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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - Weras - 05-26-2013

Lea walked into the the main area of the foyer. She still wore the old bretonian uniform she fled in, but she ripped of all the symbols and signs characterizing her as a Bretonian Armed Forces pilot.
Did her sister stand here? Maybe at the same spot, unsure to suceed or rather turn around.
But she was sure. She had made the decision months ago when she shot her officer. His face shortly appeared infront of her eyes and raised her a little smile out of her gaunt and harsh face. Then she walked on to the front desk.

"Lea McGreave" - she said. "I guess its obvious why I'm here."
Her fingers clenched aroung the Manifesto in her left hand. The only thing her sister ever send her. Now she was able to appreciate it. That book and the time at the Gaians on Leeds were what made her feel alive again. That's why she was here.
Told to sit down, she waited. Legs crossed and biting her nails.

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 05-26-2013

A Coalition Guard entered the waiting room and after a moment of hesitation motioned to Lea, "You, Bretonian, the Commissar will see you now. Follow me" The Guard commanded coldly and harshly. Lea followed the guard to a dimly lit hallway with a single door at the end, the guard simply pointed at it and walked off. Lea opened the door, and as soon as she could smell the cigar smoke a man pistol whips her. Lea falls to the floor dazed and confused, blood pouring down her head. She then looked up to see who her attacker was, a dark haired Russian man, pointing a 9 Millimeter at her.

[Image: frankfu.png]

"You, Bretonian Spy, you think I couldn't smell you a mile away?!" The man yelled, still pointing his pistol at her. "Now you will explain to me what you are doing here, you have 5 seconds."

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - Weras - 05-26-2013

5 seconds seemed pretty harsh to her, but otherwise she was not suprised. She expected getting shot, strangled, spooned or something else. She didn't feel any fear, because she more or less expected it to happen. "My name is Lea McGreaves", she said quickly but well considered, "and I'm here to make my application to join the revolution of the Sirius people. I'm a former member of the Bretonia Armed Forces secondary fleet wanted for killing members of my unit and my officer in charge, but that makes no difference." She breathed in. "My sister was a member of your ranks and she told me to join her once I was old enough. Here I am" ,she said looking at the man, whiping away the blood from her face with her right hand, not moving the left where she still hold the manifesto. If she was to die here, it would rather be with Katz's wisdom in hands.

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 05-26-2013

After her response, The man stared at her for a good few seconds, and then turned to the manifesto. It was not apparent, but Lea could swore she saw a slight smile come from the man. "Your the sister of, I believe Miley McGreaves, aren't you?" The man asked. He reached into his coat, pulled out a white handtowel, and threw it at Lea. "Wipe yourself up, you have blood on your face." The man said sarcastically. He walked over to his desk, sat down on his leather chair, and lit up a cigar. He motioned to Lea, "When your ready, take a seat" he said, without looking up from his cigar.

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - Weras - 05-26-2013

Lea caught the towel in midair and used it to whipe a away most of the blood in her face. Then she nodded briefly and sat down, but unable to find a really comfortable position. Her head was hammering after the hit, but she looked forward to the man infront of her. Her left arm still was clenched and hung down like it was numb.

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 05-26-2013

The man leaned back in his chair, taking a puff of his cigar. "My name is Commissar Alexandrov, and you are Lea McGreaves." Alexandrov chuckles to himself. "I heard many stories about your sister, word is that she was a great pilot." The Commissar then got up from his chair, and walked towards a cabinet. From there, he pulled out a bottle of Tequila and two small glasses with ice in them. "I am actually quite curious, as I have never met her in person, what exactly happened to her?" Alexandrov asked as he turned back to his chair. "I don't believe she is with us anymore." He pours two glasses of Tequila and slides one over to Lea.

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - Weras - 05-26-2013

She grabbed the glass with the fingers of an experienced drinker, quite unusual for a girl her age. "Well. My sister and I always been into the Gaian and worker movement on Leeds. But... Let's say we didn't have the best relationship whatsoever." Her voice was calm and she seemed like she didn't talk that often about things so personal. "She left me with my father when I was 16..." Her view shortly drifted away as if she was remembering something ugly. "She went to the Gaians, then fought in your ranks. I heard she found... someone. Must've been one of you. I think she was really happy back then, she... she even wrote me." She lowered her voice. "She send me your manifesto and reminded me of the things we had in common... Our goals and ideas." Lea looked at her glass absorbed in thought. "Then next message from her was about a year later. She said she would kill herself. That was all." She looked at Alexandrov. "She isn't with you anymore? Maybe the Gaians were right then and she is dead." Her voice stayed calm, but there was the sense of a shiver, a stutter as she pronounced the word dead. "A pity you never met her. She was able to be quite charming."

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 05-26-2013

The Commissar swirled the drink in his glass before taking it in in one gulp. "And I am here to believe that you would like to follow in your sister's footsteps, and to find out what really happened to her?" Alexandrov took a puff of his cigar. "You seem like a person ready to fight for our cause and our goals." He pointed to the manifesto Lea had been holding on to for the duration of the conversation. "And it does seem like you have read that thoroughly." Alexandrov ashed his cigar. "Tell me, what is the most meaningful thing you read from the manifesto you are holding."

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - Weras - 05-26-2013

She didn't even had to think for a moment. "Not instead of the masses, but together with them", she responded. "Katz's whole mindset in the chapter on terrorism impressed me. It is such a good reminder that the chains, the people lie in, have to be broken, without breaking the people. No leader, nor god or king or tribune can break the chains of the people. Only we can liberate ourselves", Lea finished with a free quote from Katz. "Too many so called revolutionaries forget that it's more than just anarchy. They tend to exterminate everything and forget about their true power - the people. Weapons can destabilize houses, but the revolution is won by barricades and pitchforks." Drinking her own glass in one aswell, she finally leaned back in her chair.

RE: Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 05-26-2013

The Commissar nodded with a grin. "Very good observation. I can see the fire and passion in your eyes, just like what your sister was known for." Alexandrov nodded in approval, reached underneath the desk, grabbed some papers, and slid it in front of Lea. "Go fill this out. I can see the potential in you, in becoming a great soldier of the Coalition." Alexandrov walked towards the single window in his office, looking out towards space. Right before Lea left the room he said to her, "I trust you will make your sister proud, wherever she may be."