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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 12-17-2011

Major Sasha Kirov
>>>Location: Zvezny Gorodok
>>>Re: Today's Raid
[Image: 11ifm38.png]

Privet Comrades!
Today, Commandante Rhade ordered a mass-launch of all Revolution bombers that could scramble. I immediately took off to join Commandante Rhade, Commissar-Major Xu, Captains Shigemori, Stroganov and Lanakov, and after arriving at our destination, Senior-Lieutenant Murray and Lieutenant Draka. We were accompanied by two [M] Mollys and a Hessian.

Our target, in retribution, was Gamma.

We entered space and proceeded to Tripoli, where we immediately engaged an Osiris called UFO. Inflicting massive damage to it, despite the heavy solaris fire from the Osiris Corsica. UFO managed to lock with Tripoli, unfortunately, but it proved to be a stupid move, as we decimated the Corsica soon after. UFO returned, it seemed, with a Legate under his command. How, I have no clue. With his leftovers from dinner he must have made a clone of himself. Who knows.

Anyways, in the ensuing chaos that was Gamma, more and more capitals arrived, as well as Benitez fighters and a Imperator. We fought back ferociously, only losing Captains Lanakov and Shigemori due to heavy missile fire. Despite the loss of our mighty Novaclysm bomber, we continued to engagement, downing a gunboat and inflicting massive damage to the Corsair fleet. Commandante Rhade then chose to make a tactical withdrawal. We all were running low on regens, and made for Omega-41. I myself was trapped by their fighters as Rhade was chased by the Legate and two more Osirises. We both managed to make it to 41, with Rhade coming through their blockade without a scratch. andthen Omega 5, and finally 52, where I crashed onto the Kurt Eisner and sent word to Zvezdney, when Comrade Villers launched. I do not know what happened after, so I must leave that to my comrades.

Today was an excellent day; the Corsairs were dealt a blow, and we had minimal loss to equipment.

For the Red Dawn!

Kirov Out!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-18-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

I awoke to the rare and unpleasant sound of the invasion klaxon sounding throughout Zvezdny. Two Corsair Osiris's had managed to find their way into our home and were being engaged by the defense force and two Fighter Corp pilots. I rushed to my Revolution, and was later joined by other Fighter Corps pilots. Together, we managed to push them back to Omega-5 where two Hessian Vidars were waiting.

Our combined forces managed to destroy one of them before a horde of Corsair Capitals arrived. At that moment we were heavily outnumbered but reinforcements arrived in the form of Hessians, Mollies and even a Mandalorian. Together, we systematically wiped out each and every last Corsair Capital ship. All but two of them were Battleships. There was one Cruiser, and one Gunboat that were taken down with ease. That'll teach the Corsairs who owns the Lower Omegas.

Comrade Coronel arrived late on the CPW-Social Credit, so he missed the action. He reported that he was being tailed by a Bounty Hunter Bomber, so I moved in. When I arrived, I found him under fire by both the Bounty Hunter and an IMG Gunboat. Fortunately, an IMG| representative arrived in time to recall the Gunboat, so we did not have to destroy it. As for the Bomber, it foolishly continued its attack, finally falling to the Advents mighty Razors.

That is all for now.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 12-19-2011

:::Incomming transmission:::

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Dmitry Dubovik reporting about recon mission in Omicron Alpha.

Yesterday I finally made it to Militsia and was given an Insurgent - KSD-C9822 Coalition Very Heavy Fighter from Zvezdny Gorodok. After I finished equipping my ship I was contacted by General Rhade. He gave me my first mission: scout Omicron Alpha system and collect information about all I will find there. Im fully completed my task and returned to Zvezdny. Now to my mission.
When I arived to Omicron Alpha I founded myself into big battle between Corsairs and Outcasts. Silently sneaked away from battle I made it to Hispania wreck and maked some scans

After that I returned to battlefield to take some info about battle. I have founded many capital ships on Corsairs side and fighters/bombers on Outcasts side. All OC capships returned to Malta to repair and take some ships to aid.

I thought that both sides too busy to see me. I was wrong on that and I was spotted.
But Im already collected all info I was asked and I had order not to fight with enemys, so I escaped battle easilly and returned back home. Thats all, Comrades. For the Revolution!

Dubovik out
:::Transmission lost:::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - ZeSKULLz - 12-20-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
[Image: HCLr836O.jpg]
From: Ilya Vetrov
Rank: Militsiya
Priority: Easy
Source: Zvedny Gorodok, Omega-52
Subject: Patrol Omega-52
Opening Message:

I made a patrol of our system, as a result of this mission, I found no foreign objects in our territory.
But a few days ago have been discovered and destroyed the enemy in the vicinity ships Omega-5 jump Hole.As a result of this battle, many enemy ships could go, I hope that in next time I will not one to protect our territory, and I can count on the assistance of his comrades.

***Transmission End***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sirius Coalition - 12-22-2011



[Image: t1larg.north-korean-soldier.jpg]

First Militsiya Battalion, Kremlin Dome, Volgograd

Honoured Comrade Commanders,

At first we were loath to disturb your important work for the benefit of the people's great republic of the Coalition, however it is our duty to report a large gathering of people in several of the major city domes on Volgograd, each of them are young people, bearing what appears to be a candle and chanting the name of our beloved departed Ikon, Katz...

Comrade Commanders, this is not a small up-swelling, but seems to be a well coordinated uprising of people, breaching many of our laws about public assembly and congregation.

[Image: candlelight_vigil.jpg]

However, it is also my duty to warn you that currently our Militsiya forces would be significantly outnumbered were we to try to contain this uprising. We await your orders on what path to take to suppress this Candle Uprising.

[Image: Candlelight_Vigil3.jpg]

Major Shu

Volgograd Militsiya Detachement
Kremlin Dome.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sirius Coalition - 12-23-2011


[Image: Katz-2.png]


We have been divided... it is time for that divisiveness to end.

It is time to cut out the sickness that has corrupted us from within.

In the name of the Ikon, our true Ikon, My Ikon, Katz!

Death to those that do not believe!

Death to those that would build a throne upon the backs of the people!

Death to those that have built a house of usher in the shadow of the peoples palace!

Death to the Dictators, Counter-Revolutionaries, Usurpers, and traitors all.

For the Ikon


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sirius Coalition - 12-23-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: HIGH
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

Comrades of the Coalition!

I am pleased to announce that our notoriously out-dated rosters have been brought fully up to date. Upon looking at this new roster it seems we have too many Captains.

That can be easily remedied of course with a bullet, but the following three pilots have distinguished themselves.

Comrades Coronel, Stroganov and Lanakov you are each hereby promoted to the rank of Major.

Keep in mind that while you are now officially Majors, you're still in your probationary phase. As such you will only be given access to the Radek and Sickle which are now to be the official Cruiser Training Ships of the Coalition.

Comrade Lanakov, you are EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN to try and mount Novas on either Training Ship.

That is all Comrades, now go out there and make the Coalition and its people proud to call you their Comrades.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 12-23-2011

COMM ID: Acting-Premier Chun Ki Ling of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Kremlin Dome, Volgograd, Omega-52

TARGET ID: All Coalition Assets and the Coalition People

[Image: premierling.png]

People of the Coalition and members of the Fighter Corps,

With this festive season upon us, we all feel a deep sense of loss. I share your pain in the death of Comrade Katz. His views were revolutionary, and he shall always be revered as the Ikon of Ikons. I light a candle with you, and mourn the loss of our great leader.

I am declaring a period of mourning and armistice. From now until the 30th of December, all people of the Coalition are invited to pay tribute and share gifts on the steps of the Kremlin. All Militsiya forces are to give the people the time and respect they all deserve to grieve in their own way. I actively encourage you to engage with the people and feel their sense of loss as we all do feel.

This is a peaceful mourning for the passing of a great leader. Those who incite violence in spite of this season of goodwill - will be publicly struck down by a wrath never before seen. One which I need not order or decree, but one which will rise from the masses to strike at thee.

Now my thoughts turn to the one who has hacked this transmission and seeks to sully our Ikon's name with threats of death, destruction and of splitting our united people.

To you, the one who remains in the shadows daring not to step forward - I say this.

The Coalition people have united, they are not torn or fractured as they once were but bound by grief. This grief will turn to anger. First it will be anger at the perpetrators of the heinous crime that lead to the Premier's vessel exploding. Then anger at the incitement of further violence. Then anger that someone would dare claim to kill their own comrades in the name of Katz. Katz was a great man and a great leader. To chant death to unbelievers and usurpers, when there are none, is an insult. It is you who incite this violence.

This is a time for reflection, a time for calm and peaceful mourning. I will not allow it to be spoiled by the desperate antics of the minority who are discontent with how this administration has handled power.

Under the lead of the recognised War Hero Commandante Rhade, we have struck back against the Corsair expansion. We have aided our allies in their fights against the Bretonian Armed Forces and Rheinland Military and we are a shoulder to lean on for the Zoners and Colonial forces, under threat by the Gallics.

Under my political guidance, our XKR program will be launched next week, and our alliance with the Mollys has deepened.

Now, people of the Coalition, mourn our fallen Ikon as we seek to rebuild in these trying times.

Members of the Fighter Corps, you have my thanks and have the blessing of the people to keep them safe from harm.

For the Coalition, in the true name of Katz!

Premier Chun Ki Ling
Премьер Чун Ки Лин


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-23-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps, Coalition People
Priority: HIGH
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

I think we can all agree that we're tired of being divided.

All things considered, the Coalition is doing quite well. With Ling safely in his Bunker, the Fighter Corps has absolutely ravaged the enemy. In almost every engagement we make the enemy pay dearly for each ship of ours they eliminate.

Just today we managed to take down a Rheinland Battleship, and severely damage another while under immense fire and losing only two Revolutions and a Storm. Ships that are set to be tossed into the sun within a week. Not to mention that the XKR Project is finally nearing completion.

We will mourn Katz, however I am convinced he would not want us to divide ourselves in his name. As such I advise the people to ignore and report anyone using Katz's name to incite violence and dissent among the Glorious Coalition.

That is all.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 12-23-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

[Incomming Transmission]

Comm ID: Major Ben Warner, CPW Lithuania.

"Members of the Fighter Corps, beloved comrades and friends, as we mourn the late Alvin Katz, Premier of the Sirius Coalition, the crew of the Lithuania has chosen not to mourn, but to celebrate his life and remembering the happy times.

I personally invite all officers and members of the Coalition's Fighter Combat Wings to meet on JiangXi at my home to celebrate both the Holiday Season as well as celebrating the times of victory we had under Premier Katz.

Also with the advent of the new ship designs becoming reality in the upcoming week, the Lithuania is taking one final cruise around Omega-52 as a Typhoon-Class Destroyer before being directed to Mykolaiv Research Station for final decommissioning and allowing the crew the holiday season off while the new Destroyer is receiving it's final touches.

The Lithuania will be recycled for parts for the most part, but the name-plate of the ship that is onboard the bridge will be sent to Volgograd to be preserved due to the Lithuania's impressive War-Time records and the valour shown by the crew on many a occasion.

Merry Christmas my comrades and a happy New Year to the Coalition."
[End Transmission]