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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - ilovesin - 11-23-2015

[...] loading [...] Incoming transmission[/]
[...] Source: Flieger Ritter [...]
[...] Concerning: Patrol Report [...]
[...] Encryption Protocol -active- [...]
[...] Transmission origin: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System [...]

Guten Abend Meine Herren,

I responded to reports of a Smuggler In New Berlin at the Frankfurt Jumpgate. At the scene I found Rheinland Police Officer Nijmegen (RFP|Wach.G.Nijmegen) and Flieger Andrew Duncan. The Smuggler in question fyling under Zoner flag was carring Sorted Artifacts.
Due to scanner difficulites I am unable to provide Pictures of the contraband. Refer to Officer Nijmegen or Flieger Duncan for the Details. The Zoner "The.Outsider" was cooperative altough he seemed to have problems with his ship. After a conversation with him wich
was led by Officer Nijmegen and Flieger Duncan who where at the scene first he dropped the Contraband and got an official warning. Officer Nijmegen and FLieger Duncan took some of the Artifacts for Analysis. The rest we destroyed on the spot.

After we were done with encouter, Flieger Duncan took flight towards Munich for a routine Patrol. We Checkt the Daumann Facility Bauxite Mineral Extraction aswell as the Planet Nurenberg and Raubling Station. Without any contact.

Raubling Station
Planet Nuremberg
Daumann Facility
Neu Augsburg Outpost

While at Rabulingen station we got a distress call from the RNC-Wallenstein which was attacked by 2 Hessians and a Freelancer at Brandenburg Border Station. We headed towards New Berlin with full speed and arrived in Time to aid the RNC-Wallenstein in its fight.
We were joined by RFP|Watch.G.Nijmegen.

When we arrived at the scene we were entered the fight against the Hessians "Von.Linden", "[RF]Oblivion" as well as The Freelancer "Walter.King" who while not regestering as Hostile engaged me immediatly. My Bergelmir was no match against his VHF and
sustained considarble damage in the process. I was just able to abandon ship when he destroyed my ship. I have contacted ALG Waste Removal to collect the pieces it can collect and rebuild it if they can. The Mann with which I spoke seemed confident that he would
be able to make Flyworthy again.

I shall however contiune my Patrols using the 90-ARKM-N45 "Wraith" Rheinland Very Heavy Fighter until the 140-ARKM-N58 "Bergelmir" Rheinland Bomber is up and ready to fly.

This experience reinforces my desire for in depth combat

Flieger Ritter, signing out.

[...] loading [...] Transmission ends [...]
[...] Source: Flieger Ritter [...]

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - ilovesin - 12-30-2015

[...] loading [...] Incoming transmission[/]
[...] Source: Flieger Ritter [...]
[...] Concerning: Defence of Planet Stuttgart [...]
[...] Encryption Protocol -active- [...]
[...] Transmission origin: Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart System [...]

Guten Abend meine Herren,

In an yet unseen cooperation The Order, SCRA, Bundschuh, Freelancer, Junker, Zoner Hessian,Federal Polizei, BDM and Rheinland Military forces suceeded in defeating the large Nomad force which threatend Planet Stuttgart earlier this evening. More details as soon as my ships systems are restored an I am able to analyze the data gathered fully.

ADDENDUM: In conjunction with the Polizei and Geheimdienst a seize fire between Rheinland and their enemies was agreed upon amin recognition for their Service for the people of Rheinland as well as all of Humanity.

Flieger Ritter signing off.

[...] Transmission Ends [...]

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Venkman - 01-08-2016

[img float=left][/img]
[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Sam Hauser
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Planet New Berlin, New Berlin

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ High

Guten Tag

My first day in Rheinland Military started very good. While patrolling through the New Berlin system in sector G4 I caught three Outcast vessels near the trade lane. There was no doubt that they were attempting to pirate vessels that were coming through the lane. I quickly scanned all three of them, only one of them had Rheinland Military officers in his cargo bays. The two Outcasts that were in freighters managed the successfully engage cruise engines and fly away from me, but I managed to get the important one - the one that had officers. I successfully neutralized the target and freed the officers. The Rheinland Military officers are good and are now resting on Planet New Berlin in a local hospital as they suffered minor skin damaged caused by the explosion.
Later on I received a report from New Berlin planet that their defense systems shot down one of the Outcasts that managed to escape me. The last Outcasts remained unseen.

As I freed the Rheinland Military officers in front of planet New Berlin a Freelancer named - " Euphoric_Fortune " loaded up with Slaves docked on planet New Berlin as I was unable to stop him in doing such. I believe that, that Freelancer should be expelled from Rheinland space and his docking rights taken away.

That would be all for this report.



