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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 01-10-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
From: Governor-General Commodore Elizabeth Hall

This report is about the RES Anjou, an Enclave Triumph-class that defected to our side today.

I was moving the HMS Vindictive back to Exeter, as it had been refitted in Aland, when I spotted the Anjou leaving the lane from Cambridge at Freeport 1. I immediately blocked their way and established communication. Their captain, Justin Delacroix, told me he and his crew had it enough with the Enclave's regime and wanted to start anew in the Omicrons. They managed to reach Freeport One by avoiding all of our stations and using jumpholes. The captain once mentioned they were low on fuel, so I suppose that was why they went off course and risked interception at Freeport 1, albeit it was in vain, as the Freeport did not let them moor.

Captain Delacroix willingly let the Vindictive's sizeable company of marines board the Anjou. It was led by Brigadier Lawrence Lane, who I was about to take to Exeter to replace Brigadier Hugh Harrington, who was assassinated by a sniper days ago. All went smoothly and Lane took command over the Anjou, while Delacroix was taken to the Vindictive. I escorted the Anjou to South Shields, where she is still moored and pending Admiralty decision about what should be done with her.

Captain Justin Delacroix I ferried to the Harlow. I believe a chance ought to be offered to these good men who made the right choice, as an encouragement to other Enclave units. However, the Anjou was operated by a mere skeleton crew and I presume this is because there was a mutiny, so the ship will have to be reinforced with Bretonian sailors and marines.

Boarding Action

[Image: clvpgq5.png]
Governor-General of Exeter
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 01-11-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Calico
From: Captain Frederick Perry

[Image: 8dYjR3w.png]

Good evening, this is a report of two engagements in the Exeter system two days ago.

Her Majesty's battlecruiser Redoubt was performing regular guard duty in Exeter orbit when a Corsair dreadnought CNS-Floridablanca appeared on our scanners without warning. Our sensors did not detect its approach, which we at first ascribed to a malfunction. Later events however showed that the ship is equipped with Jump Drive technology.

The vessel did not follow my warnings and opened fire. After a short skirmish, in which neither ship was significantly damaged, we reached a stalemate. The Corsairs probably realized that they lost the element of surprise and time was on our side. They engaged said jump drive and unceremoniously left the Exeter system.

The incursion was naturally brought to the Governor-General's attention. Governor-General Commodore Elizabeth Hall decided to bolster the defenses and arrived personally aboard the Fascinating.

That proved fortunate because the Floridablanca came for more and jumped again into this time it brought company - another dreadnought, El.Kraken. The Corsairs may have hoped to overwhelm our defenses but we quickly disabused them of the notion. We outmaneuvered the slower behemoths and brought them down, one after the other.

With this threat finally removed, a rare moment of calm briefly returned to Exeter.

1a 1b 1c
2a 2b 2c 2d

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Frederick Perry
Bretonian Armed Forces, Reserve Forces

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 01-12-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
From: Ensign Isaak Heinrich

Report #1 I. Heinrich O-1

Our engagement yesterday in Brittany, formerly identified as Orkney, was done under the directive of Commodore Hall. Our forces, two Fortitude class Battlecruisers and a wing of fighters - engaged a short onslaught of Royalist forces approaching from Edinburgh and from Fort Albi. The engagement resulted in some casualties, one of which being a battlecruiser the HMS-Vindictive. The end result was myself, the HMS-Fascinating, and Premier Mehmed Selim surviving the fight.

On our return to Exter, two Coalition fighters approached our group. Premier Selim and I landed for quick repairs and re deployed immediately. The Coalition fighters, after ignoring demands to surrender from the Premier - were engaged by myself and Premier Selim. The fight went quickly, both fighters focused their efforts on Premier Selim while I wounded them both. Eventually both vessels were destroyed as a result.

The statement is true to the best of my knowledge.


Confirmed kills.

Isaak Heinrich
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 01-16-2020


Fleet Organizational Changes:

After much deliberation by the Admiralty, the following changes are to be enacted to the command structure of Bretonias Military.
  • Bretonia will be split into 4 distinct Oversectors, each commanded by an admiral or higher. Commodores will serve under an admiral, unless the required number of admirals is insufficient.
  • Admirals not assigned to an oversector, will be given highly important assignments of a variety of natures.
  • Each sector will cover an area of Bretonian space, and fleets, even those lost and currently being constructed, are subject to the admiral of the oversector they reside. The Battleship Essex is the exception to this rule due to the temporary nature of its stay in New London and its current task of securing Dublin, which is subject to a different oversector command.

