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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 01-03-2012

[Image: comxu.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: Commandant's Office, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Low.
Priority: Low.
Subject: Hispania Memorandum

[color=#FFFF00]Junior-Lieutenant Jordan Nowell is hereby awarded the Hispania Memorandum.

Continue to serve the Coalition with the same due diligence and professionalism and you will go far comrade.

That is all.

Long live the Coaliiton!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 01-03-2012

ID:Junior-Lieutenant Dmitry Dubovik
Target:SCRA Units

:Message Begins:

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Greetings Comrades. Today, while patroling Omega 52 with Revolution bomber, I got a message from our defence force about trespasser into our space. This was a Mercenary on Eagle. I started to locate him, and finded that he jumped to Omega 50. I folowed him and cought him near Boa Vista staion.
He was good armed with 2 Debs and 4 Medusas. He started to say that he was just a recearcher and all, but I did not believed him and started attack on trespasser. After long batle I noticed that Im loosing battle. Fortunatly to me enemy was already empty with CDs, so escaping from him was not hard. Of cource he started claiming me and SCRA as cowards. But as Comrade Rhade said: ''Dead pilot - usless pilot''.
That all. Long live The Coalition!

Attached files: 1 2 3 4 5 6

:Message Ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-04-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Comrades of the Coalition!

Today I bring you news of the first major engagement that XKR Fighter craft participated in. We were preparing for a training mission when RECON reported a Corsair Battlegroup moving to Omicron Alpha. Under the assumption that the Outcasts would not fire on those assisting them, and considering the Corsairs were far from reinforcements we made our way to Alpha.

Unfortunately, the recent Ion Storms have destabilized some of the Jumpholes. Thankfully, Comrade Lanakov was familiar with the area and led us through the Sigma's into Omicron Beta and finally Alpha. Upon arrival we were immediately hit by an Ion Storm but we quickly recovered and arrived near Malta.

Oddly enough, the Corsair fleet was closest to Malta, with the Outcast fleet being closer to the Hispania. Regardless, I demanded that the Corsair fleet surrender and that they would be spared. Unsurprisingly, we were met only with silence and weapons fire so we activated our weaponry and engaged.

Halfway through the engagement XTF Forces engaged Coalition Bombers, and despite us telling them we're here for the Corsairs, they maintained fire. Going so far as to say the following line. Even after we came here to assist them.

[Image: kill8n.jpg]

Unfazed, we ignored the Outcasts and continued our attack on the Corsairs. Finally, we had enough, and fired on A Ranseur and a Storta, destroying them both. Unfortunately, an Ion Storm caught us off guard so the Guncam information for the Ranseur is missing.

The Ion Storms intensified, but thankfully the Outcasts were affected too. Using this time we managed to escape to Tau-37 where we returned home uneventfully.

Unfortunately, Comrade Ivanovici's Bomber was crippled when a lucky Antimatter shot hit her reactor. Thankfully, I managed to tractor in her pod before the Outcasts could capture her.

Overall, we destroyed numerous Corsair capital ships as well as two Outcast Capitals, only losing one easily replaced Revolution Bomber. An excellent first engagement for the XKR Series.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 01-04-2012

>>>[color=#000000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION<<<

[Image: ketsumdpic.png]

[color=#FF0000]>>>[color=#000000]REPORT BEGINS -

Sortie Report
Myself, Colonel Rhade, Major Coronel, and Major Warner, mobilized to provide Bomber support to a Hessian battleship of the new "Jormugand" class.
Upon arrival to Omega 41, we found several fighter class corsair ships, most bearing "ECG|" Identifiers. Along with two "Legate" class heavy Battleships.
While we inflicted severe damage on both battleships, they fled. As well, the hessian Jormugand was destroyed.
No losses on our side, but no kills either. As Colonel Rhade said "A victory is still a victory"

>>>[color=#000000]UPLOADING DATA

>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000321
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000323
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000326
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000327
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000329
[color=#FF0000]For the Red Dawn!

>>>[color=#000000]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED[color=#FF0000]<<<

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-04-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Well, today was a little too close for comfort.

Starting the day assembling a Bomber Squadron, we proceeded to Omicron Gamma where some RF Capital Ships were engaged. Unfortunately, massive Ion Storms and the fact that the RF already heavily out-numbered the Corsairs, we pulled back to Omega-5.

Unfortunately, one of our vessels was ambushed by a Corsair Titan, so we immediately moved in to surround it. Giving it the opportunity to surrender, it refused and challenged one of us to a duel.

Unfortunately, in my haste I failed to remember one key thing. This is not what a Bomber is designed for. It was a close fight, with the Corsair slowly whittling down my hull integrity. Finally, in the last few moments, a wave of clarity overcame me and reflex's took over, causing my Antimatter Cannon to strike true, eliminating the enemy.

An unpleasantly learned lesson, but a lesson none the less.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 01-06-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Major.

Subject: *CLASSIFIED*/Combat Report ( * Only visable to those Lt.Colonel or above* )


"Comrades, today I embarked on a journey to the Omega-58 System, upon entry to the Omega-55 System I noticed several Benitez fighter wrecks near the '55 side to Omega-5. Likely a family patrol gone wrong as they had very faint readings of energy fire consistent with subjects found in Omicron Systems and forces previously encountered in the Omega-Sector.

I scouted previous Wilde installations and found they have been heavily fortified and modified for reasons unknown at this time. Upon reaching the entrance to Omega-58 I noticed a new Installation below the Jumphole, I took a quick reading for R&D to dissect before penetrating the defense web of the station and it's controlled turrets and breached Omega-58.

What I found on the other side was a disaster zone, clouds of small particles and large chunks of rocky debris impeded my path, from what I was able to determine, the Gate and installations previously present have been detonated by the occupants of Omega-55/58 for reasons unknown. Leaving behind a massive debris/particle nebula with a Neutron Star in the center.

As a side-affect two new Jumpholes had apparently formed, leading to Omega-41 and Omega-47, a wreck was detected of Hessian origin but wasn't inspected closely. Will make an attempt to return to the site to determine exact origins of the Hessian vessel and any recoverable data from it's flight recorders.

From there I left to Omega-41 whose details will be elaborated on in the De-Classified report."


"Comrades, today I along with members of the Red Hessian Armee defeated the Cannibals in their own home, two fighters of the Benitez family were forced to retreat and a old friend in the ECG group was confirmed to be shot down by myself along with the Red Hessians chasing his ship.

The XKR Series thus far is proving to be a valuable asset to the Coalition Fighter Corps and I would recommend continued production of the model.

Glory to the Revolution!"

Guncam ( * is Classified )

Fortified Base A*

Fortified Base B*

New Wilde Facility*

Omega-58 Map*

ECG Shot down

Enemy Retreat Messages

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 01-06-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID:Ben Warner, Major

Subject: Supplemental Report.

"While Comrade Stroganov and I were updating our maps of the Omcirons and gathered hull scrapings off of some of the ships involved in the Omicron Minor incident, we encountered a large-scale battle in the Corsair's territory against the Hessians of the Red Hessian Army and the Rot Front.

We moved to intercept and engage enemy snub-fighters, downing 4 over a period of time through combined fire, detonating enemy ordinance and superior equipment use.

After Stroganov had to leave I remained behind and provided continued support against enemy snub-fighters. We successfully ambushed an Enemy Osiris on the Gamma side of the 41 Jumphole and obliterated it as it's escorts desperately tried to save the ship to no avail. I also got an extra kill against the ECG as one tried to retreat in Omega-41 through the Jumphole to Gamma, I was waiting for him and he hit several Nuclear Mines, causing his ship to be destroyed within milliseconds.

The Hessians took several losses, but the enemy will be nursing it's wounds for quite some time after this bloody nose we gave them.

For the Revolution!"


Corsair Downed

Corsair Downed

Corsair Downed

Corsair Downed

Osiris Ambushed and Destroyed

Corsair Downed

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Reid - 01-07-2012

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Jordan Nowell
Subject: Combat Report

[Image: 25pitkx.jpg]

[color=#FFFFFF]Today we had reports of Hessians and Corsairs fighting in our backyard, Omega-5. Comrade Warner, Minner, Carter and I launched our ships to intercept. Both forces were right outside Cadiz base, and we engaged. There weren't any losses on either side for awhile, then an Osiris appeared from the base. The Corsair forces scattered when three Hessian battleships showed up to counter the Osiris, and we pursued. The fight continued for a few moments in Omega-41, but then moved to outside Battleship Fes in Omega-47. we were only there for seconds before massive ion storms hit our ships. As we regained control of our ships, we pulled out back to Omega 52.

Total death count:
Three Corsair fighters
One Corsair fighter docked under fire
No Hessian or SCRA deaths.

[color=#000000]>>Displaying attached files


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 01-07-2012

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: Trail of Blood

[Image: 2qukh0w.png]
Forge here.

I bring grave news Comrades. Another of our men has fallen. Captain Sergei Levashov is, at this time, missing in action. I have no idea what has transpiried, only that Captain Levashov's Insurgent has gone missing. I am sure the Commissariat wil investigate.

In the meanwhile, comrades. The trail of blood will not end. Do not let this weaken you! May Levashov's memory strengthen your resolve!

For Katz! For Levashov! For the Revolution!

Forge Out!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 01-08-2012

[Image: comxu.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: Commandant's Office, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Low.
Priority: Low.
Subject: Corsair attack.

[color=#FFFF00]Well done on a successful raid on Crete. The defiant Corsairs refused to fight their Elders, so once again suffered our wrath.

Battling through severe Ion Storms, we managed to cripple an Osiris, destroy another and remove a gunboat from the battlefield. Our fighter squadrons also brought down a number of Snub craft. Including a somewhat lucky kill from Colonel Rhade's Nova torpedo. Perhaps Comrade Lanakov can learn a thing or two.

I even managed to get on the scoresheet myself with a well executed SNAC kill. The Revolution is a deadly beast at such things.


Long live the Coaliiton!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.