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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 02-08-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart
To: The Bretonia Armed Force
Subject: Weekly reporting

With the week almost at the end, I am transmitting my latest week report. So, lets start with Hacker fella.

-Just after I returned from Dundee battle mention in the end of last report, I run into Hacker fella, gunship, know as Arwon escort. I noticed SOS call in system, and I imdeatly knew what is going on. I flied to Magellan hole, where I find helpless transporter, and Two Lane Hacker gunships. In order to save poor trader, I engaged. But, it didnt help to transporter, which was destroyed by Hackers. Now, the turned their attention towards me.
Now, I wasnt flying my Challenger, so I was under some heavy fire. Day was saved by Quinn and captian Redmond, which arrived from Dundee system. One Hacker gunships was destroyed while other was forced to reatreat to his Magellan nest.

-Nomads-already mention in one other report of mine.
...Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: James Hobart
Subject: Urgent and secret report about Nomad sightings
Priority: Code Red

Nomad activity has been located within Bretonia borders. 3 days ago, while doing all routine jobs like ... uhm... patrolling, reading newspapers *cough* I encountered those light beings.
Suddenly, I heard a voice in my head, which caused me a headache.
By now, I was still believing, that I forgot to take my pills. But, then again, I heard the voice. Maybe I have taken the wrong pills, but no. Everything was in order. I don't know why, but then I changed my patrol path, and set course for the Cambridge planet.
There they were, two of them. I heard stories about those creatures, something that your mother tell you to scare you when you are bad boy.
Jelly things, blue-purple colored. Nothing that I could ever compare with anything I saw earlier in life.
Their names S'thrak and Chattur'gha, like from worst horror movies. But, I could almost feel their pain. They were weakened, lost.
Then again another voice.
They promised to give me powers, that wouldn't be like any human would have, in exchange for... Not sure why, but they wanted something from me. Was it me, my body, or something that I could give them, I am still not sure, but when I refused to deal with those creatures, the pain increased. Then... slowly visions appeared...
I could describe as out of body experience. I wasnt in control of body, and I was losing every connection to it. Then, all that stoped.
Voice, know voice occured in my head...It Fleet Admiral.
-James, James- I could hear over comms.
The Fleet Admiral came to the Cambridge area, and all traffic to the area was closed. I received orders to dock onboard the Cambridge research center, to recive treatment.
With time, my thoughts became more clear, but I was still in great shock. From what I heard after, Nomads tried the same thing with our Fleet Admiral, but I believe something I could describe as link between then and Admiral was broken after more Bretonia Armed ships arrived. Both of them vanished, with no trace left to follow.

In short:
Alien beings, know by the Cambridge scientists as "Nomads", tried to establish some sort of link, first with me, then with the Admirality. In both cases, they failed to, but I believe, they were very close in my case.
Their vessels I would describe as bright blue-purple colored shining things, with no detected ship parts, engines, cockpit, not even a something that I could call weapons. They mention something about a "Community", and pain they are feeling now.
I would also like to mention wide sorts of visions that I saw, and felt.
Onboard Cambridge reaserch center, I complited all exams, and after 48 hours at quarantine, I was dismissed to home care.
Today, I am feeling very well and ready for duty.
But, still, when sleeping, I can still hear voices...of S'thrak and Chattur'gha.

Signed by: James Hobart
...End Transmission...

-Silent Night. Who ever they are, they moved their activity from Liberty space to the Bretonia, for now unknow reassons. We didnt allowed any chance to them get away, as we destroyed their vessel. But, no escape pods were found after.

-Smuggler-Donnie Darko, full load of Counterfiet softweres. Unable to stop and fine, and I finanly lost his trace in Dublin system. Mollies will enjoy in pirate copied movies.

-Ah. Then again, like usual, Corsairs again entered Omega 3, to block all traffic with Rhieland. Our force move in (We bring some Bounty Hunters with us), and after long fight-cleared the system. Very simple and very routine operation.

-Reds. I reported late on duty (Becouse I took my pills, I feel to sleep), so I notice that our pilots are already engaged with Red force in Omega 3. So I joined the picnic, 3 Reds, one fleed, 2 were destroyed, but, as so many times, you can destroy their ships, but you cant really find their pods.

-Two hippies, entered Leeds system, while I was reading Moby Dick. Ah, I hate when someone distrupt reading. So, I got little angry on those fellas. One Preatorian, other Griffin. Well, they should learn from mistakes, as I destroyed both of those Gaians. Of course, they refused to leave me a lone with my Moby Dick.

-Corsairs again in Omega 3. They tried to fall back to Omega 5, but they failed to do so. That is last major report of 'Sair within Omega 3 system. I belive, we finanly take care of those cannibals, after heavy fighting.

-Then came The Threaty signing. I recived many ions, just from view of all those Liberty Dreads. Those Libertonians really tried to impress us with their mighty fleet.

-Hacker atacking poor transporter near LD-14. No go. I moved in to protect trader. Gunships changed target to my Challenger, and trader was saved from this criminal. Soon, reinforcments arrived to the sceen, and Hacker gunships was completely destroyed.

-Hackers, 4 of them entered Leeds system. Commodore Nelson was engaged, so I tried to come as much faster that I could. I belive, Hackers didnt liked our little deal with Liberty that we just made. Just one Hacker was destroyed, at cost of... *Censured* Many Bretonia armed ships.

-Smugglers. Three of them. They were intercepted in Dublin system. All refused to stop and drop their ilegal cargo(Counterfiet softwere). Only on Smuggler get away, while other two were destroyed, togheter with their smelly cargo.

-Hippie situation in Leeds. Gunboat and little Craw. I notice them at Stokes field. God knows what they were doing there, placing bomb under some rock or something. After little chat, we recived order to destroyed bloody hippies. Master wish is my command, so we didnt had mercy for those Kusari puppets.

-And, for the end. Two Mollies. Andy, already know before and Kate, also know for their crimes in Bretonia. Together with Lt.Jones and one bobbie officer, we intercepted those threats. As usual, Andy was talking drunk. After some half hours of threating and insoulting we finanly showed power to those rebel elements. Both were destroyed in short period of time. That would be last thing in my weekly reporting.
Ah eh. I almost forgat to mention that Silent Night might a Kusari related mercenary. Try avoid any contact with that fella, or fellas, what ever those things are.

Signed by: James Hobart

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - joshua - 02-08-2009

Lt. John Cooper here,

Today, as i undocked from Cambridge in my challenger, I saw a corsair Prefect cruiser sitting outside. He did not engage, and i didn't either, i knew i couldn't take him. After awhile of sitting there, reinforcements came, and chased him away. It was me, 2 bounty hunters, and another BAF. As we went away from the o5 jh, we received a report that Benitez's were coming, and we went to the norfolk waiting. We didn't wait long. Some more BAF came, and after a battle, with some losses, we finally won. Sadly, i couldn't get any of the scum.
That concludes today....... I think.

Cooper out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 02-08-2009

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Jack Frost
Patrol Report

I fear, sirs, that i may need a kidney transplant from laughing too much today. let me tell you what happened.
First off i aided Lt.Cdr.Hobart detain and destroy one smuggler and detain another till the gallent BPA took over and dealt with the second offender. Then came the funny bit, as i continued my patrol of Leeds i came across a Liberty Rogue IFFed ship, an Armoured Transport. As i went to stop him a trader came on comms and said he was his escort!!!
It was at this point i laughed so much i think i burst my kidney and forgot to take a guncam shot of the incident.
I do apologies sirs for not completing my task, but the pain was so great. Im in medical now getting a check up.

***Message ends***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - darthbeck - 02-09-2009

--incoming transmisson--
from: Ensign.Tom.Ramey

i was on patrol and was engaged by pirates repetedly.
i destroyed meny of the corsair and gian\molly ships
besides all the pirate's. my patrol was completely uneventful...
ensign tom ramey... out


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Patriot - 02-09-2009

****Incoming Transmission****


****Privateers James.R.Dean****

Today i receive a call on long range communication system from tau-29,Mr Hobart and Mr Jones were in trouble,i jump in my bombers,from Cambridge,i fly as fast i can to help my brothersin tau-29,but until my arrival,Mr Hobart ship were destroyed,Mr Jones recover is escape pods at my arrival on the scene,and head back for the bretonian territory,is ship was badly damaged.

Only 1 [KNF] vessels was still on the scene at my arrival and he engage me as soon as he see me,but im a privateers,and i have brother vengence to claim,the fight was really hard,these kusarian pilots know how to fight,but i manage to destroy this vessels and let the escape pods in space,i only hope he can tell is story to is officer,the [KNF] will remember who i am after that.

Guncam information enclosed:

[Image: screen384-1.jpg]

[Image: screen385.jpg]

[Image: screen386.jpg]

[Image: screen387.jpg]

