, he was initially stopped, but let go by the Sombre Destin, marking a major disaggreement in the Marine-Royale's ranks about the necessity of bombarding the planet.
Davies was escorted to planet London, where he surrendered his ship and himself to the authorities. He was the only one on-board.
For Davies, please consider that he's hailing from the lower-echelons of Leeds' society, and according to him, they gave him purpose, and a meaning. One I'm perfectly familiar with. For this reason, I'd like to request a private meeting with him, and the option to speak on his defense, when the time comes.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Captain Y'berg, this is Captain Rupert Davies, formerly of the Gallic Royal Navy. I have 35 refugees from Leeds aboard.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: I am officially surrendering myself to the Bretonian Armed Forces. Please, direct me to where I need to go.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Copy, Davies. Show yourself.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: I'll accept your surrender.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: I left my crew on Leeds. Aside from the refugees I managed to get aboard, I'm alone and unarmed.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Does anyone followin' you?
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Negative. The RNS Sombre Destin intercepted, but let me go when I explained my intentions.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: They're not all involved in what's happening, but I couldn't stay. Not after that.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: I'll ask for orders, in the meanwhile, move to sector E-3
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Proceeding as ordered.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: move to sector E-3
MRG|RNS-Acheron: How could I have been so naive? They proclaimed themselves saviors of Leeds... and I believed them.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: That's propaganda for ya.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Never believe in kings and queens, kid.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Only your people. You did the right choice.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Bit late for that lesson, I'm afraid. The only Bretonian to serve in the GRN? I'll hang for sure.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Maybe not.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: And rightfully so. I may not have fired on Leeds, but I'm guilty by association.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: You're lower-class, right?
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Here's good.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: I was a laborer for BMM before the Gallic liber... invasion.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: To be free of my debts, to be given a position of respect and honour... it seemed a dream.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: They gave you order, purpose, right?
MRG|RNS-Acheron: They did. Now I wonder if they just saw me as their pet Bretonian. Give him a treat and watch him fight his own people.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: I know how you feel. I'm urchin-born, I was a no-one, before... this.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Holmfirth, hold fire. repeat, hold fire.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: HMS Holfirth, I have 35 refugees aboard, some with injuries. May I transfer them to you?
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Captain, may I get an update on what the hell is going on here?
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Captain Davies decided to surrender himself. He saved a couple people doing it.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: "Davies"?
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Yes, that one.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Right.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: So that's it? Just a surrender?
BAF|Lt.Cdr.Atwood: Might be not my business, captain.
BAF|Lt.Cdr.Atwood: But the enemy might be just laying a trap for us.
BAF|Lt.Cdr.Atwood: My gut feeling...
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Doubt so, sir.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: I can understand why you'd think that, but I'm done with them.
BAF|Lt.Cdr.Atwood: I hope so
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: The Captain is a Leeds resident.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: The bombardment of Leeds is a betrayal.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: And everything they did before was not? Huh.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: I can't be part of that, and I won't slink away into the borderworlds like a coward.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Despite everything, I'm a Bretonian still, and I'll face my fate like one.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: At least you had the balls to do as much.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: We were told of casualties. I'd be best to proceed with their transfer.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: The Captain told me that there are a crack in the Royal Navy.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Is that so?
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Killin' billions raises moral questions, who knew?
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Took them a while to start asking.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Aye, they're not all involved. The ones I encountered on my way out of Leeds let me go.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Them being?
MRG|RNS-Acheron: The RNS Sombre Destin, at least, has been allowing evacuation transports to dock, regardless of who operates them.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: And transfer the damn refugees already, McKinley.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Only 35. That's the most I could fit in this ship.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Fortunately, my crew was off the ship at the time and wasn't in a position to complain..
MRG|RNS-Acheron: I'm now the only one aboard.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: That simplifies a few things.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: So, what happens next? I'm prepared to turn over the ship intact and surrender myself as directed.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Yes, we will do that.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: No terms, of course. My surrender is unconditional.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: You will turn your ship over in London orbit. Have a good look at the fun your friends had, too.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Admiral, that's uncalled for.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: I was there, I saw... I participated. I wasn't there for the attack on the surface, though.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: What is uncalled for, captain?
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: *mumbles* Blue-blooded piece of...
BAF|Ens.Alex.Clarke: Arrived as fast as I could, Captain!
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Good, Clarke.
BAF|Ens.Alex.Clarke: What is the situation? What is this Gallic ship doing over here?
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Surrender.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Mister Davies, if you'd be so kind, set course towards Southampton. Or what's left of it anyway.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Boss, Clarke and I can handle it.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Fighter wing, keep a close formation as they move.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Moving as ordered.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Clarke, on me.
BAF|Ens.Alex.Clarke: Understood!.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Einzbern, Clarke, you will take point to New London. Our dear guest will follow. Y'berg, you go after him.
BAF|HMS-Resolution: XO: Resolution here, what is going on?
BAF|Ens.Alex.Clarke: Will do, keeping the guns ready in case he's trying something stupid.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: We have a defector, Resolution. We're bringing him in to London.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Just don't be trigger happy, kid.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Clarke, Einzbern, take point.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: I'm going to the next ring.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Keep moving.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: Shall I proceed to New London?
BAF|Ens.Alex.Clarke: Alright, don't try anything stupid.
MRG|RNS-Acheron: That ship's long since sailed, Ensign.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: Admiral, I want to talk with the Captain, after his surrender.
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: You will have to ask whichever prison facility takes him in.
BAF|Ens.Alex.Clarke: Captain, will I be allowed to join?
BAF|HMS-Holmfirth: M: Acheron, begin the descent.
BAF|Cpt:Pria.Y'berg: I'll just ask Steiner, then.
Pria Y'berg
Bretonian Armed Forces
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