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Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Sven - 08-21-2011

**Incoming Tranmission**
**Encryption High**
**Location Planet Hamburg**
**Sender ID Sven Von Schmidt**

Guten tag. While on duty in Hamburg monitoring cargo I encountered a number of Transports breaking the embargo. Two of which were hauling engine parts and attempted to flee upon seeing me after warning them i would fire if they went into cruise they split and I targeted one transport and destroyed it. The second transport got away. However I later got a transmission from one of them saying they are still hauling engine parts and hinted they are avoiding the lanes. I also encountered a mining ship full of ore, upon stopping him he complied and surrendered his cargo to me which i destroyed. I also encountered an interspace commerce ship which was avoiding all trade lanes, upon intercepting it was hauling luxury food to freeport two. According to my hand book they may only supply their own bases and this cargo was not listed as legal for them to carry, he refused to drop the cargo and refused to be fined and forced me to open fire, I destroyed the vessle and its cargo.

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - SMI-Great.Fox - 09-03-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: 2ed075d.jpg]
ID Source:Wachman "Daniel"
Location: Stuttgart Department--Station Ulm
Record Date: September 3, 819 AS

Despite my demotion and Polizei Budget loss, I'm still flying. I can't leave this job due to mein obligations and duty to protect the citizen of Rheinland. Here are mein reports for today's busy schedule...

Report 1--Zoner Slave Trader
Identification: Gear_Trader
Visual Identification: File 1
Status: Vessel Destroyed--Data to be sent to Criminal Registry

Report 2--SW) Junkers caught hauling slaves
Identification: SW)Girder & Ingot
Visual Identification: File 1 File 2
Status: Vessels Destroyed--Data to be sent to Criminal registry--Message requested to be sent to Junker Congress

Report 3--Corsair Battleship in Stuttgart
Identification: CNS-Faero
Visual Identification: File 1
Status: Vessel Destroyed

In the instances with the slave traders, RepEx was able to supply transports in order to safely return all passengers to designated intergration centers. Their assistance was most appreciated in such. When it comes to the Junkers, I'm not surprised that after the Kanzlers decision to remove vessel restrictions that they would do something like so.

End of log.

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - rwx - 09-05-2011

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: renatebommel.gif]
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: RCDB forward request

Guten Tag <strike>Detective</strike> Wachmann,

after consulting the judges of Rheinland, I have to inform you, entries for the Rheinland criminal database are not valid here.

Quote:Smugglers who refuse to drop contraband and manage to escape with their ship / cargo intact.Smugglers who refuse to drop contraband and manage to escape with their ship / cargo intact.

Because both ships are destroyed, they wouldn't fit the requirement for an entrie.
On the other hand, I recommend to contact the SW)-leadership about it. Ze removal of their shipping restrictions shouldn't be answered with smuggling of poor humans in our great nation!

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Renate Bommel
Rheinland Bundespolizei


Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Sven - 09-08-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Encryption High***
***Sender ID Sven von Schmidt***
***Location Planet Hamburg***

Undertaken a patroll of Hamburg monitoring traffic as i did. It was a quiet round but I picked up a known embargo breaker Transponder id@ Artic_warrior, he has been stopped multiple times for embargo breaking but has evaded police and militarys ships for a while, its like his ship can simply...vanish infront of you. Etiher way i did a network scan of his ship which came up possitive on Copper ore. I moved to New Berlin to intercept his ship and disrupted the trade lane to the Hamburg gate. Upon visiual contact I identified my self and ordered him to hault but he refused, upon firing a cruise disrupter i warned him id fire if he didnt stop. No reply so i was forced to open fire on his vessle but he simply vanished again (F1ed).

Camshot of TLAGSNET scan.

I also tracked a Hessian cruiser in Frankfurt which ended up in Hamburg, upon establishing scanner contact i sent out a transmission for capital ship support, two battleships and a cruiser responded and the cruiser was engaged by the military captains after I uploaded the target to their ships, no one survived the cruiser explosion and all hessians onboard are presummed dead.

I also picked up three pirate ships in Hamburg but was dealing with a smuggler at the time, my ship was fired upon by the pirates and i was forced to land for repairs, due to damage to my scanning equipment i can not confirm there transponder ids at this time.

Camshot of Embargo breaker hauling Luxury Consumer goods, due to damage to scanners no cam shots of cargo at this time.