=1= || =2= || =3=


RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Omi - 01-13-2016

Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System
13. Jan 823

[Image: ICZxREi.png]

Sender: Flieger Erika Winter
Recipient(s): Rheinwehr Central Command
Subject: First Patrol || Frankfurt Skirmish

Guten Tag,

Yesterday, I underwent my first proper 'patrol', as it were. It was a little more eventful than I'd expected, especially from a first outing - but that isn't to say it didn't go well. Following reports of a disturbance in the Frankfurt system, I was dispatched there in my newly-assigned Wraith. As was en route, though, it became clear that the 'disturbance' was resolving into something decidedly more serious. I was patched into a comms channel with four other Primary Fleet pilots: Marco Schulz, Sam Hauser, Kaitlyn May and Heinrich Ritter. At this point, I became aware that the exact nature of the reports concerned a minor Bundschuh patrol, numbering around five or six vessels in total.

The patrol was intercepted in close proximity to Holstein, between the planet and the Taunusfeld. After a brief, terse exchange of dialogue, the Bundschuh pilots decided to engage our wing. A brief and explosive skirmish followed, during which both sides took losses. My flight recorder reports that three takedowns were scored, the records of which are listed below:

[Image: QHMEaWt.png]

During the battle, my Wraith's systems indicated only minor damage sustained. Nevertheless, I had it listed for a full systems check upon my return to the Strausberg, just in case any vital systems had sustained malfunctions - or at least, for anything that the onboard maintenance nanites could not patch up by themselves.

Flieger Erika Winter

Data Stream Terminated

RE: Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kreuzritter - 01-26-2016


SOURCE: Planet Neu Berlin, Neu Berlin System.
ENCRYPTION: Low, port RM-GL-Y8-RHK-119


[Image: oem0abk.png]

SUBMITTER: Flieger Wilhelm Bartel
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr Oberkommando
SUBJECT: Engagement Report

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,

While on routine ship inspection tonight I received order from Admiral Hoffman to join up with a fighter scramble near Brandenburg Border Station. Arriving at the scene I found the Admiral himself as well as Flieger Winter holding up a sizeable Corsair raiding party at the fringes of the Harzfeld, waiting for reinforcements to become available. After joining up the Admiral's formation with my Wraith the ships computer unfortunately glitched out for a couple of minutes and all flight controls remained unresponsive. Luckily a reboot of the non-essential subsystems fixed the error and responsiveness of the steering thrusters resumed full functionality. My Wraith is being looked at by the mechanics to isolate and permanently fix said error as I write this report. At any rate, back to the matter at hand - very fortunately for the integrity of my incapacitated ship's hull, the Admiral and the Flieger managed to occupy the Corsairs with some idle banter and as soon as control had been restored we lashed out at our foes. Their initial force consisted of five ships while ours consisted of three, though we did receive reinforcements in the form of one RFP and one Kruger security vessel while they could only bolster their numbers with one additional ship (a straggler, I presume). In the ensuing brawl we succesfully managed to either destroy or drive off all of the attackers, though not without losing the Bundespolizei vessel to enemy gunfire in the process. Unfortunately I will not be able to provide guncam footage since after rebooting that particular subsystem ... I forgot to turn the recording back on. Sincere apologies for this oversight on my part. I am afraid when I commend Flieger Winter's exceptional gunnery skills you will have to take my word for it.

Flieger Wilhelm Bartel, Rheinwehr Hauptflotte.



RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Power$core - 03-01-2016

[...] loading [...] Incoming transmission[/]
[...] Source: Feldwebel Klose [...]
[...] Concerning: Battle in Stuttgart system [...]
[...] Encryption Protocol -active- [...]
[...] Transmission origin: 4E sector , Stuttgart System [...]

Guten Abend,

Later today, in sector 4E in Stuttgard sistem i sough Red Hessian Vidar Class Cruiser flying around Stuttgard. I hailed the pilot and told him to leave the sistem or be destroyed.
I could attack him alone with my Bergelmir class bomber, so i waited for support that will come to aid.
After long provocations and flying around enemy, RNC- Wensburg respond my call in emergency and came to aid very quickly. Red Hessian pilot was getting nervous and starting to attack me, but i backed every time and wait for Wensburg to arrive.
After Red Hessian tryed to run away, his path intercepted RNC - Wensburg and started to fire him primaries.
After i got closer i started to fire my nova torpedos at cruiser.
She was strong, but our cruiser Razor's manage to put her shield's down so i finish her with my nova torpedos.
Fight was going on a little while but we manage to destroy the vessel and once again providet Stuttgard sistem with more safety.

There was also a bug meanwhile when i lunched last torpedo and destroyed the crusier, the screen showed that target was killed by some Evans that wasn't eaven in our sistem.

There was also vessel named ''-guywer-'' that carried some illegal cargo, didn't wan't to stop engines and ran away into planet Stuttgard before i could reach him.

Feldwebel Klose signing off.

[Image: AF1QipNodHVvM1FJhx7b4FA2L4ZZh92XPBMpDRVg0K0D]

[Image: AF1QipPQF_sDbU3WxffqzhJxjn6C61dRYdv5ImChvBYD]

[Image: AF1QipM_mHwCm9h65P6HvywXrUlywm22cfDameFuS9AM]

[...] Transmission Ends [...]

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Power$core - 03-09-2016

[...] loading [...] Incoming transmission [...]
[...] Source: Feldwebel Klose [...]
[...] Concerning: Patrol report [...]
[...] Encryption Protocol -active- [...]
[...] Transmission origin: 4E sector , Stuttgart System [...]

Guten Abend,

Later today i was patroling with Gefreiter Gerhard Wolf. We Started our patrol in Stuttgard system and moved to Omega-7 system closer to Freistadt Base. Second waypoint was New Berlin. We made it around Brandenburg Base to Battleship Strausberg, and then to Planet New Berlin where we proceeded to Frankfurt jump gate. Frankfurt was cleared and so we proceed to have a quick look into Sigma-13. After that we returned to Planet Holstein in Frankfurt system and finished our patrol.

Feldwebel Klose signing off.

[...] Transmission Ends [...]

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Power$core - 03-09-2016

[...] loading [...] Incoming transmission [...]
[...] Source: Feldwebel Klose [...]
[...] Concerning: Patrol report [...]
[...] Encryption Protocol -active- [...]
[...] Transmission origin: 4E sector , Stuttgart System [...]

Guten Abend,

Well, there was an extraordinary patrol today. I flyed with Admiral Braun and Hauptmann Erich Winters.
First we flew toward Dresden. Not long after we entered Dresden system we got RH ship on our scanner's. We didn't attack because we were waiting for a Red Hessian fleet that was arriving to Dresden. After some time of patroling around we detected that enemy ships entered Rheinland space Through Omega-7. So we prepared our cruise engines and head towards Omega-7
Through our path we detected alot of RH ships around. It was a very good day for Red Hessians i guess, because they were everywhere.
After we arrived in Omega-7, i got emergency call from a vessel in Munich. It was getting robed by VWA vessel. We were allready in the middle of operation so we could't proceed to respawn that call.

After a while we confronted big Red Hessian group with 2 Jorms, 3 Cruisers, 1 GB and 1 HF against our 2 Cruiser's, BMB and Rheinland Carrier. They outpowered us and forced us to retreat.

There was also a "Nephilim" Zoner Mobile Colony Ship named ''Ganancha'' infront Freistadt Base. Admiral told me to write that ship into register for futher investigations.

That is all.
Feldwebel Klose signing off.

[...] Transmission Ends [...]

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Shaggy - 03-09-2016

[img float=left][/img]
[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Finley Kohan
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ High

Guten Tag

It first day in Rheinland Military, has been very peaceful for my first patrol. I haven't seen much criminal activity, just the usual transport traffic, nothing to interesting passing through. Just the Rheinbier to Omega 7 and the Gold Ore. So I thought id finish my patrol of swiftly and quickly, and head to the dry docks to get the access codes to both my Wraith Very Heavy Fighter and my Bergelmir Bomber. Both are fully setup and ready for action, there is a slight adjustment I wish to make to the Bergelmir, but it may take some time. This is all I have to report for the time being.



RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Power$core - 03-10-2016

[...] loading [...] Incoming transmission [...]
[...] Source: Feldwebel Klose [...]
[...] Concerning: Patrol report [...]
[...] Encryption Protocol -active- [...]
[...] Transmission origin: 4E sector , Stuttgart System [...]

Guten Tag

I was on my patrol, starting from Stuttgard, to New Berlin, Frankfurt and then Munich to Neu Augsburg Outpost, where my scanner's allready detected hostile vessel, VWA HF. I aproached him and ordered him to leave the system. He denied, and tryed to explain than he has to scan Planet Nuremberg. Believed that there is an black matter/storm in Munich system and it is infecting Planet Nuremberg atmosphere. I could't get him away, but i also could't attack him, i was flying my Bergelmir class bomber, and had no chance against HF.
I charged my cruise engines and flew to Planet Nuremberg. Short after i left he followed me and flew on ther other side of the planet. In couple of minutes another Bundschuh pilot joined him. After they done their scan of the planet and finished collecting database, they turned their ships towards us, and attacked us. My wingman was sadly destroyed in battle. I managed to escape. It was horrible.

Because i though this partrol will be regural and quiet, it turned out to be living hell on the end. We will get them!

That is all.


[...] Transmission Ends [...]