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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Cond0r - 03-24-2010 Incoming Transmission ID: "Pitviper" Opening Channel While I was having a drink at the Ouray bar I heard that some Xenos got engaged by a few navy ships. I immediately put my jacket on and rushed to my fighter. When I got there I saw a independent Xeno pilot and a member of the Serpent wing...it was "Machete". They were fighting two navy fighters, one bomber, one gunboat and a siege cruiser. Well the navy flyboys showed no honor in combat...again. I immediately engaged to help my fellow patriots out. I saw that one of the ships was not with the navy afterall, he was with the LSF. A few seconds after my weapons got aim at him, he went down. Soon after that "Machete" took out the bomber out of the way. It was fairly was I might add.. After the small ships were out of the way we turned to the big ones. First we attacked the gunboat upon which I got the last shot. Then we turned on the cruiser and after a while we destroyed him aswell.They were soon only big piles of rubble and despair. That should teach those cowards not to bring big ships to fight the Serpent wing. When the job was finished we went back to Ouray to resupply and relax. I am hoping that this showed the navy boys that the weapons of Liberty are powerful indeed, and that it showed them that they are not those weapons. For Liberty and for freedom!!! Transmission Terminated Signal Lost Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - valen - 03-27-2010 ▲◄►▼►◄▼◄►▲ ►Encrypted File◄ ►Open:ERROR◄ ►Hack Initiated◄ Displaying Video Feed
![]() Xeno ID Number: V3N0M Name: Lincoln Knoxx Call Sign: Venom Salutations fellow soldiers of Liberty, You will be very proud of what we have done today! Let me begin shall I? This morning I reported to the flight deck as every day, not much changed. The engineers there repaired the hydraulics on my vessel and it was prepared to be taken for a spin around Colorado. Ohh you should have seen it! Works like a charm! Well anyways, I started the patrol near the trade lanes between Denver and planet Gunnison. My trade lane was disrupted by a wing of Lane Hackers, of which I disposed quickly. And a Freelancer with the name Galaxia came into my scanners range carrying Xeno pilots cargo pods in his hold, and bearing the Ageira transponder signature. I told him to drop them, and he obeyed. At the exact time a Navy Bomber vessel came into visual range. We opened communication, but he was impatient, eager to make a kill so he can brag about it to his superiors. That he failed, is not a strong enough expression. After that I proceeded into New York after I received reports from our scouts there that the system is packing with trading ships from Kusari. And that, was unacceptable. As soon as I jumped into the system, my scanners picked up a trader. The vessel had Xeno pilots in the hold, and Luxury Consumer Goods, manufactured in Kusari. The vessel's captain was told multiple times to stop, and he made me chase him half the system and still refused to do what was asked. The result was, well, satisfying. After I tractored in his cargo and the Xeno pilots, Ouray Base was my destination through the Colorado Jump Hole from New York. Our people will enjoy the cargo he was carrying, and our pilots are back in their ships. I didn't lose any time, as my planned patrol was not over. No long trip was needed to find what I was looking for, a Navy fleet that consisting of two bombers going by the names of Commander and {TLG}-SuperBud, two fighters, -Hunter- and Carl.Agathon, and two capital ships, an Assault Battlecruiser LNS-EM, and a Siege Cruiser LNS-Douglas. The two bombers and the fighter -Hunter- were impatient to attack me. I talked to them, tried to show them why the cause they are fighting for is a wrong one. The odds were against me, and I was prepared to flee, or die for Liberty there. Luckily, Death Adder received my distress call, and quickly joined me on my wing. The Navy fleet attacked, and we retaliated. Commander went down first while he tried to kill me, I made sure I kill him first. The second bomber, {TLG}-SuperBud was firing at me the whole time, barely taking my shields down, so I showed him how antimatter looks like. The fighters were giving Adder a rough time, both of them focusing their fire on him. I moved to assist him, and we managed to take down one of them. Carl.Agathon then ordered the capital ships to assist them, and another Xeno came to assist us, and we managed to take down the second fighter. Another LPI fighter came into combat, but Adder took him out fast. Then we turned to the capital