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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Shaggy - 04-07-2016

[img float=left][/img]
[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Finley Kohan
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ High

Guten Tag,

Another patrol report coming in this one involves two different patrols, first one was a patrol alongside two other Military officers, we ended up in Omega 11 and managed to intercept and destroy three Red Hessian fighters.

The second patrol was within New Berlin and it was half way from Dortmund Station and the Hamburg Jumpgate, where I spotted four BHD ships, three were fighters and there was a gunboat also there. Being a solo fighter I immediately called for reinforcements to even the numbers out and all BHD were destroyed. All files are being attached now.

Attaching all files now.


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Zyliath - 04-18-2016

<< Incoming Transmission >>

<< Sender: Feldwebel Karl Verstappen >>
<< Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin >>
<< Subject: Heartfelt resignation >>

<< Encryption: High >>
<< Priority: Highest >>

Guten abend. Verstappen, reporting.

It is with heavy heart that I resign my rank as Rheinwehr Feldwebel.
This decision has been thought on and pondered for some time now, and I though this day.
I thank Rheinland and the Rheinwehr for giving me the possibility to serve the Vaterland.
I decided to depart from Rheinland, headed to the Omicrons. I won't be returning back.
But...if I happen to pop back in Rheinland, I will make sure to hail you up if I encounter you again.
This is everything. I have already donned my civilian outfit and left my uniform in my locker room onboard the Strausberg.
My ships have been stripped of the identification, weaponry etc. and are being recycled.
My Wraith will be the ship I will depart with.
So long, my friends.

Karl Verstappen, over and out.

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Kanzler Niemann - 04-24-2016

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Liam Engel
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ High
[Encryption:]__ High

Guten Tag,

Today we had a large-scale patrol starting from Stuttgart and Omega-11 key of this patrol was to secure Daumann Heavy Construction transports and miners in Omega-11 system.
Our rv point was Battleship Karlsruhe in Planet Stuttgart orbit. Our fighter wing was settled out of following pilots: Gefreite Liam Engel and Wilhelm Bartel, Flieger Kaspar Steinweg and Feldwebel Freyr Landers who was leading our fighter wing. After arriving at Station Solaris in Omega-11 Feldwebel Landers sended Gefreiter Wilhelm Bartel and Flieger Kaspar Steinweg to secure the near minefield. Situation was very calm to be honest, however, Daumann transport Puttgarden arrived and proceed to the minigfield. After that all transports were filled up, all vessels merged into a convoy which was lead by Daumann Heavy Constructions Pilot Adrian Jonas, transporters Brandenburg and Puttgarden were escorted by the Rheinland Military. Feldwebel Landers and Me escorted the Puttgarden while Gefreiter Bartel and Flieger Steinweg escorted the Brandenburg, our trip was very calm I wonderd about why no Hessians attacked us. Anyways, our escort ended at Helgoland Sigma-13 system.

Attaching all files now.

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Foxglove - 04-25-2016

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Kaspar Steinweg
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Low
[Encryption:]__ High

Meine Damen und Herren,

Following up on the escort of a Daumann mining convoy, a snubcraft wing of the Rheinland Military grouped up in the Munich system for a quick survey of the adjacent Omicron-Lambda system. The personnel that was involved consisted of:
  1. Feldwebel Freyr Landers
  2. Gefreiter Liam Engel
  3. Gefreiter Wilhelm Bartel
  4. Gefreiter Gerhard Wolf
  5. Flieger Kaspar Steinweg

Following orders from the Feldwebel, we kept a close formation and were able to make out several unknown installations. The charts are attached to this message. We returned to Munich in a timely manner and were dismissed and sent to medical due to concerns raised during our stay in the vicinity of the radioactive planetoid.

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Theodor von Rosen - 05-08-2016


ID: Flieger Theodor von Rosen
Source: Bonn Station, New Berlin System.
Subject: Patrol/Incident Report.

First patrol after re-assignment went pretty well. I accompanied Grossadmiral R.E.Lang of the [RFA] on a Patrol through Omega-11.
Until our arrival in Omega-11 everything was quiet. However, Grossadmiral Lang decided it'd be best to perform further investigations and navigated us to the Hessian Base Freital.

