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Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Riess - 04-22-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

Name: Walter Krahe
Age: 28

Short bio:

Hallo Mein Damen und Herren,

I am Walter Krahe von planet Hamburg, where I lived since birth. While my mutter never worked due to poor health, my vater served in Militar since I can remember. I myself have considered donning the uniform, but when academy rejected me, I've landed in Hamburg's Politechnik, where I have studied applied space engineering and mineral processing.

Why do you want to work for Daumann?
Mining is my trade, where else can I go? I had to choose between Kruger and Daumann, and while I didn't lean towards either, I have decided to seek position within DHC first.

Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
For I am honest worker loyal to my coworkers and employeer. Whatever task I will be put up to by company, I will fullfill to best of my ability.

===Transmission Closed===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - SarKo - 04-23-2015

Name: Norbert Stams

Age: 26

Short bio: Born on planet Stuttgart. Mother - worked as hotel manager in Hotel Adelon on planet New Berlin until the age of 44, when she died in a an accident on a transport, while going back home from work. Father - worked as a Daumann miner until the age of 35, when he was crippled in a mining accident. He is currently on an aerochair, staying home in need of a constant expensive care. I was forced to drop my education at the age of 19 and start working for the Republican Shipping. That was the year when my mother died and my family income wasn't enough to ensure the proper care for my father.

Why do you want to work for Daumann? : Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to become a miner, just like my father. Before my father's accident we used to live a weighty and comfortable life, thanks to the financial opportunities that Daumann was offering to all its employees. I just want to follow my father's footsteps and secure a stable future for myself and him, and probably start a family in the near future.

Why do you think Daumann should hire you? : Thanks to my father's past, I have already managed to make a lot of friends in the industry and prepare myself for the challenges that come with the position. I am highly motivated, loyal and I am used to having my hands dirty. Also, my father's old miner ship Hegemon is still operational and ready for the job. My father (and I) managed to keep it up and running, during the time he was staying home.

I am ready to send my S.K.Y.P.E. account details, if the outcome of my application is approved by the DHC administration. Thank you for your time.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Pavel - 04-27-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Mein Herren.

Captains Krahe and Stams, after reviewing your applications both of you are accepted as employees for trial period. Proceed to the nearest Daumann base to receive further orders.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - ilYes.Zip - 05-12-2015

Name : Frank Andreas

Age : 25

Short Bio : Born in Planet Holstein, my parents Ludolf and Aleit Julia, a pure Rheinland family, they both worked for the Daumann company until retirement,in my 18 age and just after i finished the secondary school, i've decided to stop studies and start working, because since my childhood i was determined to become a miner and even my father discovered my talent but he didn't allow me to do that, and he promised me that after studies curriculum is over, the Daumann will not hesitate to recruit you, i don't know if he's right but i'm satisfied of my decision, the rest of my family are kinda poor and i don't want to finish my entire life in a pathetic house waiting for my death, so i'm done with it and after all these years, i'm ready to take my life in hands, it's time for me to make the change, my papers are ready and my personal experience is enough to debut and now i want to start my career in the mining category because i'm good at it as i said since years ago.

Why do you want to work for Daumann?
Because it's like a family heritage and because i was always amazed by the achievements of this company, and without forget my affinity with the Daumann's employees and their kindness making me more excited to join them and work harder than possible, mining isn't just a profession for me, it's a hobby, a passion, a way of living and a parental pride.

Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
I will be the best miner the Daumann ever had, and the Daumann will prouve to me that ... a person who has a huge knowledge and tremendous curriculum is always welcome in the Daumann company because it's a company who looks for the quality and not the quantity and i'm pretty sure that the Daumann isn't gonna regret my recrutement, i deserve my place among you, i think.