ships. Boy that was fun! Two Rogue Gunboats came to assist us as well, now odds were on our side. The LNS-Douglas was our first target. She returned fire but with little effect as we were to fast for her turrets. She went down loud and hard! And I was the one who landed the final shot on the fat ship's hull. The LNS-EM was next. The captain tried to run a few times, but all tries were unsuccessful as the ship's hull broke down under constant fire. The fireworks were awesome! After that the Rogue Gunboats and we parted ways and we let them live for now. Ouray was a beautiful sight for our eyes as we were soon under its protection. And this is the final count as I am filling out this report. ![]() ![]() ~ Knoxx Video Feed Terminated
►Encrypting File◄ ►Message Self Destruct in 10 Seconds◄ Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tanker - 04-01-2010 Jonathon sits back in his chair, with a good cup of coffee and a shot of moonshine, contemplating the days activites. The first and most important item on his desk is the flight log of one of his pilots. Which was a rather large file, even for a datachip. Upon reviewing the information contained there, Jonathon has come to a most remarkable conclusion. This pilot has shown outstanding flight skills as well as great leadership abilities. There is only one thing now that needs done. Jonathon reaches for the intercom and connects to the bar on Ouray. " Stock up the bar, there is going to be a small get together today" chuckles Jonathon. Jonathon then comms Lincoln Knoxx and asks him to report to his office. As Lincoln enters the office, Jonathon's face breaks out into a wide grin. ."yes, even Xenos have good days" Jonathon chuckles to himself. "Venom, Glad you were on station, here, have a seat". Jonathon motions to another seat and hands him a shot of moonshine. Jonathon lifts his glass and says "Cheers". Lincoln does the same, but does have a slightly bemused expression on his face. "What's all this for?" Lincoln asks.. "Oh, just a small benefit of your new rank, you see,.. I have decided to promote you to the rank of Royal. Congratulations man!" Jonathon says while pouring another shot of "Mother's Finest" "Oh, by the way, I've set it up so you and the boys could do some celebrating in the bar tonight. Just remember to leave it all in one piece" Jonathon chuckles. Obviously dismissed, Lincoln leaves the Commander's office with a spring in his step.... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - valen - 04-01-2010 Lincoln proceeded outside of Jonathon's officer, being clearly proud and happy for the promotion he was given, and he earned. He began walking towards the Ouray Inn when he couldn't restrict himself anymore, he jumped in the air and shouted "Yehawwww!". Surely his exclamation was heard by the entire base, but he didn't care much. Lincoln suddenly realized he did not properly thank his leader, so he quickly paced back to Jonathon's office, and knocked on his door. A voice of approval was heard, and Lincoln entered. "Permission to speak freely Sir?" - Lincoln asked as he stood in front of Jonathon in an almost militaristic way. "Granted. Speak your mind man." - Jonathon replied in a rather calm and friendly voice, while leaning back into his chair and taking a sip of moonshine. "I just....Well Sir....I wanted to thank you. For the trust you have given me, and to ensure you that I won't fail you." - Lincoln said with a proud voice full of respect for the man that saved him and his wife from certain death, either by the hand of Liberty, or by hunger. "You earned it. Now go, enjoy the celebration. I may join you later." - Jonathon said to Lincoln as he leaned back towards the table and began sorting through some papers. "Yes Sir." - Lincoln grabbed the door handle when he remembered the report from yesterday's patrol, "Sir, I almost forgot." - He approached Jonathon's table and left a datapad on it, "The report from the patrol yesterday." - Lincoln saluted Jonathon and stepped outside of his office and proceeded to the bar. Xeno ID Number: V3N0M Name: Lincoln Knoxx Call Sign: Venom Salutations Boss, I have some good news. Yesterday me and our boys went on a patrol. A lot of us if I might add, even Jack was there! And I must say, it was an honor to fly with him! Let me begin, we grouped up near Ouray before proceeding. We all formed up on Jack's wing. And what a sight it was! The scythe of justice! Jack gave the order and we all proceeded into New York, and it was busier then usual. Immediately on approach to Manhattan our scanners picked up Navy signals, and large transponder signals they were. Gunboat class vessels, and one assault carrier! But our wing was