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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 02-04-2022


Rank Changes:

Lieutenant Lowden Graves and has been transferred to the management staff of the Carlisle Planetary Defence Fleet, as Human Resources Specialist. You will be deprived of your ship, but you will no longer be required to fly and risk your life. Be in the BAF HQ Sprague by tomorrow and ask the officer on duty about your new assignment. Although you will technically keep the same rank, consider this a promotion. The Admiralty recognises your pivotal role in the discovery of a new system. Good luck, lieutenant.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 02-09-2022


Rank Changes:

Commander Henry Talbot has been promoted to the rank of Captain is recognition of competent service & devotion shown on the battlefield. Report in to Oversector Center Command within 24 hours to receive your new orders.

Good luck, Captain.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 02-26-2022



The Defence Bureau of the Bretonia Armed Forces has been formed, as the main military intelligence department. All personnel interested in transfer are to submit the form over the transfer & recruitment channel of the Defence Bureau.

Captain Harold Sommerville has been assigned as the current Chief of the Defence Bureau and, in the following days, will assign the ranks of Major to key personnel within the Armed Forces.

The Admiralty Board wishes all pilots safe flights.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 03-31-2022


New directives:

Oversector Center:
  1. Strategic readiness to be raised to "Increased Border Surveillance";
  2. Redeployment of warships from Magellan to New London;
  3. Control points to be made around Jump Gates and important installations within New London;
  4. Civilian traffic to Planet New London to be thoroughly checked for possible terrorists & rebels.
Oversector North
  1. Redeployment of 2 cruisers to Planet New London orbit within 72 hours.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - monmarfori - 04-10-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: All Auxiliary Units (BAF|A-)
From: Vice Admiral of the Auxiliary Roy Howard

To all Auxiliary personnel,

As part of a recent, but unfortunate development, I have received word that the Crayterians have allowed the Insurgents a free pass by aiding in transporting affiliated elements. This is a grave concern, both for us and our Liberty allies.

As per orders from the Fleet Admiral, effective immediately, all Auxiliary assets are to be deployed to Newcastle. The Insurgency must not be allowed to exert its influence in Coronado and cause further destruction of allied assets.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Roy Howard
Vice Admiral of the Auxiliary
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 04-11-2022


Standing Orders:

As a measure to reinforce BAF Oversector North & Newcastle, OP DYNAMO is launched. All units within Leeds not tasked with garrison support are to redirect to Planet Harris; all units within Manchester not tasked with garrison support to redirect to Newcastle, Planet Carlisle orbit.

All vessels belonging to Her Majesty's Armed Forces, currently within Coronado, are to redeploy to Tau-31, Planet Harris & assist in military drills organized by 9th Great Fleet within 48 hours.

The 9th Great Fleet, supported by the 10th Great Fleet are to undertake the following orders:
  1. Redeployment of Coronado-based forces in vicinity of Planet Harris;
  2. Organization and completion of throughout military drills;
  3. Reinforcement of Planet Harris garrison.

11th Great Fleet and auxiliary units are to complete the following orders:
  1. Redeployment & reinforcement in Planet Carlisle orbit;
  2. Organization and completion of throughout military drills.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 04-15-2022


Rank Changes:

Admiral Finlay O'Dukes demoted to the rank of Captain due to his leave from the Armed Forces; Merchant Navy rank changed to Executive Officer due to the promotion of Commodore Ryan O'Dukes to the command of the Merchant Navy fleet.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 06-10-2022


Awards & Medals:

Veteran's Badge awarded to: Comodore Isaac Lance; Commodore Isaac Heinrich; Vice Admiral Roy Howard; Chief Anna Kwiatkowska; Captain Henry Talbot; Captain Martin Beck; Lieutenant Commander David Garrand; Flag Officer Charlotte Elwyn Yeager.

Veteran's Badge with Oakleaf awarded to: Comodore Isaac Lance; Comodore Isaac Heinrich; Vice Admiral Roy Garrand; Captain Henry Talbot; Captain Martin Beck; Flag Officer Charlotte Elwyn Yeager.

Distinguished Service Order awarded to: Commodore John Khatri, Commodore Isaac Heinrich; Captain Henry Talbot; Commander John Atwood.

Good Conduct Award awarded to: Fleet Admiral Harold Sommverille; Commodore Ryan O'Dukes.

Rank Changes:

Senior Flight Officer Arthur Kent promoted to rank of Lieutenant Commander for distinguished service in the Merchant Navy.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Darius - 06-30-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Admiralty Board, BAF
From: Captain Horatio F. Bartholomew, BAF

[Image: Horatio.2.png]


We have intercepted a Gallic Naval Intelligence cruiser in Tau-31, whilst it was heading to Tau-23, inbound from the direction of Holman Outpost. No combat was initiated, however the crew was sent to man the batteries in case of a potential ambush by the Gallic vessel. Communication was initiated shortly thereafter, with the officer complying to answer our questions.

I have convinced the command officer of the cruiser, a certain Leon Duval, to divulge parts of the information we are looking to obtain or confirm in relation to the apparition of Nomad vessels and the loss of Issoudun Shipyard with all hands. The received information has indeed confirmed that Gallic vessels have dissappeared, with emphasis put onto the fact that a Valor has thus far been declared as gone rogue with all escorts. Other information about possibly-lost assets has not been communicated, however the BIS, as per the previous submitted information, reports that several dozen ships are missing in action, in addition to their crew; we have not received direct confirmation onto this as of the date of the encounter.

The vessel has been permitted to retreat to the Tau-23 system after this interception. We are to hold position in orbit of Planet Harris for the time being. I am forwarding the logs of the encounter below.

That concludes my report.

Horatio F. Bartholomew

Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bakugone - 08-15-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF Command
From: Flag Officer, John Mellark

[Image: 9lD8zYy.png]

Command, this is Flag Officer Mellark speaking.

We've received today a heads-up from a Navy ship called Red-42 from "First Armada" calling in about an Insurgency Battleship attempting to cross Coronado system - due to this call, Westminster and Triumph was mobilized to intercept the enemy vessel alongside Castle which arrived later than expected, Battleship would go on to move into Inverness system where we kept Westminster would keep watch as to not draw attention of Auxesia forces in the system. We've successfully disabled the vessel afterwords at Freeport, and proceeded to retreat as possible strike from Auxesian forces could had happpen at any moment. I ordered Triumph and Westminster back to Tau-31 system through Coronado, where we learned from a Kusari Naval Forces pilot that a large order group was spotted in the system along the Leeds jump gate - Planet Harris lane.

With this information, we would go on to search the area up to Tau-23 gate, where Westminster and cohort found no vessels, we would return to the Leeds system afterwards for stationing at Durham station.

I request that intelligence investigates these two encounters, it is possible they correlate with each other.

I wish you a good day, command, that is all.

John Mellark
Flag Officer
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies