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»UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Printable Version

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Flameguard - 08-07-2019

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identified: Initiate Eristana Kaiev "Heretic"

I decided it was time to stretch my wings a bit after familiarizing myself with the basic low-level clearance facilities on Valravn, even the very base level is quite the feat of engineering... it's impressive, to say the least. My freshly equipped Raven's Talon launched from Valravn Citadel to find "Hoplite.1" in combat with a Crayter Republic Operative by the name of "|Hellfire|" Kind of bizarre for someone named Hellfire to be begging for their life, I must admit. "Hoplite.1" easily dispatched the pilot where we both circled Valravn to asess any possible damages, apparently Crayter deemed it necessary to dock on our instillation, thankfully they were taken down to avoid a data leak. We were only just beginning the assessment when yet another Crayter popped out of the docking bay ans started fleeing, today was a strange first day on the job. "Hoplite.1" and I immediately gave chase against this Crayter Pilot identified as "Zulu" Where he prattled on about violence despite posing a massive threat to not only our people but data. He ran like a coward while our weaponry tore through him, I landed the final shot but most of the work was done by the superior "Hoplite.1" pilot.

It would seem Valravn had two visitors who didn't enjoy their parting gift, hopefully this served as a very clear reminder that Crayter should watch where they step.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 08-13-2019

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identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: tbarrave.png]

We have recently acquired a 'Kusari Gunboat' sample from a private source, the vessel will remain impounded until it is cleared by the Military arm of any rigged equipment or otherwise suspected sabotage. Once cleared, R&D will attempt to analyse for any data in the system - if able to string anything together. After which, the ship will be repurposed as a survey vessel for the division, should it be possible that it is restored.

On another note. It has been reported that the Gallic war front has reached Planet New London. Through the chaos. our assistance and disorganization, intel has slipped in and reports that Aland Shipyard is only guarded by three Core war vessels, One Bullhead and one Thresher. Norfolk's Battlegroup has been relocated to the New London system, it is also noted that the Bretonians now have a new Battlecruiser design deployed.

Whilst we assist Bretonia with small incisions of technological tactical support, we will stay vigilant for anymore deception from the Bretonians. It is likely that they will use the Gaians once again to assault us. Elgin will stay on Code Yellow due to this.

It would be optimal to reach out to the Red Hessian Army and the Independent Miners to enact on this small window of their flanks being open. It is time for payback. I will also suggest our administration personnel to make contact with the Crayterians regarding establishing a pact to ensure Independence in the Independent Worlds.

The window is small, but we can do something here. They will turn on us. We must do something to protect our home. Revenge for their backstabbing and traitorous allegiance with the terrorists is just a mere side dish of pleasure. Be covert. Be safe.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Vendetta - 08-15-2019

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identified: Strategos Leviathan

[Image: tbarlevia.png]

The recent developments on the Gallic war have drawn us out again. I've temporarily withdrawn the blockade force around Dunedin Station, however the security restriction remains for Bretonian ships operating in the area. There is a war on, so direct them back to the front lines.

Following the preliminary investigation the Wraith and accompanying escorts conducted, I've set out on the Achlys via the Borderworlds conduit into Magellan. We entered a holding pattern past the Freeport wreck and I allowed the ZCIU to take over while I reached out to Bretonia again. The circumstances are too dire for us to wait for proper authorization from their government to proceed, thus I'm green-lighting any operations in Bretonia for the express purpose of interrupting the Gallics and covering any evacuation efforts in Leeds. The First Meros is to be deployed at a rendezvous in Tau-31.

I've also made contact with the Guildmaster of the IMG once again. We've gotten them to support the civilian evacuation efforts and will be deploying ships to provide covering fire on their rescue ops. They've offered Holman Outpost as a staging ground for our objectives in this theater. I've already begun evaluating the current tactical situation here and in the neighboring systems. I'll remain in contact to coordinate additional efforts regarding contingencies and operations in the Tau region.

This concludes my report.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 08-23-2019

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identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: tbarrave.png]

Approximately 10,370 refugees have willingly arrived from running from the war. The people were offered a choice of going home after receiving medical attention, or accepting Ismara as their new home with social care included. No estimates are available on how many are expected to leave, displace to Commonwealth or to return to Bretonia, or to accept a new home.

As noted in the dispatch announcement, we have resumed relations with the Kingdom of Bretonia. However, this does not mean that our guard will be let down. Contingencies are to be considered should we be deceived. A meeting with Victor Steiner was established at Invergordon earlier today.

>>Meeting Transcription

We will continue to build and secure ourselves, getting involved in Sirian conflicts & politics isn't within our interest right now.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 08-24-2019

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: tbarrave.png]

Research Division has reported an anomaly in the Independent Worlds. They believed to have discovered an old surveillance outpost. Although initial studies fail to reveal what the origin of the station was, some speculation lead to believe it was once owned by the LSF, though upon retrieving data from the station, it appears that the purpose of the station was to gather evidence and hijack information from the local occupants in the region in order to accomplish a specific mission. Upon completing whatever task they were originally slated with, they had departed and wiped all the data. Almost all of it. The job was rushed, allowing us to scrape some scraps of information from the databanks.

It is simply for the best that we decommission this husk and recycle the components for resources. A cleanup crew must be organised and sent out to deal with this as soon as possible

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - ONIKS - 08-25-2019

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identified: Templar Joerg Ludwig "ONYX STATUETTE" Zitronberg

[Image: YMmXOYS.png]
Onyx Statuette here.

Project AETNAEUS is currently on stage AETNAEUS-SUPREMUM. If you still haven't installed new prototypes of A-CLE-95 POLYBOLOS, A-CPC-100 FALX and A-CPDU-22 AMPHORA (that's power distribution system) and other AETNAEUS-ALPHA prototypes (basically, snub-craft class weaponry) - please, do it as soon as possible. Project HEPHAESTUS on it's final stage and R&D team needs all the field data and telemetry data you can squeeze out so in future R&D team can upgrade and modify those accordingly. These are still "in development". AETNAEUS-BETA, or capital ship weaponry, are in a raw condition, so use with caution and do not overheat, over-stress or overdrive them. I am not going to get heavily into details as I am planning to release a full-scale report about special high-scale power distribution system for capital ship but we are still designing it.

Anyway, I am going to shift your focus from research and development to other kind of 'research'. As HEPHAESTUS is currently in, basically, hiatus, we need new material to research in order to not lose the momentum of recent successes in weapon-o-logy. Turned out that there is great opportunity to acquire and dissect drifting one jump away, waiting for us.
Ruined 'VALOR' class Gallic heavy battleship with almost intact heavy armaments. Currently it's in a state of burning husk, depressurized and we definitely can't board and fly away with it. But it's totally possible, in best case scenario, to tow it away, repair some systems and it might survive traverse through jumphole. But this is very optimistic. Realistically, it's just dead and best we can do with that pile of metal - scavenge it, scrap everything we can and rip out it's turrets. This is very destructive weapon, we can see results of using that kind of power few clicks in other direction - burning scrap left of Yukon. Still, it would be beneficial for our R&D department not to overlook such "awesome" opportunity. I request reviewing that question and HC should analyze possibilities. My hands are eagerly itching to lay them on such firepower.


That's all.
Onyx Statuette, out.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - ONIKS - 09-06-2019

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identified: Templar Joerg Ludwig "ONYX STATUETTE" Zitronberg

[Image: YMmXOYS.png]
Onyx Statuette here.

I have conducted several surveys of a Valor-class wreck in system 'Cortez' after having an initial idea of salvaging ship weapon systems. Results you can see in attached file.

Basically, this husk has only one purpose - spewing large amounts of, what I suppose to be, methane-based gas into vacuum of space. Engines were damaged by large explosion, high probability that was NOVA torpedoes. Reactor is not salvageable and is polluting ship with increasing amount of gamma-radiation. Most of large-scale turrets were melted into structure by direct hits of a energy-based weaponry. There's huge chunks of exterior 'shell' missing and most important - almost every valuable piece of scrap was already snatched. I blame local junkers.

So, in general, there's nothing to do with that piece of junk. I don't even think we can scrap it for precious metals or something like that because of radiation leak. I am focusing back on something more practical and useful.


Onyx Statuette, out.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - ONIKS - 02-26-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Venator ONYX STATUETTE

[Image: YMmXOYS.png]

[Image: fOdCZ7h.png]

Codes has been transmitted.
All active assets - REORGANIZE.
All inactive assets - REACTIVATE.

Report your status to EIDO uplink. Be ready to receive new codes according to a developing situation.

We are back.

Onyx Statuette, out.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Spectre - 02-28-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Star Sentinel VEXILLARIUS

[Image: NLSe5yr.png]
Vexillarius, reporting.

Systems nominal, download to exterior server complete and backups enabled four-fold.
Ixion has been checked as well. Expect zero falter.

Ad victoriam
Vexillarius, out.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - ONIKS - 03-02-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Venator ONYX STATUETTE

[Image: YMmXOYS.png]

[Image: hNlqGW8.png]

Codes has been transmitted.
All active assets - REDEPLOY.

We got information from PEITHO unit in Omicron Minor that ORDER assaulted CORE assets in Omicron Minor using WMD-class ordinance. It is speculated that CORE must begin salvaging/repair of said assets and that ORDER will try to disrupt these future operations. Active assets are tasked with redeployment into Omicrons to observe developing situation. Code - INVASIVE. If relief effort starts earlier than anticipated, units are tasked with intercepting said supply ships, their escorts and other hostile ships in vicinity, especially belonging to ORDER. Report about activity ASAP.

We got information from main unit about foreign modular base in our claimed space of Kansas. Neural-net monitoring gave no valuable information. Only thing we can deduct - it is connected to a unknown ZONER group. We will deal with them later, assets unable to reach Omicrons - redeploy at ATARAXIA and observe said base.

Onyx Statuette, out.

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