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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-29-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

It seems the Corsairs are at it again.

I departed Omega-52 and proceeded to Omicron Theta where I encountered a Corsair Task force. As usual, they have lofty ambitions but hardly the skill to make those ambitions reality. They pick on a peaceful group and when they destroy them they consider themselves mighty.

Regardless, the task force proceeded to engage me in force, while they rarely hit my ship, it would of been pointless to try to fight that many of them as they had far more supplies and reinforcements then I could.

It's interesting how much interest they placed on one ship, perhaps we can use this to our advantage in further attacks.

This patrol confirms my suspicions about the Corsairs, they're making a push into Omicron Theta. I know a lot of you dislike the Zoners for numerous reasons, but the fact is they're still Civilians and it is still our duty to protect them.

Prepare to counter-attack in the coming days, with the majority of their Capital Fleet now rendered useless against Snub Craft, we'll have an easy time mopping up their Snubcrafts. It's business as usual on the Corsair front.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 01-31-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Major

Subject:Post-Battle report

"While on patrol in the Omega Systems I noticed a massive battle between elements of the Red Hessian Army/Red Hessians and the so-called 'Corsair Empire'. I managed to slip into the battle and engaged targets of opportunity. At first Hessian Forces were pushed out of Omicron Gamma, however after inflicting massive causalities against Corsair Forces they were pushed back into Gamma and many ships were destroyed on both sides. Luckily no Coalition Assets were destroyed and the enemy suffered much more heavier losses than our task-force did.

I managed to acquire three confirmed Kills while Comrade Nowell also shot one down (One who I shot down earlier in the battle but had somehow reacquired a ship.). I aided in crippling an Osiris and forcing another to dock with massive damage due to concentrated firepower upon it near the Tripoli Shipyards.

There were other kills made by the Hessians, but I will only show the relevant targets hit by Coalition ships."


Nowell's Kill Confirmed

Warner's Kill #1 Confirmed

Enemy Osiris Near Tripoli, Massive Damage (Forced to Dock)

The Enemy panics and kills themselves

Warner's Kill #2 Confirmed

Warner's Kill #3 Confirmed

Enemy Osiris Crippled (Coordinated Fire)

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 01-31-2012

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace
SUBJECT: The Duty Of The Militsiya

[Image: HWE.png]


Attention all Soldiers of the Brave Militsiya!.

Those of you taking your first steps in our Valiant Coalition, wear the pride and duty that comes with being a member of most revered respected organisation of our revolution. Every single hero of the Coalition, that you see before you, has worn the uniform you now wear. Even our Glorious Premier, the Ikon of Ikon's, once wore the badge of the Militsiya, with pride and distinction.

Your duty, and your noble calling, is to the be the tip of the spear for the Coalition's continuing struggle. Those of our people, whom we safeguard every day through our fight, also look to the Militsiya as their protectors.

Take heart, you are the foundation upon which the Fighter Corps relies.

And now, you will prove it.

The Deep Omega's are home to a variety of peoples. The peaceful Zoners, the Intrepid Red Hessians, and the Barbaric Corsairs.

It is the Corsairs against which we continually struggle. There society is ruled by a harsh and uncompromising desire to rule all of Sirius, to take that which belongs to the working beleaguered citizens. They murder, rape, and take by force anything that they desire.

As much as the Corrupt Houses are the enemy with which we must pull down to the ground, the Corsairs represent an evil that cannot be allowed to thrive.

Militsiya, you are charged with a sacred duty.

All Active Militsiya are required to attain Two (2) Confirmed Corsair Kill
In the hopes of pruning this twisted weed which continues to coil out.

All Active Militsiya are required to capture Twenty (20) Corsair Pilots, and bring them to Zvezdny Gorodok.
Once captured, the next phase of your training will begin.

This mission must be completed within Twenty One (21) Days
Failure to do so will reflect poorly on your continued career within our Glorious Coalition.

Our Coalition is Strong. We Shall Be Victorious.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Reid - 01-31-2012

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Jordan Nowell
Subject: Mission Progress

[Image: FgXDU.jpg]

[color=#FFFFFF]Jordan Nowell here reporting progress on my current mission. I have destroyed two elite fighters and a third of the required rookie pilots.

Today's first raid on Omicron Gamma was a great success. Comrade Warner contacted me with information about a battle, so I launched and found myself in the midst of a firefight. Many Corsair capital ships were destroyed, while only two Hessian battleships were crippled. I even destroyed a bomber while under fire from a Titan and Legate.

The second raid on Omicron Gamma did not go as expected. Comrade Biach and I decided to start our mission together. When we arrived in Omicron Gamma, we discovered that the Reavers already cleaned house. However, one Praetorian appeared and engaged. Biach's ship was destroyed by the numerous mines, but I was able to avenge her loss by ripping a hole through his cockpit.

Total death count:
4 Corsair Battleships
4 Corsair fighters (One destroyed numerous times)
2 Hessian Battleships
1 SCRA Partisan

Mission Progress:
2/2 Elite Pilot Deaths
8/20 Pilot Captures

[color=#000000]>>Displaying attached files


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 01-31-2012

=====[color=#FF0000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

[Image: juan1.png]

**Opening message**
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Major Juan Coronel, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: Coalition Militsiya Fleet

Subject: The Hispania


New recruits, listen up.