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 09-09-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: fritzschulz.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Oberst Fritz Schulz
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Announcement
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

because Inspekteur Weiss is missed and it seems she lined her own pockets, the cargo restrictions are hereby suspended. Weiss is official declared as missed in action. Every officer, who get's information about her, has to send them to this network channel.
The Oberkommando of the Bundespolizei appointed a new Inspekteur, Inspekteur Carl Baecker.
Congratulation mein Herr.

On another term: Wachmann Daniel has successfully passed the demotion trial period. If he pass the test, I'll send to him, he may reclaim his old rank.

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Sven - 09-09-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
***Encryption High***
***Sender ID Sven von Schmidt***
***Location Planet Hamburg***

I have undertaken a patroll this morning which resulted in a number of cargo seizures. I patrolled the tradelanes of Hamburg starting with the lane to Westfalen, upon nearing the battleship I spotted a naval seige cruiser, I altered course and took up in the nearby astroid belt to monitor the ship while i searched for nearby capital ship support. No military capital ships were in the area so i was forced to leave the cruiser as it was. I cut through the asteroid belt to the Bering gate and continued to patroll the trade lanes. I stopped a number of vessles for hauling copper ore and luxury food, all ships complied with orders and were let go after dropping cargo. One ship did however attempt to flee and its escort turned up when i managed to stop it, after negotiations the ship surrendered its cargo. Other ships were also stopped and undertook a routine scan but were let go after having no ilegal cargo on board. Cam shots from the patroll below.

I also detected a small LNS attack force at planet Hamburg, after requesting for capital ship assistance we destroyed the carrier, the fighter and dreadnaught escaped.

Tonight I was also patrolling New berlin after escorting a trader to omega 3 gate in omega 7 and shockingly ran across a royal navy battleship, relayed information to the rheinland fleet in Hamburg who intercepted the battleship.

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Mercarryn - 09-23-2011


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................MEDIUM

SOURCE..................................................Hamburg Department, Station Lubeck

COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers


Guten Tag,

since starting my work as a police officer three weeks ago, this is my first official report to the Bundespolizei.
Starting from Planet Hamburg, my first actions were supervising traffic into and out of Rheinland. One trader with a lightly damaged transport from Bering had a Unioner weapon in his cargo hold. The pilot obeyed my orders, so I could confiscate the illegal weapons.
Later on, I started patrol to New Berlin. A pirate with a Kusari explorer vessel, named Water_Boy, was terrorizing our main system.
I accompanied the military officers Sarah Willows and Sven Rainer, as they were already hunting him. With the help of a member of the bounty hunter's guild we were able to pin him down some miles away from Planet New Berlin, where he finally got destroyed by us. Unfortunately, the pictures of my guncam were lost due to combat damage.
With this threat disabled I let my Phantom be repaired at planet New Berlin. Just right after launching into space I received a message from a Kruger vessel, that an Interspace Commerce vessel named Valen_Misagi was hauling copper ore from Omega-7 through Rheinland and most obviously into Liberty.
Intercepting this vessel near planet Hamburg, the captain of the IC ship admitted that he wanted to transport the ore to Texas system.
Evidence 01
Evidence 02

At first I ordered him to change course, as I did not remembered the shipping restriction for IC. He complied to this at first and changed course to New Berlin again.
I was informed about my mistake by the captain of the Kruger vessel so I tracked the IC vessel but it had disppeared. There was a misgiving in my mind, that this Liberty captain would try to break the embargo and reach the liberty border. I looked around in system Hamburg, when I finally tracked the smuggler in the Kielfeld, heading to the Hudson jump gate.
Evidence 03

I informed him about the embargo once again and ordered him to drop his cargo immediatly. He answered, that our laws would be of no interest to them (which I think refers to Interspace Commerce in all). I commanded him once again to obey our laws, when he opened fire. With my phantom I was able to serioulsy damage his ship, but not enough, as he was able to flee to Hudson. The data for this smuggler will be sent to the Rheinland Criminal Data base later on.
During the hunt my Phantom light fighter was seriously damaged, so I flew to Lubeck for repairs and to end my shift.

End of report


Thomas Wolthers


Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - rwx - 09-24-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Low
IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteur Carl Becker
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Promotions

Due their commendable work, the Kadetts Ehrmann and Von Schmidt are now promoted to the rank of Wachmann.

Keep your good work, meine Herren!

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Inspekteur Carl Becker
Rheinland Bundespolizei

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Lumik - 09-25-2011

Name ID: RFP|Kad.Stan.Stone
Location: Planet New Berlin
Date: 25th September
Subject: First shift report

Personal notice: When I decided too serve at RFP, I knew that it will not be like a garden trip. But I have to say that I´m really exhausted after the end of my first shift.


