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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - monmarfori - 08-15-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Command
From: Vice Admiral of the Auxiliary Roy Howard

This is Vice Admiral of the Auxiliary Roy Howard reporting,

My report for August 15, 829 AS shall be presented here.

I took the HMS Castle of the Auxiliary Fleet for a routine patrol of the New London system. Upon approaching the Manchester jump gate, a Corsair transport, callsign DTR>CCS-Monemvasia, was seen jumping from the gate. This is not the first time a Corsair transport has been sighted within Bretonian space. Earlier, on August 6, 829 AS, a Corsair transport, callsign DTR-CCS>Torturador, was spotted within New London and was promptly intercepted near the Dublin jump gate. Together with Henry Elliott of the Merchant Navy, the Torturador was fined and escorted out of Bretonia, where it was subsequently warned that any further ventures to Bretonia will constitute a shoot-on-sight order.

Like the Torturador, the Monemvasia complied with my orders to stop, and was hereby ordered to pay the fine and leave Bretonian space. I escorted the Monemvasia out without incident.

I recommend an increase in our patrols, together with the Bretonian Police Authority, as there has been a notable increase in Corsair activity within the Crown's territory.

Attached below are the logs relevant to the report:
First encounter
Second encounter (Guncam footage)

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Roy Howard
Vice Admiral of the Auxiliary
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Foochow - 08-22-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Command
From: Bridge Officer Andrew Lewis

[Image: pOMZBYg.png]

Bridge Officer Andrew Lewis of the Auxiliary reporting,

My report for August 22, 829 AS is as follows,

We started a regular patrol of our core systems, as shown on this Nav-Map bellow that logged our movement.

[Image: Sk91JXz.png]
The patrol route direction: Cambridge > New London > Leeds > Newcastle > Manchester > New London > Dublin > Poole > Cambridge > Omega-3 > Omega-7 > Omega-3

Our core systems were pretty quiet with few traders passing us by. We haven't encountered any hostile activity, the activity of Gaians and Mollies are significantly lower in past month. As we were returning to Cambridge from Poole, I gave an order to my RO to contact a Rheinwehr warship, RNC Gewitter for a joint patrol. Shortly after, the RNC Gewitter responded to us and was eager to join us in a patrol.

[Image: Gx7vcB9.png]

We positioned our warship at Omega-7 jump gate in Omega-3 where we awaited for Gewitter to signal us to jump as they got in position on the other side of the gate. Just as we received a signal, HMS Fearn decided to tag along. What I was not expecting, the presence of Fleet Admiral Sommerville onboard the Fearn. It was a great honor to meet him, at least over the comms.

[Image: EAD7Biu.png]

After we received the signal, HMS Fearn and Anfield made the jump. Bismarck-class battleship was awaiting for us on the other side. After brief introductions, we've proceeded towards the Stuttgart jump gate for a joint patrol. We were joined by a MND Agent, going by callsign Sol. After a brief discussion about recent pirate activity in both Omega-3 and 7 systems we decided to redirect the joint patrol to Omega-3 to show our cooperation for Rheinlanders allowing us to patrol Omega-7 with them.

[Image: sBPiewR.png]

Due to Aland wreck, CO Archibald suggested a direct route to Planet Sprague to avoid any risks for the warships, we formed up and proceeded. The MND Agent was leading first as he was in a snubcraft, Anfield was in charge of watching our rear side.

[Image: CU4W66X.png]

Shortly afterwards, SIS HMS Blackpoole joined us for a meeting, where they discussed important chokepoints of both systems and where to redirect our joint forces for better response to hostile presence. I will attach blackbox recordings at the end, for High Command eyes only.

[Image: q09amCA.png]

As the meeting concluded, we provided an escort for RNC Gewitter and MND Agent Sol so they could safely return to Omega-7 space.

High Command clearance code required

Andrew Lewis
Bridge Officer
Bretonian Armed Forces, Auxiliary Fleet

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 11-23-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Defence Bureau Personnel
From: Office of the Admiralty, BAF

Esteemed pilots and officers,

The Defence Bureau, under orders from the Fleet Admiral and Ministry of Defence, is hereby disbanded.

We ask that all former members of the military intelligence organization present themselves on Planet New London within 48 hours. The equal rank within the Royal Navy will be awarded to all personnel that have served in the intelligence organization, in addition to increased salaries and pensions respectively, that will be detailed at a further point in the near future.

We thank you for your attention. The Admiralty Board wishes all pilots safe patrols.

Office of the Admiralty
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 01-21-2023

[Image: HY6mxbs.gif]
Establishing Video Uplink
Message Class: Visual
Encryption: Imperial
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Admirality
From: Flag Officer Eric Pellew

Good Day Admirals,

Today's shift can be classified as extremely interesting. The traffic in front of Planet New London was unusual. First, we encountered a smuggler with a blooming cargo - carrying a large amount of illegal artifacts, including nomad remains. Despite the expected problems accompanying the correspondence with the smugglers, this one turned out to be quite cooperative. The subject respected our laws, paid a fine of 10M EC and handed over all the illegal cargo. We escorted him to the Leeds border - leaving him to make his way through tau-31. You will see the details below in Report #1.

