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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Husher - 08-04-2008

[[Incoming transmission]]
[[From Sub-LT J.Mctyre]]
[[Location: Crewquaters Deck 15 BS Missouri]]
[[To: Liberty command]]
[[Initiating upload]]

Goodday sirs.

*Today i was sitting with my squadronmates in the mess hall and we played a few rounds of poker.
Under the game we had a discussion going about weaponsconfigurations on oure fighters.*

*Some were saying we are not allowed too use other weapons than navy and civilians, but i found this in the weaponrules of the navy.*


Weapons of Liberty construction are approved for use by pilots along with two trophy weapons subject to approval of a commanding officer before their deployment.

*Now we were wondering what is ment with trophy weapons??*

*I had a other question but i dont think it is appropiate too ask it in this way*.

*Ill head back too the game now some people ow me lots of credits*.

signed Joe Mctyre

[[Ending transmission]]

Liberty Forces Message dump - TDLdark - 08-05-2008

****Incoming Transmission****
----ID: Ensign Mike Ypsilanti----

I was having trouble sleeping, so I slipped away to the Naval Office to pick up my ship and do a late night patrol. Shortly after launching, I found myself in Connecticut, where there was a training event. Noticing that Manhattan long range scanners picked up multiple potential pirates, I immediately went to NY.

The problem was worse then I could possible imagine. Outside, a pirate gunboat by the name of Basilisk and a bomber by the name of Onyx Wolffe were waiting outside in an ambush. Seeing the ambush, I quickly smacked the cruise button and made both pirates eat my space dust, and I darted to Manhattan. At Manhattan, I was dismayed to find 2 more pirates, one also a gunboat. In addition, they had plagued the mind of a mercenary to work for them.

Running to West Point, I found 2 allies, =LSF=Flint.B, and Vape12. Realizing we would lose agaisnt such a pirate force, I turned to run, but I realized that I could not abandon my allies, and I joined in with their doomed ambush.

Flint was the first to fall, the gunboats targeted his bomber first. Shortly after, Vape was torpedoed. Amazed at the quick destruction of my allies, I now turned to flee, since with the escape pods of both pilots, it was too risky for my ship to be destroyed. Turning to Manhattan, then Norfolk, only the have the Trade Lanes disrupted, I finally managed to dodge my way around until we has miraculously docked with West Point. Running to the bar, I looked out in time to see a entire Navy Cruiser patrol fall to the hands of the rogue, who soon left, gloating about their victory.

It was horrible, but I was happy I managed to salvage the escape pods of both Flint and Vape. My ship was badly damaged, my left wing is missing, and the repairs will take quite some time.

****End Transmission****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Husher - 08-06-2008

[[Incoming message]]
[[From: Sub-LT J. Mctyre]]
[[to Liberty high command]]

Missionreport NY/CT3

Goodday sirs

I just rechieved a missionreport from the hidalgo.
I think it has some information you should see.

Goodday joe

Here a update on the trade runs we made today.

Today we made almost 15 mil credits on oure trades into bretonia.
It seems they were in serious need of optronics

This morning we ran into this person i think liberty should have a eye out for this guy, see photofile i included.
He left trough the hudson system.

[Image: screen890vd7.png]

After that incident we ran into big trouble in front of manhattan..
We were attacked by 3 gunboats after demanding 1 mil from us.
Offcourse we denied and a firefight was going.
My gunners opend fire and managed too lower the shields of 1 GB twice.
But the other 2 GB's were on my tail and kept firing, we did not stand a change against them.
[Image: screen899pc2.png]
With massive damage we headed for Norfolk.
The emergency repairs costed us 4 mil credits.
We also had too leave 4 man in the hospital because of burning wounds.

After extensive emergency repairs we headed for bretonia again, than my radiooperator was contacted by =LSF=evangelion who offered too escort us too Bretonia.
I accepted this offer with the accident of the attack in my mind, a escort wouldn't be that bad.
Well this trip was a easy one only some minor attacks from hackers and rogeus the LSF pilot took care of that.

