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The Order feedback - Printable Version

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RE: The Order feedback - Moberg - 08-12-2015

Now you're just putting words in my mouth, Mimir. Not everything has to be consensual, it's just that a player should be allowed not to interact with you the way you want without getting petty insults thrown at him/her and unnecessary drama arriving in feedback threads. To me, this is just a non-issue that boils down to people not being able to accept the choices of a character and the player behind that who wants to have fun as well.
I think if you would start reading the initial question and answers of my first post, you might be enlightened as to what I actually meant without having to twist the meaning and changing subjects.

Additionally, it is unnecessary to drop the same discussion into the Core feedback thread, as that matter has already been discussed plentiful on Skype and this thread already provides a suitable platform.

RE: The Order feedback - Lythrilux - 08-12-2015

(08-12-2015, 09:33 AM)LordVipex Wrote: The problem of flying all the way to the system wall and not informing your potential arch enemy of your personal motives and beliefs all boil down to personal choice of the character. Official faction or not, a character won't tell just anyone their personal life story and agenda. I wouldn't call it immature, I call it playing your character.
And it is no justification from the sort of behaviour I'd expect to see from lulzy powertraders trying to evade a piracy encounter. As stated the player had every means to express his characters own individual roleplay without the need for silliness. As stated that also could have lead to an interesting interaction. Sadly the correct course of action was not taken. If a character has motives and beliefs they want to express, they should do so inRPly - not via an ooRP message or ooRPly running to the system wall which would mean death once collided with.

(08-12-2015, 09:33 AM)LordVipex Wrote: Additionally, in regards to one point you hit the nail on the head: It's completely normal for an encounter to end in shooting. While this is also part of the roleplay, characters or even the player behind a character might not want a fight.
And that can be expressed inRPly, via an interaction. Such roleplay can even lead to shooting not actually occurring. Yet again, ooRP behaviour is no justification.

(08-12-2015, 09:33 AM)LordVipex Wrote: Additionally, it seems that the Core tires some Order members by constantly searching them out even in regions far from the Omicrons, when it is apparent that no interaction between you is desired.
Constantly is a hefty exaggeration. Core simply acts out part of it's roleplay, which is to interact with Order. Core has many factions which it can interact with, which it alternates with of course, however now and again it is -supposed- to be interacting with Order ships. This behaviour is part of a worrying trend that Order| is not just displaying to Core ships, but to other ships that try to interact with them. It's as if Order| has some sort of VIP cool-list whereby if you're not on the list you should log off and never bother. Originally I thought such childish behaviour was restricted as special treatment for only Core ships, but to my surprise Order| has no issue reacting in the same way to other factions. For example see Dunc-'s feedback (this hasn't even been responded to). To make an observation, these days it seems Order| would rather spend it's time in Guard systems with various allies to discuss wedding dresses, rather than actually fulfil the role of an Order faction. Snoopy stated in the thread earlier that Order| never seems to shoot Nomads any more - roleplay which is central to the faction concept. If you don't want to partake in roleplay that involves Core, or Nomads, why are you using an Order ID?
Back to the matter at hand, it's the roleplay of Order and Core pilots to interact with each other. To neglect this would be silly. What I find most ridiculous is the implication that Core pilots should simply get bent and not bother to interact with Order| ships; however in recent months we've had Order| ships approach us to interact and shoot us. You don't see us complaining about it, we simply accept it as it's part of the roleplay. It's what you sign up for when you grab the ID. Following this, it's absolutely ridiculous to see Order| implying that Core ships should avoid Order| ships, however Order| ships are allowed freely to start the interaction. It's double standards and quite frankly makes Order| look bad as a whole.

(08-12-2015, 09:33 AM)LordVipex Wrote: And while it doesn't have to end up in a PvP battle, it seems that other players already seem to expect a PvP battle.
You pick up an Order ID: except to have enemies. Depending on how the interaction goes, expect and accept the possibility that those enemies may shoot you. Equally, The Core ID has enemies. I expect and accept that those enemies will interact and may also end up shooting us depending on the encounter. PvP is part of the roleplay environment.

(08-12-2015, 09:33 AM)LordVipex Wrote: Let me quote an anonymised PM I received an hour after my initial reply:
Quote:What you described there in your post is exactly what I and a few other Order members feel like when we're forced to interact with Core.

Core ships constantly search for us in the whole Sirius Sector and chase us like mad. At the beginning it was a bit of fun but now they're exaggerating and is starting to be some sort of harassment.
Interactions are not forced, they are natural. Equally I could argue that Order| forces the other side to not interact. Calling a natural part of the Order roleplay harassment is silly. There's no exaggerations, as it is part of both factions roleplay to shoot each other. Order are meant to be trying to guide humanity on the right path, forcefully if needed. As seen, Order| ships go to systems such as Frankfurt to engage in shootings with the RM/BDM, due to their attitudes towards the Order's enemies/allies. That is supposedly fine, but when another faction does the same it's 'harassment'? Seriously?

(08-12-2015, 09:33 AM)LordVipex Wrote: And luckily, not everything in roleplay has to be black and white: The Core and Order are enemies. Does that have to mean that every Order character has a grudge against every Core character, insulting the other side whenever possible, and vice versa? What if individual characters actually do not despise the other official enemy, but simply appreciate the other's work and focus on their own battle against the Nomads, while at the same time fearing to get blown up by your ships?
Order characters have every reason to dislike Core characters, but yes I agree it doesn't have to be black and white. But still, that is no excuse for the behaviour shown by the Order| player. And different but interesting roleplay could have lead to an interesting encounter, yet the pilot expressed their views ooRPly and childishly instead.