We later returned to the capital and maintained a position. The traffic was calm, but unexpectedly our sensors caught a huge object - a Valor class ship. We have no information as to where this ship came from or how long it has been in our territory. We only know that it appeared near the Canary Wharf base. The moment when he allowed himself to demand that we leave the capital was also shocking. The captain was extremely inadequate - he started shooting at random merchant ships and even allowed himself to take our shields down to 50%, which led to a subsequent battle and the neutralization of the enemy ship. In the process of the battle, we noticed that it was also carrying nomad remains (everyone seems to have these materials today), but some of our sensors were unable to capture that information on time - the ship was blown to pieces. More information from Report #2.

Report #1
Civilian Carrier "Benzaiten" with contraband in the vicinity of planet New London
1. Record #Scan-Ship
2. Record #Scan-Cargo
3. Record #Escorted
4. Record #Fine_sent_Benzaiten

Report #2
Valor "GN-Le_Geromac" in the vicinity of planet New London
1. Record #Scan-Ship
2. Record #Ship-Visual
3. Record #Engaged
4. Record #Destroyed

With Respect,

Eric Pellew
Flag Officer
Bretonian Armed Forces, Auxiliary

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arthur Kent - 01-25-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual/Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BIS (Bretonia Intelligence Services)
From: Ensign Arthur Kent, BAF

Glory to Bretonia and HM Queen Carina,

Yesterday, when i was doing my patrol, at Cambridge system, on formation with the the capital ship BAF|A-HMS-Interprid, i stopped a pirate train ship, the CriminalMeans.
When i was scanning its cargo hold i detected propaganda.
The propaganda will have to be examined by our BIS Lab at Newcastle system as soon as possible. Infact there may be some hidden code in it.
The captain of BAF|A-HMS-Interprid has noticed a regular pattern of propaganda at Bretonia. That means something dangerous, for Bretonia's safety, may be brewing.

Arthur Kent
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Nika - 02-05-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual/Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Admiralty Board, CC: Officer personnel of Armed Forces
From: Captain Sarah Mitchell, BAF

[Image: Character-Profile-Angelia.png]


Yesterday evening I was responding to a distress call hailing from Barra Anchorage in Tau-31; it suggested a wing of Gallic strike craft entered the system and the Crayter wing sent to intercept it have found trouble. I strapped up into my Defender at Carlisle and rushed to assist, granted, beelining along the lanes took short enough time to reach the battle scene along the lane from Leeds gate to Holman and even out the odds for a sorely outnumbered lone "Nyx" of the Republic. My arrival seems to have broken the combat formation of the Gauls and cause enough distress to destroy one of the assailants and hold out long enough for more reinforcements - a Churchill gunboat, Castle, to arrive and support further mopping of the intruders. Not even the arrival of Outcast raiding wing changed the tide of the dogfight.

It's not an odd event, too, Outcast raiders are frequent in Tau 31, given the Tau 23 has become a cesspoll of crime following the end of Kusari-Gallia conflict, but I'm ought to point out Gauls are seeking out vengeance for De Bregancon. This time it's three strike craft, next time it's a full blown strike force. Macduff battlegroup and Harris garrison must be reinforced - and we must brace for the worst. This vengeance visit from the Gauls is first - but isn't the last.

Sarah Mitchell
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 02-07-2023


Rank Changes:

Mr. Roy Howard has been suspended from the position of Vice Admiral, effective immediately.

A new Vice Admiral will be elected within coming weeks. We wish all servicemen safe patrols.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 02-08-2023


Rank Changes:

Mr. Eric Pellew has been promoted to the position of Vice Admiral, effective immediately.

We wish Mr. Pellew best of luck in the new position on the Admiralty Board. Godspeed.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 02-09-2023

[Image: HY6mxbs.gif]
Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual/Visual

Encryption: Imperial
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Admirality
From: Vice Admiral Eric Pellew

Esteemed Admirals of the Admiralty,

You honor me with your decision. I accept this position with responsibility and will do my best to strengthen the trust you vote to me. I was an officer and second-in-command of a former flagship - the Dunkirk HMS-Royal Sovereign but was not on board when it was destroyed during the final battle above planet New London. Also, I have been present since the inception of the Bretonnia Royal Fleet Initiative, when the former Admiral Piett instigated the idea of creating better-trained officers to command our capital ships. With my experience gained from the two wars - the one with the Kusari and the one with Gallia - and with the guidance of Baron Piett, I will try to carry on the works of those before us as long as I can.

As I have served in the old wars - I will serve you now.
Eric Pellew
Vice Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces, Auxiliary Fleet

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arthur Kent - 03-17-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual/Visual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF Defense Intelligence
From: James Kent, BAF

Glory to Bretonia and to our Queen,

Today, at Dublin, i engaged a fleet of Corsair capital Ships with my BAF Challenger Bomber.
As we all know, Dublin is part of our glorious Bretonia and our sovereignity there is a fact.
When i was firing on a Corsair Capital Ship, not being my choice, i jumped with it to another system.
There, using my Nova missiles and my Bretonia antimatter cannon, i destroyed a Corsair Capital ship and aided two Bounty Hunters to destroy one more.
It was a Victory to Bretonia and to our Queen Carina.

God save the Queen,

James Kent
Bretonian Armed Forces

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