From afar, everything seemed quiet, therefore the Grossadmiral decided it'd be best to tell the Hessians, that this silence is exactly what we expect from then. The Grossadmiral then ordered a full-out attack on the Station's Defense platforms.
Due to Radioactive interferences my recording device merely captured the destruction of one of said platforms.


We then returned to New Berlin, only to catch the Bretonian Mining Ship with designation "Steve" trying to transport Military Vehicles out of Rheinland territory. Grossadmiral lang led the negotiations with said smuggler and demanded an apropriate fine of 156.000 Credits. The Smuggler unloaded the Vehicles and Bonn Station, at which I stayed to ensure the re-shipping of said Vehicles into Rheinland Military Hands.

Grossadmiral Lang Then called it a day and headed towards Dresden.

~Flieger Theodor von Rosen


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Theodor von Rosen - 05-08-2016


ID: Flieger Theodor von Rosen
Source: Oder Shipyard, New Berlin System.
Subject: Patrol/Incident Report.

After receiving reports of some hessians roaming in Munich and Frankfurt I immediatly undocked to set an intercept course.
However, after launching into the depths of space, Freelancing Transport with the callsign "Ghostman" requested my assistance for his convoy. I then agreed to Escort both of them through Rheinland Territory, since I thought it'd make a great bait for the hessians too.

The two ships to be escorted were:

Designation - Ghostman

Designation - Spez

Both being "Behemoth" type Transports.
The Escort however went quietly, no signs of hessians and/or other criminals whatsoever.

~Flieger Theodor von Rosen


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Theodor von Rosen - 05-08-2016


ID: Flieger Theodor von Rosen
Source: Oder Shipyard, New Berlin System.
Subject: Patrol/Incident Report.

I was scanning a few Traders, when i received a Distress Call by a Free merch ship with Callsign Designation Omanyd. The Distress call itself was scrambled up by statics but clearly stated a Hessian pirate Attack near the Hamburg Jumpgate.

I immediatly set course for said jumpgate, and informed all Freelancing ships in Broadband range that any assistance would be paid off.
I then set an intercept course for Freighter Omanyd and caught him near Potsdam at the Edge of the Asteroid field. Due to his cruise engines being damaged by the Pirate engage I escorted him to The Ring for repairs, steadily keeping an eye on the radar for enemy contacts.

After a quick interrogation, Omanyd shared the Info with me that he's been attacked by no less then 6-7 Hessian Pirates. Atleast a Bomber and Heavy Fighters as Assistance.

He said, after pulling into the Asteroid field they stopped to engage. I suggest further investigations in said Asteroid field.

A Momentum record of the Escort

He was then supposedly going to transport Rheinbeer to Stuttgart. Due to the event before, I offered him to escort him there too, he agreed.

~Flieger Theodor von Rosen


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Theodor von Rosen - 05-12-2016


ID: Flieger Theodor von Rosen
Source: Bonn Station, New Berlin System.
Subject: Abmusterung.

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren of the Rheinwehr,

It has been an honour and an utmost pleasure to have served once more at your sides. Unfortunatly I see myself undeserving of my Uniform, as living up to the standards is impossible to me.

Thus I officially and formally resign from my duties and post as Flieger and subsequently the Rheinwehr in Total.

Waidmanns Heil,

~Flieger adé Theodor von Rosen


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Rheinwehr Omicronkorps - 05-15-2016


SOURCE: Battleship Schwerin, Munich System.
ENCRYPTION: High, port RM-HC-ROK-148-238

  • >>> Receiving...
    >> Decrypting...
    > Opening...

[Image: QdndZm3.jpg]

SUBMITTER: Lieutenant Commander Stahlhelm
RECIPIENT: Rheinland Military Report Database
SUBJECT: Omicron Xi

  • Kameraden,

    Commander Stahlhelm here from the Omicronkorps. Following the orders of Fleet Admiral Siegfried Hermann, I lead a scout wing into the Omicron Xi system and I'm sending you a full report about it. My wingmen were Gefreiter Katja Reichardt, Gefreiter Wilhelm Bartel and Omicronkorps operative Anso Wolff.

