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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Wesker - 04-29-2017

Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System
28 April 824

Sender: Gefreiter Laura Von Hamburg
Recipient(s): Rheinwehr Central Command
Subject: Stuttgart incursion

Guten Tag,

Yesterday 3 Coalition fighters and one bomber made their way to the New Berlin Jumpgate in Stuttgart, surprisingly there were no Hessians with them. After they were intercepted by Shi-I, we moved to eliminate the fighters before they could escape. The Coalition pilots were ill-trained for the battle against us. The first pilot went down in under a minute and the remaining three were disorganized. During the fight Flieger Maghribi arrived on the scene and stood reserve until he was fired upon by the Coalition vessels. After a short while another fighter went down and the Coalition bomber fled the scene leaving only 1 more fighter to deal with. The final fighter was destroyed before he could make another move.

Live Camera stream of the battle can be found here:

Gefreiter Laura Von Hamburg

Data Stream Terminated

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Gagadug. - 05-14-2017

[img float=left][/img]

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Gefreiter Richard Fiedler
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Battleship Karlsruhe, München

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Medium

Guten Tag,

Today I recieved a distress call from the defensive forces of Alster Shipyard in Hamburg wich had an unusually large force of Unioner ships closing in. Of course I immediately started up my Wraith and moved to Alster as fast as the engines allowed me to.
On the way I met up with Ulrich Wurth, who recieved the call for help as well.
When we arrived we saw the Unioner force had taken position next to the shipyard while some BDM vessels were gathering in close proximity of the shipyard as well.
When the Unioners saw us reinforcing the BDM group they attacked us swiftly, possibly to not have to face more possible reinforcements.
The fight was very hard and the BDM group suffered heavy casualtys till we slowly were able to turn the tides, helped by Admiral Sterr who arrived mid fight.
The fight ended in our favor, with Wurth as only military pilot beeing forced to eject after his Wraith took heavy damage.
Unfortunately my guncam was not able to make too many shots but I will attach the few I got.

Signed, Gefreiter
R. Fiedler
Rheinland Militär

Attaching all files now.


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Pepe - 05-14-2017


Decrypting message
[||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

Sender ID
- Herr Ulrich Wurth, Flieger
LocationBattleship Schwerin - Reportbüro, München system
SubjectSubmit suspicious conversation recordings

Mein Herren... *nods*

I was floating peacefully in mein escape pod, after another effort to make Zhe Fatherland safer place. Battle took place over Alister Werft and it was against zhat terrorist group, so called Unioners. We killed tons of zhem and we won. I killed lot of zhem too - naturlich.

Why am I reporting zhis is zhe conversation I had with a civilian docked at Alister Werft. Strangely, he didn't contact any BDM officers, but his choice was to talk to me, Flieger Wurth. Bitte, check zhis civilian and zhen take all zhe steps about zhe dangerous device he mentioned. Maybe it's really ready to go zhe boom. Maybe he tried to create some panic and smuggle who knows what.

Uh... und someone could check about my new ship. I'd like to continue my pilot duties as soon as possible, bitte.


Ulrich Wurth, Flieger
<Battleship Schwerin - Reportbüro, München system>

Herr Ulrich Wurth


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Gagadug. - 05-27-2017

[img float=left][/img]

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Gefreiter Richard Fiedler
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Battleship Braunschweig, Hudson

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Medium

Guten Tag,

Not 7 hours ago the neural net was full of news about a jumphole anomaly in the Hudson system. Flieger Hans von Brandt and I were ordered to scout the situation and evaluate possibilities for further engagement in the system beyond the anomaly. Just after we took off the news must have reached the higher ups and Admiral Sterr joined our scouting mission.

Once we arrived in Hudson we saw that the system was bristling of activity. Both the Liberty Navy and our brave troops were on high allert, controling the space close to the jumphole.
When we moved through we did not notice anything unusual first, apart from not noticing anything. The system seemed to be empty.

We scouted the left half of the system, eventually meeting a group of Liberty Navy Vessels accompanied by Unioner forces. Before the situation could escalate a group of cultist ships moved in on us, forcing us in a temporary armistice.
While fighting off the attackers my ship took quite some beating by the ray weapons of the cultist carrier on the scene when I and some more pilots drew its fire away from the capitals, wich left me floating for a while till I was able to get the main reactor back online.

I as well was able to retrieve some strange parts for a machine, I can not tell what they are for, I never had a technical education that would cover this complicated constructions.

When I sent out a distress call to possible RM forces in the system I got an answer by a sizable battlegroup, mixed together by RM and LN ships.
The RNC Utgart, a Bismarck class with jumpdrive, brought us out of this mess, just to find out we landed in Hokkaido.

Requesting orders from the command I was told to move fast and at best unquestioned wich I did. The travel back to Rheinland was uneventful and once I reached Rheinland I handed the ominous parts over to the research division.

Signed, Gefreiter
R. Fiedler
Rheinland Militär

Attaching all files now.

Machine parts

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Kanzler Niemann - 07-15-2017

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Vizeadmiral Liam Engel
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ High

Guten Tag, I had a little approach with a Hessian gunbaot near Battleship Karlsruhe yesterday. I ended on the favour of my side, the target was eliminated.

Signed, Vizeadmiral
Liam "Beliar" Engel
Rheinland Militär,
Für Gott und Vaterland

Attaching all files now.


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Thunderer - 08-06-2017

[Image: wOUzUG0.jpg]


Article Number 2256:

I am reporting a law violation, by the Zoner Nephilim-class called IRG|Itherael, with an I and AE, allegedly captained by a certain James Winstin, with an I.