not afraid of it, in fact we were more ready then ever to face the beasts of Liberty. Jack was clear on what we need doing, gunboat by the name of Spear was the target. Seemed as the two had a grudge against each other, not that I blame Jack, as the captain of the gunboat was a real a**. We blew him up real quick and Will busted his hull into oblivion. Then another gunboat came into range. We blew him up as well. Jack was the reaper of that one. After that we proceeded to California, encountering several Outcasts and Rogues on our way. We didn't do much thinking, and we blew them up as well after they insulted us on several occasions. In California, the Navy sent two assault carriers to track us down, and my ship was badly damaged by one of them. A shame, but at least I am alive. Next time, I will do better Boss, I promise. Final count of our kills, although I am missing several gunshots of the kills our boys made: ![]() ~ Knoxx Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - exlibrismortis - 04-28-2010 > CommID: Lijah "Fething" Cuu
> Callsign: Canebrake > Location: Ouray > Encryption: High > Subject: Reporting in... ![]() So, been out and about. Not too much happened. Had some fun with a local bit of Junkers. Played around with their enabling behinds a little bit before a more savory target came along. An Interspace pilot decided to shoot me. It was bad enough that his ilk was responsible for my wife's death. So, I wanted to blow him up. I did. >>>Dead Interspace Pilot<<< Prior to that, I had gone to New York to stir some people about the atrocities that Interspace has caused. While there an interesting person came by, by the name of Vixen... She had acquired about 50 Xenos pilots from the hands of Junkers... And handed them over at no price. She paid over 5 million for them all. I will remember her kindness. >>>Message log with Vixen<<<
>>>Handing over Pilots<<< Nothing else. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - exlibrismortis - 05-04-2010 > CommID: Lijah "Fething" Cuu
> Callsign: Canebrake > Location: Ouray > Encryption: High > Subject: Today's Fun ![]() Went out flying today. Found Keelback. We decided to go kick the cage over in New York. Boy did we kick it good. Managed to piss off a Navy gunboat. It went by the tag, Saint_Jennifer. Anyways, The pilot of said gunboat thought it had the ability to take my drinking buddies from me. Those liberty pilots told me they were thirsty. So I gave them a drink. Just so happened that the Pilot of the Jennifer didn't like the arsenic that I put in those drinks. I like the taste of arsenic. Anyways, I gave each of them enough charcoal to suck it out, yet the Jennifer didn't care. Which brings me to another point, Mrs. SNAC had been having some fun. She just loved to charge up and have a good blast. Yet, the Jennifer decided to interrupt her fun. Well, Mrs. SNAC found a way to have more fun. And the Jennifer found itself at the wrong end of that fun. Mrs. SNAC's camera was broken, sorry. Met that Vixen lady again, she helped us out alot. Was running low on nanobots and batteries. She obliged to provide. She mention somthing about a ship named Maverick... or somthing. I would like to suggest we not pursue such craft. That's just me. Later, we met up with some LN who said that there was a Rheinlander attacking Texas. Well, I figured that if Liberty got destroyed before we could take over, that wouldn't be good. So me and Keelback teamed up with the LN'ers on the premise we would get to taste strudel-laden blood. Well, we got to TEY-HAWS and there was no strudel-blood or whatever. Had an interesting discussion with Admiral Hale there. After that, we left and went home. That's it. Nothing else. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Garrick - 05-08-2010 > CommID: John Rackam > Callsign: Naja > Location: Ouray > Encryption: Medium > Subject: Tested the escape pod. Well my wingman The_Hand_of_Death had made arrangments for some special weps to be delivered. I had gone and met with the merchant transporting them and picked them up. Everything went well on that part. I went back to Oaray base and landed right on the top of the base waiting for him to make the exchange. A freelancer Domino appeared at the edge of scanner range. We chatted for some time while I waited for my wingman. After a bit he appeared and I transferred the weps over to him. At which point I sped off to engage the freelancer who I'd been chating with for some time. We wasted no time getting to business, we fought for a bit but I have opted for the CD's instead of a razor. He kept my shields down most of the fight with the use of his razor but near the end I had worn his down as well.. I finally had to punch out after a good hard fought fight. I don't think I did too much physical damage to his ship.. His razor kept my close range guns at bay, had a hard time lining up on him because of my evasive flying. At this point my wing man reappeared and attempted to finish him off. It was a shorter battle, my wing man did more physical damage with the use of his missiles.. In the end he had to punch out to. Domino managed to space us both, just outside of scanner range from Ouray. It was a dissappointing day, but our escape pods seemed to work fine. John Rackam signing out. Transmission ends. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Garrick - 05-08-2010 > CommID: John Rackam > Callsign: Naja > Location: Ouray > Encryption: Medium > Subject: Junkers Decided to take out the X-Shuttle and try to obtain some cargo from some foreign trade ships. As soon as I launched from Ouray I had 2 .:j:. junkers on the scanners. I started some of my friendliest chat with the two as I sped in to intercept them. My intentions was to hit the transport and then attempt to get away. At this point I suffered a complete system failure and my craft shutdown. //my internet dropped me. I was offline for 10min wait.// I finally got the power restored and the systems running again. At this point the transport ship had moved on and all that was in proximity of my ship was a .:j:.Dan.Armstrong in a "Bulldog" Heavy Fighter and a mercenary going by Willis in a "Wasupu" civilian VHF. http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen68.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen69.jpg The mercenary stayed out of the fighting and just stood by but the junker wouldn't let me escape. I think I put a good fight up with my X-Shuttle. I fly it more like a slow fat bomber, and he learned to repect my mines. *laughs* In the end though I had to punch out. I once again fell victim to a powerful mini-razor and have a hard time bringing my short range weps to bear without paying for it from a razor blast. I have more confidence in the X-Shuttle if I would have a proper wingman for support. It was a lesson well learned in the practice of it's abilities. John Rackam signing out. Transmission ends.. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Garrick - 05-09-2010 > CommID: John Rackam > Callsign: Naja > Location: Ouray > Encryption: Medium > Subject: Patrol Report Me and my wingman The_Hand_of_Death decided to go out and patrol around Ouray today. It turned out to be an eventful patrol. I originally had been conducting operations in California so on my way to the Jump Hole to Ontario I came across a mercenary by the name -Furyan-. He appeared neutral to me and we chatted a bit. I had asked questions of his cargo and even tried to get the pilot he held. It was his prisoner I was told. He even offered his services to me, but I was not interested. We eventually parted ways. http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen72.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen71.jpg Then I met up with my wingman at Ouray. We proceeded to the New York Jumpgate and shutdown both the lanes leaving there. First came along a recruit in a rhino, he seemed harmless but had on him some of our fellow pilots. I demanded them from him and he willingly gave over, then he went on his way. http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen74.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen73.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen75.jpg After that some Order pilots showed up. They were looking for other transport ship. I had informed them we hadn't seen it at that time. At a later time it did show up and the order pilots where not far behind him either. *laughs* http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen76.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen77.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen78.jpg Then a local law enforcer showed up. He came through the gate and didn't answer our hails. We continued to verbally harrass him. My wingman even put a few shots on his shields but to no response. Then Raza came along with more xenos pilots we tried to hail him but he went straight for the open gate. We engaged him only dropping his shields and doing minimal damage to his haul before he jumped. I was upset and at that point ordered my wingman to take out Mr. Callihan. http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen80.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen79.