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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 02-10-2012

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: A few things.

[Image: 2qukh0w.png]

Forge here.

***For Aleksei Stroganov Only***
Commissar-Major Stroganov.

I have confered with the rest of High Command, as well as the Commissariat. We have all come to an agreement.

You may proceed with your missions. The Katyusha had clearance, and you may take three of our new recruits. Lieutenant Nowell is also on your list. If you wish to nominate a superior officer to lead this, please do.

***To the Rest of the Coalition***
Lieutenant Nowell and the rest of our Militisya; preparations are almost complete. I'd go through Killer Bunny Avoidance Procedures and Huge Add Flying Monster Identification cards before the weekend; you all will be informed of your destination soon enough, if you haven't figured it out by now.

That is all! Get back to your duties; the Rheinland Military won't die on it's own.

Colonel Forge Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 02-10-2012

ID:Junior-Lieutenant Dmitry Dubovik
Target:SCRA Units

:Message Begins:

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Greetings Comrades

Today I visited Omicron Gamma system once more. First I thought to make some propaganda, when acrossed with Junker Slave Liner full of Artifacts. As duty and law requieres I ordered him to drop them and leave system. No response were made. After secound order attemped to run. So I engaged. Battle ended near FP5 when ge docked with it.

I came back to Omicron Gamma to make few more propoganda. All my words were not heard it seems. Near Skiros I detected 2 Corsairs smuggling with guns. When I approached they both engaged me without a word. One was on Praefect second on Eagle. I managed to destroy Eagle and later cruiser docked.

Few seconds later showed 2 Corsairs - Praetorian and Osiris. Praetorian was destroyed by 5 BHG Threshers (//NPCs) showed near Skiros. Later those BHG attacked Osiris. I tryed to slow him down so they could destroy Corsair, but suddenly Eagle that was destroyed undocked and engaged me. Few secs later he got blown by BHG Razor, but Osiris succesfully run away. Almost all Cruisers was killed by Skiros defence.

I managed to pick loot from one Thresher when Praetorian came and killed last one cruiser with Novas. But he escaped before I could stop him. My cargo hold was full of different loot, so I delivered it to Zvezdny and started to do this report. Now Im off to sleep, so tired...

For the Coalition and Alvin Katz!
Dubovik out.

Attached files:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

:Message Ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 02-11-2012

Commissar-Major Sasha Kirov
>>>Location: Zvezny Gorodok
>>>Re: You Militisyas
[Image: 11ifm38.png]

You've had enough time to study. Prepare to drop into JiangXi.

May God have mercy on you, because JiangXi will not.

Kirov Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 02-12-2012

To: [color=#FFFFFF]The knuckle dragging, brain dead wannabes of the fighter corps.
Comm. ID: Commissar Leon Mendel
Priority: HIGH
Subject: How it is done
[Image: mendal.png]

---Communications Opened---

I am often inundated with reports of your utter incompetence, idiocy, and cross-dressing proclivities... I am pleasantly surprised when someone actually rises above the feces encrusted ranks, and actually accomplishes something significant.

We have new High Command Officers, the Ikon of Ikons is building new bridges out to the masses... and there is a coming dawn of a new Coalition... A more powerful Coalition. But that can wait till after you lot are sobre enough to actually understand without drooling on your uniforms.

The CPW-Social Credit has just returned form an extensive Charting Expedition into Gallia, evading the enemy and successfully logging every system, every facility and every jump hole into the ships navigation computer. Accomplishing this without an Officer onboard, merely the expert guidance of Master Chief Byk, many of you will remember him as the bastard that tossed you out of the gunship and into the wilds of JiangXi for your initiation training.

I, by the invested authourity of the Commissariat, promote Master Chief Petty Officer Paweł "Pasha" Byk to the rank of Commander, signing a write of commission for this mustang officer. Showing that you who survived JiangXi, that there is a new breed of Coalitioner, rising from the masses to challenge you.

Congratulate the newly promoted Commander, who will serve as the Commanding Officer of the CPW-Social Credit, that he has so long maintained.

Leon Mendel
Commissariat of Public Relations

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 02-14-2012

=====[color=#FF0000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

[Image: juan1.png]

**Opening message**
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Leeds system. Destroyer CPW Sickle
Submitter: Major Juan Coronel, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: The Coalition High Command

Subject: Ready for Deployment


Greetings High Command,

I have gotten word of certain military preparations to where a Expeditionary Force will assist the struggling Gaian front against the ruthless onslaught of the Gallic Invaders. As such, I have made preperations to the CPW-Sickle, and am ready to reinforce our Gaian allies against these aggressors. The Sickle is currently deployed in the Leeds system, but I will inform my second in command, Captain Reznov, to prepare in setting course to the Gaian base in Edinburgh with all haste. Captain Reznov will be in command of the ship for this operation as I will aid with internal duties within the Omegas. However, the Sickle will return to the homeland first and assist in logistics duty. I will ask for the ship to be stocked with supporting food, ammunition, medical, and other important supplies to bring to the Gaian forces. This is a time of war comrades, and we are ready to face the enemy head on. The CPW Sickle is ready for action.

[font=Georgia]Major Juan Coronel signing off.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Akura - 02-14-2012

--< New Message >--
[color=#ebbc01]Comm ID: Lieutenant-Doctor Matilda Brown
Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52
Subject: Result of a hunt
Encryption: Medium

[Image: MatildaCommsscra.jpg]
Dr Matilda Brown

This afternoon I visited Omicron Theta in hopes of hunting some Corsairs. Luckily, I came across three of them, a Titan and two Correos. After a short battle, I pacified them.


