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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Groshyr - 01-16-2021

[Image: d6ssy00.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual

Encryption: Queen's Mercy
To: BAF Reporting Archive
From: Captain Karen Turner

[Image: GBdqFpF.png]

To the attention of Armed Forces Command.

The Mollys and their allies among the Coalition had tried to defend this station but all their effort was in vain. The Armed Forces, thanks to our strategy and technological advancement, managed to breach the defence around the so-called Goldern Coin station and collapse its reactor. This caused an explosion inside the station, and the following difference of pressure, or rather lacks pressure outside the station, turned it into barely recognizable scrap.

As the conclusion, the operation is complete with minimal losses but significant damage to the ships participated, they will proceed to Portsmouth Shipyard for repairs. Last moments of station's exsistance attached to this report.

Serving the Queen and her Kingdom,
Karen Isabella Turner
Captain, HMS Queen Eleanor
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kalhmera - 03-20-2021

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Imperial
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Admirality
From: Flag Officer Laura Remes

Good Day Admirals,

I come to report a breach in our Laws. All of Bretonian Armed Forces Primary Fleet ships must have access to any Modular base within her majesties territoriy. However one station does not allow us these rights. It would be Falster Station located in Omega-3 The proper evidence has been relayed to you now. I stand ready awaiting your orders.

Evidence: X|

With Respect,

Lady Laura Remes
Flag Officer
Former Aid To The First Sea Lord
Bretonian Armed Forces, Auxiliary

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kalhmera - 03-20-2021

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Imperial
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Admirality
From: Flag Officer Laura Remes

Good Day Admirals,

I apologize for another transmission but I was not aware I would be finding something else to report so soon. There is an illegal base in Cortez that is not registered with our Government. It is called Space Market Center. it does allow docking rights. Module base appears to be in its second stage of construction. Awaiting your orders.

Evidence: X|

With Respect,

Lady Laura Remes
Flag Officer
Former Aid To The First Sea Lord
Bretonian Armed Forces, Auxiliary

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Miaou - 03-22-2021

[Image: C0pwTr8.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Lt. Commander Otto Bailey, behalf of Commander Malachy Marshall

Speaking on behalf of Commander Malachy, the Battlegroup Goliath has moved to the bordering worlds to support and engage the growing issues plaguing those systems. Current operations are designed to set a forward base of operations and get a handle on the situation.

Initial intel shows that House Liberty is interested in keeping the system of Coronado secure, as well as the Cortez system. The Goliath will engage the task of supporting and supplying the battlegroup's vessels while it's supporting ships the Kippax and Shockoe assist the local Republic.

Otto Bailey
Lt. Commander
Goliath Battlegroup
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 04-01-2021

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Pranava Mantra
From: Commodore John Khatri

This report is about an enemy installation found in the Edinburgh System.

The BHG tip-off in the bounty board was true. There indeed is a hostile space station by Planet Glenn in Edinburgh. There were no weapon platforms, but its IFF is flashing hostile. Its name is Deep Ellum Station, it is a level 2 base and it is apparently starting to suffer from improper maintenance. I will try to contact them first to avoid a misunderstanding. I will give them 24 hours to respond.


जॉन खत्री
Commander-in-Chief of Oversector South
Bretonian Armed Forces

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Miaou - 04-07-2021

[Image: C0pwTr8.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Medium
From: Commander Malachy Marshall

With Battlegroup Goliath operating in the border worlds, I was operating the Kippax outside of Planet Curacao. Suddenly, a Rheinland Gunboat appeared from around the planet. Ordering to cease movement resulted in it stopping. However, when informing the vessel it was in violation of The Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law, specifically law 4.4, and in violation of the Treaty of Curacao.

The vessel, once scanned, was registered to the Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (BDM), a Rheinlandic militarized organization. It denied Bretonia's control of the system of Cortez, denying the Treaty of Curacao. When attempting to inform the vessel that its attempt to ignore our rightful claim and they have no right to question such, it resisted giving any explanation and attempted to flee into Coronado. A Cryterian vessel was on scene and refuted their movement into the system, disrupting their movements. As the vessel fled, I was forced to fire upon it.