A fleet of strike craft and the Fredegunde had destroyed or chased away a Unioner fleet near Leipheim Base in Munich. Someone who was there longer than us should do the report about this, because the Fredegunde arrived only when it was nearly over. When we regrouped at Neu Augsburg, my radar staff spotted strange disturbances, but no object to cause them. I ordered the cloaking device disruptor to be used, which cost us 50 batteries. It unveiled the ship previously mentioned, directly above Neu Augsburg. The captain claimed that he did not know that the Nephilim was regarded as a warship, but he cooperated and transferred the fine for entering Rheinland space with an unregistered foreign warship, which was $2,000,000, to our account. It will be transferred to the Military account as soon as I finish this report.

Because the captain claimed to be on his way to Sigma 15, I escorted him until the jump hole in Frankfurt. Xi might look like a better option, being closer to our location at the time, but I did not want the captain and his whole crew to see our positions in the area nearby.

The Itherael was, as the captain claimed, not designed for trade lane travel, so we reached the destination by cruise drive. They had a lot of problems traversing the short path through the Taunusfeld, but they succeeded, apparently without damage done to them, and left for Sigma 15 via the jump hole. The main body of the patrol fleet, made up of Military, Police and ALG vessels, won another victory over the Unioners about a couple of minutes later, in the other end of Frankfurt, but they will do a report about it themselves.

I would also like to mention that captain Winstin asked if this law violation could be removed from his file in any way, and I promised that we will inform him if there is such an option. Besides that, I would also appreciate if captain Winstin was obliged to refund us the 50 shield batteries, worth $1,250, which we had to use in order to reveal his ship, next time he visits Rheinland.

The recordings are listed below. If you have any further questions, ask me directly.


Klemens Kossuth
[Image: w78WINz.jpg]
Rheinland Militär


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Yber - 08-09-2017

Source: Battleship Altenburg, Dresden-System, Bundesrepublik Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-REP-3iLt-YD

Submitter: Admiral Driedrik Sterr
Recipant: Rheinland Military
Subject: Promotions

Proud members of the Rheinland Militär, after Operation Faustschlag the admiralty has determined promotions are due. Therefore:

Leutnant H. Eberhardt is promoted to Hauptmann.
Leutnant K. Faust is promoted to Hauptmann.
Gefreiter R. Fiedler is promoted to Feldwebel.
Gefreiter L. Adorf is promoted to Feldwebel.
Flieger A. al-Maghribi is promoted to Gefreiter.
Flieger H. von Brandt is promoted to Gefreiter.

Further rank adjustements and a roster update are also due. Expect more notifications soon.

Admiral Driedrik Sterr

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Kanzler Niemann - 09-04-2017

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Kapitän Roland Kaiser
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System, Rheinland

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ High

Guten Tag, today we had a brawl with the Alter Union near the Alster Shipyard. I joined the fight a bit later, however the Piloten Jurgend Sandmann and Edward Albrecht were fighting a Unioner Bomber as I joined the fight, RNC-Krauss was providing cover if there would be a need of it. I engaged the Unioner telling the two Piloten to stand down the Unioner decided to destroy himself.

That ends my report.

Signed, Kapitän
Roland Kaiser
Rheinland Militär,
Für Gott und Vaterland

Attaching all files now.


RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Arne - 11-09-2017

[Sender:] Kapitän Sven Müller
[Recipient:] Rheinland Military
[Source:] Sigma 19, Near Okinawa jumpgate
[Subject:] Report
[Priority:] Medium
[Encryption:] Medium

Guten Tag,

On my patrol through Sigma 19 I caught a Gas Miner vessel named "GMG|MV-Kyoto" mining Helium. I confiscated his helium. Yet before I could arrest him, his buddies showed up in force.

I had 2 choices: Fighting while being outnumbered or departing with all the confiscated helium. My Tirpitz ist sehr Stärk, but not against this overwhelming force. I chose the second option. Loads of Helium for the Rheinland Republic will come a lot better of use than a destroyed battlecruiser. The fools even let me go without a fight.

For more details see the proof attached to this message.
Message Log

Signed, Sven Müller
Für Vaterland, für Rheinland.

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Kanzler Niemann - 11-10-2017

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Vizeadmiral Liam Engel
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military
[Source:]______ Battleship Altenburg, Dresden System

[Subject:]_____ Report

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ High

Guten Tag, a few days ago a large Corsair battlegroup entered Frankfurt system, Feldwebel Fiedler, BDM Agent Panzerschreck and the RNC-Utgard made our defensline at Mainz Storage Facility. The Bundschuh made their approach we managed to draw back the Corsairs between the Munich Gate and Planet Holstein as their Unioner allies showed up. With combined forces we destroyed all enemy forces.

Signed, Vizeadmiral
Liam "Beliar" Engel
Rheinland Militär,
Für Gott und Vaterland

Attaching all files now.


[02.11.2017 21:31:37] Death: Veneno; was put out of action by [RM]Va.Liam.Engel" (Gun).
[02.11.2017 21:39:14] Death: UN|Berta.Eins was put out of action by [RM]Va.Liam.Engel" (Mine).
[02.11.2017 21:43:40] Death: Pipo[TBH] was put out of action by [RM]Va.Liam.Engel" (Gun).
[02.11.2017 21:51:36] Death: UN|Anton.Eins was put out of action by [RM]Va.Liam.Engel" (Gun).
[02.11.2017 21:55:19] Death: UN|Kruppstahl-1 was put out of action by [RM]Va.Liam.Engel" (Gun).