Short description: Civilian ship under attack, Red Hessians ships destroy
[Details: I start shift after purchase and equipped my Mjolnir at Elbe station. First I went to patrol to New Berlin system and I met a small civilian ship in troubles - under attack of 3 Red Hessians - near Essen Station, so I destroyed them. The ship escaped during the fight.

Short description: transport and RFP officer under attack, LWB ships destroy
Details: I met a transport and RFP Kadett Sven Schmidt near Bonn Station. Transport was stucked after trade lane disruption so I helped with protect and in cooperation with Kadett Schmidt destroyed hostile ships. Then I waited at place until the transport was able to continue in the way.

Short description: RFP officer under attack, Liberty ship destroy
Details: After some time, I met Kadett Schmidt again near planet Hamburg. He was under attack by a Liberty ship with identification Isopol.Tesaga. I joined the fight and in cooperation with Kadett Schmidt destroyed the enemy attacking ship.

Short description: attack of criminals or terrorist, disrupting trade lanes, enemy ships destroy
Details: At all my shift, I was repeatedly attacked on trade lanes by ships of criminal or terrorist organization. At 6 attacks, I destroyed all enemy ships. Enemy pilots that survived (total 1x Bundschuh, 3x Liberty Roque, 5x Red Hessians, 10x Unioners) was taken to board and delivered to Vierlande Prison.

Short description: patrol near Liberty Border, asisstance to RFP officer at captured smuggler
Details: When I hold watch at planet Hamburg, RFP officer Thomas Wolthers catch a smuggler transport (identification The.Escapist) at Alster Shipyard. I hold position for the case that smuggler want to escape to Liberty, and then transfered to Alster to assistance. Officer Wolthers finally convinced him to change course back to New Berlin, so I stayed with them to jump gate and then returned back to watch at planet Hamburg.

Short description: SMP emergency call, Red Hessians ships destroy
Details: Officer Wolthers informed about emergency call from Omega-7 system, where Red Hessians attacked a group of SMP vessels. Off. Wolthers, me and off. Isidor Kugelblitz moved there and destroy four squadrons of Red Hessians. After that we returned to Rheinland core systems.

Short description: asisstance to RFP officer at captured smuggler
Details: I docked at New Berlin to end my shift but when I started switching off ship´s systems, i heard report from off. Wolthers that he again captured smuggler transport with identification The.Escapist. I offered him help. For the first time he said that it´s not necessary, but then he called me for assistance because suspect refuse to obey the instructions. I quickly activated all systems and flew to Frankfurt-Sigma 13 jump gate. Smuggler was still refusing the orders. Off. Wolthers repeatedly warned him about consequences of his behaviour, I fired warning shots, but smuggler was still refusing orders, so we start open fire. Smuggler fired at as but as he saw that he could not have a chance, he jump through the gate to Sigma-13. After that, I flew back to New Berlin (together with off. Wolthers) and finally went out of duty.

Technical note: Unfortunately I can´t attach any images of evidence, because the guncams record memory was heavily damaged during the last fight with smuggler ship. I hope that other officers didn´t have same bad luck, and some informations can be find in other data systems, for example Vierlande Prison reports.

Signed: Polizeikadett Stan Stone

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Mercarryn - 09-25-2011


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................MEDIUM

SOURCE..................................................Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin

COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers


Guten Tag dear officers,

yesterday's shift kept me and other officers of the Bundespolizei quite busy. It seems that we may face more and more smugglers and pirates in our core systems these days. Now let me clear of the report.

The first incident just happened when I launched from Planet New Berlin. A bounty hunter named Serj_Tankian had positioned his Manta right in front of the docking rings of New Berlin, so that every starting vessel would have crushed into him. When ordering to move his ship to another position, he refused, telling me he would only follow orders from the Bounty hunters Guild Core. I asked the military officer Magnus von Teckton with his Rheinland gunboat as witness and possible aid. As this crazy bounty hunter still refused to place his ship elsewhere Herr von Teckton and I had to rely on our weapons to convince him. We could seriously damage Serj_Tankian, but he managed to land on planet New Berlin.
I could rescue some guncamshots for this issue, but not all. So I am not sure, if those will suffice for an entry in the Criminal data base:

* * * *

With this bounty hunter being chased off I could start my patrol with flying to Frankfurt jump gate. There I encountered a captain of the IMG transporting light arms without any permission.