I am ready to send my S.K.Y.P.E. account details. Regards.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Daumann Heavy Construction - 05-12-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Anreas,

your application seems more than fine for me. You are accepted as employee for trial period. Await further instructions over private communication channels.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Neonzumi - 05-27-2015

-The young man approaches the desk handing over his resume to the application manager,smiling he leaves the office...-

[Image: 2ugjjac.jpg]

Name: Engel Wanderer

Age: 22

Short bio:
~I was born on planet Stuttgart.Lived with my mother and father,which i didn't get to see a lot.He worked as a Cross Sirius trader,working through the Border Worlds and Edge Worlds.Through out my school days i almost never saw him home during the week but at least he was there every other weekend.After i graduated with 18 he left me his DL transport,i never used it until he finally passed.He was very ill and it was only a matter of time.Trying to sustain myself and my mother i had to start working,and i got my hands dirty with many different corporations.I can not say,i haven't worked for any unlawfulls when i had to,heck i got caught by a Hessian once while delivering food to planet Crete,to the Corsairs.Dough the pay was very well and i lived a sweet life with mother.But now that she passed away also,i think it is time for me to accomplish more,scrap the old DL and go for a greater goal.So i decided to try out for this thing...

Why do you want to work for Daumann?
-It is a well organized place where i think i can live up to my full potential.

Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
-I never leave my work behind and i am known for being able to talk my way out of things,well,most of the times.

//Skype: pericagangster

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - star_dingus - 06-05-2015

Name: Dingus Von Praha

Age: 24

Bio: Born to Zoner parents living on Freeport 15, Dingus entered into an apprenticeship under an engineer at the Lividia Shipyard at the age of 14. Six years later, he began piloting a small vessel used for repairing capital ships and space stations. Dingus has now left Zoner space with an aim to make enough money to buy a commission as an officer.

Why I should be hired:
-experienced pilot and miner

Why Dingud wants to work for Daumann
-Daumann likes diamonds because they are shiny. Daumann mines diamonds.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 06-12-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Von Praha.

First of all we would like to thank you for your interest in our corporation. We have indeed received your application. Unfortunately, we found this application is bit light in its detail, ja? We would immensely appreciate more information about your personal life mein Herr Von Praha. Nevertheless, I've heard about some reports from our captains in the transporter division. They said you worked fast and efficiently as a miner and we like that a lot. I'm sure that with those missing details about your life on my desk, your application is Daumann Heavy Construction will not be a problem at all. Could you also provide us with some S.K.Y.P.3 frequencies via the channel of your liking. That is all. I'm waiting for your reply.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Benoit - 06-12-2015

===Incoming Transmission===

[Image: hrkrrer.jpg]

Source: The Ring, New Berlin system.
Comm ID: Hanna Richter DHC Secretary

Guten Tag Herr Wanderer.

I believe the matter has been taken care of. Welcome in DHC.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hanna Richter DHC

===Transmission Terminated===

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction Recruitment - Supreme Leader - 07-08-2015

Name: George Snowman
Age: 36 , borned on 783 AS

Bio: I am from Battleship Strauseberg.You may wonder , how am i supposed to be born on a battleship.Well the answer is simple.My Mother Lea Snowman(A rheinland military officer) was pregnant and she started pushing me from her "stomach" (That happened while she was on a train for Planet New Berlin to meet her husband David Snowman). As soon that she felt she is going to born me , the Train pilots have landed on the battleship , because it was the fastest place to go in.And yeah , that's how i was born.I've always wanted to be apart of the Daumann , but my mother forced me to join the military and become their discipline.With the time , my parents passed away and i had to make my own future so i decided to leave the army and join the Daumann!That's my life story!

Why do you want to work for the daumann?
-There are Three Reasons:
1.I love mining. Its a pretty good business to earn some cash.
2.There are many mining factions but this one is the best and its the rheinland one!!!
3.I'd like to serve as a security guard inside Sirius as well. Stealing the resources by pirates we get with hard work will decrease the amount of cash we are earning. The crimes shall stop!!!

Why do you think daumann should hire you?
1.I am a loyal person.I do not stand against the brotherhood i am in.
2.More people = more strength!
3.I can offer my protection and help anytime i am able to!I will never leave a brother!