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The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - mwerte - 02-14-2010

' Wrote:I'd also say he was wrong because he acted a bit boastfully and treated an ally like an insignificant little group he can push around and dominate easily.
One little point to nit pick. Seeing above, when you're in Kusari, you are one insignificant little group. The Emperor's word is Law. Refusing to follow it, is the same as flipping the bird at the emperor, there will be lots of consequences.

Also, are CR ships now red to the Kusari NPCs? They probably should be.

And think of Ame as a 'court jester'. Not really fit for anything, but if you respond to her childish insults, you show your true nature.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Zelot - 02-14-2010

' Wrote:--Basically trader should be one gate lane away of the place where you are clearing the "threat". Or with the fighters.--

Aye, true. Pity that we can loose the trader with some well placed snacs as revenge as it occurred a couple of times.

And <lulz> OMG Ivan </lulz> (sorry but your name change from OPG to OMG is epic.) you're right. Why try? As i said, i'm a low lieutenant on the totem pole.
Let the big guys decide it.

Love you all,

//Edit: Zelot, i'm truly feeling like i'm speaking to a wall here. Check my post. All explaining you need is there. I met the GC and Kempeitai unit and rp'ed a little. In not even two or one minute my wing appeared. So no. No we didn't had the need to get a brawl or what if. If you say we needed to have the convoys near us, i can refer you to first part of this post for a little explanation. If you want to discuss this to the point of exhaustion my Skype is kaze.dagon and you can add who you want to the discussion.

And we come to the crux of the problem, the CR want to go anywhere then think they need to in Kusari and kill anyone they think they need to in kusari to protect their future transports. I understand that desire, but unfortunately, thats just not the way things work in Kusari. The rest will play out in RP hopefully.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - swift - 02-14-2010

' Wrote:I'm sorry, but isn't the CR the Colonial Republic? Meaning that if a leader's decisions aren't generally liked, wouldn't he would be voted out of office next term? So if all the leadership other than the President have an idea about something then it carries a lot of weight.

Just tossing some RP into the mix here.

Not to bring the topic back to this point because it has gone elsewhere, but I was away so I feel the need to reply to this and the previous post addressed to me.
About the first thing, yes, of course he's the head honcho and his word's law, and everyone will listen because it's the system that works and keeps us up top. Of course it's not an autocracy, because no leader in our history has gone against the wishes of everyone, but in this particular case, although I oppose the decision somewhat, I still am not utterly against it 'cause both possible choices make sense and it really depends on who makes the call.

This leads me to pipboy's post. Yes, it's a republic and, yes, he probably would be. That is, for example, why both my prime minister and Panzer's former president character were removed from office (The whole Outcast neutrality affair from a while ago). And yes, sure, that's why there's a Quorum.
The President's the biggest authority, but not the only authority. In case the Quorum would wish to do so in majority, they can block his decision, but that kind of thing is really reserved for special occasions and it's not exercised too often because it'd hinder the President's ability to achieve long term plans, because sometimes temporary sacrifices are needed to achieve an ultimate goal.
If we'd block each any every decision he makes, it'd lead to an utterly slow mechanism.
Was he, however, I don't know..., deciding to make peace with the Outcasts and issue them reparations in credits, or try and go to war with, say, Liberty, he'd be immediately voted down by the Quorum, if not overthrown by the public.
It's all a matter of trust and the gravity of decisions really.

This was both an in-RP and OORP explanation of some of our workings, in case you were interested.
It's more complicated than this, though, but it'd take a lot of forum space for me to explain everything properly.

With the upper part of the post in mind, this particular decision is not one of such a negative impact on the Republic as to warrant anger from the people or too many negative reactions from the Quorum. Some of them might resent it, seeing as it's losing an ally, but you also have to take the emotional aspect into account. Kusari feels insulted and the Republic feels insulted. From the same reason why the people of Kusari wouldn't oppose the Emperor's decision too much, that is, because of their pride and their trust, the people of the Colonial Republic would, though some disliking, stand behind its leadership.

' Wrote:One little point to nit pick. Seeing above, when you're in Kusari, you are one insignificant little group. The Emperor's word is Law. Refusing to follow it, is the same as flipping the bird at the emperor, there will be lots of consequences.

Yes, I know, but I was not referring to the consequences, but to the Emperor's demeanor. Few nations will tolerate larger nations treating them like something they've scraped off the bottom of their shoe.
And, seeing how the principles and opinions of the Colonial people stand, they're not ones to bow down to a superior force and suffer indignities.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Zelot - 02-14-2010

' Wrote:Now, I wasn't there so I may not have all of the information...

But you forget that, with all of your obsession over "sovereignty," what we did was perfectly acceptable up until Ame-chan fired upon our ships. EVERYTHING we did was reasonable. We aren't restricted from flying ONE flight of our ships proactively through a nation which cannot defend our convoys adequately, to clear out the buggers. It is, in fact, a good thing for both parties, as we went to clear out pirates, and everyone should be happy about that. That is, every intelligent person should.

Last I checked, an invasion force involves Capital Ships. You, Zelot, should know this by now, as you allegedly RP the Emperor (if I read that correctly) of Kusari, a house currently involved in an offensive war. As such, a few fighters and bombers hunting for outcasts isn't exactly an invasion. It's the equivalent of, to use your sovereignty argument, sending a few armed guards ahead to make sure that the waterways are clear for our tankers. We didn't send tanks and warfleets into your cities -which would be an invasion- nor did we send them into your military bases. We sent a few fighters and a couple of bombers to make sure that the waterways were cleared before we sent our transports through.