* *

When ordering him to drop the contraband he complied so I was able to destroy the light arms. Herr Schmidt positioned himself for any help but this was not necessarry anymore.

Continuing patrol I met Polizei officer Isildur Kugelblitz, so I joined him on his patrol and set course to Essen station and afterwards Bonn station. There we met a Barge under the name of Zoner_Big-Whale. Checking the Barge registry I could not find any entry for a vessel with such a name, so we ordered the captain to stop his engines and to tell us about his ship.
* *
He told us, that he had obtained the barge from another man not long ago and was on a tesflight from Omega-7 to Hamburg with his Barge. He was escorted by a mercenary namend Boba_Fett in a bounty hunter bomber. This mercenary was really annoying both me and officer Kugelblitz with his comments so we ordered him to silence or move away.
As neither Herr Kugelblitz nor I were sure about how to handle this unregistered Barge we asked Herr Schmidt for help. A few minutes later Herr Schmidt arrived and he explained the zoner captain about his mistake. Afterwards he took all necessary information for registering the Barge. At the end Herr Schmidt escorted the Barge to Hamburg system.
Meanwhile Herr Kugelblitz and I checked possible smuggler vessel but in the end we had to let him go, because we had no evidence so we had to let him go. The mercenary Boba_Fett tried several times to destroy the investigated ship, even as we commaned him to stop fire.
Herr Kugelblitz, Rheinwehr officer Herr von Teckton withi his gunboat and I tried to put the mercenary for violating the laws under arrest. At first he responded to the command to land on vierlande but on the way to prison the lane was disrupted. Boba_Fett took this as a opportunity to fool us again and escape arrest.
This time Herr von Teckton and I activated our wepaons and hunted the rogue mercenary down. He was finally destroy by the Rheinwehr officer.
Shortly afterwards officer Isildur Kugelblitz and I continued with our patrol ( he had some engine failure during the chase of Boba_Fett) when we noticed a Rheinwehr gunboat chasing a Liberty Rogue near Dortmund Station. We activated our weapons again and assisted the Rheinwehr officer in hunting the Rogue. After some little fight the Rogue got destroyed. To my bad luck I have no guncam shots from this incident as my camera was still damaged from the fight with Boba_Fett.

Now with a little break I let my Phantom be repaired at Dortmund station. Herr Kugelblitz continued meanwhile with his patrol alone. I must say this little break helped me to recover a little bit from the many fights so far.

Launching from Dortmund station I set course to Hamburg system. At the lane from Lubeck border station to Alster shipyard I noticed a Borderworlds transport. Scanning him near Alster showed that he was loaded with copper ore. In Informed Kadett Stone at planet Hamburg, while I interrogated the possible embargo breaker. The ship's name was The.Escapist:
* *

As soon as Kadett Stone arrived on the scene we were able to convice the captain of The.Escapist to change course back to New Berlin and then to Sigma-13. I checked the vessel doing this while Kadett Stone returned to planet Hamburg to supervise any in and outgoing traffic there.
When The.Escapist had reached Dortmund station I had to leave him alone as I received a distress call from some SMP-vessels in Omega-7. They were under attack by a group of Red Hessians. I informed all police units in system New Berlin. Kadett Stone and Herr Kugelblitz responded and together we flew to Omega-7.
As soon as we arrived near Briesen facility, the Hessians had already withdrewn from the scene, so there was nothing more to do for us and we returned to the core systems again.

Although it was time to me to end my shift there was one last incident. The Borderworlds transport The.Escapist at first obeyed my orders to set course to Sigma-13 again, but when reaching the jump gate at Frankfurt, the captain tried to fool me and feign an engines failure. Discussing with him about him getting this done was futile, so it came to my mind that the captain refused my orders.
I asked Kadett Stone for help, while I still commanded the smuggler to jump into Sigma-13. He still refused, even when Herr Stone arrived for assistance. We were both fed up with his annoying complaints and opened fire on him to encourage the captain to leave Rheinland territory. He returned fire but was driven out of Rheinland as soon as he knew that he would perish to the combined firepower of Herr Stone and I.
I could recover some pictures and communication logs of this battle:
* * * * * * * *

Both Kadett Stone and I held position at Sigma-13 jump gate just in case the smuggler tried to come back. As soon as we were sure that this did not happen we set course to planet New Berlin where we finally landed and ended our yesterday's shift.

I want to express my deepest gratitude for the help of the Herrn Kugelblitz, Schmidt and Stone. If would have been worse without their crucial assistance.


Thomas Wolthers.