    Detailed map of the Omicron Xi system:

    [Image: l6bTu7U.png]

    Sector Beta 5-6:

    The entry point is located at Beta 6 and surrounded with an extremely dangerous gas cloud. The only exit seems to be a narrow passage leading straight towards Beta 5, wandering around any other direction is contraindicated. Be advised, the end of the passage is guarded by minor corsair forces, which should not be a problem for the fleet of ours in any cases.

    [Image: p0QNf8R.png]

    Sector Charlie 4 - Delta 5:

    Hostile installation in Planet Mykonos' orbit, by it's class, shipyard, protected by several weapon platforms and plenty of fighter patrols. There's also a Corsair Satellite, possibly a weapon depot in Delta-5. The corsairs could easily dispatch some forces from here to protect the entry point, or even assault Munich.

    [Image: xnOiJ6b.png]

    [Image: BshWpaB.png]

    Sector Charlie 7:

    There seems to be a base constructed in the interior of an asteroid orbiting Santoniri and heavily guarded by capital vessels. The purpose of this installation is yet to be discovered, but it's far to be used as a fortress or base of operations for their fleet.

    [Image: y0YpNCc.png]

    [Image: vO5pWez.png]

    Sector Foxtrot 7 and Golf-4:

    Both of the nebulaes in this system contain HUGE amount of radiation and to be avoided BY ALL MEANS. Seriously, it even turned Gefreiter Reichardt insane for a few seconds. We were forced to return to Munich after we charted the two nebulaes for repairs and medicines. There's also a jumphole at Foxtrot 7, according to our sensors it's too unstable to provide safe jump for ANY kind of vessels and also guarded by weapon platforms, definietly Dom'Kavash structure. Still, both nebulaes are too dangerous to be included in regular patrol routines. The planet at Golf 4 seems to be barren.

    Foxtrot 7:

    [Image: gn4VMSj.png]

    Golf 4:

    [Image: r1tWsnG.png]

    Asteroid field at Beta 2 - Delta 2:

    The field contains two jumholes, the only ones leading out of the system besides the Munich one. The one at Delta 2 is barely guarded at all and we believe it leads to the northern region of the Edge Nebula. It's important to regularly check it for vessels entering the system, but there's no reason to even send a scout vessel to the other side.

    [Image: 8HYto5q.png]

    The jumphole at Charlie 2 however is guarded by several weapon platforms and ships and we can only imagine what could be at the other side.

    [Image: hL3SD1C.png]
    [Image: YCkjOUl.png]
    [Image: GR0uttR.png]
    [Image: XHS2so6.png]
    [Image: Mr2AYfe.png]

    The corsairs clearly portecting their homeworld with everything they got. There's also a little outpost at Beta 2.

    [Image: zMGRVCP.png]

    The Omicronkorps Oberkommando believes that the system is exactly like Omicron Rho, the only difference is the 'local authority', the Corsairs. The number of their bases, the shipyard they got and the capital ships guarding the passage towards Munich are worrisome and in the current situation, we can only hope there won't be any surprise attacks. The Omicronkorps is currently stationed at Battleship Schwerin and ready to protect Rheinland from these savages, but unless we fortify the Xi jumphole and somehow impair their forces, we can expect trouble.

    Lieutenant Commander Stahlhelm
    Rheinwehr Omicronkorps



RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Wesker - 06-26-2016

Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System
26 June 823

[Image: 87FxhzY.jpg]

Sender: Gefreiter Kathrina Laurenz
Recipient(s): Rheinwehr Central Command
Subject: New Berlin incursion

Guten Tag,

Flying around on regular patrol through the New Berlin system the other day and I came across something I'd never seen before, two Nomad Warships and several fighter wings, out of nowhere. After absorbing the shock I was in I moved in along side Flieger brandt to eliminate the fighter vessels, we eliminated all but one that escaped and unfortunately Brandt's ship was destroyed in the process and I brought his pod back home. Both the nomad warships were destroyed by our reinforcements, hopefully that will teach them to stay away.


FGefreiter Kathrina Laurenz

Data Stream Terminated