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RE: Brotherhood Feedback - Mímir - 01-23-2014

Because someone from Brotherhood chose to pull my character out of their arse and post stuff about it here, rather than roleplay or contact me directly if they had an issue.

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - Zelot - 01-23-2014

(01-23-2014, 10:56 AM)Mímir Wrote: Because someone from Brotherhood chose to pull my character out of their arse and post stuff about it here, rather than roleplay or contact me directly if they had an issue.

The discussion was started by the OPG, about something your character did. Kinda hard to discuss what happened with your character without talking about your character. Go complain to Chase.Way that this went oorp and involved you, because we surely would have preferred it to go differently.

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - Mímir - 01-23-2014

As I read it, the discussion was about a Brotherhood reply to a general open transmission started by my character, granted, but in no way was that feedback post related to me. I was only brought into this when that dude behind the Brotherhood Elder account started gobbing off, that was the only mention or relation to me and my character. Nothing wrong in admitting mistakes, it's the only way to move forward.

To clarify: All previous complains in this thread was regarding the passive Brotherhood stance towards IND void of explananation; and your first retort was an attack on me, a person otherwise unrelated to this. That was your choice, you went oorp on me, at least own up to that fact rather than try to squirm your way out of it - it is right here in your thread, and some of your members even admitted to me on skype that it was an unwise move.

To clarify even more: I personally LIKE the Brotherhood, I read most/all of Madvillain's stuff, I was even in your chat a little while back and seriously thought about applying. I have absolutely nothing against you, rather the opposite, but I do think you owe me an apology as well as you owe yourselves to take a good look at how you handle things and perhaps put some more thought into that from here on.

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - Zelot - 01-23-2014

I am solo sorry your character was mentioned in a discussion of events that were initiated by your character. I am soooo sorry we explained why we feel the way we do about it. I am so sorry you feel like you were attacked, while we defended our stance ooRP from being attacked ooRP. Can you ever forgive us?

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - Mímir - 01-23-2014


EDIT: Send 10 million to Marcelo,Medina and I will make no mention of this ever again Big Grin

EDIT EDIT: Seriously though, what you did was pretty uncool and unfitting for a roleplay server. Your pilots even greet with me "hermano" in-game, it's weird when I out of roleplay know that those characters apparently have a problem with my character. Also quite honorless to pretend to be brothers with another Corsair you look at as honorless, no?

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - Zelot - 01-23-2014

(01-23-2014, 11:36 AM)Mímir Wrote: Maybe Tongue

EDIT: Send 10 million to Marcelo,Medina and I will make no mention of this ever again Big Grin

We can clearly see you don't follow those promises. :p

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - Mímir - 01-23-2014

As long as you don't send it from your IND account it will be fine Wink

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - The Brotherhood - 01-23-2014

(01-23-2014, 01:55 AM)chase.way Wrote:
Quote:History of the Brotherhood

There are a lot of fellowships among the Corsairs. The Brotherhood proudly claims to be the oldest one. We are a militant group of radical Corsairs who prefer to achieve their goals by force than by using diplomatic ways as the diplomacy has repeatedly proved to be useless and leads to corruption rather than to its intended goals. This is especially true in recent days, where the Council of Elders has proved to be a body of men that are more interested in talk and diplomacy for the sake of talk and diplomacy, instead of as a tool to be used against the enemies of the Corsairs.

Taken from - Link

This is your own faction status guys, and you're angry at Corsair players because they are making radical moves and not waiting with actions until final decision is made.

Excuse me? Perhaps you can now devote one minute to actually READ my original post :

[quote]Bien, Diplomacy usualy is not the least of our concerns, however - given that we've had cooperations with the subject we are more inclined to ask what happend and ensure such thing does not happen again. Make no mistake, Those who assist our enemies will face the same fate, In muerte's name.

Avoid contact if possible, until we settle this with the gringos.


And I have highlighted the parts that DO characterise TBH, incase we still have language barriers

Anything else?

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - Mímir - 01-23-2014

I think you mean that usually diplomacy IS the least of your concerns, the "not" seems to indicate the exact opposite of what you are trying to convey.

RE: Brotherhood Feedback - chase.way - 01-23-2014

(01-23-2014, 10:39 AM)Zelot Wrote:
(01-23-2014, 01:55 AM)chase.way Wrote:
Quote:History of the Brotherhood

There are a lot of fellowships among the Corsairs. The Brotherhood proudly claims to be the oldest one. We are a militant group of radical Corsairs who prefer to achieve their goals by force than by using diplomatic ways as the diplomacy has repeatedly proved to be useless and leads to corruption rather than to its intended goals. This is especially true in recent days, where the Council of Elders has proved to be a body of men that are more interested in talk and diplomacy for the sake of talk and diplomacy, instead of as a tool to be used against the enemies of the Corsairs.