- Dr Matilda Brown
[color=#ebbc01]--< Message Ends > --

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 02-20-2012

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: More Bad News.

[Image: 2qukh0w.png]

Forge here.

It is with a heavy heart that I must say Dasha Ivanovici is currently missing in action. We are keeping our scanners and scouts peeled, but we are not sure she will return. Just in case, she gets a posthumous promotion. If she returns, she loses it.

And we lost Santa Claus. Somewhere. So no more presents until we find a new Stalin Claus. He doesn't get a promotion, because he seems to live out of pure spite. Ok, just kidding. There is no Johannes Claus. Never has been. You confused John Clouseu with this Claus person. I have the personal assurance from Commissar-Major Kirov regarding this mixup thst has plagued us.

That is all, go back to killing Corsairs and hitting on Ketsu and Villiers and Biach. And Kirov, if you're a crazy idiot.

And next one to ask me if my cane is a sword gets a sword to the chest.

Forge Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 02-20-2012

To: [color=#FFFFFF]High Command.
Comm. ID: Commander Pavel 'Pasha' Byk
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Charting Expedition
[Image: Captain-byk.png]

---Communications Opened---

It is my duty to confirm that the Eastern Omicrons have now been fully charted into the Social Credit's master computer. Along with the Central Sigma systems.

We were not observed, however we were able to secure some close range visual scans of a new type of Order Battleship, in the newly discovered Omicron Mu system. This bears a closer examination from the Comrades in Military Intelligence.

We did, however, destroy a couple of targets along the way. One Very Heavy Fighter that decided to impede our passage, and a RANSEUR CLASS DREADNOUGHT.

I can confirm, sirs, that the Ranseur had been heavily engaged by a Corsair warship, and was attempting to withdraw, seizing the opportunity to strike a blow for the Coalition, the Social Credit swept in and struck rapidly and swiftly, scoring the killing blow on the Outcast Dreadnought. Securing a victory for the Coalition, snatched from the Jaws of the enraged Corsairs.

Indeed, my crew and I count that the cherry upon the cake.

The Social Credit has a few more systems to chart, before she makes it back home.

Dobre Deen!

Pavel 'Pasha' Byk
Commander CPW Social Credit

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 02-21-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Major, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.

Subject: Attempted Kidnapping of Coalition Home Fleet Pilots.

"Today I was about to go on a patrol of the Omega-52 System when I noticed something, the Kurt Eisner reported hostile targets within the system, three Freelancers who were attacking and tractoring in the pods of Home Fleet Pilots.

I sounded the alarm and engaged the enemy upon finding them, I was joined by Comrade Shigemori who joined the fray, one of the enemy Eagles somehow killed themselves after receiving massive damage from concentrated fire and the detonation of his own mine, one attempted to flee immediately who was pursued by myself while Shigemori kept the other one busy, the Kurt Eisner finished off one as he attempted to pass through the Jumphole as I kept his shields down, but the other one managed to break through, we both chased him to the other side where he made his stand with a new one of the same affiliation, we held them there long enough for the CPW-Radek to arrive and lay down covering fire [Side Note: My compliments to the gunners onboard the Radek for excellent marksmanship.]. One was slain by both the Radek and my own fire while the last one attempted to flee using thrusters and cruise engines, he did not make it far and was disposed of swiftly.

All pods were recovered and our people are receiving treatment for minor burns and bruises sustained during their kidnappings. Let this be a lesson to those who would cross the Coalition!"
---Guncam Images---

First target Downed

Second target Downed

Third target Downed

Fourth target Downed

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 02-22-2012

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace
SUBJECT: The Corsair Scourge

[Image: HWE.png]


Attention all Soldiers of the Brave Militsiya!.

The Commissariat would like to congratulate the Militsiya on the conclusion of the duty handed to them.

All successful space combat victories have been noted in your extensive profile reports.

As of this moment, all captured Corsair prisoners are being moved to Re-education camps, so they may be taught the truth about their violent society, and why the Revolution and it's heroic cause shall be the savior of all Crete Peoples.
Unfortunately, many of these men and women will remain loyal to the corruption that has brain washed them. They will be given the deaths they so deserve by continuing to serve the vicious society that spawned them.
Some, will see the glorious revolution for what it is, and join us. There are many in our ranks who once began there lives somewhere else. Some of the Coalitions most Glorious Heroes were born on Crete. It is important, that all those who fight for our noble cause, understand that the people we kill, are also the very people we hope to save. They are tools of their corrupt systems, and in destroying those corrupt systems, we free the people. That is our purpose. Do not hate the enemy, instead, pity them. Reserve your hate and fury for those truly deserving.

All Soldiers of the Coalition carry with them a Sacred Duty - that Duty is to aid the Revolution! How do we do that? You may be asking.
The Commissariat charges each Member of the Fighter Corps with this task. Continue to destroy the technology of the enemy, but rescue their pilots, and bring them back. Every pilot and crewman brought back can become like you - a valiant soldier of the revolution.

Never forget that your enemy will often be under the false impression about who and what you are. There leaders will no doubt feed them Lies about The Revolution, in hopes of staving it off - they fear it, for we are the wolves that would tear out the soft underbelly of there corrupt power. Educate those you meet, those you fight, about the Revolution. You may find allies you never expected.

But always be wary of spies and saboteurs in our midst.

A once great Revolutionary said "A Revolution is made up of the people." Never forget this. Those you fight were once like you - ignorant, lied too, controlled. A drop of truth may just bring them here.

Our Coalition is Strong. We Shall Be Victorious.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса