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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 02-03-2012

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: ID: Commissar-Major Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Source: CPW-Katyusha ::

:: International Radio System ::

[Image: arx1314999398x.png]

Priviet, comrades!

We have visited the Pennsylvania system in Liberty. As you know, it is a place where the zoners fighting for their rights on Planet Erie. And what a tense, difficult situation that is! They have been arguing about the authority of the planet and the local bases there. The House was unhelpful and disrespective in this matter. I have broadcasted a system-wide transmission, in order to get some attention. A dissatisfied zoner answered my call and I started asking him about the situation in Liberty. He did answer honestly.

Unfortunately, he had to leave shortly after the conversation, but I sent a gift to him from the Coalition. A credit card of a million credits. He was very glad that he recieved such a generous gift and left. I also told him to spread the word: The Coalition is not your enemy! We help the people, for the common good!

He told me that he will share this with every single person he meets.

For a better Sirius! For a Red Dawn! For my Ikon, Premier Katz and for the Glorious Sirius Coalition!

Attached files:

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 02-04-2012

COMM ID: Commander Nicholai Moscovin - CPW-Radek

TARGET ID: SCRA High Command

[Image: Radekcomm.png]

Under direct orders from the Office of the Premier, I was commanded to take the CPW-Radek on a deep space survey mission to locate a possible site for PROJECT : MIDAS.

The rest of this breifing is considered Eyes Only for High Command. Access to these files by unauthourized personnel will result in redaction by the Commissariat.

Any knowledge of MIDAS, or the operational duties of the Radek while under my command is highly classified.


...........................IDENT CONFIRMED...................................................
.............WELCOME HIGH COMMANDER.................................................


[Image: TALOS.png]
Mid-Range Asteroid Station

After inital plans for the construction of a Mid-Range (80-90k planear) asteroid base in the tau systems, a joint operation between the SCRA corps of Engineers and the Order Science Teams was abandoned after the events of the dissolution of the alliance. Members of the Politburo - The High Command deemed that the technological advances, and the wisdom of the plan should be put to better usage in designing a similar resupply/operational support base in the region.

Plans that were confirmed with the Gallic Invasion of the Tau/Bretonian systems.

It has become even more imperative that a forward operations base be established within the Gallic Territories, especially given frosty relations with the indiginous revolutonary movements of Gallia.

Members of the Gallic Brotherhood that defected with the Council Redemption flagship DuGalle, and current inhabitants of the L'Acadie reclamation project on JiangXi have proven invaluable in providing intelligence and support in selecting the best locations for construction of this project to commence, however the opening of the previously sealed jump gates, has given rise to new opportunties for us to establish MIDAS closer to the heart of Gallia.

Technologically the Corps of Engineers reports readiness to commence digging the tunnel systems in the asteroid. Mykolaiv and Volgograd Industrial both confirm the readiness of a defensive shield system for the project, as field tested on Freeport One and Freeport 6.

We are poised, awaiting further orders from High Command on proceeding.


Commander N. Moscovin

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 02-05-2012

ID:Junior-Lieutenant Dmitry Dubovik
Target:SCRA Units

:Message Begins:

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Greetings Comrades.
Few days ago The Comissariat sent a message to all Militsia pilots about new assignment: 2 confirmed kills of Corsair aces and 20 captured pilots. Yestarday I tried to fulfill that mission, but I was too outnumbered and was need backup so I retreated back home. Today I got all needed help to attack Corsairs: 2 MM~ bombers and 1 Hessian fighter. Together we managed to make an attack on Corsairs ''Empire''

As always, we met 3 Dreadnoughts on our way. Bombers started to shoot Nova's on em, while Im searched more small targets for my Insurgent. And I did. In that battle I managed to destroy 2 Corsairs fighters: Titan and Gladiator. But they did big damage to me, so I escaped rest of enemys and went back to Zvezdny, carrying those 2 escape pods in cargo.
2 hours later, when my ship was repaired, I went to Omega 5 to look for more Corsairs to capture. Did not found alot, so I landed on Ronnenburg to pick few information. On information I recieved there I located few Centurion's patrols and destroyed them, capturing all escape pod that I could. After I killed lat one, I noticed that there is exactly 20 pilots in my hold, so I returned to Zvezdny.

As you can see, I complete my mission. All pilots delivered to Zvezdny and all pictures sent. Long live The Coalition and its people!

Attached files:1 2 3 4 5

:Message Ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Reid - 02-07-2012

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Jordan Nowell
Subject: Combat Report

[Image: FgXDU.jpg]

[color=#FFFFFF] The first thing I heard today was a report from some civilian ships about Corsairs in Cambridge. I was the only one in space, but I chose to investigate anyways. I didn't see them in Cambridge, so I followed a Gateway to New London when, as expected, I found the Corsairs. I saw them try and take out the transport, so I quickly moved in and engaged the two bombers. While the transport escaped safely, I asked the Corsair if he thought he could beat me in a fight. He only responded with his true fears. After some fighting, and the Corsairs running a little, I destroyed them both.

I then decided to catch up on the mission I was given. I flew to Omega-41 to try and find some rookie Corsair pilots, before yet another Corsair Praetorian showed up, along with a Freelance Wasupu. The Wasupu didn't seem interested in fighting, and even asked a few questions about the Revolution. The Corsair however, started shooting without saying a word. He was dispatched of within seconds.

I am currently waiting on Gorodok for my Insurgent to be repaired before I continue my flight.

Total death count:
3 Corsair Praetorians

Mission Progress:
2/2 Elite Pilot Deaths
16/20 Pilot Captures

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Reid - 02-07-2012

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Jordan Nowell
Subject: Scout Report
Location: Somewhere in Gallia

[Image: Towxa.png]

[color=#FFFFFF] Here is today's second flight report.

Premier Katz gave a message saying that he needed an escort, and I happily provided my ship. The Shigenobu and I met in Newcastle. The Social Credit was damaged by a Bretonian Destroyer before we could find their location, but Premier Katz soon rejoined me in Tau-23 after the fight. We decided to check the old Colonial system, Tau-44. When we arrived, there was many Gallic ships and station remains. After we checked on a few stations, we continued through Omicron Alpha and 80 to Lorraine. We navigated ourselves out of the minefield, and came across a sealed jump gate. We continued to the Champagne jumpgate, which damaged both the Social Credit and my ship greatly. When we passed through Champagne, and into Burgundy, an ION storm struck, and my ship is currently floating in space. I will report the rest of my findings once my systems come back online.

[color=#000000]>>Displaying attached files


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 02-07-2012

>>>Sender: Colonel Jacob Forge, Provost Marshal
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: Announcements

[Image: 2qukh0w.png]

Forge Here.

Commissar-Major Stroganov. Your propoganda mission was excellent. When you return to Zvezdney Gorodok, a round of drinks on me.

Now. Soldiers of the Coalition. I have an announcemenr. For showing some measure of competance in the field during his mission, and for never wavering, Jordan Nowell. You are no longer a part of the Militisya. You may drop the MIL prefix from your tranaponder and may be assigned an Insurgent Very Heavy Fighter and a Revolution bomber if His Watchful Eye doesn't intervene.

Congratulations, Lieutenant Nowell. Captain Villers will deliver your less-bloodstained hand-me-down flightsuit and rank insignia within the hour. And, avoid staring at her ass. Her bite is as bad as her bark.

The rest of you Militisya Pilots.

Brush up on your Survival Guides for Idiots and your JiangXi 101 booklets.

That is all.

Colonel Forge, Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Stefz - 02-08-2012

[Image: DavidCarterTransmission.png]

Carter here.

Decided to pay a visit to Gamma. Sadly, found nothing interesting but a few Titans which Hessians took care of. After that, Comrades Dubovik and Orlov joined me on a patrol in Omega 7. While going through Omega 11, a Hessian joined us. In Omega 7, we met a Rheinland Military pilot. Comrade Orlov and a Hessian engaged him and soon after, Hessian's ship was destroyed. I immediately jumped in and made a Military pilot destroy his ship with his own mine. Silly, isn't it?

For the Coalition!

[color=#000000][-Attached files: [color=#000000]X [color=#000000]X[color=#000000]-]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Stefz - 02-09-2012

[Image: DavidCarterTransmission.png]

Carter here.

After getting a rest at Gorodok I received an emergency transmission by Hessians as they were getting slaughtered by Corsairs. I immediately went to Omega 11 and joined the battle. At the start, we was greatly outnumbered but as the time passed, we gained strength in numbers and Corsairs started to retreat. On my way back, I met three Corsairs in Omega 5. They engaged me on sight. However, as almost all Corsairs, they had a huge lack of skill so I thought of a good tactic and managed to take out one of them. With gunboat on my ass, I tried to annoy the captain so I could take out another Corsair, but he just didn't want to get annoyed. After some time, they both went to Cadiz and I returned to Gorodok.

For the Coalition!

[color=#000000][-Attached files: [color=#000000]X [color=#000000]X[color=#000000]-]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Junes - 02-09-2012

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]

Orlov speaking here.

A few days ago, I made my way to Omicron Alpha, in the heart of the pathetic Cardamine addicts, to visit the sleeper ship Hispania, the source of the revolution in Sirius. In surprisingly good shape it is... after these centuries... I made my "kiss" and returned back in less hostile area, successfully sneaking past muzzy drug-addicts who were hardly able to steer their ship.

The flying visit in Gamma is hardly mentionworthy, I captured the pods of nine Corsair rookies. The lone Military boy in Omega-7 was, as already mentioned by comrade Carter, blowing up himself with his own mine. He was a keen warrior, just fighting for a wrong cause... Can't wait to blow a corsair to kingdom come on my own.

Guncam records: ° ° ° ° °

Junior-Lieutenant Vladimir Orlov, Militsyia Fleet

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 02-10-2012

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: ID: Commissar-Major Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Source: CPW-Katyusha ::

[Image: arx1314999398x.png]


Priviet, comrades.

I have managed to hack a communications relay in Omicron Gamma and gathered some intel.

I contacted a member of the Benitez family named Tiberio. I was thinking about getting some information about the current situation in Gamma. He was suprisingly talkative about their people. He mentioned a new trade route which supports the Corsairs and became their new primary source of credits. I tried to get some intel about this certain route, but when he realised that he made a mistake, Tiberio went silent. I was reviewing the scout reports of the system and found a possible route. I've sent the details to the primary server.

I asked him about the Elders and their superiors and luckily, he made a mistake again. He mentioned that they used to go on "vacations" to the Omicrons. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any other information about these places.

The informations I provided are reliable.

My personal suggestions:

I would like to send a scout wing to the Omicrons consisting of Militsya pilots and a more experienced comrade as their leader in order to track down corsair movements so we could get the required information about the current locations of their superiors.

Also, I will move the Katyusha to their homesystem in order to observe the fleet and tradeship movements.

Looks like we've got a useful contact among the Corsairs.

Of course, I require your permission for these missions. If you have anything else that you would like me to do, please contact me as soon as possible.

-Commissar-Major Aleksei Stroganov

:: End of Transmission ::