The vessel turned and crash-moored onto Planet Curacao after taking minor damage. It attempted to cite this interaction as a declaration of war. Situation deescalated soon afterwards.

The Rheinlandic Gunboat had a cloaking device as well as a Hyperspace Matrix installed onto the vessel.

Vessel Scan 1: <>
Vessel Scan 2: <>
Vessel Scan 3: <>
Vessel Scan 4: <>
Combat Image: <>
Crash Mooring: <>

Malachy Marshall
Goliath Battlegroup
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kalhmera - 04-16-2021

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Imperial
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Admirality
From: Flag Officer Laura Remes

Good Day Admirals,

Our Fleet had set a course to the Taus where we came across a Gallic Armada consisting of at least six Valors, one Council Redemption, a Gallic Battlecruiser with a small assortment of fighters and Bombers. Our Fleet consisted of Three Dunkirks, Aid from two FLG Bombers and one Carrier. Although heavily out numbered the loss of Planet Leeds and our brothers and sisters from Liberty, drove us to push through this overwhelming force and defeat the enemy. We sustained minimal losses but S.A.R. were able to recover most of our men from the disabled Carrier. All three Dunkirks, Cambridge, Defiance, and Camelot sustained heavy damage but was able to make it back to Portsmouth Shipyard on their own will. Battlecruiser Warspite also sustained damage but was able to make it back to port on their own. This was a battle well fought and won but this is only the tip of the iceberg. Enclave has merged with Gallia once more and the threat of their merging is now higher than it has ever been. We must be vigilant.

Evidence: X|

With Respect,

Lady Laura Remes
Flag Officer
Former Aid To The First Sea Lord
Bretonian Armed Forces, Auxiliary

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - esf345 - 07-14-2021

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: BAF DIS
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Admirality
From: Lieutenant Sojika Skoja

July 14th, 828

i was patrolling the Dublin system and found a freelancer by the name of Rokumonsen to which i asked him to stop so i could scan his cargo and he had nomad remains to which i asked them to drop the remains and they refused, going off towards the Leeds jump hole, i chased them to Leeds into the orbit of Planet Leeds at a derelict gallic destroyer, i asked them again to drop the remains, they did not comply and attacked, after several minutes i had to break off towards Durham Outpost and they also broke off as well

Evidence: Audio log (chat log)

[14.07.2021 08:28:08] BAF|Lte.Skoja: please stop so i may check your cargo
[14.07.2021 08:28:22] Rokumonsen: Engine stopped.
[14.07.2021 08:30:34] BAF|Lte.Skoja: you have illeagal items
[14.07.2021 08:30:49] Rokumonsen: Are you sure? Must be a scan malfunction.
[14.07.2021 08:30:57] BAF|Lte.Skoja: please drop the nomad remains
[14.07.2021 08:31:53] Rokumonsen: The nomad rem...? Oh.
[14.07.2021 08:32:22] Rokumonsen: These are illegal in House Bretonia, Lieutenant?
[14.07.2021 08:32:31] BAF|Lte.Skoja: yes
[14.07.2021 08:32:42] Rokumonsen: Well, that's unfortunate.
[14.07.2021 08:32:44] BAF|Lte.Skoja: materials and remains
[14.07.2021 08:33:39] Rokumonsen: Forgive me, it's been a while I haven't visited House Bretonia.
[14.07.2021 08:33:53] Rokumonsen: I just saw the orbit has been cleared up?
[14.07.2021 08:34:37] BAF|Lte.Skoja: you have 30 seconds to drop the noman remains
[14.07.2021 08:34:49] Rokumonsen: Hm... Right. To the point.
[14.07.2021 08:35:17] Rokumonsen: I will decline then. Good luck.
[14.07.2021 08:36:53] Rokumonsen: Do we really need to do this?
[14.07.2021 08:36:58] Rokumonsen: We could just have a chat.
[14.07.2021 08:38:52] Rokumonsen: I will happily stop if you stop firing.
[14.07.2021 08:39:12] Rokumonsen: Damn. That destroyer still hasn't been disposed of.
[14.07.2021 08:39:38] BAF|Lte.Skoja: now drop the remains
[14.07.2021 08:39:54] Rokumonsen: You are very to the point, Lieutenant Skoja, I admire that.
[14.07.2021 08:40:29] Rokumonsen: But we are not enemies, I believe.
[14.07.2021 08:40:41] Rokumonsen: I'm a former Bowex employee.
[14.07.2021 08:41:01] BAF|Lte.Skoja: stop and drop them
[14.07.2021 08:41:22] Rokumonsen: I'm afraid I cannot do that, Lieutenant Skoja.
[14.07.2021 08:41:41] Rokumonsen: Oh you...
[14.07.2021 08:43:20] Rokumonsen: Well then..
[14.07.2021 08:43:25] Rokumonsen: I guess we will have to fight.
[14.07.2021 08:48:54] Rokumonsen: Can we stop now?
[14.07.2021 08:48:57] Rokumonsen: Righto.

Report by,

Sojika Skoja
Bretonian Armed Forces, Officers

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - esf345 - 07-16-2021

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: BAF DIS
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Admirality
From: Lieutenant Sojika Skoja

July 15th, 828

there reports from lawful ships of molly pirate transport at the Stokes wreckage in the Leeds system, so i went there as fast as possible and when i arrived on the scene it was committing piracy of on lawful transport to which it diverted to me and opened fire on me, while i am piloting a Dragoon S.H.F. which is more for fights of the same size i still engaged even when out gunned from pitbull pirate train, and after a grueling twenty minute battle it was finally destroyed after exhausting my ammo, batteries, and nearly half of my nanobots. For record purposes the molly pirate IFF name was /\l-Transport and the lawful victom IFF name was Wiljan

Evidence: Audio log (chat log)

[15.07.2021 23:22:23] BAF|Lte.Skoja: Molly
[15.07.2021 23:22:34] Wiljan: HELP!!
[15.07.2021 23:22:39] /\l-Transport: BAF SCum
[15.07.2021 23:24:05] Death: Wiljan was put out of action by /\l-Transport (Gun).
[15.07.2021 23:37:19] /\l-Transport: a draw?
[15.07.2021 23:43:52] /\l-Transport: gotta go..
[15.07.2021 23:44:12] Death: /\l-Transport was put out of action by BAF|Lte.Skoja (Gun).

Report by,

Sojika Skoja
Bretonian Armed Forces, Officers

Open to Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Erremnart - 07-18-2021

[Image: d6ssy00.png]

Message Class: Audio-Visual

Encryption: Lipton
To: BAF officers and BAF|A/BRF Orders
From: Acting Captain Anna Kwiatkowska

[Image: 31UoLUD.png]

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

Based on my personal experience aboard HMS Tiger and reports from various civilian and non-military entities, I would advice extra caution around northern borders of Bretonia and Cortez.

In Taus - I have received reports about Kusarian smugglers, mainly Golden Chrysanthemums, who are using Bretonia as a safe route for their smugglers. There have been also brief sightings of some unknown vessels in the Taus, although I have not received more concrete details about it.

In Cortez - There are reports of "Fleur" royalists speaking about the King Charles like he is some sort of god. Nevertheless, they are armed and dangerous and will attack any Bretonian warships on sight.

With all this - I update new standing orders for the Auxiliary and BRF assets:
  • Do not enter Cortez, Tau-31 and Edinburgh unsupported.
  • Stay clear of debris fields, smog clouds and nebulas and maintain a safe distance from them.
  • When you are in a cruiser-sized vessels and below - feel free to interdict and inspect any suspicious vessels with Kusarian or Gallic IFFs when no on-duty BPA officers are around.
  • Do not use 'Jump Holes' unless absolutely necessary for maintaining order and security within Bretonia. Always remember to contact local space control and inform them that you are entering such anomaly.
  • Always maintain professional composure when on-duty. BAF slang is permitted.

In service to Her Majesty the Queen,

Anna Kwiatkowska
Acting Captain, HMS Tiger
BAF Auxiliary Fleet

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