Thats it for now, will you greetz youre father from me Joe?
I havent seen that old man man for over 8 months now, speak you soon.

Capt westmore.

Well thats it for now sirs.
I think this is all the relevant information in the files, i think you are not interested in fuelstatistics etc.
If yes tell me and i will send them too you.

Signing off J. Mctyre.

[[End transmission]]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Tranquillity - 08-07-2008

***Incomming Transmission***
***Target ID: Liberty navy***

I would like to buy an liberty capitalship if it's possible, I have an battlecruizer in mind, but i might go for the dreadnought.

I hope to hear form you soon,

Tagg: Bounty hunter
ID: Bounty hunter

*** End transmission***

Liberty Forces Message dump - TDLdark - 08-08-2008

****Incoming Transmission****
----ID: Ensign Mike Ypsilantis----

Today the LR decided to launch a large assualt. Upon checking into the Naval Offices, I was told to board and launch my ship immediately. Upon launch, I entered our secure naval comm and was enformed of a large LR strike team in Texas. Heading to Norfolk, I joined with several LSF pilots, Officer Ryan MacTavish, and the gunboat Galactica. Traveling towards the Texas JG, we discovered the LRs had moved into NY, and we engaged them.

There were 4 enemy ships, and slowly, we strafed our way to Norfolk, where the Missouri opened fire. Soon, another LR joined the fight, and one LSF agent's ship was destroyed. Lucky, the Missouri's long range tractor beam picked up the escape pod quickly. Meanwhile, a Bounty Hunter attack group arrived, consisting of a gunboat and a destroyer. The LR fled, but luckily, one was trapped and his ship was soon destroyed.

[Image: flrogueassualt.jpg]

****End Transmission****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Alexander Draconis - 08-08-2008

---Incomming Data Packet---
Source: West Point Academy

From: Dryson

Here are the images I captured while on station at Pueblo during tonight's encounter with Outcast, Xeno, and Rogue ships. Officers present can fill in details.

For the record, I've never seen such a complete turnaround. Well flown ladies and gents.

Dryson out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - VincentFerrex - 08-08-2008

|::Incoming Message
|::Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Valence Harper
|::To: Bounty Hunter Carl-Tomas
|::Opening Message

I need to inform you that we do not allow Bounty Hunters, or any such person, other than a member of the Liberty Navy, to use one of our capital ships. We will not allow anyone other than a member of the Navy to use even a Cruiser, or Gunboat, let alone a Battlecruiser, or one of our finest Dreadnoughts.

So, in short...


Sincerely, Lieutenant Commander Valence Harper.

|::Message Ended

Liberty Forces Message dump - kingvaillant - 08-08-2008

' Wrote:
[Image: neuralnetbertyberty_flag.gif]

Disrespect to the laws is severely punished

  1. Licenses Registration

    Vessels carrying less than 50 units of non-stackable equipment with the ambition of arms dealing or storage are to pay 3 millions of Sirius credits,

    Vessels carrying up to 50 units and higher of non-stackable equipment with the ambition of arms dealing or storage are to pay 5 millions of Sirius credits,

    Vessels carrying any kind of nomadic equipment are to pay 5 millions of Sirius credits, in order to obtain proper papers for dealing arms, storing equipment or possessing nomadic materials safely within Liberty.

    Unlicensed vessels will be escorted out of Liberty until they obtain a License.

    Nomadic materials those need a naval license in Liberty space are as follows,
    • Nomad Brain(s)
    • Nomad(s)
    • Nomad Cannon(s)
    • Nomad Blaster(s)
    • Nomad Thruster(s)
    • Nomad Power Cell(s)
    • Any other Nomad equipment, such as Capital Ship Nomad Turrets
    Retrieved from BPA Nomad Licensure

    Address to get registered
  2. Foreign Battleship class vessels ban

    All Battleship class ships from any foreign nations are permanently banned from Liberty for security reasons due to the rising tension between Liberty and Rheinland and political instabilities in Liberty. Liberty government will, from now, not tolerates any violator since they could be labeled as a ship trying to take power of Liberty space.

    However, permissions to fly in Liberty might be granted to some Battleship pilots for the following reasons:
    • Diplomatic purposes with the Liberty Government
    • Rendezvous with bankers that are in Liberty to do a transfer
    • Flying through Liberty to get to another system
    • For Emergency Repairs
    • Rendezvous with an Arms dealer
    The concerned pilot must make a request to an officer in charge of the Navy, Liberty security force or Liberty police inc. If a pilot dares to enter Liberty Illegally, (s)he will be nullified.
  3. Ship series ban

    On the same note, The following ships series, regardless who is flying them, are banned from Liberty:
    • Rheinland Military Vessels
    • Outcast Vessels
    • Corsairs Vessels
    • Rogue Vessels
    • Lane Hacker Vessels
    • Order Vessels
    • Nomad Vessels
    • Huntress Cruiser
    • Talarca Cruiser
    Entering territory with those ships will be illegal and the offender will have to leave the governement space
  4. Trade Embargo with Rheinland

    After the Rheinland Military has entered illegaly our territory, Liberty Government has instated an Embargo on all items heading to and from Rheinland. Only ships transporting humans will be allowed to circulate between both nations. Ships trying to pass will be asked to drop their cargo or to change route; if they don't comply they will be destroyed
  5. Liberty Penal Code

    Violent Crimes
    • Kidnapping; Defined as the unlawful holding of an individual or individuals against their will by another individual or group of individuals, most commonly applied to the holding of lawful pilots in cargo holds. Penalty is 2,000,000 credits.
    • Slavery; Defined as the commercial enterprise of selling captive individuals, most commonly applied to holding slaves in ones cargo hold for the intent of commercial profit. Penalty for less then 2500 slaves is 2,000,000. Penalty for more than 2500 slaves is 4,000,000 credits.
    • Piracy; Defined as the unlawful coercion of the owner or owners of a vehicle or vehicles to render their resources towards the offender. Most commonly applied to vessels attempting to impose taxation upon traders. Penalty is death.
    • Assault, Attempted murder and/or Murder; Defined as the unlawful attacking of one individual or individuals by another individual or individuals with intent to Unsuccessfully/successfully damage or terminate said person or persons. Most commonly applied to one vessel attacking another with intend to cause harm. Penalty is death.
    Corporate Crimes
    • Violation of Trade Secrets; Defined as the violation of the implicit confidential and lawful trade practices of a commercial entity. Most commonly applied to non-Ageira or Ageira-authorised holders of Gate/Lane parts. Penalty is 500,000 credits.
    • Dealing of Arms to Pirates and terrorists; Defined as dealing of arms to piratical entities. Most commonly applied to those who deliver Light Arms or Military Vehicles to Liberty Rogue and Lane Hacker bases. Penalty for less than 2500 tons is 2,000,000. Penalty for more than 2500 tons is 4,000,000 credits.
    • Dealing of Arms to Class 0 Terrorist Groups; Defined as dealing of arms to groups classified as Class 0 Terrorist groups by the Liberty Security Force. Most commonly applied to those who deliver Light Arms or Military Vehicles to Order, Hellfire Legion or Phantom bases. Penalty is death.
    • Unlicensed Possession or Dealing of Alien Artifacts, Synthetic marijuana, Cardamine and/or Counterfeit software; Defined as the unlicensed possession or dealing of illegal goods. Most commonly applied to those who possess or trade Contraband without a special collectors or license. Penalty for dealing of less than 2500 tons is 2,000,000 credits, penalty for dealing of more than 2500 tons is 4,000,000 credits.
    • Unlicensed Possession of Nomadic Entities; Defined as the Theft of Nomadic entities. Most commonly applied to those who possess or trade Nomad equipment or Brains without a special Cambridge or Willard Research Institute license. Penalty for unlicensed possession or trading is death. Anything in a Nomad vessel will be shot.
    Governmental Crimes
    • Treachery; Defined as the betrayal of an ideal, group, ideology. Most commonly applied to those who betray their House, reveal or discuss entrusted state secrets, provide aid and comfort to the enemy or work as spies against Liberty. Penalty is death.
    • Impersonation of senior Navy or LSF staff; Defined as the impersonation of senior agents of a naval force or the Liberty Security Force. Most commonly applied to those attempting to impersonate Liberty Navy or LSF officers of Captain (Navy) or Deputy Departmental Supervisor (LSF) rank or above. (ex: Claiming to be Brian Copeland or Ft.Adm.Woolsey)Penalty is 4,000,000 credits.
    • Theft of a Navy or LSF snub vessel; Defined as theft of a naval or LSF fighter or bomber. Most commonly applied to those who fly Raven Claws, Avengers or Guardians (Defenders and Executioners are sold publicly as surplus) without special permission or membership (ID) of the LSF or Liberty Navy. Penalty is 2,000,000 credits.
    • Theft of a Navy capital vessel; Defined as theft of a naval or LSF capital vessel. Most commonly applied to those who fly Liberty Gunboats, Liberty Cruisers, Liberty Carriers or Liberty Dreadnoughts without permission or membership (ID) of the LSF or Liberty Navy. Penalty is 4,000,000 credits.
    Restricted Areas
    • Virginia
      The entirety of the Virginia system is a restricted area to all non-military traffic under Liberty law. Permission of senior staff of the Liberty Navy or Liberty Security Force is required to enter, and approval of the Fleet Admiral is required for a permanent right of passage. Liberty Navy and Security personnel are authorized to stop, search and eject pilots under threat of lethal force within this area.
    • Zone 21
      [Image: screen194uk5.png]
      The entirety of Zone 21 and the surrounding minefield is a restricted area to all traffic except senior staff of the Liberty Navy and Liberty Security Force or entities directly authorized by them. Permanent passage may only be given by cosignature of the LSF Director and one of Libertys 2 Fleet Admirals. Lethal force is authorized towards any non-military vessels which attempt to trespass, and military trespass may be punishable by suspension or warning. Only ONE warning will be given towards any vessel attempting to breach Zone 21, which if not heeded will result in the destruction and kill on sight status of the offending ship. In the system itself, all unauthorized ships, except those that are LSF/LN IDed/IFFed, will be destroyed without warning

From the Bureau of laws enforcement
[Image: neuralnetbertyberty_flag.gif]

:Incomming transmission:
:Comm ID: David Copperfield:
:Password * * * * * :
:Opening message:

To All pilots,

Please read the laws, I have noticed on flight patrols that some of you weren't aware of some rules, thus creating a lot of confusion.

Thank you for reading,
D. Copperfield

:end of transmission:

Liberty Forces Message dump - PliantReality - 08-08-2008

...................connecting...........attempting decrypt..........................
..................scanning contents.......................................................
No viruses detected
No file corruptions detected

Downloading message..........................

Dear Sirs or Madams,

I have taken certain precautions in order to maintain the security and privacy of me as a sender. I would ask you suspend your immediate suspicion for a moment, and humor my request.

I would like to speak to a ranking official in the Liberty Naval on a matter of some delicacy - I would take it as a kindness if the chosen representative were one of both discretion and suitable authority. (OORP - PM)

What I offer, it is my hope, will be worth the headache this encrypted and rather vague message is bound to cause.

Many thanks,

[Message terminated.]
Saving data to secure server..............Forwarding..................
.....Tracing Source..........................Trace Failed...................
[Transmission Connection Ended.]

Liberty Forces Message dump - SevereTrinity - 08-09-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Commander Stephanie Malaign]
[To: High Command]

Well, just coming to say that I'm back, I was on Curacao for a while, about 3 weeks, and, as I have returned, I would just like to say well done to all the new recruits who were admitted, and to the promotions, which were well deserved from what I saw in the reports.

[End Transmission]