I would first like to congratulate each and every one of you for still being alive. Since you have not been killed by unfortunate circumstances, you all deserve a shot to truly be a Coalition warrior. Adding on to His Watchful Eye's mission, I would like every MIL pilot to venture to Omicron Alpha and visit the Sleeper Ship Hispania, the beginning of our foundation. It was there where Coalition agents sabatoged the ship, therefore dealing our first damage to the barbarian Corsairs and the drug-injected Outcasts. There are many things that have paramount importance in the Coalition, and our history is one of them comrades. These are the directives:

[color=#00CCCC]Every MIL pilot will visit the Hispania, and take a gun-cam recorder shot of the ship. You will then report back to this comm frequency.

Granted, His Watchful Eye's mission takes primary importance, but you will all see to it that this task becomes complete.

Carry on.

Major Juan Coronel signing off.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 01-31-2012

[Image: comxu.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: Commandant's Office, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Low.
Priority: Low.
Subject: Resignation and stepping aside.

Comrades and friends.
[color=#FFFF00]Much has changed since we last spoke. Behind the scenes of the High Command, and behind the doors of power - I have had to make radical and sweeping changes.

The ways of old have been finally cast aside. The rules of engagement which were brought to you under my guidance have now been firmly and finally implanted into the very fibre and being of the fighter corps. I am the Last Testament, the Revelations and the Omega.

It seems fitting that my final role to shrug off and cast aside our blood-soaked past is to remove myself from office.

No longer will I carry the burden of the countless thousands butchered by my own hands. No longer will I rejoice in death of Corsairs, Outcasts, Bretonians and the countless others, all killed by my hands.

I am being transferred to a classified and restricted location. You will learn much of it over the coming months and perhaps years. We will all meet again.

Long live the Coaliiton! Long live the Omega!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Kyte_ - 01-31-2012

[Image: masha.png]


I have completed my first assignment. Scout Omicron Alpha, give Hispania a 'kiss' and take a photo of the event. My sortie was successful beyond my expectations. When contacted by the Outcasts as to my purpose in Alpha, I requested they gather in front of Malta for a photo opportunity. I explained that I wished to have a nice picture to place above my bunk, so that my comrades would know Masha was no coward in the face of overwhelming odds. These Outcasts were only too happy to assist me in my request. I took a picture of their Capital Ships and said my goodbyes... because shortly after, they told their pilots that they could 'have fun' with me. I'm not sure what they had in mind, but it did not sound like my idea of fun. Please find the enclosed Picture post card, as a gift to the People. Given with my humble adoration and respect.

I have also included a capture log of the 20 Corsair pilots that I captured upon destroying their ships in Omega 41, not far from the Zoner Freeport. Please note that the Partisan class light fighter cannot hold but 19 of the pilots... my picture shows the 20th, in space. These prisoners have been processed and are awaiting re-education. With regard to the last part of my mission: 'Kill 2 elite Corsairs', I will be making efforts to complete this, as I further familiarize myself with the Partisan class fighter.

With respect,





****************** End Transmission **********************************************

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 02-01-2012

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace
SUBJECT: Commendation Awarded

[Image: HWE.png]


Attention all Soldiers of the Brave Militsiya!

The Commissariat is pleased to award Militsiya Jr Lieutenant Masha Biach with the
Hispania Memorium
Ribbon, for completion of the harrowing journey to where our Revolution was Born.

Never forget, Brave Militsiya, that Our Glorious Struggle began many thousands of lightyears from here. The Sleeper Ships that carried the broken Alliance and its Corruption to this new eden amidst the stars, also carried with it the seed that will be the true freedom of all working peoples.

Many men and women have died in service to the dream of The Revolution. Remember them, and Honor there Sacrifice with your Service.

Our Coalition is Strong. We Shall Be Victorious.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - equinosz - 02-02-2012

Comm ID: Cpt. Dmitriy Vitalievich
Location: CPW-Suvorov

Target ID: SCRA HQ
Subject: Classified
Encryption: Very high

[Image: Dmitriy.png]

Captain Vitalievich reporting the success of the mission in the system of Ille de France.
Major Lanakov and me departed from omega-52 with two storms as we needed detailed scans of the target objective. Our route through the gallian territory was a lot easier than expected.

[Image: screen288-2.jpg]

The scans on planet New Paris revealed six almost identical royal palaces.

[Image: screen295-2.jpg]

[Image: screen298-2.jpg]

I've scanned all of them, while the major was speaking with a civilian. I expected some resistance from the royalists, but we managed to get out before they could do anything.

On the following scans of one of the palaces the green parts show possible break-in locations. Some of the rooms in the basement were inaccessible even by the scanners of my gunboat. I suspect those to be the computer rooms. The scans also reveled at least a hundred life-signs in the palace most of them concentrated in that specific part.

<^> <^> <^>

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Kyte_ - 02-02-2012

ComID: Masha.Biach
RE: Propaganda Sortie, Gamma

[Image: masha.png]

Greetings Comrades,

I have been cleared to share some recent content from my flight recorder. The Flight to Gamma was without incident, as was the Mission. Some of the Corsairs did attempt to incite violence, but could do little with Masha so far below Crete. These Corsairs are very short sighted it seems. But to the data...












***************** END UPLINK *********************************************

Perhaps it will give them some pause, Nyet?

Jr.Lt. Masha Biach