Dean out

****Link Close****

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 02-09-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
Source: Battleship Norfolk, Lt. Robert Jones
---Message Begins---
Ok, here goes.
I undocked from the Norfolk earlier today and, since Bretonia was quiet, we decided to rustle up some trouble in tau-31. (We being LtCdr.Hobart and Cdr.Wallace and I, Hobart and Wallace were already there) As I waited by the Leeds Jumpgate on the tau-31 side, a pair of Series ST transports and an X-Shuttle entered the system, carrying a huge amount of Deuterium. When asked their destination, the leader replied "Honshu" Now, naturally, we couldn't have that, so I ordered them to return the Deuterium to Bretonia. They said they would, and started cruising off. I didn't trust them, so I followed them all the way through several systems, including the Lewis system, where all of us were chased by angry, CD wielding hippies. After surviving that, the traders agreed to drop the Deuerium, which I destroyed.
---Sortie results---
3 smugglers apprehended, approx 7500 deuterium cargo destroyed
As I returned from there, I recieved word from Cdr Wallace that we should make a further foray into the taus, tau 29 to be precise. As we reached one of the kusari bases, we were attacked by a pair of KNF who were loitering around. Despite them having support from regular destroyer patrols and reinforcements arriving for them, we took down two of their fighters, although Wallace's templar was destroyed. Hobart's ship was also destoyed by their reinforcements, although he took down 2 of them himself. Luckily, Privateer James Dean arrived and I assume that you have already recieved his report.
---Sortie results---
3 KNF chimeras destroyed
1 Challenger bomber, 1 Templar lost.
After limping my ship with Hobart and Wallace's pods in back to Harris and waiting for my own ship to be repaired, I undocked from Harris to find one of the KNF who we'd destroyed earlier sitting around 8 K from Harris. He started running from me (although the cover from a destroyer patrol may have caused him to run) and engaged Dean at the Leeds Jump gate. Dean was able to destroy him. However, while that was happening, I recieved an SOS from Hobart, who was being attacked by Das Wilde in cambridge. from the garbled messages I was getting I assumed he was in deep trouble and called on both the WT and S/D to assist us. The Wilde ship was destroyed by his own mine, although Hobart's ship was heavily damaged in the fighting and he had to perform an emergency landing. However, a lane hacker who had been assisting the Wilde ship escaped, partially due to Dean and the freelancer having an argument which ended in gunfire half way through the chase (Dean came off worse)
---Sortie results---
1 Wilde Wrath destoyed
1 KNF Chimera destroyed
1 Challenger Bomber lost, 1 forced to crash land
---Report Ends---
---Attached files:2---
---Loading files---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - darthbeck - 02-10-2009

incoming transmisson
from: ensign tom ramey

i was on a patrol in dublin(i was taking the place of a pilot who was having sergury)
when i spot a pirate transport... taged as a zoner. i told him to cut engines. whice he did,then i scanned him. his name was xapoh.
***uploadng scanner memory***

he was carrying dueterium...
i thought this was strange so i decided to escort him.... but after a few minutes i realized he was trying to sell his cargo TO THE MOLLYS!
i told him to stop and he did. so then i said. you will leave this area.(we were in a high threat zone)
so he cruise's away i follow. he then stops once we are away from the feild. i say to him go to graves station to unload your cargo
then..... well you can just read the log
***uploading log***

yeah.. that when it got bad... he started to charge his cruise engines but i cd'd him. i then shot his shileds down to about halfway.
then he started shooting back.... sigh. he damaged me so much i had to run from him...

i think that we have a zoner problem in dublin.... and its not pretty

here is some of my log video.

***uploading log videos***

stupid zoners

ensign tom ramey....


***transmisson ends***


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Salvager - 02-10-2009


I am pleased to announce that todays launch of the new Bretonian Armed Forces Destroyer, HMS Duke of York was successful.

On her very first patrol mission, she encountered a Corsair Praefect cruiser near Southampton shipyard. The Duke of York engaged the enemy contact, destroying it was minimal damage. 3 Cruiser commanders, 5 Gunboat captains, multiple crewmen, 8 fighter pilots and 8 Bounter Hunters were rescued.

Image 1

Image 2


Captain Morgan
HMS Duke of York.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 02-11-2009

Copy of Report to the Home Office Security Commission:
Commodore Sir Stanley Nelson, 5th Fleet - BAF

Encountered a strangely behaving trader in Leeds today, who's later actions confirmed him as a definite enemy of the Bretonian Empire, and possible leader of a subversive group. Although one of his collaborators was destroyed, the vessel in question escaped into Tau, and there to Kusari, leading me to beleive he may be in league with them. I suggest the immediate outlawing of him and all who work with him.
It is unkown how many of the ships present were genuinely in league with him; some opened fire, but then promptly ceased fire again when requested and gave themselves up. Others just sat there too afraid to act.

Here is some collated evidence from logs of the HMS-Vanguard, though the full transcripts are far longer, and make pretty grim reading:

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 02-11-2009

Memo to : Commodore Sir Stanley Nelson, 5th Fleet - BAF

From the Desk Of Fleet Admiral Nelles

re : Solidwing


Please report this one's associate's names. But perhaps we should be careful, if there are so 'manny' of them.

And additionally, Solidwing is to be simply killed on sight for his threats to the men and women defending Bretonia.