Taken from - Link

This is your own faction status guys, and you're angry at Corsair players because they are making radical moves and not waiting with actions until final decision is made.

Read, "preference" We would prefer, this is not always possible. Add to this, it was written at a time when we had internal struggles going on with the Council. It was the Benitez who convinced us to put that aside and come back into the Council, for the good of the Corsairs. Now we cannot just leave the Council and ignore it. Why? Anarchy. Without the Brotherhood in the Council, it literally has no power, which means the Corsair laws have no power and people could be sanctioned for enforcing them. It means that no traders will bring goods to Crete anymore, since they cannot count on not being pirated while they bring their food to us. Who is going to bring anything to Crete if they know that more often than not they will be pirated. What will people think of the Sairs when we start spamming Battleships all over our ZOI. What will this do for the reputation of the Corsairs? Do I personally want TBH in the Council? No, but it os outweighed by my preference to not have the Corsair NPC faction degenerate into anarchy. This is why we say wait for the Council, it stops anarchy. We are in a new situation now, with only TBH as an official faction. Before we could fight against the Council, as we have done many times in the past, but it didn't threaten the stability of the NPC faction. Now it does. And again, we are not angry at players for not listening to the Council, we are angry at players who, without the authority, are ordering other Corsairs to attack people. And yes, pirating is attacking. So, while this is not my preference, due to other factions, namely Sails/OPG and the Benitez, rejecting the responsibilities of official faction status, we are left with little choice.

Ok, first of all, update your faction status that you changed your views on COE diplomacy and that you now support it.
Quote: It means that no traders will bring goods to Crete anymore, since they cannot count on not being pirated while they bring their food to us. Who is going to bring anything to Crete if they know that more often than not they will be pirated.

We are largest criminal organization, we are known as pirates, Junkers/Zoners who support us inRP for years if not centuries are still afraid of us and we pirate them, but because of the fear they are still bringing us supplies and allowing us to dock on their bases. You can find this all over the lore, including rumors on bases and such. Junkers after all that pirating of them still bring supplies and let us dock on their bases. Zoners which we like to pirate as well, sold us routes trough Omega 49 and still bring us supplies. I don't see how IND is even close to importance of these two factions for us, and yet you defend them.

Quote:17.b) Neutral transports or freighters passing through Corsair territory empty or with insignificant amounts of cargo may be taxed. It is recommended to impose a reasonable tax (starting from 500 000 SC but it may be raised if they show hostility or refuse to cooperate) and to encourage their pilots to trade with the Empire, either by bringing us useful commodities or buying artifacts

Taken from the Corsair laws. It means I can pirate IND every time they don't bring supplies to us. And inRP I said they will be escorted (if it means by force) to change direction and bring supplies to our bases.
Quote:Until Elders tell me different, these gringos will be hunted and redirected with their cargo to our bases.

Quote:Currently ruled by an oligarchy referred to as the Council of Elders, the ruling body of the Corsairs is made up of the most ruthless, bloodthirsty, wealthy or influential people of their society. Initially, it consisted of representatives from the three most significant organizations within the Corsair empire, and a number of additional people nominated on an individual basis.

This is description of our Elders, how come they are ruthless and bloodthirsty, but when it comes to some Liberty corporation they go all soft and tell people to calm down until they discuss it ? Are your Elders maybe on IND payroll inRP ? If so please tell me so I don't feel like there is bias.

Also, once again I'll repeat, LARGEST CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION, and you are RP-ing them like their whole existence hangs up to a Corporation who has a side dealing as smugglers ?

If I remember correctly inRP we built some bio-domes to grow our own food.

Quote:Regardless of these (frequently inadequate) supplies the Corsairs are still using piracy and various shady business dealings to fulfil the majority of their demand for supplies and cash.
Taken from wiki - as you can see majority of our supplies comes from US.

Can you point me out which dealings with IND have corsairs had that you protect them so much, and care so much if an OPG pilot told everyone to pirate them ? Also, not ORDERED, but TOLD, since as you said, my pilots doesn't have any significant political role in Corsair life.

Please read carefully what I wrote, and see in which ways you responded inRP and here in ooRP manner. It looks like a bias to me, mostly because same Corsair who defend your faction POV are the ones who are/were members of IND faction as well. Now please explain to me, or show any evidence how I am roleplaying corsair wrong, as I showed you your mistakes. After all, this is still a feedback thread.

Quote:Avoid contact if possible, until we settle this with the gringos.

Yes, so much roleplay, should I run from traders until this is settled in court ?