Oversectors are as follows;


Oversector Center
・New London, Leeds
Oversector Commander
Fleet Admiral Edmund Steiner
  • Admiralty Headquarters - Wellington Army Base
  • 1st Great Fleet - Planet New London (Role; Command Fleet)
  • 5th Great Fleet - Battleship Norfolk

Oversector North
・Manchester, Newcastle, Tau (Operations restricted), Liberty Borderworlds
Oversector Commander
Admiral Paul McKinley
  • Armed Forces Officer Training Academy - Winchester Station
  • 11th Great Fleet - Battleship Harlow
  • 12th Great Fleet - Battleship Grimsby
  • 8th Great Fleet - <Under Construction; Scarborough Shipyard>

Oversector South
・Cambridge, Nottingham
Oversector Commander
Admiral Michelle O'Brian
  • 2nd Great Fleet - Planet Cambridge (Role; Command Fleet)
  • 10th Great Fleet - Battleship MacDuff
  • 3rd Great Fleet - Planet Sprague (Role; Command Fleet)
  • 7th Great Fleet - <Under Construction; Aland Shipyard>
  • Future System Defense Fortress - Under consideration

Oversector Outer
・Poole, Exeter, Dublin, Omega
Oversector Commander
Admiral John Redmond
Sub Commander
Commodore Elizabeth Hall
  • 6th Great Fleet - Battleship Essex
  • 9th Great Fleet - Battleship Ark Royal
  • 4th Great Fleet - Planet Exeter

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Durandal - 01-31-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
From: Commander Rick Holden

After-action report, 31/01/827
Decisive engagement in Exeter airspace

At approximately 1500 New London Standard Hour, I proceeded to Exeter with haste at the behest of Lieutenant Lowden Graves. Graves, Ensign Guzman, a Crimean Privateer named Hacket, and a Crimean gunship, the Balaclava, were engaged with GCA insurgents in high orbit of the planet. By the time I had arrived, Lieutenant Graves had already ejected, and the Balaclava's reactor was already going critical. Guzman, Hacket, and myself held out until a second gunship, the HMS Mariner, arrived to reinforce us. With the Mariner's help, we performed a clean sweep of the AO, eliminating all GCA targets, as well as an unaffiliated fighter craft named Irish who declared for them during the battle.

I am requesting permission to send a message to the Gas Miner's Guild over the evident employment of Karasu class fighters by the GCA. GMG technology sighted in the hands of an insurgency is highly disturbing - I am sure that I do not need to tell anyone here of the GMG's vast coffers or technology prowess.

This concludes my report, attachments as follows.

Visual Attachments:

Rick Holden
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 02-07-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
From: Ensign Isaak Heinrich

Report #2 I. Heinrich O-1

Today, Coalition warships aided by Molly fightercraft entered the Dublin system with the intention of destroying Clew Bay. Once the call reached the Blackrock, I was dispatched to aid the defending forces at Clew Bay. By the time I arrived our capital ships had all been disabled. The Coalition force consisted of two "Hurricane" class Battlecruisers, a Typhoon class Destroyer, and three Molly greyhound fighters. Our force varied, most notably myself and a few other fighters from the secondary fleet.

Our efforts were mostly defensive at first until we began to receive aid from some additional forces at the Battlecruiser Blackrock. At that point, we had them on the run. I destroyed one of the molly fighters as we were in route. Once we arrived at the field the Coalition and Molly forces began to fight as we had prior. However it did not save them, eventually I managed to wear down both their fighters (which acted as disruptor support). Our bombers took the opportunity to swoop in and deal serious damage to the enemy capital vessels. Meanwhile, the fighters began to flee, I destroyed another but the final managed to escape to what we can only assume to be the Exter system. As it was the only exit nearby.

One of the Battlecruisers and the destroyer managed to flee as well, leaving one Battlecruiser with no support. Without hesitation our armor moved in for the kill.

This is true to the best of my knowledge.

Enemy Losses:
1) Two Molly Greyhound fighters
2) One Coalition battlecruiser.
3) Remaining enemies retreated.

Allied Losses:
1) Two Challenger class vessels.
2) Several capital ships (names not recorded from blackbox)


Confirmed kills.

Isaak Heinrich
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 02-09-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
From: Ensign Isaak Heinrich

Report #3 I. Heinrich O-1

Today around 15:29 NL time, I recieved a distress message from the HMS-Graves, a destroyer. The Destroyer was held up near the Cambridge gate in New London, facing quite the onslaught. Five bombers, backed by a single destroyer, the overwhelming force of Coalition hostiles nearly destroyed the HMS-Graves right then and there. Once it broke off, the swarm continued to follow myself.

Some came to my aid, the HMS-Lion, HMS-Legacy, and HMS-Victorious - but all of them were ultimately destroyed as the battle went from New London into the edges of the Cambridge system. During this time, another fighter had come to my aid, Red-1, we continued to slowly wear down the enemy bombers until we caught the break we needed when the HMS-Victorious showed up. Unfortunately it only lasted as long as the HMS-Victorious, once the Carrier fell, we were left to fend for ourselves until the HMS-Graves could return to finish off the enemy cruiser. Once the Cruiser fell, so did the rest of their forces quite easily.

It is important to note that during this time an L.S.F gunship arrived on scene, its reasoning for being so close is unknown, and it left before any other personnel could arrive on scene to question it.

This is true to the best of my knowledge.