In regards to your last point, I do agree with Mimir, with the exception that interactions are not forced but are part of natural roleplay:
(08-12-2015, 10:58 AM)Mímir Wrote:
(08-12-2015, 09:33 AM)LordVipex Wrote: In any case, my point still stands: A player shouldn't be forced to take part in an interaction that he/she can't enjoy. And if a player shows signs of that (evident in this case through the screenshot) then it's best to not waste your own and the other player's time to do something atleast one side can't find fun in.

Then we might as well all delete the game, there's no point in playing if everything has to be consensual. I can't understand how you can seriously defend this. Some players can't enjoy losing no matter what, are we to take that into consideration too, or should those players just get real? If it is because there is a specific issue with Core, take it to their feedback thread instead of encouraging super destructive behavior by your own pilots on the server.

You could also re-open the bounty board if you need more ships to pew at CoreSmile

(08-12-2015, 11:45 AM)LordVipex Wrote: To me, this is just a non-issue that boils down to people not being able to accept the choices of a character and the player behind that who wants to have fun as well.
Equally though, can't Order| be accused of the same thing? Big Grin

RE: The Order feedback - Stone21 - 08-12-2015

It looks to me that you, Lytriux, either refuse to understand what LordVipex said above in his posts or you actually DO NOT understand at all.

Let me rephrase what he said once again with different words maybe this time you will finally understand:

Can't you understand that WE ARE NOT getting any FUN from meeting your ships?!
I for one just plan to log off the moment I see your ships at 2k because I dislike your attitude towards us and the way you ROLE PLAY. I DISLIKE YOUR INSULTS and INFINITE chases.

What you cannot comprehend ?


RE: The Order feedback - t0l - 08-12-2015

(08-12-2015, 03:24 PM)Stone21 Wrote: It looks to me that you, Lytriux, either refuse to understand what LordVipex said above in his posts or you actually DO NOT understand at all.

Let me rephrase what he said once again with different words maybe this time you will finally understand:

Can't you understand that WE ARE NOT getting any FUN from meeting your ships?!
I for one just plan to log off the moment I see your ships at 2k because I dislike your attitude towards us and the way you ROLE PLAY. I DISLIKE YOUR INSULTS and INFINITE chases.

What you cannot comprehend ?


And there it is. As good of an explanation as Core* will ever need.

Also a great way to showcase a faction member's attitude, too.

RE: The Order feedback - Stone21 - 08-12-2015

"Faction member's attitudes?"
I am only trying to be as clear as I can with that message. I had enough of Core,
is it hard to understand?

RE: The Order feedback - Lythrilux - 08-12-2015

And to that I simply say Order| needs to grow up.

At first, we did give them breathing space. When they complained, we gave them more. When they complained again, to the point that they had to ruin a server event to simply prove a point, we gave them an entire month. When we went back to interact with them, they complained again - yet at the same time they had no going after us for an interaction, but when we did the same we get complaints.

This troubling and quite frankly terrible behaviour displayed by Order| is not just limited to Core ships either, this behaviour is being shown to other factions as well. It's getting ridiculous and Order| really needs to sort it out.

So to repeat myself, Order| needs to grow up. This is a multi-player roleplay server, you will end up interacting with a plethora of different people and factions. Some of them are friendlies, some of them are enemies. Some of them will shoot you, some of them will talk to you. You pick up an Order ID, you also pick up the job description that comes with it. This same paragraph applies to any faction really. If you pick up an ID, you pick up the roleplay that comes with it.

RE: The Order feedback - Cashew - 08-12-2015

Some of us need to calm down in here. This is a general warning to everyone to keep things nice and calm, thanks.

RE: The Order feedback - Lythrilux - 08-12-2015

(08-12-2015, 03:50 PM)Stone21 Wrote: I will stop bothering with this player or the faction he leads by ignoring them altogether from messages on forums to ingame interaction.
If you read my post you'll see that I've stated this attitude is transferred onto other factions and players. Saying that you're going to systematically ignore and avoid each of them is a bad attitude for the Order| faction to have. It is quite hypocritical to state that I am the player who is being stubborn, when you have made the aforementioned statement. That is, if your feedback is representative of the official faction, which in your previous post you stated it was to a degree. If it is not, then it may be best for you to keep your personal opinions to yourself and allow for an Order| HC member or someone with similar status to respond to the feedback.

RE: The Order feedback - Kauket - 08-12-2015

To be fair, I've had some interesting encounters with the Order| but these seem to be very minimal nowadays.

I particularly liked some of them, like Josephina. I always allow some kind of RP exit - provided if you're actually willing to RP, so not _everyone_ is always there for the blue. Wish I could talk with the Order more, but eh, the recent attitude of people is appalling.

RE: The Order feedback - Apollon - 08-12-2015

I don't really believe any Order| member has shown such behavior to any other faction other than Core, even if it were, it would be very rare.
The problem as it may seem is that the Core are attempting to 'Whore' Order, Order aren't the Core's personal 'encountering' toy, no faction is exclusively another faction's encounter property. It is within Order's RP to do expeditions away from the Omicrons and interact with all other factions on the server, the Core as well has that right. It only seems to me, and I'm just talking about my own opinion here, that Core are limiting their activities to Order, Outcasts, corsairs on occasions, and RM/BDM due to their new relation/diplomacy meetings.

Up to now, whenever a decent number of Order| members log away from the Omicrons, we soon see Core tagged ships logging and soon moving towards the system we are present in, hence we cannot afford to enjoy any encounter -whether it is pre-planned or improvised- without having to pew Core.
We have no problem with interacting/RPing/PvPing with any Core member, the only problem lies with the fact that you are overdoing it, you keep adding salt to the wound to the point that it actually drives away our members from logging Order at all.