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen81.jpg Then came along Sundance a Luxury Yacht full of Luxury Consumer Goods. Jackpot is what I was finally thinking. Well he turned out to be too much for our fighters. He didnt want to drop any of his cargo. I asked for 1/3 of it. He wanted to negotiate a cash exchange which I wasn't going for. He took off calling us names and disrupted him several times. At some point my wingman had engaged me and during that bit of confusion the Sundance got his cruise engaged. We gave chase and I even got him to join our group. *laughs* then we formed on him and caught up fast. *laughs* I disrupted him and again we got in a run and gun battle. All for weps I have are the Black Widows and the CD. My wingman has a mini-razor I felt I got shot more by it than the Sundance. In the end, I ran out of CD's I only carried 15 and he got away. We called it a night and quit hunting targets. My wingman is now setting up a ROC so we can handle situations like this better in the future. *laughs* I might set me up one as well, my primary interest is to disrupt the foreign trade. http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen82.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen84.jpg http://i884.photobucket.com/albums/ac49/Er...er/screen83.jpg John Rackam signing out. Transmission ends.. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Penpen - 05-18-2010 ►► Password accepted ►► Neural Net Acces granted ►►►► Opening Vioce Database ►►►► Pilot Acces: Anette "Coral" Patrick ►► Recording ◄◄
So i guess this.. is my first recording then!? Uhm... Yeah. *takes a deep brath* What a day, wasn't it? So we wen't out, dis day to get us some supplies. I needed new Hairspray and.. ya.. That was the main reason i went out. While i was sittin' next to the Lane, Splitjaw came by and after a little talkin' bout this an that, we decided to move a little. Atleast Split decided. Aaaand Ya.. we were going through the Denver>Jumpgate Lane, tryin' to find someone who'd like to support us. Ohh.. did i mention that we meet this Navy guy who REALLY did his Job? No im not kiddin' he really had some Rogue evac pods in his cargo bay. Hell, maybe they finally learn. *moments of silence, as she suddenly started laughing* Nah.. He'll probably figure out how they're doing some day. Too bad, isn't it? Anyway. So we're movin through this lane, going to Denver, as i said. Aaaand then we met dis Freelancer, apperently trying to be the next Edison Trent i guess.. However. He was sittin' in his BWT, carrying Supercun.. No wait. Suppercondo.. Well. it was some shiny stuff an' da Ouray Technicians were very happy to get some of those. Anyway. I asked him to stop, several times, while Splitjaw tried to keep the Lanes down. And then after three, maybe four attempts, he suddenly started firing at us and so did we. The situation was kinda out of control. Even a passing by Outcast left the scenery.. hell i was scared. Anyway, as my snac hit'em, he ejected and we got us some of those Supercon.. *scratches head* SHINY THINGS.. god damnit. Can't we just give them common names like.. A or... B?! Guncam ONE Gungam TWO Guncam THREE Anyway. We wen't back to Ouray after that, gettin' the.. things home. After that, we met a Xenos Rookie, who's by the way, probably going to apply for the alliance, soon. At least he was thinking about it. Umm.. where was i... oh ya. So we wen't out with this guy, chasing a Navy Boy, piloting one of these ugly big ships, with that huge deflector on one side.. I forgot the name. Spatial! Ya.. Hell i'm goin to be better and better. Ya so we chased him to Denver but i was afraid of getting TOO close to the planetary defenses, so we stopped a few k's before, as all of the sudden a BHG boy showed up. Yaaa, we did a little talk and then a BHG Gunboat joined the scenery and... not to mention the situation kinda went bad. The guys started to engage. Can you imagine? Two firefights because i wanted some Hairspray?... My gosh... The Situation was very new to me, because i never had to fight AND make sure the boys around me won't bite the dust. So it was the pure chaos. BUT, suddenly Taipan showed up and after 6 of my Snacs we killed the Gunboat. The other BHG guy.. well. Not to mention he wen't down, too. ALTHOUGH he was a good pilot, i have to admit. Well, unfortunately i was SO happy to made it out alive, i totally forgot to make some guncam pictures.. I'm.. sorry. Really! Next time. I promise. Ya.. that was my day. I lost a gun during the fight and i'm also running low on credits. What a good situation for me. Anyway. I'm tired. maybe gettin some sleep. I saw someone's cookin' real food in the kitchen. Maybe i'm going to have a new friend soon *laughs* That's it for the day. Stop recording No, not record 'stop recording' just STOP RECORDING. Gahh SON OF A*static* |