Targets Eliminated:
1) Vityaz:3 (Bomber)
2) Vityaz:1 (Bomber)
3) Vityaz:2 (Bomber)
4) Bogatyr:3 (Bomber)
5) Helena Baysa (Bomber)
6) CPW-Vityaz (Vidar)
7) Bogatyr:2 (Bomber)

Isaak Heinrich
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wesker - 02-26-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
From: Ensign Isaak Heinrich

Report #4 I. Heinrich O-1

On the 23rd of this month, February 827. Myself, Ens Sopwith, Cdr. French, Lt. Hartman, Premier Selim, and a secondary fleet pilot Henry Talbot managed to overcome a large number of Enclave rebel pilots in the Edinburgh system. The attack was lead by myself and Ens. Sopwith before Lt. Hartman took over when he arrived on scene. The fight went on for roughly two hours, where I was constantly under fire from the swarm of enemy vessels that had responded to our presence. Lt. Hartman, Cdr. French, and Ens Sopwith were all shot down. I managed to survive the onslaught as well relying on the fire support of Mr. Talbot and Premier Selim. The mental and physical toll on myself has left me with Medical for the past three days, I expect to be able to move underway shortly once I am cleared for duty again.

This is true to the best of my knowledge.

Targets Eliminated (memory, blackbox damaged):
1) MdG/-Chasseur
2) MdG/-Minori.Shikizumi:
3) MdG/-Bastille-1
4) MdG/-Ruben.Leclere
5) MdG/-Samuel.Deschamps

Isaak Heinrich
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 03-08-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Pranava Mantra
From: Captain John Khatri

This report is about an incident that took place today in the Nottingham System.

A BMF ship reported the presence of two Rheinland capital ships near the comet in Nottingham earlier today. I was at the helm of the HMS Vindictive at the time, on patrol near Freeport 1, and headed there to have a check. I called for reinforcements just in case and the HMS Redoubt, which was nearby at the time, responded.

We met the Rheinland fleet at the Omega-7 jump gate. There we were joined by the HMS Resolution. The Rheinland ships were the RWK Graf Zeppelin, an Elbe, and the MK Prinz Eugen, a Donau. They were later joined by the RNC Braunschweig, a Tirpitz, which came from Omega-7. I tried to order them out and tried to reason with them. I cited the treaties we had with Rheinland verbatim, as well as the Charter, but they would not yield and instead they started preparing for battle. I ordered the fleet forward, but forbade any fire for the moment. We tried to push the carrier into the jumpgate with our hulls, but that was not productive and it did not change their decision. The Tirpitz managed to slip through our fleet during these maneuvers. They could very likely be on the loose in the middle of Bretonia by now, but this weakened their fleet at the jumpgate, so I ordered the use of lethal force. Our fleet, now further reinforced by the HMS Firefly, prevailed and destroyed the Elbe and the Donau without casualties in capital ships on our side. Our escorts, which were two fighters from the reserve fleet, were fighting their bomber in the meantime, this one from their primary fleet itself. However, reservists being as undisciplined as they are, they did not heed my orders when I would have them cease fire and let the Rheinland bomber go, as it was not in violation of any treaties or laws and merely acted in self-defense, as permitted by the Omega Treaty. This disregard of orders on their part led to one of them getting shot down by a Nova torpedo. The other promptly disengaged, probably moved by fear, so we let the remaining Rheinlander return home.

Patrols are still searching for their battlecruiser. Last time TLAGSnet registered them was in Manchester, but they could have used the jumphole network to go anywhere. The audio transcript and some pictures and scan data are in the attachments.

Allied Units:
1) BAF|HMS-Vindictive (Fortitude): Undamaged;
2) BAF|HMS-Resolution (Interdictor): Damaged;
3) HMS-Redoubt (Fortitude): Undamaged;
4) HMS-Destroyer.Firefly (Crecy): Undamaged;
5) Water.Word (Dragoon): Shot down;
6) S~I~S (Templar): Survived, presumed undamaged.

Enemy Units:
1) RWK-Graf.Zeppelin (Elbe): Disabled;
2) MK-Prinz.Eugen (Donau): Disabled;
3) RNC-Braunschweig (Tirpitz): Undamaged, escaped;
4) [RM]StuKa.802 (Fafnir?): Damaged, allowed to leave.

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

जॉन खत्री
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 03-10-2020

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual
Encryption: Invincible
From: Fleet Admiral E. Steiner

Reporting an incident at the Rheinland Border from 2 days ago, two Donau class crusiers from the Rheinland Military reserve fleet were encountered entering Nottingham, after inquiring into the actions of the day prior (reported above by Captain John Khatri) I requested (3 seperate times) that they leave the system until an arrangement could be made between the House Governments. Sometime in the middle of the exchange I was joined by the HMS-Auckland under the command of Captain Beck and the HMS-Resolution under the Command of Captain Flameheart. After repeated refusals to withdraw, I ordered them to leave (citing the fact that Nottingham was Bretonian Territory), after falsely agreeing to leave, I gave the order for both Back and Flameheart to open fire, which they did so, eventually destroying the two Rheinland vessels.

I should note that halfway through our exchange, one Generalmajor Henrich arrived on the scene, which likely antagonized the entire situation.

Logs can be provided upon request, images are attached below.

Image 1
Image 2
Images 3 & 4


Sir Edmund Steiner
First Sea Lord
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open to Replies