If anything, what we did made perfect sense.

The entire issue exists because the character Ame-chan is not fit to command a destroyer, being someone who shoots people for candy, shoots them after she gets candy, and calls others cabbages. This would be alright if she was forced to pilot something more suited to her: A starflea. But she captains a Destroyer, despite the fact that she is not responsible enough to do so.

I admire your arguments. Truly. However, it IS about Ame-chan, because Ame-chan made it about her. She was the one who reported it to the Emperor, if I read the screenshots correctly, running away after SHE shot first. You can't argue sovereignty because Ame-chan didn't care about sovereignty, she was just being immature. She shot first, with no provocation, and when we defended ourselves against HER aggression, she ran to the Emperor like a girl who just got a spanked for being bad. Which she was.

Once more, I admire your attempts at shifting the blame to us. However, that was no invasion fleet, no assault force, sent in to violate Kusari sovereignty. That was what you would call adequate preparation, a squad of soldiers sent in to kill off the guerrilla forces that the local soldiers couldn't kill off.

And you sir, have not read one letter of anything anyone on the Kusari side has said.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Politus - 02-14-2010

What a cop out. Why not respond? If I haven't read anything, then respond. Should be easy, right?

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Kaze Dagon - 02-14-2010

' Wrote:And we come to the crux of the problem, the CR want to go anywhere then think they need to in Kusari and kill anyone they think they need to in kusari to protect their future transports. I understand that desire, but unfortunately, thats just not the way things work in Kusari. The rest will play out in RP hopefully.

I believe Politus answered you very well. And it wasn't 'future' convoys. It was convoys.

Please, i offer my response time now to Politus Aquila, a even lower Lieutenant, but with more time to speak to you.
Please refer to my InRP report to the emperor to clear of any further doubts: (CRP44-S00)

And my skype is kaze.dagon.
Any more questions or rebuttals will be answered there.

*Kaze kisses the guy next to her*

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Akura - 02-14-2010

The whole thing is a bad idea.

The Colonials refusing to say sorry for their mistake and therefor being set to hostile for Kusari?

Bad leadership I'd say, good leadership is knowing when to say sorry.

My opinion though.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - ProwlerPC - 02-14-2010

Well where I see an issue arising is here:

Colonial Remnant ID
From Discovery Wiki
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Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Colonial Remnant, who :

■Can trade and escort traders
■Can hunt pirates and terrorists within Bretonia, the Tau and Omega systems, or within systems where IMG has a base, or in self-defense, or to protect another trader.
■Can demand contraband and allied pilots only within the Omegas and Taus, and destroy ships if they refuse to comply
■Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except the Corsairs
■Cannot participate in any unlawful actions except against BMM in Omegas and Taus only or in persuit of current war declerations as outlined in ongoing roleplay.
■Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
■Cannot use any ships except IMG ships
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Prison Liner, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships

Flying into Kusari to clear out the unlawfuls with no trasport to escort is called hunting for pirates and terrorists. Where in New Tokyo is there an IMG base? It's a thinly veiled masquerade to think that combat ships of any class moving 2-3 systems ahead to clear out pirates is in fact an escorting mission if there aren't even any of your transports about. It's called pirate/terrorist hunting, no sugar coating is gonna deflect that, no Ame-Chan finger pointing is gonna dodge that particular detail. A slip up was long in the process before Ame-Chan's odd RP came into play.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Akura - 02-14-2010

' Wrote:Flying into Kusari to clear out the unlawfuls with no trasport to escort is called hunting for pirates and terrorists. Where in New Tokyo is there an IMG base? It's a thinly veiled masquerade to think that combat ships of any class moving 2-3 systems ahead to clear out pirates is in fact an escorting mission if there aren't even any of your transports about. It's called pirate/terrorist hunting, no sugar coating is gonna deflect that, no Ame-Chan finger pointing is gonna dodge that particular detail. A slip up was long in the process before Ame-Chan's odd RP came into play.

Exactly, the CR were at fault to begin with.

We had killed the OC before they even entered the system, they stayed around to cause trouble.

The Colonial Republic Feedback Thread - Politus - 02-14-2010

' Wrote:Well where I see an issue arising is here:

Colonial Remnant ID
From Discovery Wiki
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Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Colonial Remnant, who :

■Can trade and escort traders
■Can hunt pirates and terrorists within Bretonia, the Tau and Omega systems, or within systems where IMG has a base, or in self-defense, or to protect another trader.
■Can demand contraband and allied pilots only within the Omegas and Taus, and destroy ships if they refuse to comply
■Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except the Corsairs
■Cannot participate in any unlawful actions except against BMM in Omegas and Taus only or in persuit of current war declerations as outlined in ongoing roleplay.
■Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
■Cannot use any ships except IMG ships
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Prison Liner, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships
Flying into Kusari to clear out the unlawfuls with no trasport to escort is called hunting for pirates and terrorists. Where in New Tokyo is there an IMG base? It's a thinly veiled masquerade to think that combat ships of any class moving 2-3 systems ahead to clear out pirates is in fact an escorting mission if there aren't even any of your transports about. It's called pirate/terrorist hunting, no sugar coating is gonna deflect that, no Ame-Chan finger pointing is gonna dodge that particular detail. A slip up was long in the process before Ame-Chan's odd RP came into play.

Finally, a DECENT argument. Anyway...

I'd say it's merely proactive defense. We were about to send our ships through, so to protect them, we cleared everything out first. Hunting for pirates and terrorists is when you do it just to hunt them. We were doing it to clear ahead for our convoy, which was about to go through. It makes perfect military and economic sense.